OOWWNN YYOOUURR FFUUTTUURREE D E A S T O N S I X T H F O R M P R O S P E C T U S 2 0 2 1 / 2 2 C O N T E N T S S U B J E C T S 1 6 Accounting 1 7 Applied Law 03 04 1 8 Applied Science 1 9 Art and Design 2 0 Biology W e l c o m e f r o m t h e E x t r a - C u r r i c u l a r 2 1 Business H e a d t e a c h e r O p p o r t u n i t i e s 2 2 Chemistry 2 3 Computer Science 2 4 Criminology 2 5 Design and Technology 2 6 Digital Games Production 2 7 Drama 2 8 Economics 2 9 English Literature 06 3 0 Extended Project (EPQ) 09 3 1 Financial Studies 3 2 Further Mathematics H a r r i e t B i b b y I n t e r v i e w P h o t o g r a p h y T r i p 3 3 Geography 3 4 Health and Social Care 3 5 History 3 6 IT 3 7 Mathematics 3 8 Mathematics in Context 3 9 Media Studies 4 0 Modern Languages 4 1 Music 4 2 Photography 10 13 4 3 Physics 4 4 Psychology 4 5 Sociology T i p s f o r S i x t h F o r m W e l l b e i n g A m b a s s a d o r s 4 6 Sport S u c c e s s 4 7 Uniformed Protective Services 4 8 Level 2 Programme 15 49 C o u r s e G u i d e A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n D E A S T O N S C H O O L . C O . U K 02 W E L C O M E T O D E A S T O N S I X T H F O R M We believe that our students have the right to become involved in many ventures. We also expect the highest quality of education and provide a range of educational experiences we are committed to providing exactly that. and trips including to overseas and national The world has changed a lot in the last year destinations. and we aim to help prepare you for the future you have ahead of you. If you are thinking of joining us from another school, we would actively encourage you to At De Aston Sixth Form, you will be speak to staff and students about what De encouraged in your ambitions and offered the Aston has to offer. You will be part of an support you need to achieve your individual increasing number of young adults who are potential. We provide a broad range of choosing the bespoke care of the De Aston courses designed to meet your needs and Sixth Form experience over going to a large, future aspirations. The modern world moves populous college. At De Aston you will be part very fast and many of you may be going on to of a family, we will get to know who you are work in jobs which have not yet been and help you develop your potential. You will developed. De Aston Sixth Form can help you not be just another student, you will be one of develop the skills and qualities you need to us. get ahead in life. If you are already at De Aston, the Sixth Form Our Sixth Form students go on to make experience is changing radically and so you applications to universities, take up high-level will find a new and exciting experience as you apprenticeships, further education, training continue to benefit from the teachers who and also go direct to employment. Whatever know you and know how to get the best out of your direction in life, we can help you to get you. If you are in Year 11 in another school, there. you will find that you will quickly become part of our community. Some of our most successful Some of our subjects will have similar names Sixth Form students have come from other to those you currently study at GCSE level, schools. but we also offer subjects that are not studied in Year 11, giving students the chance to try I have been teaching students in De Aston something new. Ultimately, students should Sixth Form for over 20 years now and I am choose courses that suit their skills, interests still teaching Year 13 this year. I know just and career aims. how good our Sixth Form is and I would like to offer you my personal invitation to join us as We are passionate about our Sixth Formers we make exciting changes to make the helping to shape the culture and future of our experience even better. school. As such, you will have opportunities to Simon Porter HEADTEACHER 03 societies including the popular Shakespeare Society, trips including Enhance visits to WW1 battlefields, and the Your annual ski trip. We offer a number of enrichment opportunities for students to broaden Experience their Sixth Form experience. These can include everything from cooking lessons to the Duke of Edinburgh Award, lower school support to learning holiday Spanish, and Here at De Aston Sixth Form we pride recreational art and music to a ourselves on the wide range of extra- community sports leadership award. curricular activities and social events We believe that academic success we offer to our students. should go hand-in-hand with personal development and encourage you to Many of these opportunities, such as take part in our enrichment activities. the Graduation Ball and charity weeks, are organised by the Sixth Form Sixth Form students also help organise Committee, led by the Student Heads and take part in House activities. We of School. Other events are arranged are very proud of our House system in by our Sixth Form staff. school and the leadership roles that are taken up by our Sixth Form students Recent Sixth Form activities have are vital in organising the House included archery, treasure hunts, trips activities. Sixth Formers get their own to Alton Towers and attending lectures. events to compete in too! Students also have the opportunity to Whatever your interests, we aim to get involved in whole school activities provide activities and opportunities to such as debating competitions, various enhance your Sixth Form experience. 04 OOWWNN YYOOUURR FFUUTTUURREE Playing the Part Coronation Street star and former De Aston Sixth Former Harriet Bibby talks cobbles, Corrie, and getting creative. It’s been a mainstay on television from Market Rasen, but that has all screens for 60 years, entertaining changed as one of Corrie’s existing viewers with ground-breaking characters has returned, played by a storylines, dramatic moments and, familiar face at De Aston. Former above all, iconic characters. From Ken student Harriet Bibby took over the Barlow to Gail Platt, Steve McDonald to character of Summer Spellman in 2020, Vera Duckworth, Coronation Street’s after landing a major ongoing role in eclectic cast of characters have helped the hit ITV soap. Upon finding out that the soap become one of Britain’s most she had been cast, Harriet couldn’t popular entertainment exports. hide her emotions. The characters and cobbles of “When my agent rang with the news, I Weatherfield may seem like a long way was absolutely elated,” she says. from 06 “I couldn’t help but burst into tears I "My time at De Aston was so happy. I rang my parents straight away and just heard screaming definitely shaped down the phone!" where I am now. I Harriet, who completed her A Levels at can’t thank the staff De Aston School in 2016, graduated enough." from ALRA North drama school in 2019, and received her first television acting "Being given the room to be creative credit when she appeared in an and explore the arts is something that episode of BBC medical drama Doctors is so important and shouldn’t be in June 2020. Landing the role in overlooked within education. De Aston Coronation Street was a dream come is where that started for me.” true for Harriet, and the filming experiences have lived up to Harriet is certainly remembered fondly expectations. at De Aston School, and Headteacher Simon Porter was thrilled to hear of her “Filming has been incredible,” says latest news. Harriet. “Being on the cobbles that I’ve watched for so many years on “I am immensely proud of Harriet,” said television is like walking into a story Mr Porter. “It is amazing to think how book! Meeting some of the Corrie one minute you are supporting a pupil legends has been very surreal and I’m with their English Literature A Level loving every minute of it!” coursework and the next minute they are appearing in one of the most iconic Harriet’s acting journey began during TV shows of all time. Wonderful her school days, sparked by De Aston achievement by a wonderful student.” School’s lively Drama department, which allows students various As a former De Aston student who has opportunities to perform. Reflecting on gone on to achieve remarkable success her time at De Aston School and Sixth in the industry, Harriet is uniquely Form, Harriet praises the massive placed to offer some words of advice impact the department has had on her to budding actors at De Aston Sixth career so far.
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