University of South Carolina Scholar Commons Faculty Publications Linguistics, Program of 1981 Remarks on the History of the Indo-European Infinitive Dorothy Disterheft University of South Carolina - Columbia, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/ling_facpub Part of the Linguistics Commons Publication Info Published in Folia Linguistica Historica, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1981, pages 3-34. Disterheft, D. (1981). Remarks on the History of the Indo-European Infinitive. Folia Linguistica Historica, 2(1), 3-34. DOI: 10.1515/ flih.1981.2.1.3 © 1981 Societas Linguistica Europaea. This Article is brought to you by the Linguistics, Program of at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Foli.lAfl//ui.tfcoFolia Linguistica HfltorlcGHistorica II/III/l 'P'P.pp. 8-U3—Z4 © 800£etruSocietae lAngu,.ticaLinguistica Etlropaea.Evropaea, 1981lt)8l REMARKSBEMARKS ONON THETHE HISTORYHISTOKY OFOF THETHE INDO-EUROPEANINDO-EUROPEAN INFINITIVEINFINITIVE i DOROTHYDOROTHY DISTERHEFTDISTERHEFT I 1.1. INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION WithWith thethe exceptfonexception ofof Indo-IranianIndo-Iranian (Ur)(Hr) andand CelticCeltic allall historicalhistorical Indo-EuropeanIndo-European (IE)(IE) subgroupssubgroups havehave a morphologicalIymorphologically distinctdistinct II infinitive.Infinitive. However,However, nono singlesingle proto-formproto-form cancan bebe reconstructedreconstructed foforr themthem -— onlyonly a widewide arrayarray ofof actionaction nouns.nouns. A goodgood dealdeal hashas beenbeen writtenwritten aboutabout thethe developmentdevelopment ofof thethe infinitive,infinitive, almostalmost allall fromfrom a morphologicalmorphological perspective.perspective. ButBut thethe evolutionevolution ofof a singlesingle infinitiveinfinitive fromfrom a largelarge numbernumber ofof Proto-Indo-EuropeanProto-Indo-European (PIE)( ) actionaction nounnounss isis primarilyprimarily a syntactiosyntactic developmentdevelopment involvinginvolving notnot onlyonly anan expan­expan- sionsion inin thethe numbenumberr ofof clauseclause typestypes thatthat useuse infinitiveinfinitive asäs embeddedembedded predicatepredicate bubutt alsoalso changchangee inin ththee struoturestructure ofof thethe infinitiveinfinitive clausclausee itselfitself (i.e.(i.e. expansionexpansion ofof typestypes ooff subject/objecsubject/objectt occurrence),occurrence), changchangee inin objecobjectt casecase,, andand worwordd Ordeorderr shiftsshifts.. MMyy aiaimm herheree isis toto identifyidentify archaicarchaic featuresfeatures,, bothboth morphologicamorphologicall andand syntacticsyntactio,, ofof attesteattestedd IEIE languageslanguages whicwhiohh wilwilll givgivee a clearerclearer pioturepicture ooff whawhatt nonfinitenonfinite subsub­- ordinatingordinating strategiestrategiess werweree useusedd iinn certaioertainn areaareass ofof ththee latlatee PDPIEE languaglanguage,e community.Community. This'discussionThis discussion differdifferss frofromm paspaatt syntaotiosyntactic studiestudiess (e.g(e.g.. thosthosee ooff HahHahnn 1950,1950, MilleMiUerr 1974,1974, ArArdd 1975)1975) whicwhiohh focusfocus oonn embeddeembeddedd structurestructuress ooff a further-developefurther-developedd typtypee (e.g(e.g.. thosethose wherwheree subject-raisinsubject-raisingg iiss involvedinvolved)) ttoo reconstrucreconstruott earlierearlier stagesstages ooff infinitivainfinitivall Subordinationsubordination.. I wilwilll arguarguee herheree thathatt undeunderr oertaincertain conditionconditionss ththee actioactionn nounounn wawass indeterminatelindeterminatelyy a nounounn oorr ththee prepre­- dicatdicatee ooff a subordinatsubordinatee clauseolause.. BeanalysiReanalysiss äass aann infinitivinfinitivee resulteresultedd iinn a completcompletee shifshiftt iinn mosmostt language]an~agess ttoo parpartt ooff ththee verbaverball Systemsystem. *... A pre~preliminary sketchsketch ofof thisthis paperpapor waswas preSentedpresented atat thethe WinterWinter 19719788 LSLSAA meetingmeeting.. I wisWishh ttoo thanthankk CaroCaroll FF.. JustuJustuss anandd TheodorTheodoree MM.. LightneLightnerr foforr theitheirr comrnentcommentss oonn iit t andand alsoalso SandraSandra A.A. ThompsonThompson andand PatrickPatrick K.K. FordFord foforr heljhelp) duiinduringg previoupreviouss stagestagess ooff thithiss researehresearch.. OOff coursecourse,, I taktakee fülfuJIl rere­- sponsibilitsponsibilityy foforr presentatiopresentationn anandd analysianalysiss ooff ththee datadata.. Brought to you by | University of South Carolina Libraries (University of South Carolina School of L) Authenticated | Download Date | 5/31/12 9:18 PM 4 TheThe datadata presentedpresented herehere areare fromfrom thethe twotwo languagelanguage groups,groups, IIrIlr andand Celtic,lCeltic,1 thatthat preservepreserve severalseveral IEIE actionaction nounsnouns asäs infinitives.infinitives. I concludeconclude thatthat OldOld IrishIrish (OIr)(Olr) hashas subordinatesubordinate clausesclauses veryvery closeclose toto whatwhat PIE had,had, whilewhile thethe RigvedicRigvedic (RV)(RV) periodperiod ofof SanskritSanskrit hashas innovatedinnovated fromfrom purelypurely nominalnominal status;Status; AvestanAvestan (Av),(Av) , representingrepresenting OldOld Iranian,Iranian, alsoalso showsshows tracestraces ofof earlierearlier stagesstages eveneven thoughthough itit hashas standardizedstandardized objectobject casecase selectionselection whichwhich waswas variantvariant inin IIr.Ilr. OtherOther topicstopics likelike thethe extentextent toto whichwhich morphologymorphology andand syntaxsyntax areare concon­- nectednected andand whatwhat conditionsconditions werewere necessarynecessary toto allowallow incipientincipient infinitiveinfinitive analysesanalyses willwill bebe explored.explored. I willwill alsoalso sketchsketch thethe morpho­morpho- logicallogical andand syntacticsyntactic consequencesconsequences ofof thisthis reanalysisreanalysis andand comparecompare themthem withwith otherother IEIE languageslanguages whichwhich havehave moremore developeddeveloped infinitiveinfinitive clauses.clauses. 2.2. INDO-IRANIANINDO-IRANIAN AND'AND' CELTICCELTIC TheThe infinitivesinfinitives ofof RVRV andand Av areare obliqueoblique casescases ofof productiveproductive actionaction nounnounss withwith thethe onlyonly exceptionsexceptions beingbeing RRVV -dhyai andand AAvv -dyai-dyäi («Il <IIrr *-dhyai)*-dhyäi),,RV RV -sani and-tava -tavaii (u). *-dhyai*-dhyäi isis morpholog­morpholog- icallyically obscurobscuree andand nonott ttoo bbee derivedderived fromfrom anyany IIEE nominanominall para­para- digm,2digm,2 whilwhilee RRVV -sani iiss ththee locativelocative singularsingular ooff aann extendeextendedd heteroclitheteroclitee stestemm (-sar-/-san-;(-sar-l-san-; foforr morphologicamorphologicall detaildetailss seseee BenBen­- venistvenistee 1935b:1935b: ChapteChapterr 1)1) whichwhich,, thougthoughh attesteattestedd iinn otheotherr IE 1 1 MyMy descriptiondescription ofof CelticCeltic isis basedbased uponupon OldOld IrishIrish whichwhich isis thethe bestbest attestedattested ooff ththee oldeolderr languagelanguagess iinn thathatt groupgroup.. TraditionaTraditionall descriptiondescriptionss ooff thesthesee lan­lan- guageguagess tentendd ttoo taktakee ththee positiopositionn thathatt ththee verbaverball nounounn iiss nonott aann infinitiveinfinitive (e.g(e.g.. ThurneyseThurneysenn 19461946:: 455455,, DilloDillonn 19551955:: 111122 f.)f.);; iinn thithiss discussiodiscussionn I shoshoww thathatt iinn certaicertainn clausclausee typetypess infinitivainfinitivall Statustatuss shoulshouldd bbee assigneassignedd ttoo somsomee OlOldd IrisIrishh structuresstructures.. 2 2 BuButt cfcf.. argumentargumentss liklikee thosthosee bbyy BartholomaBartholomaee 18901890,, SchwyzeSchwyzerr 1953/11953/1:: 808099 whicwhichh trtryy ttoo matcmatchh *-dhyäi*-dhyai witwithh ththee GreeGreekk middlmiddlee infinitivinfinitivee -sthai.-8thai. ThiThiss correspondenccorrespondencee iiss untenabluntenablee oonn phonologicaphonologicall groundsgrounds:: HIIrr *-dhy­*-dhy- correspondcorrespondss ttoo GGkk -ss--88- (Benvenist(Benvenistee 1935b1935b:: 208)208).. I havhavee discussediscussedd elsewherelsewheree (Disterhef(Disterheftt 19801980:: 34—4034-40)) earlieearlierr elaimsclaims,, notablnotablyy bbyy BenvenistBenvenistee 1935a:1935a: ChapteChapterr 22,, thathatt -*dhyäi-*dhyai iiss a medio-passivmedio-passivee infinitiveinfinitive.. HiHiss twtwoo critericriteriaa areare:: 11.. iiff ththee infinitivinfinitivee hahass ththee samsamee meaninmeaningg äass ththee finitfinitee medio-passivemedio-passive,, iitt hahass ththee samsamee voicvoicee äass wellwell;; 22.. iiff ththee finitfinitee paradigmparadigmss araree predominantlpredominantlyy middlmiddlee oorr passiv:p~s~ivee ththee infinitiv~i~tiv~e iiss likewis~ikewisee middlemiddle.. MMyy examinatioexamir~ationn ooff ththee datdataa upouponn whichwhlCn* Benveniste'BenvenISte ss claiclaImm iISs basebasedd ddoo nonott supporsupportt hihISs argumentargument:: whilwhilee ououtt ooff a totatotall ooff 3333 verbaverball Sternss.tems,, 8 araree exclusivelexclusivelyy anandd 44 araree predominantlypredominantly middlemiddle,, 7 appeaappearr equallequallyy ofteoftenn iinn botbothh activactivee anandd middlemiddle,, 1111 araree infrequentlyinfrequently middlemiddle,, anandd 3 araree exclusivelexclusivelyy activeactive.. SincSincee middlmiddlee voicvoicee doedoess nonott changchangee tht~ee .marking.marking
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