Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03035-0 - The Urbanisation of Rome and Latium Vetus: From the Bronze Age to the Archaic Era Francesca Fulminante Index More information INDEX Aborigenes, 43 Alba, 45 , 109 , 208 , 210 absolute chronology, 262 Alba Longa. See Alba abstract models, 171 Alban Hills, 35–37 , 40–41 , 43–44 , 50 , 57 , 63 , Acqua Acetosa Laurentina, 107 , 110 , 130 , 132 , 116 , 118 , 130 , 205–06 , 208 , 210 , 228 , 261 222 , 234 Alban People, 44 Acquafredda, 110 Albegna Survey, 137 , 164 Acquatraversa, 110 Albertoni, Margherita, 95 acropolis/eis, 45–46 , 68 , 217 , 236 Alessandri, Luca, 37 administrative communication, 198 . Alföldy, Andreas, 108 , 112 See also administrative principle alluvial deposit/s, 58 , 152–53 , 172 , 179 , administrative control, 214 285 , 291 administrative districts, 193 alluvial soils, 148 , 169 , 172–73 , 253 administrative effi ciency, 197 Alps, 35 , 263 administrative principle, 196–97 , 214 , 256 altitude, 5 , 148–50 , 168 , 176 administrative structure, 11 Amaseno river, 227 aedes Larum , 89 , 91 Ambarvalia, 106 aedes Vestae , 89 Ammerman, Albert J., 93 Aegean, 262 Amoroso, Angelo, 115 Aegean chronology, 263 Ampolo, Carmine, 79 , 100 , 113 , 226 Aegean markets, 29 ancient authors. See literary sources Aegean shores, 28 ancient sources. See literary sources African plates, 40 ancient written works. See literary sources age, 219 Ancus Marcius , 92 , 113 agency/agents, 3 , 13–14 , 19 , 33 Angle, Micaela, 56 ager . See territory Anglo-American perspectives, 250 ager Romanus antiquus , 2 , 4 , 50 , 53 , 64 , 105–06 , Aniene. See Anio River 110 , 112–13 , 118 , 123 , 126 , 129–32 , 133 , Aniene river. See Anio River 225 , 252 Anio River, 42 , 44 , 49 , 110 , 163 , 206 agger , 89 , 100 annalistic tradition, 112 agrarian landscape, 170 Antemnae, 49 agricultural activities, 29 , 228 anthropology, 10 , 126 agricultural history, 228 anti-evolutionary models. See anti- agricultural intensifi cation, 23 , 222 evolutionary perspectives agricultural land, 29 , 46 , 121 , 153 anti-evolutionary perspectives, 4 , 216 agricultural mechanisation, 7 , 48–49 anti-evolutionary trend. See anti-evolutionary agricultural practices, 25 , 31 , 174 perspectives agricultural production, 173 , 253 antiquarian/s, 49 , 52 agricultural purpose/s, 148 , 169 Antistius Labeo, 76 agricultural society, 197 Antium, 116 agricultural soils, 169 , 172 , 212 , 253 Antonielli, Umberto, 49 agricultural system, 229 Antoninus and Faustina Temple, 48 , 72–73 , 75 , agriculture, 10 , 109 , 227 77–78 , 80 , 103 , 115 , 121 , 251 intensive, 28 , 163 , 227 , 238 Anzio, 42 , 57 , 206 , 208 techniques, 177 Apennine Mountains, 35–36 , 40 , 210 391 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03035-0 - The Urbanisation of Rome and Latium Vetus: From the Bronze Age to the Archaic Era Francesca Fulminante Index More information 392 INDEX Apiolae, 50 atrium Vestae , 89 , 92–93 , 97 Apollo temple, 88 Attema, Peter, 57 , 61 Appianus, 109 attractors, 13 , 33 Appius Claudius Caecus, 109 Auditorium villa, 138 , 143, 146 , 169 Apulia, 35 , 227 auguratorium, so-called, 1 Ara Maxima, 93 Augustan Age, 88 , 94 , 108 Arch of Titus, 83 Augustan Arch, 69 , 71 , 78 archaeo-botanical assemblages. See archaeo- Augustan Forum, 72–73 , 75 , 77–78 botanical data Augustan regions, 239 archaeo-botanical data, 28 , 228 Augustus, 106 archaeological data, 60 , 65 , 172 , 183 , 216 , 227 house of, 88 archaeological evidence, 5 , 9 , 20–21 , 33 , 53 , 58 , Aurelian walls, 51 62 , 64–65 , 66 , 69–72 , 75 , 77 , 79–80 , 84 , Aurunci Mountains, 36 89, 94 , 96 , 115 , 130 , 131 , 133 , 137 , 218 , 225 , Ausoni Mountains, 36–37 , 42 227 , 230 , 234–35 , 247 , 249 authority/ies, 2 , 11 , 240 , 248 , 259 archaeological investigation, 49 , 64 , 193 autochthonous developments. See local Archaeological Superintendence of developments Rome, 44 autochthonous process. See local archaeologists, 62 , 112 , 115 developments archaeo-zoological data, 28 autonomous process. See local Archaic Age, 2 , 4 , 7 , 9 , 21 , 29–30 , 32–33 , 46–47 , developments 53–54 , 64 , 66 , 80 , 86–87 , 89 , 95 , 100 , 104 , autonomy, 20 , 204 109–10 , 114–15 , 118 , 120–21 , 126 , 130 , Aventine Hill, 70 , 93 131 , 133–34 , 137–38 , 141–47 , 156 , 160 , 163 , 165–66 , 169–70 , 171 , 186 , 189 , 202 , Bahn, Paul, 11 208 , 210 , 213–15 , 217 , 225–26 , 228 , 236 , band, 10–11 , 17 , 33 239–41 , 253–57 , 259 , 299 barbarism, 10 archaic cities, 8 , 46 , 61 , 104 , 157 , 168 , 210 , 215 , Barbina, Pietro, 115 , 143 217–18 , 241 , 254–55 , 258 Bari, 28 Archaic Period. See Archaic Age Barker, Graeme, 230 archaic times. See Archaic Age Barth, Frederik, 226 architectural decorations, 143 Bartoloni, Gilda, 244 architecture, 11 , 192 Basilica of Maxentius, 78 archive evidence, 52 Belardelli, Clarissa, 56 Ardea, 41–42 , 46 , 49 , 57 , 59 , 206 , 208 , 224 , 242 belief systems, 17 argilla fi gulina , 223 Beloch, Karl Julius, 100 Ariccia, 116 Bettelli, Marco, 72 , 103 , 244 , 262 aristocracy/ies, 168 , 221 better men, 32 aristocratic class. See aristocracy/ies bibliographical sources/research, 52 aristocratic groups. See aristocracy/ies Bietti Sestieri, Anna Maria, 50 , 56–57 , 61 , 75 , aristocratic residence, 243 , 251 79 , 115 , 118 , 213 , 218–19 , 223 , 233 , 244 , aristocrats. See elite/s 258 , 262 Arnold, Dean E., 221 bina iugera , 126 art, 236 Bintliff , John, 4–5 , 30–32 , 34 , 123 , 126 , 157 , Artemision in Ephesos, 97 162 , 170 , 172 , 197 , 199 , 201 , 203–04 , Arvanitis, Nikolaos, 89 214–15 , 216 , 236 , 241–43 , 247 , 252 , 254 , Arx, 69 , 71 , 93 256–57 , 260 A-shape coeffi cient/s, 183 , 188–89 , 191 , 213 , Bisenzio, 229 , 259 231 , 238–39 , 255 , 260 Boas, Franz, 10 Ashby, Thomas, 48–49 Bologna, 28 Astura, 37 , 42 , 50 Bolsena, 229 , 258 Astura River, 44 Boni, Giacomo, 48 , 94 Atlantic Europe, 245 Bouma, Jelle V., 115 , 225 atmospheric variables, 137 boundary sanctuaries, 109–10 , 225 atrium , 92 , 100 boundary zone, 42 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03035-0 - The Urbanisation of Rome and Latium Vetus: From the Bronze Age to the Archaic Era Francesca Fulminante Index More information INDEX 393 boundary/ies, 4 , 42 , 53 , 63 , 105–07 , 109–10 , Capua, 109 130 , 132 , 134 , 136 , 164 , 183 , 193 , 204–05 , Carafa, Paolo, 42 , 44 , 79 , 93–94 , 96–98 , 225–26 , 239 , 252 223 , 258 Bovillae, 50 Carandini, Andrea, 43 , 51 , 69–70 , 72 , 74–77 , Bracciano lake, 28 79–80 , 83 , 85–86 , 88–89 , 93 , 100–01 , 115 , Bradley, Guy, 225–26 118 , 126 , 134 , 147 , 230 , 252 Bradley, Richard, 259 Cardarelli, Andrea, 126 , 172 Brandt, Johann Rasmus, 221–23 , 258 Carettoni, Gianfi lippo, 90 bricolage , 15 Carmen Arvale , 106 Britain, 60 , 259 carrying capacity, 105 , 115 , 131–32 , 172 British scholarship, 6 Carta Archeologica d’Italia , 49 British School at Rome, 44 , 49 Cartago, 263 Brocato, Paolo, 87–88 , 100 Cartesian space, 62 Bronze Age/s, 7–9 , 21 , 24 , 28 , 30 , 33–34 , 36 , Casa di Livia, 73 45 , 50–51 , 53 , 58–60 , 63–64 , 66 , 103 , Casa Romuli, 87–88 104 , 115 , 117–18 , 121 , 123 , 132 , 141 , 143 , Casal Boccone, 143 148 , 151–52 , 155 , 164 , 168–69 , 171–72 , Casale Capobianco, 53 , 137 , 162 , 165 , 170 , 215 , 174 , 176–78 , 180 , 184 , 189–90 , 193–94 , 241 , 253–54 196–99 , 201 , 204–05 , 212–14 , 217 , 220 , Casale di S. Maria Nuova, 109 226–31 , 235 , 239–44 , 246–48 , 249 , Casale Nuovo, 238 251–60 , 262–63 , 285 casci Latini , 42–43 Brown, Frank Edward, 69 , 92 Castagnoli, Ferdinando, 49 buff er areas. See buff er/s Castiglione, 46 , 218 , 262 buff er zone/s, 9 , 266 , 288 , 291 Catasto Alessandrino , 136 buff er/s, 159 , 172 , 178 , 266 catchment burial area/s, 9 , 59 , 61 , 67 , 72 , 80 , 123 analysis, 30–31 , 60 , 170 , 172 , 199 , 241 burial contexts. See burial/s area/s, 31–32 , 172 , 175 , 177–78 , 179, 199 , burial evidence, 48 , 103 204 , 212 , 214–15 , 252–53 , 257 , 276 , 285 burial sites, 66 model, 30 , 177 burial/s, 15 , 47 , 71–73 , 78 , 80 , 85 , 94 , 208 , radius, 31 , 201–02 217–20 , 222 , 231 , 234–35 , 245 , 248 , 260 theories, 199 exceptional, 15 , 28–29 , 230 , 232 , 238 , 243 cause-eff ect relationship/s, 65 , 169 Cavanagh, William, 164 , 183 C14 data, 263 , 265 Cazzella, Alberto, 51 , 69–71 , 73 , 79 , 100–01 , C14 dates/dating, 244 , 262–63 251–52 Cacus, 93 cemetery/ies, 8–9 , 48 , 50 , 73 , 103 , 115 , 121 , Caelian Hill, 76 , 79–81 218 , 259 , 262 Caere, 36 , 46 central Italian cultural koine , 226 Caesar’s Forum, 72–73 , 75 , 77–78 central nodes. See central place/s Calabria, 227 , 263 central place model. See central place theory calcareous rock, 179 central place theory, 5 , 58 , 60 , 64 , 157 , 163 , 171 , calculations, 265 , 288 184 , 191 , 195 , 198 , 214–15 , 255–56 , 260 Calvario di Monterozzi, 121 central place/s, 119 , 163–64 , 183 , 196–97 , 236 , Cameria, 341, note 122 238 , 256–57 Campagna Romana, 36–37 central points. See central place/s Campania, 35 , 40 , 42 , 63 , 217 , 257 central poles. See central place/s campanilismo , 31 central services, 119 , 184 Campi Flegrei, 40 central settlements. See central place/s Capanna, Cristina, 115 centralisation, 3 , 11 , 30 , 117 , 221 , 227 capital, 192–93 centre of gravity of the minor centres. Capitoline Hill, 2 , 51 , 68–71 , 73–79 , 93–95 , See CGMC 100–01 , 129–30 , 224 , 251 centre/s, 20 , 28 , 46–47 , 116 , 119 , 137 , 165 , Capitoline temple, 1 , 96–97 169–70 , 183–84 , 191–94 , 196 , 198–200 , Capitolium, 69–72 , 93 , 95 , 103 204–05 , 208 , 210 , 212–15 , 236
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