Denmark DKr. 67.011 Germanv I)M 12.IM) Greece 1)ra. IAtO Holland DI I. 12.5:1 Italy 11.51))) IR 12.97 + WIRELESS WORLD 511ain 1'I.. MUD Singapore SS 11.25 USA SS.'v ' AR L490£1.95 DESIGN Mosfet power amplifier COMPUTING .,New series: signal interface using C 111111qm I ;COMPETITION Win a speech CI development .- system I 04 o ; 9 770266 324004 ,. NPQ* INK JET PRINTER 262,143 MORE COLOURS THAN THE MODEL 'T' Addressable to 262, 144 colours: per pixel, 160 pixels per inch, both axes. NEW 1280 pixels per line. ?ClioSiScRP A4 width internal paper roll and cutter. Compatible with Integrex Fast Frame Grabber. Centronics Interface. 0:'111: £2995 váT It . l lalazur reieurre/ 77117-_- d` _h C 1 ( a. I I v+ IN11! jjr IMAGES BY MIKE KING CITY POLY * Near Photographic Quality PUBLIC SECTOR CUSTOMERS: gb FOR SPECIAL PRICING HMSO CALL 0603 695051 INTEGREX LTD., CHURCH GRESLEY, BURTON -ON -TRENT, STAFFS. DEl 1 9PT, ENGLAND TEL: (0283) 215432 TELEX: 341727 FAX: (0283) 550325 CIRCLE NO. 140 ON REPLY CARD CONTENTS FEATURES SPEECH GENERATION 297 Technology isn't a problem. Consumer resistance to talking applicances may he harder to deal with. 1 HE PC INSTRUMENT BUS 309 The IEEE 488 bus means as much to small companies as large ones and is used by both the scientific community and industry. CACHE MEMORY FOR VME 314 Cache can provide a cost-effective alternative to large Y r' blocks of high speed system memory. HIGH LEVEL PIRACY 318 The broadband linear characteristics of broadcast satel- INTERFACING WITH C 280 lite transponders has opened the door to a new breed of Fed up with whimsical microprocessor code hut need high technology radio pirate. riding piggyback with nar- assembly speed? The C language may provide the rowban.1. low power transmissions. answer. This is the first part in a series of articles about the use of C written specifically for electronics REVIEW: PRO7 EL SCHENIA1 IC 321 engineers. It demonstrates the role of the language A 2-1) circuit draughting package with a simple to use. in connecting microcomputers to the real world. intuitive user interface. REVIEW: PRO1 EL AUTOTRAX 323 SPEECH RECOGNITION 292 The PCB design package which complements the Sche- Computers are still pretty stupid: the prospect of matic software. holding an interesting conversation with your tumble dryer remains a nightmare. MOSFET AUDIO POWER 343 Ivor Brown proposes a high feedback mosfet audio COMPETITION 295 amplifier design. We are giving away 10 speech development kits based on the TMS 3477 chip featured in our Novem- LOW COST BO XRD TEST 354 ber issue. Low volume hoard testing without programming or expensive test fixtures. REGULARS COMMENT 267 PIONEERS 340 A touch of comic relief in the defence industry. Emilie Baudot. a simple man of -tumble origin devised a machine w hich enabled five operators to send messages RESEARCH NOT ES 268 down a single line simultaneously. But they all had to More efficient solar power. optical chips for super- keep strictly to time "which put a certain nervous strain computers. solar tlu. covered in boils. on the operator." UPDATE 274, 291 BOOK REVIEWS 349 Microprocessor bloodbath for Motorola? The AT&T light computer and other news from around the industry. CIRCUIT IDEAS 302 In next month's issue. Compact Disc electronics may APPLICATIONS 326 not be the wonder of. science which the manufacturers Single chip signal conditioning system for cellular purport it to be. Ben Duncan investigates the shortcom- radio and wideband GaAs amplification. ings and looks for solutions. Roger Dewell describes recent advances in medical LETTERS 330 electronics. In particular, he examines the role of signal processing in NM R and computer tomography. Plus the second part of our series "Interfacing with C", a guide NEW PRODUCT CLASSIFIED 336 to the language for electronics engineers. Three pages of new product information. April 199(1 ELECTRONICS WORLD+WIRELESS WORLD 265 1 UNBEATABLE PRICES GROUP GREAT OFFERS ON TRIED AND TESTED USED. EQUIPMENT AST HEWLETT PACKARD PREVIEW Memory Card £ 5 COMPUTERS & PERIPHERALS (Cont) ADV-284 384K Memory Card £ 5 980468 Data Comms Interface for HP9845B £ 25 SPK-256 Six-pack 256K Memory £ 25 98047A 512KB RAM for HP9020A £ 20 BARCO 9816S Multi -language Computer, 512KB £1,250 5151 -NP 14" Colour Monitor, 25MHz & £ 350 98210A 9825 Computer ROM £ 30 50MHz Video Bandwidth 98211A Matrix ROM for HP, 9825T £ 115 EPSON 98216A Plotter ROM for HP, 9825T £ 50 98228A Flexible Disc Drive ROM for 9825T £ 200 FX1000 Printer £ 225 98258 Desktop Computer £ 435 SQ2000 Printer £ 500 98256A 256KB RAM Memory for Series 200 £ 150 GENESCO 98412A I/O ROM for HP, 9845B £ 5 1000 Terminals Graphics £ 75 98414A Adv Programming ROM for HP, £ 5 HAZELTINE 9845B EXEC 80/30 Terminal £ 30 98430A Enhancement Package for HP, £ 5 35. HEWLETT PACKARD 9845B COMPUTERS & PERIPHERALS 98458 Computer £1,750 00085-15004 Matrix ROM for HP85 £ 100 98580A Desktop 310M System £2,150 00085-15007 Assembly Language ROM for £ 25 98601A BASIC 2.0 ROM -based Software £ 50 HP85 98602A BASIC 2.1 ROM -based Software £ 5 00087-15002 Plotter ROM for HP87 £ 45 98612A BASIC 2.1 Disc -based Software £ 5 00087-15007 Assembly Language ROM for £ 95 98615A PASCAL 2.0 £ 5 HP87 98617A-001 PASCAL 3.2 £ 50 110 Portable .Computer £ 75 98625A Hard Disc Interface £ 200 2225A ThinkJet Printer, GPIB £ 255 9878A I/O Expander £ 50 2601A Graphics Terminal £ 25 9885M 8" Flexible Disc Drive £ 100 2608A Line Printer £ 60 9885S 8" Flexible Disc Drive £ 50 2621P Terminal with Built-in Printer £ 20 IBM 2622A Data Entry Terminal, RS232 £ 150 4869 Disc Drive £ 25 2623A-50 Terminal £ 10 512 -UPGRADE 512 Upgrade Card £ 15 2631B Printer, 180cps, 32 Column £ 25 PC-NETPROG PC Network Programme £ 15 2631G Graphics Printer £ 75 PC-NETTRANSU PC Network Unit £ 15 2671G Thermal Graphics Printer £ 200 PCNET-SPARES PC Network Spares Kit £ 15 2932A-00046 Printer £ 25 64/256-256 256K Upgrade Card £ 30 82900A HP86/87 Terminal Emulation £ 5 MONO -ADP Monochrome Monitor Adaptor £ 40 System MONO-MON Monochrome Monitor £ 40 82903A 16K Memory Module £ 80 PRINT-ADP Print Adaptor £ 25 82905A Matrix Printer 5 82937A GPIB Interface Card £ 175 LLOYD Í' 2002 XY Plotter (New) 780 868 Desktop Computer £ 160 £ 9121D Dual Disc Drive £ 300 MITSUI 9122D Dual Disc Drive £ 600 2002 -PAR Printer £ 75 9133XV 14.5MB Winchester Disc Drive £ 450 4200-P -IBM Dot Matrix Printer £ 100 9134B 9.6MB Winchester Hard Disc £ 275 NEC 9134D 14.5MB Winchester Hard Disc £ 350 7710 Printer £ 75 9144A Tape Drive £ 750 ENVELOPE -ADP Envelope Adaptor for £ 10 97047A 512K RAM £ 150 Printer 97062A Video Interface £ 50 TF-35X Tractor Feed for 35 Printer £ 10 98032A I/O Interface Card f 75 98033A BCD Interface £ 45 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 745 Baud 98034B GPIB Interface Card £ 45 300 Acoustic Coupler/Keyboard £ 10 98035A RTC Interface for HP9845B £ 25 TOSHIBA 98041A Disc Interface £ 60 SF Sheet Feeder for P13 Printer £ 15 All prices advertised are exclusive of carriage and VAT. All equipment sold subject to availability. Warranty period 12 months on all equipment (except computers MOS -'3 months). WE BUY TOP QUALITY For further information telephone TEST EQUIPMENT LONDON 0753 580000 CIRCLE NO. 118 ON REPLY CARD COMMENT Comic relief CONSI LTING EDITOR "What on earth do you mean 'Who is it £2011 million by a bunch of spivs from Philip Darri igton going to fight?' Just because it's called Silicon Valley. I really don't know. 01.661 8632 'European Fighter Aircraft', it doesn't "Then, just to compound it. you come actually mean that it has to fight along. dip into the GEC cash mountain, EDITOR anybody No. we're not going to use buy up the Frans. Ogden ... Ferranti radar business and 01-661 3128 it to attack the Germans now they've scoop a £2hn euro -fighter radar contract. opened up the Berlin Wall ... Really, It's going to take a lot of explaining." ILLUSTRATION Ingham, you should save that sort of off- Ingham rolls over onto his back, spits Roger Goodman the-record comment for the rat pack." out the paper. and resumes the attack on Ingham, looking dejected., skulks off the telex ision. DESIGN & PRODUCTION to a corner of the room Alan herr occupied by the "Arnold, What do you mean Tm television set. There is a knock on the doing you a favour'? Just because you EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATION door. Ingham growls menacingly. save 6001) people in Scotland from losing Lindsey Gardner Ingham is a Rottweiler. their jobs doesn't mean that you acted in 01-661 3614 "Get that please, Dennis." Dennis the National Interest. Most of them shuffles off into the pastel decorated don't even vote ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER Conservative." hall. He Paul Kitchen returns with a captain of "Now come along you two." 01-661 3/30 industry. Lord Weinstock and Mrs Thatcher "Lord Weinstock. Margaret." turn to Dennis, previously un -noticed. DISPLAY SALES MANAGER "Evening. Arnold. I'm delighted that somewhere at the back of the room. Mrs Shona Finnic you could spare me the time to sort this Thatcher glares. 01-661 8640 out. I am rather concerned that we "I've been thinking ... Remember ADVERTISEMENT ADMINISTRATION should be seen to practice as well as that Nimrod thingy you were involved Karen D'Cru.s preach the spirit of free enterprise. with. Lord Weinstock? I low about 01-661 8469 "The House seems to he getting a hit taking those GEC radar sets out of restless about your series of mergers and mothballs and fitting them in the ADVERTISING PRODUCTIOV buy-outs.
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