Vol. 25, No. 22 May 31, 1982 A CHINESE WEEKLY OF NEWS AND VIEWS o Chino's Foreign Economic Relotions o The Welfore of 300 Million Children versary of his celebrated talks HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK at the Yanan forum on literature and art. A Renmtn Riboo com- China's Foreign Economic UN Security Council. China's mentary pointed out the imPort- Relations permanent representative to the ance of carrying forward the expressed the Chairman's literary thought (P. An article by the Hongqi (Red United Nations Chinese delegation's deep regret 5). Flag) editorial department on for the rapid escalation of armed the aims, nature and actual prac- World Badminton tices of China's economic rela- conflicts between Britain and Malvinas Is- Championship tions with foreign countries (pp. Argentina in the lands. Security 13-16). He said the China's men's badminton team support Argen- Council should won the 12th Thomas CuP Beijing Reoieto's economic edi- sovereignty over tina's claim to Championship after fierce con- tor comments on the favourable the islands and appealed both to tests the defending cham- conditions for investing in Chi.na to stop military actions '*'ith countries pion. tht' Indoncsian teanr (p. 3). (p. and resume talks 9). (p.28). 1982 Draft State Budget Ghina's 300 Million Mirrister of Finance Wang Children Bingqian's report to the recent NPC Standing Committee ses- The joint care of families. sion on the basic budgetary prin- schools and society enables ciples and major expenses for China's children under L4 to 1982 and on how to ensure a ba- grow healthily (pp. 19-25). lanced budget (pp" 16-19). Mao's Letters Published China's Stand on the Fifteen of Chairman Mao's Malvinas Dispute "(irandad. I dicl anothcr good private letters were published on turn." At a recent meeting of the May 23 to mark the 40th anni- Photo bY Sun Zhongxittg Hu Yoobong Meets Foreign Notionol People's Congress Guests on April 28, 1982-Wong BEIJING REVIEW Bingqion, Minister of INTERNATIONAL 9.12 Finonce 16 Published every MondoY bY Molvinos Conflict: A Shodow For. the Heolthy Growth of BEIIING REVIEW Chino's 300 Million Children 19 2{ Boiwonzhuong Rood, Beiiinq of Superpower Contention The People's Republic of Chino Xinhuo Correspondent Pictoriol (Chino's Children ot -Tong Tionri Work ond Ploy) T2-23 Vol. 25, No. 22 Moy 31, 1982 Appeol for on lmmediote Cessotion of Militory Action FROM THE CHINESE PRESS 26-27 Moscow Attempts to Sow CONTENTS Discord Between lndio ond CULTURE A SCIENCE 28.29 Chino ..- "Renmin Riboo" NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 3 Commentotor BOOKS 30 lnvesting in Chino fgenqrnls Firm Support for Nomibion ln- - ART PAGE 31 Editor Wong Docheng dependence - Ren Yon Politicol Situotion in ltoly LETTERS 4 Zhong Qihuo - BEIJING RtVltW (USPS No. 658-110) is EVENTS & TRENDS 5-8 ARTICTES & DOCUMENTS published weekly Ior USS 13.50 per year by Moo's Letters on Literoture On Chino's Economic Relo- Beiiing Beview, 24 Baiwanzhuang Boad, Published tions With Foreign Countries Beiiing, China Second-class postage paid Drive to Turn Chino Green Editoriol Deportment of at San trancisco, CA. Postmasler: Send "Hongqi"- 13 address changes to China Books & Lorge Petrochemicol Projects Periodicals, lnc, 2929 24th Street, San Resumed Report on 1982 Droft Stote Budget (Excerpts)-At the Francisco, CA 94110 Soles Exhibition of Articles for 23rd Session of the Stond- Children ing Committee of the Fifth lTotes From the Ddltors lnuesting in Ghina already acquired valuable ex- perience in co-operation with foreign investors in this respect. As China is still carrying on stance, the construction of the Last year China acquired 1,900 its economic readjustment and two ports of Qinghuangdao in million dollars foreign legislation remains incomplete, Hebei and Shijiusuo in Shan- US of some people in foreign countries dong and the construction of funds through such direct means as joint ventures with think that conditions for invest- three railways and the Ping- both Chinese and foreign in- ing in China are not favourable. dingshan Therrnai Power Sta- vestments, co-operative enter- Could you comment on this? tion in Henan Province belong prises, compensatory trade, to this category. Most of these This argument is not neces- processing assembling with projects are in coastal and other and sarily correct and it probably materials supplieC by foreign results incomplete econornically developed areas. from an firms as well a^s leasing. Be- understanding of China's situa- China's south'"vest is also be- cause co-operation of this kind tion and po.licies. ing opened up and foreigners requires comparatively small It is true that during most of are 'selcome to invest there. investments, and the period of the 1980s China will be conduct- The Southwest China Natural construction is short while ing its economic readjustment, Resources Exploitation Corpora- quick economic results can be bu.t this does not mean that its tion has been founded to facili- obtained, both co-operating economic development rvill be tate the process. Take Guizhou sides are happy. Jointly spon- at a standstill. On the contrary, Province for example. It is rich sored by China and the much will be done in China in in coal, phosphorus and nonfer- United Nations Industrial De- the following two fields which rous metals, and thousands of velopment Organization, a meet- will present new opportr-rnities millions of US dollars will be ing in Guangzhou to promote for foreign investors. needed to extract them. investment wiil give new im- (1) Giving priority to the Bidding for the exploitation petus to such co-operation. development of energy, trans- of offshore oil resources in the Some people in foreign coun- portation and communications, Bohai Sea and South China Sea tries have questioned China's petroleum, coal, electric power, is going on. The amount of ability to repay loans. Facts railways, ports and nonferrous foreign funds such projects can over the years have proved that metals. China wishes to co- absorb ',r,i]l be much greater China is trustworthy and at- operate with foreign investors than that involved in previous taches importance to repaying in these fields and, in fact. a agreements signed with Japan debts when they are due. More- good beginning has already and France. over, China's debt is very small. been made. Given the development of its The initial scale China's Because the development of of rich natural resources. China key development projects will such proiects needs time and will have arnple means to repay be moderate. Nevertheless, they Iarge investments. most of them its debts. Many products of the will be gradually enlarged with are being undertaken with enterpri.ses which will undergo the grou'th of China's economic medium- and long-term loans technical transformation with strength. provided by foreign govern- foreign funds will earn substa.n- ments and rvorld financial (2) Another igrportant aspect tial foreign exchange. China is organizations at medium or low of China's economic develop- also rapidly, increasing the interest rates. There are also a ment in the 1980s will be the volume of its exports. Global few interest-free loans. During technical transformation of exports last year showed only a the past year, the Chinese Gov- existing mines and industrial slight increase, but China's ex- ernment utilized some 3,500 enterprises. In addition to pool- ports reached an all-time high. million US dollars provided ing our financial resources and This has certainly enhanced our by such loans, which were using them on a number ability to pay debts or profits primarily used to pay for of projects, we will use due to foreign ihvestors. imported equipment and the foreign funds for this pur- In order to create favourable development of energy re- pose. This will be a key area conditions for foreign investors, sources, transportation and for foreign inveStments in the the Chinese Government has other basic facilities. For in- immediate future. We have worked out and made public May 31, 1982 regarded as inferior. Leading As for articles in "Events and cadres should not arrange a bright Trends" and "Culture and TETTERS future for their children by abus- Science," they should be true to ing their power and "opening the facts. the back door." Sociolist Ethics In the "International: Reports In my opinion. the article is graduaily and Comments," there is too little I have understood and flawed in another respect. It re- coverage oI Africa. Iearnt to love the Chinese people ports "veteran cadres who ed- and their socialist cause. I find ucate their children to be good I suggest you should cover articles on ethics and about fight- ordinary workers" are praised in more issues facing the third ing graft and corruption particu- the press. If you don't go one world and the world at large. In larly inieresting. The Chi.nese are step fr.rrther, this is still a repeti- addition, you should cover the advancing materially and mot'al- tion of the ultra-Left mistalieB. life and activities of foreign Iy. Unlike Western countries, Why don't you erlcourage the students studying in Chinese col- China adheres to the spirit of young generation to look uprvards leges and their study and contact. flaternal solidarity, magnanimity in profession so as to meet the with the Chinese youth. and friendship. For this, China requilements of the four modern- has rvon prestige atrd praise. For izations? The article shouLd ex- Cheikh M. Dembele example', as rnentioned in the ar- plicitly expound on the dialecti- Nouakchott. Mauritania ticle "The Difrlomacy of Zhou cal relations of "ordinary" and Enlai" (issues No.
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