DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 227 832 IR 010 626 TITLE Children's Television Workshop.QuarterlyProgress Report, July 30, 1982 to September30,1982.. INSTITUTION Children's Television Workshop, New York,N.Y. SPONS AGENCY Office of Educational Research andImprovement (ED), Washington, DC. PUB DATE 82 CONTRACT 300-80-0955 .NOTE 18p.; Newspaper clippings removed. PUB TYPE RAports - Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Childrens Television"; Community Services; *Educational*Television; *Foreign Countries;\ Merchandising; *Program Descriptibns;Programilig (Broadcast); Publicity; Public Relations;Resource Allocatioh; Safety Education; *TelevisionResearch - IDENTIFIERS *Childrens Television Workshop NY;Electric Company; Sesame Street -- ABSTRACT The activities, research findings,and services of the Childreh's Television Workshopduring a 3-month period are summarized. Research activities undertakenrelated to Sesame Street and staff meetings to.disseminatethat research are listedfirst; the roduction Completed or planned isoutlined. Under community . n services, theradio, press, and television coverageof the Se Street Fire Safety Project,future expansion of that project and the Electric Company PowerStation Project in Mississippi are summarized. Efforts of the publicaffairs department are described, focusing on production of press materialsfor the fourteenth season of Sesame Street and the beginningof a media alert campaigndrawing --attention to the start of the new seasonand its innovative elements. Additional reports list staff_changes,product activity (magazine domestic and foreign licensingof'educational toys, games, books, records,and ancillary products), andfinancial status: The international division reportcharts countries where theElectric Company and Sesame Streetwere'broadcast in /English and inwhich Sesame Street was broadcastin one or moreforeign language versions. (LMM) *********************************************************************** best that can be made * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the from the original document. *********************************************************************** CHILDRiN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP U.S;DEPANTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EOUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERICI 0 This document - has inen reproduced Pr received from the person or orgenteadon ;TIEPHONU P171 f95,345/, jiginating iL Minor changes have been made to Improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this docu- ment de not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy. QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT SUBMITTED TO: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DIVISION OF EDUCATIONAL/TECHNOLOGY ONTRACT I`TUMBERI 300-80-0955 1982 PaqIOD: July 30, 1982 to September 30, NAME OF INSTITUTION: CIULDREN'S TELEVISION WORKSHOP ONE LINCOLN PLAZA NEW YORK, NEW YORK l0023 (212) 595-3456 PROJECT DIRECTOR: JOAN GANZ COONEY S AVIST I'44VOORK Wi7< 710-51:11-2'..?,1) . TABLE-OF CONTENTS Page SESAME STREET RESEARCH SESAME STREET PRODUCTION 2 COMMUNITY MUCATION SERVICES 3 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PERSONNEL 7 CTIA1 PRODUCTS 8 ATICNAL 11 FINANCIAL REPORT 14 CERI1PICALLON 15 APPFZIDICES: SAMPLE PRESS CLIPPINGS (Remo v4.0 SESAME STREET-RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION QUARTERLY REPORT JULY -SEPTailBER, 1982 I. ACTIVITIES AND AGCCMPLISHMENTS A. .Researchers continued the ongoing processof reviewing scripts,. storyboards, film and animation.* B. Researchers conducted three piletsand one comprehensionstudy on segments written during the last half of the thirteenth seasonWhich addressed the functionality of reading and appreciation of booksand reading; report on three C. The research staff conducted a study and prepared a animated segments. D. Researchers designed a segmentcomprenhension study in the area of fire safety. E. Researchers monitored caMp shows taped on\location for the fourteenth season. Istar Schwager F. There were several personnel changes.duringthis quarter: was hired aS Associate Directorof Research; Yolanda Wisdom was hired as departmental secretary; Assistant Director, Janet Shapiro, was terminated; David Hamlin, Ellen Bloom and SaraWohlken began research . internships. II: DISSEMINATION with Mrs. Ana Sampaio A. Director of Research, Dr. Valeria Lovelace'met from Bahia College of Education in Brazilto discuss research in the area of pre-reading. B. Dr. Valeria Lovelace, Istar Schwager andJanet Shapiro net with Dr. Patricia Greenfield from the Universityof CalifOrnia in Los Angeles to discuss formative researchin,progress. C. Dr. Valeria Lovelace met with Alana Luft,writer for the Israeli. co-Production, tn discuss research onchildren and television. D. Dr. Valeria Lovelace, Istar Schwager,Yolanda Wisdom, David Hamlin met with Lee Pressman,'Churehill Fellowfrom LiondOni England. He assisted researchers in pilot testing thepre-reading measure. 4 SESAME STREET PRODUCTION During July, pre-productiOn for the first fiveshows of Season 14 to be taped on remote-with the themeof "Big Bird Goes to Camp" was campleted. In August, the taping of these shows took place on locationin Bear Mountain, NY for 6 days. The location' taping was very successful and the shows explorethe new. curriculum areas of separation and,friendship aswell as introducing a new muppet character, Rusty; alittle bay who Big Bird befriends at camp.We plan ta see'Rusty again on SESAME 8= September was spent gearing up for the currenttaping seaSon which begins October 41982. Plans for Season 14 include a Sing-Along show and celebritY appearandes by James Taylor and Betty Davis.. A COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES ,This was an excellent quarterfor television, radio and print coverage of the SESAMTSTREET Fire Safety PrOject. During the mointh of July the,Nationaloffice alone conducted 11 radio interviews for stations from 7stateS. On July 21st United a Press International (UPI) carried astory on SESAME S Fire Safety Resource Book which waspiCked up by newspapers throughout the country. segMent On August 2nd, Good MorningAmerica did a live 7 minute oll_the national scope of theoutreach and resource-materials:. David Hartman urged the audienceto send in for the preschool. indiViduals have . -fire safety package. As a result over 18,000 requested them to date, cable The SESAME STREET.Fire.Safetyshow Was broadcast.over networks in Atlanta, Georgia and Austin,Texas in SepteMber, These hour long shows wereproduced by CES AegiorialAdministrators Cable in cooperation with theNational Assoeiation of Local Programmers In an erfort to showfirefighters how to access time to reach on cable television. The objective of the shows was preschOolers: adults with information onhoW to work with their .on effectiVe firesafety. practices. DaY Care staff and:firefighters Working within the broadcast signal werealerted to watch the shOw in.groups. With the help of.CES National.Staff meMbers, 3-2-1 CONTACT'. the magazine highlighted firefightersand firefighting equipment in September 1982 issue. AlOng with a coverphotOgraph there were two feature stories included in themagazine. During this quarter planningsessions were held to initiate the SESAME STREET Fire Safety project onElgin, Tyndall and McClellan base fire chiefs, Air Force bases. Task force members included day local community firefighters, basepreschool educators and local project on the base and then care staff. Plans are to initiate the project to have the base staff be themotivating force to bring the the surrounding communities. As of September, 1982 THEPLECTRICCCMPANY Power Station prbject school program in Mississippi has1,216 children involved in the after station leaders who participated at 12 sites. The project has 32 power in order in workshjs during September. Small group formats was used instruction. to give each leader anopportunity to receive individual around reinforcing Five units of study werepresented all centering language arts usingeveryday experiences. 7 PUBLIC AFFAIRS During this period, the public affairsdepartment devoted its efforts to producing press materialsbased.on the upcoming 14th season of SESAME STREET, andto beginning'our media alertcampaign,' drawing attention to the start of the new seasonand its innollative elements. Photographic coverage of a week oflocation.productiOn at a damp in upper NeW York State ror the newseason ofSESAME STREET reSulted in a portfolio of black and whitephotographs and color transparencies Which will be used for pressrelations throughout the 14th season. A mailing of color transparenciesbased on this coverage wa serviced to editors at 118 newspaperswhich used color art on the covers of their Sundaytelevision supplements. A full press kit waswritten and produced: This kit is packaged black and in a special press kit coverwhich utilizes eight of the white location photographs asdescribed above. These-photos, suitdble year's press for reproduction, gave anadditional dimension to this includes three featurestories, a kit. As in the past, the kit fact sheet, biographies of cast and staff members,and four photographs. A campaign iscurrently under way to set up interviews to coipcide with the NOVeMber Start of the new seasonwith news7 paper editors; and radio andtelevision personalities for .77,3AME STREET producers, writers'and castmembers. Viewer mail continues plentiful and positive. Close to 300 letters to SESAME STREET froMparents and children have been receive0. NEW HIRES/TRANSFERS AND TEMINATIONS FOR SESAME S'iliteJ2,TEC PRODUCTION, PUBLIC AFFAIRS ANDcomuNrryEDUCATION SERVICESWR THE PERIOD OF,07/01/82 -09/30/82. I\LEW HIRES/TRANSFERS
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