I Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATllON STATiSTICS UTTAR PRADESH 32-GORAKHPUR DISTRICT ,I 315.42 \'LLAHAJ~AD : ~G AND STA;TIONERY. UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA 1951 1953 I GORDPS Price, Re.1-S. OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL, INDIA, NEW DELHI. 2011 [LIBRARY] Class No._ 315.42 Book No._ 1951 GOR DPS 21236 Accession No. ________ LED CASTES IN UTTAR PRADESH (1) Throughout the State- (1) Agariya (22) Bhuyiar (43) Kanjar (2) Badi (23) Boria (44) Kapariya (3) Badhik (24) Chamar (45) Karwal (4) Baheliya (25) Chero (46) Khaiz-aha (5) Baiga (26) Dabgar (47) Kharot (tJ) Baiswar (27) Dhangar (48) Kharwar (excluding BenbfUlsi) (1) Bajaniya (28) Dhanuk (49) Kol (8) Bajgi (29) Dharkar (50) Korwa (9) Ba.lahar (30) Dhpbi (51) Lalbegi (10) Ba.!miki (31) Dhusia or Jhusifl (52) Majhwar (II) Ba.ngaU (32) Dom (53) Nat (2) Banmanus (33) Domar (54) Pankha CD} Bansphor (34} Dusadh (55} Parahiya (14) Barwar (35) aharami (56) Pasi (15) Basor (36) Ghasiya (57) Patsri (16) Bawariya (37) GuaI (58) Rawat (7) Beldar (33) Habura (59) Saharya (18) Bedya (39) Hari (60) Sana.urhiya (19) Bhantu (40) Hela, (61) Sansiya (20) Bhoksa (41) Jatava (62) Shilpkar (21.) Bhuiya (42] Kalabaz (63) Turaiha (2) In Bunrlelkhand Division and the portion of Mirzapur District, south of Kai'l16ur Range- Gond FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, [0 supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward -wise for urban areas, and (ii) vil1age~wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tchsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Covernment came when the slip sorting had been finished and (he Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purpose~ of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallasJwards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been caken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz~ the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre pared mohalia/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record~ 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accell tuated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as 'C})amar/. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers, Harijan, Mehtar. Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikjs'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned then caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitut.ion of India, came ro my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizensl R.egister. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set our in me tables that follow. ). The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens) Register, while the figures Qftotal pop~lation of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district. the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of ove'r-i'me lakh population) and .the third the code number of the town (other than a town" of one lakb population). The' key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found ;n the Summary of Rural Population. RA1ESHW AR I PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations~ July 23, 1952 . Uttar Pradesh. LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS OF GORAKHPUR DISTRICT A-Errata. to Column 1, Code no. and name of village (:Rural) (a) Addition 01 .new villages Page Additions nc>. 7 Under pargana Bha[l..'lpu]" 1885-T.'jpm-. 7 Ditt~ ~887-Takna B~Bhah. 7 Ditto 1888--Takna Chatpur . 7 Ditto 1889-Takna Darzi. 7 Ditto 1890-Takuar 3'Iadho. 7 Ditto 1914 -Tighra Bu'Zurp:. 7 Ditto 1915---Tighra Khurd. 35 Unli"r P>l.rgana Biuflikplll" .• 422. {b) Deletion 0: existing viUages 7 DeletEt« 1828-,)~ha and the entry ag{l,inst it H. 9 Agg,inst 355 delete .. Bhartari 'ltlunnulal." - 14 Delete" 1886-Tejpur and the entries against it". l4 :o,~!at~" !83l-'I'1,"knq. ~i1"a.~h a.nd t·he entries against it.~~ 14 Delete" IS88-T".kna Ch'l.tpur and the entt"y against it." 14 Delete" lS8}-Takna DJ,rzi and the entries against it... 14 Dolate H 1890--Takuar 1\{adhQ and the entries against. it." 14 Delete" 1914-Tighl"!1 BUZlll"g and the entry against it." 14 Delete" 1915 -'righra Khnrd and the entdfls against it. " 28 A~ab~t 70.0 oolete <. Ra;ll~ar "$ Read 6- 847-Harpur .. S46.->\-Harpar. f2 3IlJ-l\>IisrallH 1371-MisYA.uli. r7 fZ86-".ltifanjhar-fn Bmmrg 1288-Manjharia Buzurg. 23 189-c.1I&ahi- 799-Mahi. 24 178-Bhagwanpur 176-Bhagwanpur. 24 278-Deoria 378-Deoda. ------------- (d) Cvl'1"eetions in existing names of vllIages -_ Paga­ no. For Read -------------------------------------~- -- --- 6 60;? -Deo Buzurg 602-Deokali Buzurg. 6 603-Deo Khura 603--Dookali Khurd. 7 lO35-Kaudadf>l- I035-Kanndil. 7 15 Hl-"panv9. i5Jg:_Pamiepar. 9 354-BJlstari Pnratn Das 354-Bha!.ari Munn111al. 9 437-Bi~ham 437-Bi!'hambh6.l'B. 9 471-qbfl,k Pfl,li 'Mf Bishwa 471-Chak Mali. 10 6oo-Th>o 600--DeokalL to 601-J)eo- 60l-DeokaIi. n W73----KhH,a Deggar 1073--Khirkita Dt>gtrsr. n i !?O--Kachhi Chak I }70- Laehi Chuk. II 1 189·-Lakshmi Babu 118-9-I.aku.. i Nieil Babu. 13 1470-Nawi Dub9 l470--Nibi Dube. n 1471 -Nawi Dube Seni i471-Nibi .Dube , Seni. 13 1472--·Nawi Dube Tola 1472-Nibi'VI,?" Tola. 14 I 780---Shala1:pur 1780 -Sha~1:. f'l r835 -Ronirsu 1838 -Sonthia. 14 !46-BEtria r Dfh t 46 -Bai-da Dih. 15 1769-Seul'a Buzul'g 1769-Semri Bu'Ztlrg. 15 1770-Seurl!. Khnrd i 1N:-S&:ro=i Khut'd. --_. ~--------------------- 2 Page Por Read no~ ----------- 16 726-Gajawar Singh 726-Gaiar Narsingh. 17 ! 357-Mnudhar Moghal 1357-Maudnar Mangal, 20 434-Gaighat Kalan 434-Gajai Ko1. 20 444--GaU1'i Magpui' 444 -Gauri Manglapar. 20 567-.Tungle Awwal 567--.Tungle Ahmed Ali Shuh urj Toora Aurahi. 20 569--.Tungle Bahadur Ali 569-.Tungle Anurahi. 20 570-.Jun~le Belwar 570-.Jungle Bahadur Ali. 20 571 -Ttt'1.~le Berni Mndho. 57 [-Jullglc Belwar. 21 573-.Ju.~gle Bisheshwar 573 _Jungle Bernimadho II. 2) 624-.Jungle Dian 624-Junglo ZainnlabdiTl. ~8 641~Phurwu 641-Kaper Phurwa. 21 961--Piliri })ihn 961-1:'aker<1iha. 27 2B8-Gajrn,hwd. 288-G['I,rhehaw n • 27 540--l\Iahchori 540-Nahchhn,; i. 28 567---Naubaui 567-.Nauwabari. 28 6')7-R'1k,ar 697--Ratanpur. 28 31-Allrt-iya Kalan 31-Aurahiyo Kalan. '3 '} 5 22 -}Iyhumrla .• 522 -·-Mohammndn. 3~ ;31 -Mutlilfl. Chl.nhnd 531--:'.Iutli1a Chuudhri. 4~-Bhasahia. 31 82--Bmnuni Klmr.l 82--Bhabani Khur'l. 31 83-B'lmHni BUZUl'g ~1 650-Khurmul' Tungva "'50 -Khurrampur. 35 203-GoJtww3 203--Ghorahal. 35 547-Sihpap9r 547 -Sihabbar. B-Errata to population figures (Rural) Page Parli('ular~ 2 3 4 5 6 nO. ,----~ l) Pit~t;ftnn. Bhlln' DU- For 39,902 43,709 83,611 20,096 Read 40,291 44,127 84,418 20,369 5 pHrgnn'1. Dhnrinpal' For 127,007 137,750 264,757 70,004 R~ad 126,618 137,332 263.950 69,731 S Pilf!:;n nu Bh" on pUl' For 83.611 20,096 63,515 Read 84,418 20,369 64.049 7 1886- -Tejpur For Road 109 5? '>'1 7 1887 -T'lklllL Birshnh For Rpad 9 9 7 1888--Tilknl1 ChnlP'l~ For Bead Unpopnla~('d 7 1889--T'1kn" Dnf7i For Read 36 36 7 1890--Taku'lr ::\fadhn For Read [76 140 7 1914--Tight'fi Buzurg For R".ad Unpopulated 7 1915- Tigh"o Khmd For Rrad 477 176 301 7 Pargilnn. Dhm'iap"r For 264,757 70,0')4 194,75) R'arl 263,950 f;9,731 194.21 C} ~~ .. I o\..~~ ,. ,. J , _·55 For Unpopulated R<ad Bll1ul~ 14 199-BArh'tl~-ar.j For Ullpopulaierf Road Town ,\rea 22 10 I 6--Pl:'I'(l.inh For Unpopllla.tet' Rpad TowlJ Area 28 700 For Unpopulated Read Blank DI~l.'RI~'f. I. POJ;lAlm~B:, . ~ttlar3' ~~ l!.4'bfm l'-opuJatiOJ) Population Scheduled Code no -and name of Towl'l Males Females Total Muslims Cas);es ,()t!iers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 31-1-;1, & 2 GORAKHPUR MUNICIPAL BOARD __ 69,042 54,748 123,790 33,927 11,265 78,598 31~1-3 GORAKHPUR RAILWAY COLONY TOWN 5,46~ 3,169 8,631 1,351 426 6,854 31-2-B BARHALGANJ TOWN AREA 3,028 2,921 5,949 1,903 488 3,558 31-2-C GOLA URF MADRI TOWN AREA 2,138 2,023 4,161 96'5 336 2,860 31-2-F BANSGAON TOWN 1,878 1,885 3,763 222 389 3,152 SI-3-F PIPRAICH TOWN AREA 2,816 2,163 4,979 737 738 3,5M L_ ~ SISWA BAZAR TOWN AREA 3,839 3,198 7,037 1,141 630 5,266 NAUTANWA TOWN AREA 4,269 3,651 7,920 825 1,119 5,976 ,__ Total 92,472 73,758 166,230 41,071 15,391 109,768 .pulation according to Primary Census Abstract 92,679 73,949 166,628 1 ~opulation of'Muslims according to g_'able D.II .
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