Botanical Sciences 93 (3): 509-515, 2015 STRUCTURAL BOTANY DOI: 10.17129/botsci.166 DORMANCY AND GERMINATION OF ANNONA MACROPROPHYLLATA (ANNONACEAE): THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MICROPYLAR PLUG AND SEED POSITION IN THE FRUITS ALMA ROSA GONZÁLEZ-ESQUINCA1, IVÁN DE-LA-CRUZ-CHACÓN AND LUZ MARÍA DOMÍNGUEZ-GUTÚ Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas. 1Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract: Annona macroprophyllata (papausa or ilama) is an economically important species of fruit that is consumed in large quantities in Central America and is considered to have the fi nest fl avour of all of the custard apples (Annonaceae). This species presents propagation problems including the six-month dormancy of the seeds, which has not been fully explained. Among the factors affecting the germination of Annona seeds are the position inside of the fruit and the presence of a micropylar woody plug. The present work addresses the importance of these factors in the germination and dormancy of this species, using a randomised design with seeds from 169 fruits of the white variety of Annona macroprophyllata. The fruits were divided into three sections (basal, middle, and apical) in which seeds were evaluated for nine months with the following parameters: the size and weight of the seeds and the viability and germination percentage considering the presence or absence of the micropylar plug. The results show no correlation between the breaking of dormancy and either the position of the seeds in the fruit or the micropylar plug, but they do establish the importance of the micropylar plug for germination. The breaking of dormancy requires storage for the length of the dry season in the tropical deciduous forest, the habitat of these plants. Key words: breaking seed dormancy, dormancy period, micropylar woody plug, population latency, seed position-dependent effects. Resumen: Annona macroprophyllata conocida comúnmente como papausa o ilama es una especie frutícola de importancia eco- nómica, consumida en el sur de México y en América central; es considerada por su sabor, el fruto más fi no de las anonáceas. Esta especie presenta problemas de propagación debido al periodo de latencia de hasta seis meses que tienen sus semillas, el cual no ha sido completamente explicado. Entre los factores que impactan la germinación de las semillas, están la posición de estas dentro del fruto y la presencia de un tapón micropilar leñoso. El presente trabajo investigó la importancia de estos factores relacionados a la germinación y latencia de esta especie. Para este estudio, se estructuró un diseño completamente al azar usando 169 frutos de Annona macroprophyllata de la variedad blanca. Los frutos fueron divididos en tres secciones transversalmente (basal, medio y apical), las semillas de cada sección fueron caracterizadas en tamaño y peso y por nueve meses fueron almacenadas y evaluadas con relación a su viabilidad y capacidad germinativa, considerando al mismo tiempo la presencia o ausencia del tapón micropilar. Los resultados no correlacionan la posición de las semillas en el fruto, ni el tapón micropilar con el rompimiento de la latencia, pero revelan la importancia del tapón micropilar para la germinación. El rompimiento de la latencia de esta especie depende del tiempo de almacenamiento, el cual está completamente asociado a la temporada de sequía de la selva baja caducifolia, donde esta especie habita. Palabras claves: efecto de la posición de las semillas, latencia poblacional, periodo de latencia, rompimiento de la latencia, tapón micropilar leñoso. here are numerous studies of dormancy and germina- nation and the position of the seeds inside of the fruit or with Ttion, particularly regarding factors such as the hardness the presence of a micropylar plug. It has been documented of the seeds and the anatomical or physiological maturity of that in some species, the position of the seeds within the the embryo. However, there are few studies that address the fruit is related to the mechanisms of dispersal, germination relationships between the periods of dormancy and germi- or dormancy (Baskin and Baskin, 2001; Moravcová et al., 509 ALMA ROSA GONZÁLEZ-ESQUINCA ET AL. 2005; Sharma et al., 2009; Hay et al., 2010; Wang et al., Materials and methods 2010; Graeber et al., 2013), demonstrating the ecological importance of this trait. Plant material. In September to October of 2011, 169 fruits In some species, such as Xanthium pennsylvanicum, ger- of white Annona macroprophyllata were collected in the mination dormancy is restricted to the position of the seeds. San Lucas region in the state of Chiapas, México. A refer- As a survival strategy, this species can produce small seeds ence specimen was deposited by the authors under voucher with dormancy and large seeds without dormancy in the number 352 in the Eizi Matuda Herbarium (HEM) of the same fruit, a type of dimorphism in germination (Esashi Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, UNICACH. and Leopold, 1968). Additionally, a study of Eremopyrum The fruits were divided into three homogeneous cross- distans showed that basal seeds of the spigot are larger and sections (groups) with respect to peduncle placement: basal more numerous, with a higher proportion of dormant seeds, (section attached to the stem), middle (central), and apical. whereas the distal seeds are smaller and include a lower pro- The seeds from each section were separated from the fruit, portion of dormant seeds. This phenomenon is associated washed with water and dried in the shade for one week. The with the life history of the species (Wang et al., 2010). seeds that appeared healthy were stored at room temperature Annona macroprophyllata Donn. Sm (≡ Annona diver- in paper bags. One hundred seeds from each group were sifolia Saff.) is a regionally imPortant sPecies of fruit that characterised with respect to mass (digital scales, Ohaus) is distributed in Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Its length and Feret diameters (Vernier Truper, Mexico). seeds are diffi cult to ProPagate because of a dormancy that can be partially broken with GA3 (CamPbell and PoPenoe, Viability assay. For this assay, 100 embryos from each 1968). The dormancy (6-7 months) has been attributed to group were assessed each month for nine months. Each set various causes, including the immaturity of the embryo, of embryos was added to 10 mL of 0.5 % 2,3,5-triphenyl the presence of a hard, waxy coating, or the lack of vi- tetrazolium chloride (TTZ) and incubated in the dark for 2 ability. However because the tissues are differentiated by h in a Biotronette® germination machine, at 28-30 °C, with the time the seeds are dispersed, it is clear that the prob- a relative humidity of 50-70 %; each assay was performed lems with germination in this sPecies are not related to the in triplicate. The number of stained embryos was reported Presence of rudimentary embryos nor because the hard as percentage of viability. The seeds were stored until use in and waxy cover rePresents a barrier to water intake and brown paper bags and kept in boxes at room temperature. germination. Seeds with and without dormancy show vi- ability greater than 90 % (González-Esquinca et al., 1997); Germination tests. Every month for nine months, the seeds therefore, most of the seeds of this sPecies contain a living of each group (basal, middle, and apical) were analysed and embryo with the caPacity to germinate. Another feature of divided into two treatments, i.e., seeds with a micropylar this sPecies is that neither seed storage time nor treatments plug and seeds without a micropylar plug, using a com- with GA3 can comPletely break the dormancy. In fact, it pletely randomised 3 × 2 design (seed position and with or is rePorted that collected seeds stored for one month and without plug) with fi ve replicates of 90 seeds. then treated with GA3 have only a 20.5 % germination rate The microPylar Plug was removed at the beginning of each (Marroquín et al., 1997). experiment; a dissection needle was used to minimise dam- The factors that can affect the germination of these seeds age to the embryo and to the endosPerm. The seeds in each include the seed position in the fruit and its relationship to treatment were germinated between sheets of PaPer under the amount of reserves stored. For Annona species, it has controlled temPerature and light conditions (ISTA, 2005). been suggested that adaptations of the micropylar region, The germination tests were conducted in a Biotronette® ger- specifi cally the presence of a micropylar plug (Van Setten mination machine, at 28-30 °C with a relative humidity of 50- and Koek-Noorman, 1992; Svoma, 1998), may contribute 70 % and a PhotoPeriod of 12 h light/dark. Every third day, to germination because the micropylar plug is woody and the seeds were washed with sterile distilled water to Prevent compact, potentially providing a physical barrier to the en- infestation by microorganisms. The germinated seeds were trance of water. Thus, a parenchymal rupture could sepa- recorded daily for 30 days. Germination was exPressed as the rate the micropylar plug from the mechanical cap of the percentage of the total accumulated germinated seeds. mesotesta that surrounds it (van der Heijden and Bouman, The number and size of the seeds from each group were 1988), allowing the emergence of the radicle. It is unknown compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Correlations whether the dormancy of A. macroprophyllata seeds could and linear regressions were used to establish the relation- be related to the position of seeds in the fruit and/or to the ships between the groups. Multifactorial (section, presence presence of the micropylar plug. Therefore, the objective of micropyle, storage time) ANOVA was used to analyse of this work was to evaluate the impact of both factors on the differences between treatments.
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