FACULTY: SEDEF DOGANER, PhD STUDENTS: MICHAEL BRADEN MICHAEL LOCKWOOD LEVI SANCIUC hE/sZ^/dzK&dy^^EEdKE/K COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE ARCHITOURISM CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 p. 04 /ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ CHAPTER 2 p. 11 The Architourist City: Dallas / Ft. Worth History 2.1.1 Importance 2.1.2 DFW Economy Related to Tourism 2.1.3 &t^ƚĂƟƐƟĐƐZĞůĂƚĞĚƚŽdŽƵƌŝƐŵϮ͘ϭ͘ϰ dƌĂŶƐĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶŽĨ^ŝƚĞƐZĞůĂƚĞĚƚŽdŽƵƌŝƐŵϮ͘ϭ͘ϱ DFW Current Problems 2.1.6 The Architourist 2.2.1 Importance of Architourism 2.2.2 DFW Economy 2.2.3 &t^ƚĂƟƐƟĐƐZĞůĂƚĞĚƚŽdŽƵƌŝƐŵϮ͘Ϯ͘ϰ &tdŽƵƌŝƐƚWƌŽĮůĞƐϮ͘Ϯ͘ϱ &tƌĐŚŝƚŽƵƌŝƐƚ^ŝƚĞϮ͘Ϯ͘ϲ CHAPTER 3 p. 27 Analysis of Tourism in DFW CHAPTER 4 p. 87 Architourist Guide to DFW ARCHITOURISM CHAPTER 1 IntroducƟ on Introduc on: The focus of this analysis is to look at the eff ects of Architourism in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. What kind of culture if any has been created by Architourism and is it authen c or inauthen c. What kinds of developments have occurred there recently and what has this done to boost or change the local community. In the 2010 census the city of Dallas saw less than a one percent increase in its total popula on while Ft Worth increased by more than 38%. Did Architourism play a role in this? If so, what? Our analysis will begin with researching the demographics of the local users and types of tourists, their income level, race, educa on and loca on of residency. We will also include looking into the histories of selected sites with respect to their economies, culture, tourist ac vi es, and rela onship to the built environment. In addi on to these mul ple layers of data that will be compiled to determine Architourism’s eff ect in the Dallas Ft Worth area, we will look into the exis ng tourists a rac ons available both architecturally and urban. These a rac ons are part of a growing and very established metropolis and will be the star ng point for determining Architourism’s eff ect. ARCHITOURISM CHAPTER 2 The Architourist City: Dallas / Fort Worth Chapter 2: The Architourist City: Dallas/Ft. Worth Miles [ 012340.5 2.1.1: History restaurants, shopping/retail establishments, transporta on companies and support Fort worth Area Tourism Council (DFWATC) was services to the industry. The Council focuses formed in 1978 to be a comprehensive force on the promo on of the DFW area as a leisure within the tourism industry to jointly market des na on to growing regional inbound the en re area as a single-des na on. As a not- market with heavy concentra on on a rac ng for-profi t organiza on, the DFWATC represents visitors within a 500 mile radius. By working over 40 area ci es and mul -county area in together coopera vely with its members, the North Texas with more than 150 members Council is able to publish the Offi cial Visitors par cipa ng from area Conven on & Visitors Guide to the Dallas/Fort Worth Area, as well Bureaus, Chambers of Commerce, hotels, as lead extensive marke ng and media eff orts a rac ons, transporta on, entertainment, to showcase the area to travel consumers, tour operators, airlines, shopping center, tour and travel planners, travel journalists, airports and restaurants. and visitors both inbound and during their stay in the DFW area in a variety of ways. Today, Formed to jointly market the en re Dallas/Fort celebra ng over 30 years of promo ng the Worth area as a single des na on, the Dallas/ region, the Council has grown from our six Fort worth Area Tourism Council, has banded founding ci es and handful of a rac ons to together all segments of the tourism industry. over 40 ci es, in a 32 county area, represen ng The Council represents area communi es, area over 150 organiza onal members in Dallas, hotels, major area a rac ons, museums, Fort Worth & Beyond. 12 Architourism in Dallas/Ft. Worth 2.1.2: Importance age levels and those already employed in the industry, the Founda on hopes to increase the By working together coopera vely with its knowledge base, educa on and skills of area member partners, the Council is able to workers and raise awareness of the tourism/ publish the Offi cial Visitors Guide to the Dallas/ hospitality industry as a viable career path Fort Worth Area and maintain its web presence thus ensuring a skilled and knowledgeable through its web site, as well as lead extensive workforce. marke ng and media eff orts to showcase the area to travel consumers, tour and travel 2.1.3: DFW Economy Related To planners, travel journalists, and visitors both inbound and during their stay in the DFW area Tourism in a variety of ways. CTA (Cer fi ed Tourism Ambassador) Program- Notable among its strategy are the following: The DFWATC Founda on is the accredited • Council-sponsored media provider of the CTA program in North Texas. familiariza on tours into the area The mission of the North Texas Tourism • Coopera ve adver sing through electronic Ambassadors Program (NTTAP) is to increase and print media tourism by inspiring front-line employees and • Annual distribu on of the 400,000 of the volunteers to work together to turn every Offi cial Visitors Guide visitor encounter into a posi ve experience in • Press releases to local, regional and the North Texas region. na onal media • Coopera ve par cipa on in travel/ The Cer fi ed Tourism Ambassador Program is a consumer shows na onwide cer fi ca on program that serves to • Council sponsored events that reach increase tourism by training and inspiring front- specialized target market segments line hospitality employees and volunteers to • Individual member opportuni es for work together to turn every visitor encounter exposure to the media into a posi ve experience. In 2009, the Council started its Dallas/Fort The premise is simple: If front-line worth Area Tourism Council Founda on to employees and volunteers (those who come promote educa onal endeavors to strengthen into immediate contact with the visitor) the North Texas Hospitality & Tourism industry provide quality customer service to visitors and workforce. DFWATC Founda on the Dallas/ (conven on a endees, tourists, business Fort worth Area Tourism Council Founda on travelers, etc.), the visitor is more likely to is a 501c3 non-profi t organiza on formed to have a posi ve experience. Visitors who have help build the capabili es of the North Texas a posi ve experience are more likely to return tourism workforce through educa on and at some point in the future. They will share training. their percep ons with their friends. Everyone benefi ts – the tourist, the hospitality industry, Being a service based industry; a skilled and the local economy and, most importantly, the qualifi ed workforce is vital to the success front-line ambassador. and future of tourism and the vitality of the area’s economy. By promo ng, developing Tag Taggart Scholarship- the Tag Taggart and u lizing exis ng educa onal materials, Scholarship was started in 2003. The purpose programs, courses that pertain to all aspects of behind the scholarship is to increase the the tourism/hospitality industry for university number of students from the Dallas/Fort 13 Architourism in Dallas/Ft. Worth Chapter 2: The Architourist City: Dallas/Ft. Worth Worth region to seek out a career in the tourism industry in hopes that the recipients will become future leaders in the tourism industry. The scholarship was named in honor of one of its long me members – Irving L. “Tag” I Taggart. Mr. Taggart had been instrumental in the development of the tourism industry both in the Dallas/Fort Worth area but also within the state of Texas for over 30 years. Tourism in Dallas/Fort Worth is directly related and part of its growing economy. The posi on of Dallas rela ve to the global economy puts them as the 12th largest metro in the world. DFW has a gross metro product exceeding $300 billion that is supported by a local workforce of three million and more than six million residents according to the Dallas Regional Chamber. DFW is defi nitely an ac ve player when it comes to globaliza on due to its technology industries. The Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce found that Dallas is home to 43% of high tech workers in the state. Some of the biggest corpora ons are located in Dallas; Southwest Airlines, Dean Foods, Kimberly-Clark, Exxon-Mobil, Texas Instruments and Neiman Marcus to name a few. This can be a ributed in part to the cheap cost of living of the DFW area compared to the top ten US ci es and their central loca on on the map. Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth (Photo by Brandon Burns) DFW tourism does its part to contribute to the economy by represen ng almost one third of 2.1.4: DFW Sta s cs Related To all the state’s travel spending of $57.5 billion. Tourism Tourism in the DFW area directly supports 162,100 jobs with an annual payroll of $5.7 n 2010, the volume of tourist to make their billion. Tourism employment in the DFW way through Dallas was 28.6 million. Of which, area grew by 2,000 jobs from April 2008 to 18 million were on leisure and 9 million were April 2011, an 11.4% increase. The DFW area on business trips. Of the total number of Dallas also ranked 13th in the top 100 markets in a tourist, 57.8% were from out-of-state, a much study conducted by the U.S.
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