THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLEUPON TYNE DEPARTMENTOF CIVIL ENGINEERING THE EROSIONRESISTANCE OF COMPACTEDCLAY FILL IN RELATION TO EMBANKMENTOVERTOPPING Vo1.2 A. K. HUGHESBSc(Hons) N ý1 T'(NE ACCESSIOi\ No. I LJ.. ATION 80-16795 PhD THESIS BEST COPY AVAILABLE Variable print quality PAGE 4 NUMBERING AS ORIGINAL, Record of incidents The following incident sheets give basic information taken from the files assembled on incidents/accidents/failures assembled by the Author. Notes 1. Use the computer print-out pages to check whether the dam has an alternative name - if so consult all relevant entries. 2. Entries are in alphabetical order. 3. All dimensions to the nearest metre. Section A. Incidents/Accidents - International Cases. COLBnTlrf. NAJTE OF DArd. ABU HABBA IRAQ (m). AREA. HEIG'3T. BAGHDAD CREST LENGTH. (m). M. R. Embankment .CJ 47,1 W IIIX-M-i Puddle TYPE. Gravity MATERIAL. '''_ *_*-I CORE. Concrete Buttress 98ROru Membrane. Other Masonry YDAR OF COMPLETION. 600 B. C. IMERVOIR CAPACITY m3 INCIDý S: Failed due to flood. Irrigation Dam. Personal Communication Mr. Gruner. Babb. Catalog of Dam Disasters. COýITRY' NAHE OF DAM. ADHEIM IRAQ. (m) AREA. MIG'-RT. 15m- (m). M. R. CREST LENGTH. 175m. Embankment B fi11 Puddle RotInmar CORE. Concrete TTYPE. Gravity MATERIAL. - -Geftwpe#e- Membrane. Other Masonry YIIAR OF COMPLETION. 2500 B. C. RESý,'RVOIR CAPACITY m3 INNCIDE S: Failed 1250B. C. due to flood. On the Adheim River, a trib. to Tigris. Flashy river of small average flow; masonry wall; western end turns through 90' and continues for 24m to form one bank of the canal called Nahr Batt. Max. ht. of 15m but this rapidly reduces towards sides. Cross section is trapezoidal 3m. thick at crest '15m, thick at base. Water face- vertical. Ail face - uniform slope with masonry stepped leaded joints. Irrigation. Personal communication... Gruver. (p. N. Smith. History of Dams. 80). COUITTRY. NAT-'!E OF DAM. AFTERBAY. U. S. A. AREA. HE? " "(m). 5m. N. California. CREST LENGTH. (m). M. R. Embanlcnent Puddle TYPE. Gravity ASATE2IAL. Rock-fill CORE,. Concrete wes -Concrete Membrane. max RMEiVOIR CAPACITY YBAR OF COHPLL'T I O?J . 1967. m3 INCID3NTS: Incident 1967. On the Pit River N. California. Started 1965. Rockfill + gravity. Left end ; c2reless rockfill ; right end ; concrete with notch /seo to pass 280m without overtopping. Rockfill overtopped by 3m with a flow of 2400m3 //sec. Personal Communication Gruner Says 15m. 1970 ICOLD Montreal. pp389-403. COUIITRY. NAIL OF DAT.'!. Aguacaliente Mexico. i_IG7P. (rn). AREA. CREST LENGTH. (m). I. R. Embanlcnent Earthfill Puddle TYPE. Si r4- r MATJRIAL. -t+". 4 =1 CODE. Concrete 6"efercb'e Membrane. 9t RTSý'ýVOIR CAPACITY YIIAR OF COT.IPLI"PIO! . m3 IPICID--NTS: 1973. Water supply - Mexico. Personal Communication Gruner. I NAM, OF DLY. Aguacaliente COÜFJTRY. Mexico. IUIG"'T. (m). ATA. (rn) M. R. CREST LENGTH. Embank. -nent Earthfill Puddle Re. TYPE. oW - MATERIAL. eW-4-1-1 co.W. Concrete e Membrane. A44"e )MAR OF CO?IPL"LTIO?:. RTSr'IVOIR CAPACI^Y m3 INCIDENTS: 1973. Water supply - Mexico. Personal Communication Gruner. i COMTRY NA1"ID OF DA"! " AHIISTOGLAN. TURKEY. HEIG"T"(m)" 5m. Al A. CREST LENGTH. (m). Y. R. Embanlcnent Earthfill Puddle MATERIAL. 1 CORE. Concrete TYPE .- ftv=itT 44 azz 4ea*e 2"ienbrene. gei- Nacoa=w YDAR OP CO?'PLETIO? T. 1967. R'TS*MVOIR 0APACITY m3 INCIDENTS: Overtopped 1967. Personal Communication. Gruner. ICOLD 1969. COÜFITRY. NAME OF DAP'.. AKERMAN 1&2. U. S. A. (m) AREA. itIG"T . 15.24m 4 4.57m" Mississippi. (n) I;. R. CR^ST LENGTH. Embankr ent Earthfill Puddle TYPE., axwd z MATERI?ýL. ^_»ý-okf i COR^. Concrete 't.; -- $ ýra+s fMn, rrýiR. 2Senbrane. at h r- rý YIBAR OF CO!TPLMIQ'T. RTS-'IVCI'? CAPACI^Y m3 INCID ITS: Farm reservoir 50ft 15.24m high failed due to failure of a 15ft 4.57m. high dam immediately upstream; cascade failure. Spillway of both dams were little ditches cut around the ends of the embankments and only slightly larger than the dry weather streambed. Sowers. Consulting Engineer 1961 vol. 17 ppl06-114. COMTTRY. NAJ, OF 214°L0 osombo Ghana. (m). A4A. IMIG"T . 111.0m. Ii. R. CRTST LENGTH. (m). ý} t Erma=l Puddle TYPE. NÄT"MIAL. Rochfill COR^. Concrete C4nope, . e Membrane. Other Mftseftry YIBAR OF CO?IPLLTIO? T. ins". IVCITI CAPACITY u/Cý 3 148 x 109 m IITCITT? ITS : Failed 28/07/1963. Cofferdam. Flooded during construction. Built 1963. Flow through surface rockfill - unravelling. Completed 1965" Volta River Finished ht. 141m. Lth. 640m. Spillway Capacity 20000m3/sec. Catalog of Dam Disasters. Personal Communication Gruner. Civil Engineering vol 34 Nr. 12 1964. 'From Adversity' The Times May 25th 1965. COLTf1TRY. DIA1"MOF DA"!. ALCORA SPAIN. (M). AR3A. IB; IG"'T . CREST LENGTH. (m). I. R. Embanlcnent Earthfill Puddle TYPE. Gravity MATERIAL. Rockfill CORD. Concrete Buttress Concrete Membrane, Other Masonry YBAR OF CO?IPLE IO"_1. R'S"-'IVCIR C! PACI^Y m3 IPTCIDý?1TS : Overtopped 1792. Personal Communication Gruner. , COtriTTRY. NAT-'l- OF JAI . ALYCON. U. S. A. r_ (r). AR A. New Jersey. CREST LL'NGTH. (m). M. R. Embanlcrºent Earthfi ll Puddle ! TYPE. Gravity MATHßIAL. * - COE. Concrete Buttress i+* e Membrane. Other rT 1896 CAPACI'°Y YBJAR OF CO!.1PL"M I O'_i. R^C-'IVOIR rn3 INCIDENTS : Failed 18th June 1896. Nr. Pitman Grove New Jersey. 20 acre lake completely drained. Two bridges and a highway washed out. Personal Communication Gruner. Catalog of Dam Disasters.. E. R. vol 34 p 80. NA1-11OP 7A! ALIBEY. COLITTRY. TURKEY (n). FtIG'T. 38.5m. Alf, A. ISTMTOUL (m) 1". R. CIfl T LTITGTH. 352m. Embanlcnent Earthfill Puddle TYPE Qpavi4y MATMIÄL. fl- : fit CORE. Carrcret-e I. ?. 440sa ry 'MAR OF CO?'PLETIC"r. u%c. RTSTiVCIR CAP_1CI? Y 3 97x 106 ý' INCID--,', TTTS : 12th May 1974 under construction. 5 Km N. E. of Istambul. Earthfill on Alibey Creek Water supply. On carboniferous greywacke, shale, sandstones partly buried by uncemented pleistocene gravels, sands & silts. Low strength foundatinn + high density population downstream. Therefore staged constr. used with elaborate instrumentation. Gated spillway in right abutment. Outlet works designed so that far larger discharige than for normal use. Total discharge cap. of emergency outlet 95m3/sec There is another outlet facility next to the pumphouse regulated by a 1.4m. x 1.4m slide gate, which normally releases water for d/s water-rights- but in an emergency will discharge 28.3m3/sec at max. water surface elevs Total cost estimate ; 0x10 TL- Drainage Area 160 Km Mean Annual Rainfall 800mm. Av. Flow 1.5m3/sec. Resv. dead storage 3x106 m3 gross cap. 97x 106 m3 Normal water elev. 36.75m max. cap. 119 x 106 m3 Max water level 39.8m Earthfill sloping core max. ht. 38.5 m; ht. from foundation to cutoff 5m. crest lgth. 352m. crest width 10m. crest elev. 42m. freeboard5.25m. Gated crest spillway lgth. 16.6m o, right embankment at elev . 30.5m Design peak flow 1000m /sec. Large Darns in Turkey(1967) LCOLD by Ural & Ungan. ý4 T L Al fill ýF-o*iqII 11"II"I/011ý ;ý ýý Y i, r -- '. .. e Iý' ... ý"*-'-« 'rte' t 00 0 /i t+ 11s a ýilQ 'I ``\ ! 3:tJ , 2 Y 'i SÖ Y Iý ® °.:ý ý__ ýiý _ ,, "` ^ý ý"ý , 'ý --_ý -_, ý ,ýý, ý I ---, 1 v o a p 1 M äý fe ýe eil ý- I 4 \v \tQ L` ýU Ni pQý W Fý e ee''F tU W 'ýly.. ýj DL Y ýi.. a FF" M N ýö c"3 ý, xr tY ýý. ýýÖ T ýqC i. "ÖýLý - °ý1 Öý o ö m w" V Ö öa " ö= ÖÖ\ Öý ýý ý , ý a jýJDw .Ööýa MQ] (G l 0. ch ö.. ýo °ý4 "ýý'nýa ö qý [ii D ý t"Y LL ci i ýiý' ti hp y yEký'C , CJ`J\J g (* CN) J-1. / C4/ ý> W ýý ýý s " ýý 2ýý 0! 3 ýýll YGýy ý}i . i. ýEýF eta. ý` feF "ü meý*ý' Yt0 ý* ; w ýäF wT '-ýSY. N 7` 1 N . N O R V ßs 2 lL $ W Yä 2 m I is C 1uC. s Ypý RI +ký M 00 I 0 s 'N O o, .,, s- ýdt lp X ý. 2 ' e 41 HC f I yÖ W Yj Y min Y, i r. ty 1I t i! aN *I 4 z9 Yý ,§ j ý6 a sz, 11141 "1 - '-/F /N'I 'I '7 J ýfwiýr. ý. i / r% ýr yO ýI1I" ýý ýýýl irk . rý 1, iiýý ýc " r. rýýr )f 1IIIýý JIB" dam" all, " tý J COMMIITIY IT9,M OF A.T. ALTMAN. U. S. A. AITIA. IM,IG-7 (ii). Colorado. (m) TI. 072~T L7'NVGTH. Emban1ent Earthfill Puddle TYPT. Gravity MIATJRIA.L. Rockfill C0ß73. Concrete Buttress Concrete Membrane. Other r'asonry OF C O!T R'ýSý`ýVCIR CAPACITY YfhR 01'PLRT I . m3 ITICIDDNTS: Failed 1901. Altmpn Colo. "Another dam for supplying water was completely washed away. Catalog. E. N. May 30th. 1901 vol. 45 n. 22. p. 385. NPu-rý 0r3 AS. ALTON. COMTTTZY. Canada. ID3IG"T. (m)" 2m. EA" Ontario. CR?IST LENGTH. (m). II. R. Embaniclent Earthfill Puddle TYPE. Gravity MATTRIAL. Roclcfill CO?-. Concrete Buttress Concrete 1Ternbrane. Other Masonry YB?,R OP COITPLE I0'?. RrS"TMIR OAPACI^Y m3 ITTCIDTTTS : Failure 13 nov. 1889. Mill darn broke. 5or6 daps below first gave wayin turn. 2 lives lost; 25000 dollars worth damage. 1 mile above Alton. Catalog. Engineering & Building Record & Sanitary Engineering vol. 20 18891 New York. p. 362.
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