emini facesmajor curriculum DIst:,it,-ÌIIìiOn.t1ghtOiF ,. èhOrtterni tattbefletits '.. School District 71 is going toseceive full-time benefits in overhaul for i987-1 988 year coart to resolve the issue of.répiocing thone on maternity maternity leaven for tenuredleove. '' teachers and those hired an tem-,: The bancal iontentioo is baaçsl, schedule, and guidelines for Thecomplex SuOeS arenata-.porar3' replacementsdaring the oothebIrlp8of two teachers tuat The major topic of discussion 1988 pecledto be resolved - im- attise at Tuesday night's Dintrict 63 course selections for the 1987 interim of the leave. year, whoworkedfiill4lme school year. Ntne options for. mediately. Therepoct wan. ap- The teachers' union, NUesschooLllecaunethey werelsired School Board meeting centered administrative.. basin, thç proves and an! around the curriculum at Gemmi change were introduced and in- Council of-Teachers (NCT), rear- un a temporary cloded compulsory reading for. rëcomssendatlunwilF heforth- ted by going to tiselilinois Laborteachers did ont sereine foil-time Junior Bigh School. coming at theFebruary iBoard, .. benefitkfromthèdirict. Dr. EIden Gleichman, Gist. 63 every utudent, lengtheningthe Relations Board to file unfair '. superintendent, compiled a 48- uchool day, increased inntruc- meeting. ,,-''' ' lahorpractices agalnatthe school The issóewent to an arbitrator the tional time, scheduling electives, Dr.Gleichman stressed tise dISWiCt on theqaestlns whether a whoueruling-faviirvd the ulsion. page handbook outlining needfor extensivo ntisdyófatl the .. and organizing the teaching staff should . CeñtInnednnPaelS ?',." t r_,ini inntructional ContlnnedoisPage88 . short-termteacher :Droteram 1tC aI*e.flhanter intoatrueteamteaching design. -- , . , . cciin!tteeto meet ,' with District 63 onsale criteria Village uf Nues . Edition :. ,, Village eyes ugir l81n#odurchase of JM4UARY 29 9987 25° per copy VOL30 NO 33 TIlEBUGLE THURSDAY allard School District 207eñrollmént ligures . outifthérein áoymsncttönsl use: compatible.'. fore . village Froni thé show slowdOwn in deçhne aeainwhefl the ' Rilen' Villag operations," said Mayor 'i ,-,- . ,, .- ,. - - NicholauBlase. , I995 Thiayearenrolhneist is6 427 Board f res d a cnmmsttee to Enrollment projections far e abate whethelisbuilding Heading the committee are Maine Township High School eclsnmg from a high of 11 884 - TrnsteenAngelo Morchesehi nd £4t4t«iitt eachedin :977L EnrollinentfOr wilIfit village.needn,alnng with DintrictlO?naw show the numberr thefeonihility of takiognver the Petér Pesole, wits plea to meet of students leveling off at 5,030 in 986-87wasprojectedátt,MS. '. - withSchaol District 63 officials' BeueT Mai e East n e pect d t h 11d1148' l9f2ratherthnn declining to 4,798 We want t takelook to find Continued enPage 39 Oie HarryPizza" Festine indicated Contin ed PageI9 won'tbe eekinre-electínnto as previous projections the sp- according to RobertV. Jacohnen, NUes library board at director of special education and earning election. After asse student pernonnel services, who iIq:; honors transitdrivers years Harry ishanging up hin and has been monitoring declining public service spurs enrollment for the district since heading back toUte ranch,tos morc tranquil life. 1972. 'Pizza" has been sort of a Jacobsen, who bases the - projections on the number of one masboad He dominated studestu enrolled in elementary -.hoard policies andhoard goodly part schools which feed into the members during a District 207 high schools, said nfhistenore. Harry's major contribution that thin is the first year that district is building the figures show that the some nom- o the library her of stndonts who entered as additiontothe first graders will leave as eighth building. Ste led the way gradem. Thin is a dramatic in- toward receivinggrants for survival And he did it by crease in the elementary y the addItion. rate," said Jacobsen. csmotating tax moneys In District gI for example, only which costd havebeen used to for library 82 percent of students who improve salaries enteredfirst grade is1972 . employeesand for purchasing graduated from eighth grade In more booksfor the library lsto. However, 100 percent of the shelves. ThrooghHarry's board the district students who entered fir t grade years on the Is 1979 witt graduate from eighth lost severalexcellent em- grade in 1917 The 1987 rate in ployees who wentto other received Dintrivt f3 stands at 94 percent np districts where they from 74 Pe cent is 1955. The 110 hotter pay. Duringthis same y seeking bi ko percent rate in District 64 -up period residents rom 97 percent in1980-shows oftes had to go tneighboring because Harry was that mare students will actnalty librarie graduale from eighth grade thin holding On to moneyto ho used year tisas the somber that en- rather thon lo As part of o notianwide campaign to honnrtransit Mayor Blase wan NUitr97AN sarnsiee irons for th addition tered brot grade eight years ago. NORTRAN improve the hookcollectIon board of employees; 198f marked the first yearNORTRAN Niles, Jamen A. Mahoney (r) and the larger In his report to the Enecotive Director Sod General Manager, , inn, Driver/Maintenance Ap- Is the long run education atthe December participated varions library facility onOakton meeting, Jacobsen said that preoiation Day. In tOiles, Village Mayor Nicholas Timothy J. Doron (I). Dorns, who toured Street wilt provebene trial In Blase (secnsd from,r) wanou hand atGolfMill' locations in the District, stated he hoped this Districi 207 enrollment is expec- would become an annual event as partpfop-going the district'senidents. Sature ted lo dros to 5,030 in 1992, in. Shopping Center to congratulateHaritojonwiak mers willhave an improved 5,100 in 0993, 3,335 in (second from I) adriver on Honte 270(Galf Mill-,,employee prngram -' creasing l with facility builtwith lttO d lIars.t-1994 with n slight drop to 5,270 in Jefferson Park via Mitwantcee ave.). Atoo Coutlnacd on Page 39 I ... ,. -.- . Page2 The BogIe, Thursday, January 2, 1987 SI.! 55 PIus Club Free Senior Theßiigle,Tharnday, January29; Health Fair - MEMBER P at Par kside Ns,thn Illinois A Older adslls from age Soandjip- Senior Citizens' N.w.p.p., G are invited to a fret Senior Health Aususl.11sn Fair on Satnrday, Feb. 28 at Psrknide Human Services' adult NEWS AND VIEWS day earecentor. The center io An Jndependni Corn m unity Neuspaper Established in 1957 , Davidiess r-Edibor& Publisher 3 located at the Anura West School Diane Mill c-Managing Editor at 235 Beech dr. in Gleuview. A ' Robert Besser-City Editor Beginning at 10 am. and continu- .8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois60648 966-3900-1-4 Marb Kral'ch't-Copy Editor tog Ibroagh 3 p.m., the Senior 62 and over.) Health Fair will feature Oxer. News for ali Nues Seniors (age rises,lectUres,nutrittön and from the N}les Senior Center . lifestyle lips, health screesings, 8060 Oakton, Nues 967-6100 ext 376 Villages negotiatéfor new franchise sod fitness testo to help senior citizens lead heslihier liven. -Meine Beat A variety of healthful foods will MOt/LETIME he served, and information The Monday, Feb. 2, 2 p.m. msvietime feature in "Savannah - by SylviáDairympfe regarding special diets, prepar- Smiles." There is 00 charge and advaoce reservations are ast log food, und coohing tips will he secessary. Ni-les,suburbs starttalks distribsled. -TIlE LAWRENCEWOOD SAGA...a fscelift.for bbc aging Launen- st. 1soJoges 55 PIuS Chxb held their omuth Chistmpmty Parhuide Human Services Cor- SQUARE DANCING rewosdsbopping conter wig probably be suspended in limbo, while tCImteau RiIz. Honored guests were Mayor NichoIs BIe, Niles poration sod the Americas Opes square dancing will lahr place as usual on Tncsdsy, the offspring nf property awaer Robert Kcilirh is off on s search lo Park Commissioner Elsisse Heissen, Father Marty Barnum sed Association of University Women Feb. 3 at 1:30 p.m. This program is opes atnocharge luaU Nibs obtain aeceosary financing far redeveloping the site. Father Welter Sommerville,assoeiste pestors of St. loose Jogsses in cooperation with the Gleovirw SesiorCester registrants. - Village officials, who have been al odds with the senior Krilirb on more-Illinois Bell $$$ Senior Cènler are sponsoring the Perish. The Mayor presented o plaque from lAthe City of Hope to vis coscO fighto lo force 9dm to correct fire and building code RIles 15 among communitiesIllinnis Bell and other slility chofrmssa Poter Leneiooi for the 55 PIus Chsb. Music was provided Senior Health Fair as a special LUNCHEON TICKET SALES violalions...manlhave been ecstatic loleacn the center's owner will Tickets will goon sale on a walk-tn basis for our February lun- seeking to, raise mace companies daring housing sr by Mooio'o High Soviety hood. service to seOiOr citineOS. Admis- be ixvalvedm apgrsdiogtbezd-year-oldshspp'mg center. Nues Fire . revenae...not via laxingcommercial developments, he nino is free, hut you must be at cheon on Wedoesday, Feb. 4 at 10 am. Telephone reservations Wbsea the project will be siarted is anybody's gaenu. Although Ihe least age 50. The adult day care forthis event will beaccepled afternoon snFebraaryl: 967.6100 messsces...bat lhrosghMs Bell. said. Center of Concern center is a tax increment financing distrirt (TIF), which provides s More Iban 450 rammanities in A large portion of Riles te ser- center has ample parking. For ext. 376. The Friday, Feb. 13 luncheon will take place a 12:30 - Dept. calls developer with'sboat $3.5 million, the ynang Krilich io looking for the slate, inclading the samandved by IItinia
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