Water Usage Editor's Choice Energy Conservation Congratulations Gitmo Tuesday, March 26 Tuesday, March 26 Our recycling program has earned Goal: 315,000 KWH Goal: 900 K to date, over Cost: $39,375 Storage: 10.7 MIL -- 76% $81,000 Usage: 241,000 KWH Production: 1.3 MIL Keep up the good work. Cost i $30,125 C onsumption: 1.3 MIL Cost in Norfolk: $18,075 I I I I Guantanamo Daily Gazette 901. 47 -- No. 057 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Wednesday, March 27, 1991 U.N. drafts resolution to end Gulf War AP - Yemen's ambassa- five permanent members of The commander of U.S. forces until all Iraq is liberated. dor to the United Nations is the U.N. Security Council, the says he was suckered, because The Bush Administration complaining that a draft reso- U.S., Britain, China, France he thinks the Iraqis intended is trying to wipe out any sug- lution for ending the Gulf and the Soviet Union, are ex- from the start to use the heli- gestion that the U.S. will Singapore - Pakistan is con- War is too restrictive. He says pected to give the plan a final copters against anti-Saddam profit from the Gulf War. demning the hijacking of a Sin- gapore Airlines jet by four Paki- the demand for Iraq's disarma- once-over today. A vote by the forces. White House spokesman stanians who demanded the re- nent goes far beyond what the full council is expected next Fighting within Iraq is far Marlin Fitzwater says the cost lease of detainees in their home- U.N. Security Council has week. from over. The State Depart- will be a considerable amount land, including the husband of decided in the past concerning Gen. Norman Sch- ment says heavy combat con- more than the $54.5 billion former Prime Minister Benazir Iraq. He says disarmament is warzkopf says Saddam tinues around the oil city of pledged so far. But Fitzwater utto. Commandos stormed the e on the Tarmac at Singapore something that should be de- Hussein is a war criminal Kirkuk, which recently was says the final figure has yet to s morning, killing the hijackers. cided within a regional con- whose punishment will most taken by anti-Saddam rebels. be determined Three Americans were amon e text. likely come from his own Battles are also said to be 126 passengers and crew. Passen- The draft resolution de- people. In an interview to be raging in other areas of north- Hostages in gers say the hijackers threatened mands that Iraq destroy its broadcast on PBS tonight, ern Iraq and the rebels say to kill an American first. Lebanon may chemical, biological and nu- Schwarzkopf also said he they're winning. Kurdish be free by Easter Iraq - Kurdish rebels who hold a clear weapons. It also leaves regrets allowing the Iraqis to leader Jalal Talabani, who's AP - A respected Lebanese substantial portion of northern intact a ban on conventional fly helicopters within their just returned to the country, is newspaper is reporting that some Iraqnow say they've captured two arms purchases by Iraq. The country after the war ended. vowing his followers will fight of the foreign hostages held in government planes from an Iraqi Lebanon will be released for air field near Kirkuk. Rebel leader Easter. Jalal Talabani says the two planes Riggs' death becomes violence symbol The 12-word news brief on are fully functional. He says the page two of the newspaper An- rebels hope to use the planes in the UPI - After he was killed said the pistol used Nahar attributes the report to dip- fight to bring down Saddam. streets of Detroit. Civil Rights Stewart on a Detroit street last week, leader Jesse Jackson delivered was found in a garbage can. lomatic sources. Such briefs are the most widely read items in the Soviet Union --- Democracy- Army Specialist Anthony a eulogy and called formaking Riggs' mother, Lessie daily. minded radicals are planning Riggs became a symbol of the "streets free of drugs and Riggs, told a Detroit newspa- large-scale rallies this week in The report did not specify urban violence. guns." whether it referred to the western Moscow in defiance of the Krem- perher son hadcomplainedhis Riggs had just returned Yesterday Detroit police Easter which is celebrated this lin's three-week ban on demon- marriage was in trouble. Sunday, or the Orthodox Easter strations. A Kremlin official says home after serving in the Per- arrested Riggs' wife, Toni and Newsweek magazine re- the ban is meant to prevent vio- sian Gulf War. It was be- her brother, Michael Cato, for celebrated April 7. The Lebanese ports that Toni Riggs told her often celebrate the whole week in lence while the Russian Parlia- down in the first degree murder of lieved he was gunned between. ment contemplates a no-confi- an act of random street vio- Riggs. husband when he returned dence vote against President Boris from the Persian Gulf that she It's the newspaper's first re- lence. Inspector Gerald Stewart port on the 13 western hostages Yeltsin. The Kremlin has begun wanted a divorce and $900 a enforcing the ban, but one pro- It was suggested that the said Cato is accused of firing since Secretary of State James Yeltsin group says it's only serv- war zone was safer than the two shoots into Riggs' van. month. Baker's visit to Syria earlier this ing to rally citizens to their cause. month. The trip fueled optimism in the United States that a hostage (Continued on page 3) Supreme Court rules on coerced confessions release is imminent. Lebanon, Syria and Iran all say AP - In an abrupt turn error, if other trial evidence is protect Americans employed they'll work to win the release of from previous rulings, the sufficient for a conviction. by U.S. companies in foreign the hostages, including six Ameri- - . USA Supreme Court says criminal The dissenting justices say the countries. Because the law cans. Most of the western hos- defendants who give coerced decision erases a fundamental does not distinguish between tages are believed held by pro- News Iranian Shiite Muslim groups. confessions that are used as right of justice in America. Americans who work for U.S. The longest-held of the hos- evidence aren't always entitled In another ruling yesterday, firms or foreign companies, tages is Terry Anderson. The chief U.S.-It's homecoming time for to new trials. In a 5-4 vote, the the Supreme Court said U.S. the court says the law would Middle East correspondent for the 18,000 Atlantic Fleet sailors who Associated Press was kidnapped return to East Coast ports today court says using such confes- Civil Rights laws that ban on- have to be applied to non-U.S. and tomorrow, nearly one month sions might be only harmless the-job discrimination do not businesses as well. March 16, 1985. after the hostilities ended. More than 400,000 U.S. troops are still in the Persian Gulf. Pentagon Gitmo's NAS, Naval Station win Innkeeper awards spokesman Pete Williams says Guantanamo Bay - The nominees for the Navy-wide Enlisted Quarters. These stand Naval Station and NAS just most of the remaining troops are Army soldiers, responsible for Bachelor Quarters operations yearly competition for the to make Bachelor Quarters' completed the AIRLANT in- holding a large chunk of Iraqi ter- of Naval Station and Naval Air Adm. Elmo R. Zumwalt operations an even more favor- spection for the Fiscal Year ritory until U.S. and Iraqi officials Station (NAS) won the Fiscal Award for BQ management able contender for other Inn- 1991 Innkeeper Award. The sign a formal cease-fire. Year 1990 Innkeeper Award. excellence. keeper Awards and possibly a inspector said both of Guan- This award recognizes out- "This award represents the Zumwalt Award. "We are in tanamo Bay's Bachelor Quart ashington - The Supreme ourt will hear arguments today standing management per- hard work, total team effort search of creative and innova- ters operations continue to be on whether news organizations formance in Bachelor Quarters and pride and professionalism tive ways to enhance or im- outstanding and are undoubt- should be protected from lawsuits (B Q) management in the shore consistently displayed by our prove our appearance and serv- edly the finest in their class in when they reveal the identity of a commands of the Naval Air staff and residents," said Naval ice to residents and guests," AIRLANT. confidential source. News groups Forces, Atlantic Fleet Station's Billeting and Food Bruinsma said. "We encour- The FY '91 Zumwalt who usually fight to protect sources are asking the justices not (AIRLANT). Service officer, Ensign Clif- age their continued participa- Award inspection is set for to reinstate an award won by a This is the first year NAS ford Bruinsma. "Improve- tion in making things better." April 2-5. Good luck! source whose name was disclosed won in the medium BQ cate- ments made in our quality of by two Minnesota newspapers gory and the third consecutive life are the result of a conscien- despite a promise of confidential- year Naval Station won in tious effort on everybody's ity. Friday's flight large BQ category. NAS part." 727 Washington - President Bush Oceana and Naval Support Additional BQ material Arrive Depart will have his yearly medical ex- Facility Antigua won in the improvements include major NAS Norfolk, Va. -------- 8:00 a.m. amination today. Bush told report- jumbo and small BQ catego- air conditioning and lobby Guantanamo Bay 11:00 a.m.
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