Research articles NAT. NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM S配 .43: 185-205 , 1995 THE VEGETATION OF DOI KHUNTAN NATIONAL PARK , LA 加IPHUN-LAMPANG PROVINCES ,THAILAND J.F.M ω wel l, S. Ell おtt , P. Palee and V. Anusarnsunthorn* ABSTRACT Doi Kh untan National Park was established in 1975 to protect 255 km 2 of forested hills hills in the Pr ovinces of L 紐 lpang and Lamphun. Very little scientific research has been C 訂 ried out in 曲ep 紅 'k since i臼 establishmen t.百 lere has been no systematic survey of 血E vegetation vegetation and although a statement of management h凶 been prep 紅吋, it is lacking informa- tion tion about the flora. Hence the methods f珂凶red to restore natural forest ecosystems to deforested deforested areas (which ∞ ver a large part of 出e park) 紅巴 unknown. An other problem is commercial commercial collection of plants , ωpecially orchids and fems , in large numbers. Such activity probably probably threatens 出巴 survival of m 飢 y species , but with no information available on 出巴 status of of each species ,m 組 agement options cannot be formulated τ'h e vascular flora of Doi Kh untan National Park was therefore extensively sur- veyed veyed from May 1993 u凶 1the 巴nd of June 1995. Specimens of all species seen were coUected and and placed in 出巴 herbarium of the Biology Departm 巴nt , Chiang M 泊 University. In addition , taxonomic taxonomic and ecological data about every species were entered into a computer datab 蹴 for analysis. analysis. 百le lower 紅 'eas of the national park ,formerly deciduous (mostly 回 k) forest , have been been cleared and or cultivated severely degraded for nearly a century. Deciduous secondary grow 血 in 出e form of deciduous dipterocarp ・oak vegetation is common. Very degraded origi- nal nal grow 白 now has much bamboo. A mixed evergreen + deciduous facies is found from 85 0- 1,000 m above s巴a leve l. Above this the forest is evergreen h副 wood + pine , the latter far less less far common as a result of human disturbance. Fire is common 血roughout 血ep 訂k.明記 climate climate is seasonal with a dry p出 od 仕om November to Apri l. At least 165 families and 1, 285 species species of vascular plants are found there. Four new r,巴 cords for the flora of Thailand were found. found. INTRODUCTION Doi (= mount) Kh untan National Park was established in March 1975 ,出 e 14 出 national p 紅 k designated in τ'h ailand. It is situated at approximately 18 0 40' north latitude ,99 0 20' east east longi 旬 de ,and a也凶凶S仕組vely is included in three districts: Mae Tah Dis 凶ct ,Lamphun Pr ovince (NW section of 白e park) ,Muang District ,Lampang Pr ovince (eastern part) 叩 d H 佃 g Chat District ,Lampang Province (southern part of the park). Almost all of the access roads and tourist facilities ,including the park headquarters and park development , 紅 e on the NW side. 百le area of the p 釘 k is 255 km 2 (0.05% of 白e total 1叩 d 紅白 of Th ailand). Th e lowest elevation is 325 m and 白e highest point at the summit of Doi Kh untan is 1363 m 1• *Dep 訂 tment of Biology ,Fac 叫ty of Science , Chiang Mai University , Chiang Mai 50200 ,百凶land lTh is the official height ,however the acωal el 巴vation is c. 1380 m. 185 185 186 186 J.F. MAXWELL ET AL. Very li 凶 e scientific research has been carried out in 血e park since its establishment. There There has been no systematic survey of the vegetation and a1 though a statement of m 佃 agement has been prepared ,it is lacking information about the flora. Hence the methods methods required to restore natu ra1 forest ecosystems to deforested are 出 (which cover a large large p紅 t of the park) 釘 'e unknown. An other problem is commerci a1 collection of plants , especi a1 1y orchids and fems , in 1紅 ge numbers. Such activity probably 白reatens 血, e surviv a1 ofmany sp 田 ies ,butwi 白 noinform 組 on av ai1 able on 血e 期制s ofeach sp 民 ies ,management options options cannot be formulated. It It was therefore decided to c紅可 out a survey of the flora and vege 旬, tion of the park to to provide baseline dataωimprove 也, e management of the park. Th e project w 部 sta 巾 d in in May 1993 and most of the collecting was completed by the end of 1995. GEOLOGY 百le bedrock of the lowland 釘 eas ,c. 325 -8 00 m elevation ,consists of sh a1 e (especi a11 y 白eNWp 紅 t of the park) and ta1 c (e 槌 t side of 山 park) of 血e Kanchanaburi Forτnation , Tanaosi Tanaosi Gr oup of the Sil 町 ian-Devoni 佃 geologic a1 periods. Sh a1 e,a sedimentary rock and orig 泊ally a fine clay ,w 出 deposited 泊組ancient deep sea , while ta1 c is a soft metamo 中hic rock rock of igneous origin. It is loc a1 1y mined as a raw materi a1 for the ceramics indus 位y. Th ese two rocks are estimated to be 35 0-4 00 rnillion years old. Th ere is 佃紅ea on 血e east side side east of Doi Tah Goo which has an outcrop of qu 紅包ite on top of sh a1 e at c. 650 m elevation. elevation. A1 1 other 紅 eas of the nation a1 p釘 k 紅 'e composed of granite of the Triassic geologic a1 period ,origin a1 1y created by volcanic activity about 200 rnillion ye 紅 's ago (JAVANAPHET , 1969). Sh a1 e on 由e NW side of 白e park ,白紙 is Tah Go o Station area , extends up to c. 850 m , while in other 釘 eas of the park it is found below c. 400 m. Grani te ,therefore ,is found above above 400 m elevation on 血e west side of the p紅 k and above c. 550 m elevation on 血e east east side. It is by fi 紅白e most common and abundant rock in the nation a1 p紅 k HUMAN OCCUPATION Kh un 悩n Village on the west side of 由ep 紅 k is situated on 白e Bangkok ベ:hlang Mai railway railway line where a 1. 3 km long tunnel is 1∞a飽d. 百ti. s tunnel ,completed 泊 1918 ,w 槌 cut 血rough solid gr ,創世 te bedrock and during its cons 回 ction ,whlch started in 1907 ,曲 e 紅 'ea was exploited by thousands of workers for food ,fuel and construction materi a1 s. Th e State State R ai1 ways of Thai1 and m 剖ntains a sm a11 resort facility at 900 m on 也e west side of 出e park (Yaw 1) where the oldest and still well-maintained bung a1 0w was b凶lt 加 1917. As an inevitable and unfortuna 飽 consequence of 血is railway conn 田 tion , whlch provided convenient convenient access to the mountain , almost a11 of the lowland vegetation up to c. 700 m elevation elevation has been severely and repeatedly degraded by logging and frre , whlle the rniddle elevations elevations of 70 0- 1,000 m have experienced slightly less damage. It w 踊 not until a few ye 紅 s ago ,after the nation a1 p紅 kw 槌 established ,出 at a 18 km long road from Mae Tah (town) , passing Kh untan Station , to the nation a1 park headquarters w 錨 fin a11 y completed. VEGETATION OF DOI KHUNTAN NATIONAL PARK 187 Th e establishment of many villages around other p紅白 of the p訂 k has ensured that a1 1 of the the lowland and foo 出ill areas of the park are maintained as fields or deciduous scrub vegetation vegetation and subjected to annu a1 fires. CLIMATE Two sets of meteorological records ar 巴 available which can be used to indicate approximate approximate rainf a1 1 and tempera 制 re in the nation a1 par k.百 le frrst set is from the Lamphun Meteorologic a1 Station at 296 m above sea level and is about 32 km NW of 血e center of the the nation a1 park (Fig. 1). 百le other information is from 血e Lampang Meteorologic a1 Station Station at 241 m above sea level and about 30 km to the SE (Fig. 2). 百lese data cI early show 白紙 the climate is monsoon a1 with a distinct and often severe 合y season from November to April , during which the lowest (November-January) and highest (March- May) tempera 伽 res occur. 百le rainy season is from May-October. Ann ua1 rainf a1 1 averages 1004 佃 d 1064 mm at Lamphun and Lampang ,respectively. Wh ile the average temperatures will decrease about 0.6 0 C per 100 m increase in elevation , the actu a1 temperatures on the mountain ,especi a1 1y in areas above 1,000 m , will be considerably less. We have been at 白e camp at Yaw 3 (1 ,250 m) during January- Febru 紅 y where the tempera 加 re at night drops as low as 8 0 C.百 le rainf a1 1 in the nation a1 park ,especi a1 1y in upl 姐 d areas , is considerably greater 仕1組曲at recorded at 白e two lowland lowland weather stations. VEGETA TION TYPES Lowland Vegetation Th e boundaries of 血e park cI osely follow and encompass most of the mountainous area area of the region which is isolated , except on the NE side where it is contiguous with Jae Sawn Nation a1 Park.
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