Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 1-1-1908 Volume 26, Number 01 (January 1908) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 26, Number 01 (January 1908)." , (1908). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/532 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ETUDE 10 OUR READERS IRE EDITOR’S COLUMN In this column will be mentioned from time to The Etude extends to its many time our best offers in the way of premiums for New Year’s readers in all climes the heartiest the obtaining of subscriptions to The Etude, as Greeting. New Year wishes and the right well as other special offers that will be of interest hand of musical fellowship. Our to our readers. “New Year” word of advice to our readers is to constantly remember that success is bred of Subscription, $1.50 per year. Single Copies, 15 Ceuta. Camidlan Postage,25 cents. Foreign Postage, 72 cents. OF A PERSONAL NATURE. confidence, faith in yourself and your fellow- Liberal premiums and cash deductions are allowed for ob¬ During the year 1908 no effort or expense man, optimism and a healthy abundance of taining subscriptions. will be spared to make The Etude even better honest, sincere work. The man or woman who Remittances should be made by post-office or express and of more value than before. Many new thinks, works and lives after this plan rarely money orders, bank check or draft, or registered features will be added. More than 160 com¬ needs take into consideration panics, financial letter. United States postage stamps are always received for cash. Money sent in letters is dan¬ positions, valued at over $50.00 retail, will be flurries or what the world foolishly styles gerous, and we are not responsible for Its safe included in the twelve issues in addition to the “bad luck.” We are going to do our best to the Journal attractive, instructing and inspiring reading keep you intellectually in tune with the spirit : be sent urn by matter. of the times in music. We want The Etude lnued. All ar- id. Besides all of this, do not lose sight of what to grow more and more necessary to you every sent f you save by being a subscriber to The Etude. day, whether you be teacher, pupil or music i will Every issue contains announcements of pub¬ lover, and we realize that in order to do this tlon Is paid up, which nerves as a receipt for lications at special prices that you would not we must continually strive to improve the your subscription. MANUSCRIPTS.—All manuscripts intended for publica¬ know of otherwise. By taking advantage of paper, and not to rest satisfied with our tion should be addressed to THE ETUDE, 1712 these special offers it is possible to save many twenty-five years of unusual success. Again— Chestnut Street, and should be written on one side of the sheet only. Contributions on topics con¬ times the subscription price of the journal on “a Happy New Year” to you and success in nected with music-teaching and music-study are your purchases of necessary music supplies. your undertakings. solicited. Those that are not available will be re- We want all of our readers to take a per¬ ADVERTISING RATES will be sent on application. sonal interest in the growth of The Etude to Forms close on 10th of each month for the suc¬ ceeding month’s issue. the extent of sending us at least one new sub¬ We have worked very hard to make this THEODORE PRESSER, scription with their own renewal. Tell your “Twenty-fifth Anniversary Number” of The 1712 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. friends and acquaintances of the benefit they Etude a particularly interesting, one, and Entered at Philadelphia P. O. as Second-class Matter. will derive from The Etude and of the good we are proud of,it. We are going to try to work it is doing toward the advancement of keep on improving the paper each month, but Musical Culture. Let us send them a sample we feel that we have set a pretty high copy. You can then secure their subscription standard in this issue. and take as a payment for your trouble either The article by Carl Reinecke is, in a sense, CONTENTS, cash commission or a premium. epoch making. The greatest teacher of the last quarter of the last century makes the first “THE ETTTEUD^'-'Oanuary, 1908,. MAGAZINE BARGAINS. statement he has ever made for publication My Pupils and Mysfe.--...Uysr+f-i4-.. :\ Vb)TTMnev1!F~^7 - The Home Life of Iteinecke. .L. 0. Elson By a special arrangement with the pub¬ about his famous pupils, many of whom have Course in Self-study for Piano. lishers it is possible for us to offer The Etude joined the ranks of the immortal. The most Carl G. Schmidt 9 noted concert soprano of our country, Emma What Music Owes o Dancing. in combination with other magazines at very Louis C. Elson 10 low rates. These Clubbing Offers are listed Thursby, gives our readers the results of a Think Before You Play-Perlee V. Jervis 11 in a circular entitled “Magazine Bargains,” a lifetime of experience. Mr. Louis Elson con¬ Piano Touch and Piano Action. copy of which we will send to any address tributes an important article on the dance, H. D. Wilkins VI and Mr. E. B. Hill starts what we feel will be Important Events in Musical History II. upon request. D. V. Bloomfield 12 We are prepared to duplicate any clubbing a very valuable series of . articles called Their Keal Names. 13 offer, in which a subscription to “The Etude” “Lessons from the Great Masters,” indicating Paderewski on Music Teaching. 13 just how the great masters might teach if The Career of a Concert Singer. is included, made by any reputable publisher Miss Emma Thursby 14 or subscription agency. they were living to-day. Not the least is the Keyboard Talk.C. W. Fullwood 15 fine story of The Etude itself and the strug¬ Music in Public Schools.C. A. Fisher 16 gle of its founder to make a paper which Maxims for Teachers..4. C. Scanimell 16 PREMIUMS. How I Teach the Scales.. .Mme. A. Pupin 17 would be beloved by musicians wherever the Length of Children’s Lessons. On the back inside cover page of this issue English language is spoken. This is The Helena Maguire 17 will be found a carefully selected list of our Etude menu for January, and it is an indica¬ Music Lessons by the Great Masters. most popular premiums for obtaining subscrip¬ tion of the feast to which you are invited Edward Burlingame Hill 18 Chances of the Music Teacher in the tions to The Etude. throughout the year. Southwest.E. R. Kroeger 19 All of our premiums are selected with the We feel that you can take this issue to any Program Craft.Jo Shipley Watson 19 greatest care to give the most value possible of your musical friends and say: The Pursuit of the Impossible. in return for the services which our readers James Francis Cooke 20 “Just look at this! Isn’t it a fine specimen The Mother’s Influence.A. W. Borst 20 render in securing new subscribers. A copy Teachers’ Bound Table... 21 of our Premium Booklet, containing a com¬ of a musical journal? How can such a journal Editorial . 22 plete list of the premiums we offer, will be be published for $1.50 per year?” Haydn’s Sonata in G Major.O. G. Hamilton 50 We sincerely hope that you will do this in Practical Points for Busy Teachers sent upon request. W. F. Gates 50, appreciation of our efforts in your behalf. Vocal Department . 51 There is nothing like a good musical paper to MISTAKES, CHANGES OF ADDRESS. Organ Department . 54 foster the musical interests of a community. If Violin Department . 56 While the utmost care is taken at all times Children’s Page . 58 a single one of your pupils, or your musical Announcements by the Publisher. 60 to prevent mistakes, errors will sometimes friends, is not regularly entered as a sub¬ The Story of The Etude and Its Founder. creep in. In every instance we stand ready to scriber upon The Etude subscription books apologize and make immediate correction. All he is missing the most vital support a musician of our dealings must be entirely satisfactory, The World of Music. 71 or student can have, to say nothing of the Review of New Publications. 72 no matter what the cost to us. actual loss in cash. Staccato and Legato. 73 To reduce errors to a minimum we would Recital Programs . 73 ask all of our readers to write their full name and address very plainly on every communica¬ MUSIC. SPECIAL NOTICE. tion. If a change of address is desired be Burlesque.H. Spielter 23 All communications of any kind whatsoever particular to mention the former name and Gavotte Martiale.i\ Dolmetch 24 relating to the editorial management of The Valse Venitienne (4 hands) .
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