Will It Be Continued? ill T HE JEWISH HERALD VOL. XIII, NO. 21 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1938 5 CENTS THE COPY Dr. Wise Warns Refugee Conference Will be Failure New Z. 0. A. Head Dickstein Assails Says Mass Emigration To Palestine Solution Dies Group Delay DETROIT.- The Zionist Charges Bund Organization of America elected Dr. Solomon Goldman Burned Records of Chicago to the presidency WASHINGTON.- Representa­ to succeed Dr. Stephen S. tive Samuel. Dickstein (Dem., N. Wise of New York. Y.) charged that procrastination It was the first time in by the House committee, investi­ the forty years of the organi• gating un-American activities is zation that more than one pe,·mitting leaders of Nazi Bunds candidate was nominated. Dr. to destroy vital records and flee Goldman defeated · Dr. Israel the country. Goldstein of New York 330 Dickstein, chairman of the votes to 237. Dr. Goldman is House Immigration Committee, national co-chairman of the described the committee, headed United Palestine Appeal and by Representative Martin Dies Rabbi of Congregation An­ (Dem., Tex.) as "deader than a sche Emeth, Chicago. ram's horn." DETROIT.-Laying down his --Anti-Nazi Bulletin Dies refused to comment. He DR. SOLOMON GOLDMAN office as President of the Zionist said that hearings will not start Organization of America, Dr. :until July or August. He has Stephen S. Wise told more than Center Day Camp Program asked the Department of Justi~e 2,000 delegates and guests of the for the Federal Bureau of Invest­ Arrest Nazi For ,organization's 41st annual con­ new Innovation, says Director igation r.eport on its investigation vention assembled at the first of the German-American Bund Threat to Roosevelt public session at the Cass Tech­ The Center Day Camp, sched­ places of interest, will go swim­ led by Fritz Kuhn of New York. nical High School here that the NEW YORK.-Trial by a mil­ uled to open July 18, will permit ming and will engage in many "I am greatly disappointed by forthcoming conference in Evain, itary court martial faced Andrew parents of children an opportun­ other pleasant activities. failure of the committee to act France of the International Re- The five week camp period has Gimlen, confessed member of the ity to bring them to a place where and act promptly," Dickstein said. ( Continued on page 6) they know there will be trained been divided into two parts: the " I have received numerous com­ German-American Bund and pri­ supervision and where the child­ first period July 18, to continue plaints from over the country. vate of the 1st Battalion, 244th ren can enjoy themselves with for two weeks and the second, Coast Artillery of the New York boys and girls their own ages in beginning August 1 and continu­ National Guard after he was ar­ Terrorist Attacks a pleasant atmosphere, J. I. Co­ ing for three weeks. Commits Suicide over rested on a charge of threatening hen, executive director of the In order to give as many child­ Jewish -Persecution President Roosevelt. Continue to Spread Center, stated this week. ren as possible a chance to take PHILADELPHIA- Temporarily Gimlen was taken before Ma­ JERUSALEM, -A British sol­ Although the Community Cen­ part iri this activity the rate has deranged, according to his phy­ gistrate Capshaw in Yorkville ter has conducted an out-door been fixed as $10 for the entire sician, "by worry about persecu­ Court on the complaint of Dick dier was killed and two others were injured this week when a program for children the past 13 period of five weeks; $4 for the tion of the Jewish race," David Voss, a crippled world war vet­ military lorry hit a land mine years, this years Camp has been two week period: and $6 for the Kirschbaum, retired clothing eran, who testified he heard planted by terrorists at Tulkarem. styled along that of a camp rather three week period. Children, manufacturer, who was promin­ Gimlen, in full uniform, cry out than a playground. whose parents are members of ent for years in civic and philan­ "kill the Jews. Roosevelt is a The victims, all of the Second Black \Vach regiment, were Pri­ A group of counselors, Mr. the Center, or are members thropy, committed suicide last Jew, and we'll get him too." vate David Hood, who was killed, Cohen said, are now being re­ themselves, can attend at lower week by hanging himself with a The alleged remarks were and Private Robert Irving and cruited who have had camping rates. dog chain. He was 72 years old·. made in Union Square, a few experiences to assure thorough blocks from the 244th Coast Hugh Spalding injured. A Jewish auxiliary policeman supervision. Children from the Guard's armory, when Gimlen ages of 7 to 14 inclusive will be Browder and Kuhn Linked; and another Nazi guardsman who was killed and a colonist was accepted in the Center Day Camp. escaped charged into a group of wounded in an Arab attack on They will be allowed to bring people swinging his fists. Jedda, near Nahalal. The police­ their own lunch and stay from "7 Deadly Parallels" Listed man was Zvi Levine, 24 who im­ morning until late in the after­ NEW YORK.-After investiga­ migrated to Palestine from Po­ land five years ago. The settler, noon. Free milk and co.okies ting Communism and Nazism for Henach Globinsky, was seriously will be supplied by the camp. two weeks State Senator John Dr. Jack to Press In addition to the program in J . McNaboe (D.,Manhattan) · de­ injured by bullets. the Center building and in the clared that his joint legislative Suit on Nazi Bund spacious grounds, children will committee considered both move­ YONKERS.-The Rev. Dr. Death Preferable To be taken on outings, will tour ments in this country "what £manual Jack, former United might be called rackets." returning to Germany States Army chaplain, announced NEW YORK.-Death prefer able Mr. McNaboe declared a "seven­ he intended to proceed with his to an involuntary return to Nazi­ Jewish Doctor Treats point deadly parellel" appeared $3,000,000 damage suit against land for Miss Liesel Wolfe, 37- in the testimony of Earl Browder, Fritz Kuhn and the German-­ year-old German Jewess who Head Nazi'sDaughter Communist leader, and Fritz American Bund despite the reso­ committed suicide by jumping AMSTERDAM.-The noted Jew­ Kuhn, head of the German-Ameri­ lution passed by the Jewish Fed­ from a fifth-floor window at the ish brain specialist, Dr. Ignaz can Bund. eration of Yonkers stating the De Hirsch Residence Hall' for Oljenick, was reported here to Here are Senator McNaboe's federation was "not in sympathy Young Women, 24 hours before have treated for the second time seven "deadly points" of similari­ FRITZ KUHN with the suit" and considered it the expiration of a six-week per­ the daughter of German Foreign ty:- inadvisable at this time. mit on which she was admitted very busy man and was seen only Minister Jochim von Ribbentrop. " 1. The German-American B'und "I am astounded at the action to the United States. from a distance. Browder says As in the previous instance, in has a Youth Movement. The Com­ of the Jewish Federation," said Miss Wolfe had been unable to Stalin was a very busy man and April, 1937, when Herr von Rib­ munists have the Young Commu­ Dr. Jack. "I can only say th.at I find someone to vouch for her. was seen only from a distance. bentrop was German Ambassador nist League. Both admit prepar­ am a native-born American and I She was a native of Munich. "6. Both the Bund and the at London, the patient used a ing youths for future membership have served my country both Communist party in this country pseudonym, this time "Freulein in the senior organizations. here and overseas, and I feel that are definitely promoting class Schmidt," to conceal the fact that "2. Both movements admit I unquestionably have the right _Accepts Rubinow hatred. the daughter of a high Nazi offi­ spreading propaganda and pub­ to resent by every possible means "7. Kuhn is an American citi­ Memorial Post cial was being treated by a Jew­ lishing newspapers. any slanderous attack upon my zen, naturalized. Browder is an NEW YORK.-Dr. Solomon ish physician. "3. Kuhn visited Hitler in Ber­ citizenship. American citizen, native born. Lowenstein, executive vice-presi­ Fraulein von Ribbentrop, who lin. Browder visited Stalin in "In this spirit I have instituted Both contend their foreign-inspir - dent of the Federation for the is 15, is suffering from a brain Moscow. these proceedings to compel, if support of Jewish Philanthropic inflammation brought on by an "4. Kuhn says the Nazi salute ed principles are compatible with possible, a retraction of the dast­ Societies, ha~ ·accepted the chair­ injury sustained in an automobile is to be the corning salute for their American citizenship." ardly insult to my faith and to manship of the Isaac M. Rubinow accident in 1936. Dr. Oljenick, America. Browder · includes in my birthright." Memorial Collection, a project to whose treatment last year is the new constitution of his party GREATEST POVERTY raise funds with which to pro­ credited with having saved her in this country a pledge to the The greatest poverty of all is MOSQUE vide the library of the School life, is rated the greatest living Communist party, omitting any The, Mosque of Omar: was e- for Social Work in Jerusalem rfl in snf>da ·st i ,nro e. He mf>ntio of fl le!!i fl nC'.e to t f> poverty of purpose - a life that r f"forl nn tho c-ifa.
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