PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue 5 Recent Online Resources for the Analysis of Terrorism and Re- lated Subjects Complied and selected by Berto Jongman Most of the items included below became available online in September and October 2018. They are catego- rised under these headings: 1. Non-Religious Terrorism: Actors, Groups, Incidents and Campaigns 2. Religious (mainly Jihadi) Terrorism: Actors, Groups, Incidents and Campaigns 3. Terrorist Strategies and Tactics 4. Conflict, Crime and Political Violence other than Terrorism 5. Counter-Terrorism – General 6. Counter-Terrorist Strategies, Tactics and Operations 7. State Repression and Civil War at Home and Clandestine & Open Warfare Abroad 8. Prevention and Preparedness Studies (including Countering Violent Extremism, De-Radicalization, Counter-Narratives) 9. Intelligence 10.Cyber Operations and Information Warfare 11.Risk & Threat Assessments, Forecasts, Analytical Studies 12.Also Worth Reading 1. Non-Religious Terrorism: Actors, Groups, Incidents and Campaigns J. Bowden. Russian troll farm targeted in arson attack. The Hill, October 9, 2018. URL: https://thehill.com/ policy/international/410584-russian-troll-farm-hit-in-arson-attack T. Barnes. Viktoria Marinova: Romanian suspect arrested in connection with rape and murder of Bulgarian journalist. The Independent, October 9, 2018. URL: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/bul- garia-journalist-murder-viktoria-marinova-arrest-rape-corruption-investigation-eu-a8575401.html D. Bond, G. Chazan. Rightwing terror in Europe draws fuel from populism and xenophobia. Financial Times, October 9, 2018. URL: https://www.ft.com/content/86f2645a-c7a2-11e8-ba8f-ee390057b8c9 Bulgarian TV journalist raped and murdered in Danube town of Ruse. The Guardian, October 7, 2018. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/07/tv-journalist-brutally-murdered-in-bulgari- an-town-of-ruse L. Bayer. Bulgarian investigative journalist murdered. Politico, October 7, 2018. URL: https://www.politico. eu/article/victoria-marinova-bulgaria-investigative-journalist-murdered/ B. Starr, R. Browne, J. Acosta, E. Watkins. Suspected ricin detected in mail sent to Trump, Pentagon. CNN, October 3, 2018. URL: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/02/politics/pentagon-ricin-mail/index.html A. Roussinos. Inside Cameroon’s bloody war over the English language. Vice, October 1, 2018. URL: https:// ISSN 2334-3745 170 October 2018 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue 5 news.vice.com/en_us/article/qvajj3/inside-cameroons-bloody-war-over-the-english-language M. Janetsky. FARC reveals locations of remains of 182 victims who were forcibly disappeared by guerrillas. Colombia Reports, September 28, 2018. URL: https://colombiareports.com/farc-reveals-locations-of-182- missing-victims-of-the-armed-conflict/ F. Mahamba. Rebel attack in Congo Ebola zone kills 18. Reuters, September 23, 2018. URL: https://uk.reuters. com/article/uk-congo-violence-ebola/rebel-attack-in-congo-ebola-zone-kills-18-idUKKCN1M30GA O, Farooq. India mob attacks police after Maoist rebels kill lawmaker. Miami Herald, September 23, 2018. URL: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/article218885265.html DR Congo: rebels carry out deadly attack in Beni city. Al Jazeera, September 23, 2018. URL: https://www. aljazeera.com/news/2018/09/dr-congo-rebels-carry-deadly-attack-beni-city-180923112006160.html K. McVeigh. ‘Without drug traffickers, we’d have peace: Colombian villagers flee new killings. The Guardian, September 22, 2018. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/sep/22/colombia-co- caine-farc Iranian Supreme Leader accuses Gulf Arab states of carrying shooting attack on military parade. Devdis- course.com, September 22, 2018. URL: https://www.devdiscourse.com/Article/headlines/191155-iranian-su- preme-leader-accuses-gulf-arab-states-of-carrying-shooting-attack-on-military-parade Timeline of recent attacks in Iran by militant groups. Yahoo, September 22, 2018. URL: https://www.yahoo. com/news/timeline-recent-attacks-iran-militant-groups-170811878.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medi- um=twitter 29 killed, 60 injured in Iran military parade attack on Revolutionary Guards. Al Arabiya, September 22, 2018. URL: https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2018/09/22/Casualties-as-army-parade-attacked-in- south-Iran.html M. Adil. I’m not surprised most terror suspects in the UK are white –we’ve been expecting to see this change for a while. The Independent, September 17, 2018. URL: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/most-uk-ter- ror-suspects-white-not-surprised-muna-adil-quilliam-a8536436.html #MinskMonitor: new details on Zakharchenko assassination. Digital Forensic Research Lab, Medium, Sep- tember 10, 2018. URL: https://medium.com/dfrlab/minskmonitor-new-details-on-zakharchenko-assassina- tion-bdffec2ead46 T. Clavel. Is the FARC political experiment dead in the water? InSight Crime, September 4, 2018. URL: https://www.insightcrime.org/news/analysis/farc-political-experiment-dead/ M. Galeotti. Zakharchenko’s assassination won’t bring peace to Ukraine (Op-ed). The Moscow Times, Septem- ber 4, 2018. URL: https://themoscowtimes.com/articles/war-politics-crime-blowing-up-the-donbass-62764 Tens of thousands gather for funeral of Ukrainian rebel leader. Al Jazeera, September 2, 2018. URL: https:// www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/09/phillipines-internet-cafe-bomb-attack-kills-wounds-15-180902200405412. html Ukrainian Security Service lists top theories on Zakharchenko assassination. UAWire, September 2, 2018. URL: https://www.uawire.org/sbu-chief-lists-top-theories-on-zakharchenko-assassination Bomb which killed Zakharchenko was concealed in chandelier. UAWire, September 2, 2018. URL: https:// www.uawire.org/bomb-which-killed-zakharchenko-was-concealed-in-chandelier B. Nimmo. #MinskMonitor: Donetsk leader Zakharchenko assassinated. Digital Forensics Research Lab, August 31, 2018. URL: https://medium.com/dfrlab/minskmonitor-donetsk-leader-zakharchenko-assassinat- ed-1a7a750c545e ISSN 2334-3745 171 October 2018 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue 5 Leader of self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic killed in E. Ukraine blast. RT, August 31, 2018. URL: https://www.rt.com/news/437357-head-donbass-republic-killed/ 2. Religious (mainly Jihadi) Terrorism: Actors, Groups, Incidents and Campaigns 2.a. AQ and Affiliates T. Joscelyn. Taliban calls for attacks to disrupt Afghan elections. FDD’s Long War Journal, October 8, 2018. URL: https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2018/10/taliban-calls-for-attacks-to-disrupt-afghan-elec- tions.php C. Weiss. JNIM portrays its fight as part of al-Qaeda’s global jihad. FDD’s Long War Journal, October 2, 2018. URL: https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2018/10/jnim-portrays-its-fight-as-part-of-al-qaedas-global- jihad.php B.M. Perkins. Clashes between Islamic State and AQAP emblematic of broader competition. Terrorism Mon- itor, September 21, 2018. URL: https://jamestown.org/program/clashes-between-islamic-state-and-aqap-em- blematic-of-broader-competition/ B. Johnson. Al-Qaeda calls on Western Muslims of South-Central Asian origin to attack ‘blashphemous’ tar- gets. PJMedia, September 24, 2018. URL: https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/al-qaeda-calls-on-western- muslims-of-south-central-asian-origin-to-attack-blasphemous-targets/ J. Fenton-Harvey. Al-Qaeda’s future in a war-torn Yemen. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Sep- tember 25, 2018. URL: https://carnegieendowment.org/sada/77334 R. Maclean. Boko Haram landmines in Nigeria killed at least 162 in two years – study. The Guardian, Septem- ber 23, 2018. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/sep/23/boko-haram-landmines- in-nigeria-killed-at-least-162-in-two-years-study Al-Shabaab five years after Westgate: still a menace in East Africa. International Crisis Group, Report #265, Africa, September 21, 2018. URL: https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/horn-africa/kenya/265-al-shabaab-five- years-after-westgate-still-menace-east-africa P. Hinton. The spread of Islamic terror in the contemporary world. E-International Relations Students, Sep- tember 23, 2018. URL: https://www.e-ir.info/2018/09/23/the-spread-of-islamic-terror-in-the-contemporary- world/ T. Joscelyn. Pakistan continues to harbor Taliban, including al-Qaeda-linked Haqqanis. FDD’s Long War Jour- nal, September 19, 2018. URL: https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2018/09/pakistan-continues-to-har- bor-taliban-including-al-qaeda-linked-haqqanis.php D. Green. The al-Qaeda of today has changed since 9/11 and the US must adapt. The Washington Institute, September 4, 2018. URL: https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/the-al-qaeda-of-today- has-changed-since-9-11-and-the-u.s-must-adapt B. Roggio. Somalia remains ‘a terrorist safe haven,’ State notes. FDD’s Long war Journal, September 21, 2018. URL: https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2018/09/somalia-remains-a-terrorist-safe-haven-state-notes. php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+LongWarJournalSite- Wide+(FDD’s+Long+War+Journal+Update)&utm_content=Yahoo!+Mail T. Joscelyn. State Department: Iran allows al-Qaeda too operate its ‘core facilitation pipeline.’ FDD’s Long War Journal, September 119, 2018. URL: https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2018/09/state-depart- ment-iran-allows-al-qaeda-to-operate-its-core-facilitation-pipeline.php L. Hauch. Interview with an Iranian fighter in Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. FDD’s Long War Journal, September 18, ISSN 2334-3745 172 October 2018 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue
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