CHAPTER-1 THE NIPATANAS 20 A THE W IPATANAS When we study p 's grammar, we are struck by the technical sk ill in it. P has used the technique of it- sawtlna* anuvrtti, adhikara « nipatana* type-token etc, profusely in his grammar. It is because of this jungle of technicalities and the technical term s like gha# ghi# fhu, t^# bha etc., that the person who starts newly the study of his grairanar is frightened and takenaback. It is therefore, necessary to study the techniques of lin gu istic descriptive analysis employed by P in h is grammar. It would also be interesting to see« howfar the post-paninian gram m arians have follow ed P in this respect. It is very necessary at the outset to distinguish between the different types of techniques used by P. We have the techniques like anuvrtti, adhlkara* etc. on the one hand. This type of technique works on the level of sutra system only. It does not work on the level of gram m atical analysis and procedure d irectly. we have another type of technique like it~s«njna which works neither on the level of sutra system nor on the level of graiw natical analysis. It works only on the level of the gram m atical procedure, where the different types of m orphologicPl# phonological and or m orpho-phonem ic 204 and accentual chenqes like g^ma, vrddhl etc. are required. Thus If the letter is n or q it brings about vrddhl. - " 355 Cf. the sutra acmnltl (vfddhl) P.7.2.115. Besides these two types of techniques mentioned above we have still the third type of technique like aqama» lopa, adesa and nlpatana. The speciality of these techniques Is that they work purely on the level of descriptive qranmatlcal an aly sis • 1) agama ^aroa ln-41cates addition, e.g. stu » va « stutya "t" Is added by the rule hrasvasva pltl krtl tuk. P.6.1.71 and this technique corresponds to the Mathematical technique of addition. I f in Kathe.Tiatics we are given the fo llo w in g equation like 5 a 8 and since they can not equal mathematically. We have to supply 3 and write as 5^3 a 8, to make it equal. m the same way, in P*s grammar what P g iv es us is stu + 3^ » stutya. But the left hand side is not equal to right hand side and therefore,p has to add one t called tuk agama. (cf. the 355. For detail discussion cf. pand^ M.D., "pacinian i t aawlna - a symbolic Zero** BDCRI s i lv e r Ju bilee 205 autra hrasv^eya pltl krtl tuX P,6.1.71). And after this addition* the two sides become id en tical . We can s s fe ly compare this technique of agana to the mathematical technique of addition or yoga. i i ) lo p a As in Mathematics subtraction, which Is opposite to addition, so also we have in P*s grPtnmar a technique which is opposite to the technique of agama is lopa» This technique of subtraction goes by the name of lopa (lit. 356 zero) defined by p as adarsgnam lopah P.1.1.60. To represent mathematically corresponding to the following mathematical operation of subtraction in 8 “ 5, which being imposif^ible requires the subtr^^ction o f 3 from 8, as 8 - 3 «5. we have the paninian procedure of 1 opa as in bhav -a;*^ » atti, which being impossible on the level of deep structure must be corrected by subtracting the i.e. sap from atti as ad ♦ sap + tip « ad -f o -f ti 3 57 « a t t i 356, Cf. Pandit M.D., "iero in Panini " JMSUB (Humanities) Vol .XZ, N o .l, p p .53-66, 1961. 3 57. bhavati and atti are on the level of surface structure w h ile R+S1 +S2 for bhavati and R+f?2 ^or atti are the examples of deep structure. 201) So it can be seen that the technique of aqama and lopa are opposite to each other and correspond to the mathematical technique? of addition and subtraction. I l l ) adesa The next technique which workp p u rely on the le v e l of descriptive grfflnraaticai procedure and this technique goes by the name of adeaa, which literally means order but techniqally means substitution or replacenient. we have many ex««nples of this technique In Mathematics and this technique Is used for the sake of convenience, similarly th ere are many exaR^les in P 's grammar o f the use o f the technique %mich is resorted to in order to avoid lengthy and complicated grammatical procedure of formal analysis, we illustrate in the following from Mathematics. i f in the fo llo w in g mathematical Qjqpjresslon (a+b)^ - (a - b)^, we are asked to factorise the simple and s tra ig h t forw ard method i s f i r s t to solve the brackets as (a + b)2 - (a - b )^ - (a^+ b^ +2ab) - (a^+ b^ - 2ab) 5 2 2 2 s a b +2 ab — a — b 2ab. Which a ft e r c an ce llin g the apposite signs comer to 4 ab only. 207 But, one, this Is not factorisation. It is a simple solution. For findingout the factorisation,we adopt the method o f su b rtitu tio n in Mathematics. Thus, we put X for the whole bracket a+b, and y, for the second whole bracket a-b. The expx«85ion thejn turns out to be very simple as 2 2 X -y , which when f<»ctorised gives us the factor as (x-fy) (x-Y) Then we again substitute the original sums of x and y and we get the factors as (a+bfa-b) (a+b-a-+b) « (2 a) (2b) This method of substitution is though complicated simpler than the original is simple and straightforward method. Now, i f and when tHe turn to P*s gremfnar, we get the example of adesa in the case of the substitution of the dhatu bhu for m in forming the past passive participial. Thus# the procedure is for the word bhuta at as kte (by tne rule nistha P 3.2.102) » as ^ (K elides by the rule 1 ^akvataddiUt^ P. 1.3.8) • bhu ^ ^ (Cf. the rule aster bhu P.2.4.52} « bhuta 2 o a The method of substitution avoids the cumbersome procedure of accounting for the change of as in to bhu. P could have made the rule like the following to account for the change. i ) a becomes bh . il) s becomes u But this procedure is not only unnatural but also entails qaurava as against laghava. P. therefore, adopted the technique of adesa in such c a s e by sta tin g a s te r bhu P.2.4.52, which seems very natural and preci ed one. / V'as in i- corresponds to the (a+b), and (a-b) which are being substituted by x and y respectively. ibhu corresponds to the substituting entities as x and y in lath eraatics. \/as is c a lle d gthanin , in P*s grammar and \/bhu is celled adesa . Similarly we can say that (a+b) and (»-b) are sthanins in Mathematics and x and y are adesas in Mathematics. The difference between adesa and aqama is that adesa completely dethrones or delves out the incombant i.e. the sth^in and occupies it*s place, agama on the oth er hend does not elim inate the o r ig in a l inccwibant but adju sts i t s e l f in the paroper p lace by allow ing the incombant also to stay. In other woirds adesa acts as an enemg' agama acts as a friend, of. *adesah satgvat 9rifu:j pravertate, aqamah mltravat pravatat^**. Also Cf. **s^rvat adeaa m itravat aqamab "• If we stud/ the different adesa In P's grammar# we find that there are mainly two levels on which the technique adeaa predaninately works. They are i) Phonologicsl substitution 11) Morphological substitution. I ) PHQN01X)3ICAL SU.sSTITUTION The substitution of one phoneme for another phenenne i s phonological su b stitu tio n , Th*? f»x«TipleF f o r th is type o f adesB ere provided by the different soimdr ch?*nging in to o th er typefs o f sounds, e .g . ^ ch?ngcr to c# u changes to o etc. in gttpedesa» or e changes to gjr# iz » 2. changes to av, ^ in the avadesa. I I ) M0RPH03X)3ICAL SUIJSTITUTION The substitution of one morpheme for another morpheme is morphological substitution. We have the different types of categories in the case of the substitution on morphological l e v e l . They are a) pratipadlkadeaa (b) pratvavadesa c) dhatvadesa a) pratipadlkadeaa Vhen a pratipadlka is substituted for other pratipadika/ that is called pratipadlkadeaa. The example is provided by 2 0} the pratipadiXa lara sobatitutad by iaras. (cf. the rule laravah iarasanyataraavam P.7.2.101) . The pratipadiXa jara is substituted by iaras In this rule. b) Pratyavadeaa - When a pratvava Is substituted for other pratyaya^ that Is called pratyayadeaa».is provided by the substitution of t by n. as in mas la magna* las la 1 aqna or by 1^ as In phulla or by v in pakva or by K in suska etc. c) Dhatvadesa When a dhatu is substituted by other dhatu is known as dhatvadesa* The example of substitution of a dhatu by another dhatu is provided by the examples of m and bhu stated above, in the past passive participial form bhuta# as is changed to bhu.
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