Departm en t of Com m u n ication s an d Networkin g Aa lto- Sebastian Sonntag Sonntag Sebastian Multipath transport is a transport-level solution that makes it possible for end hosts DD 25 No Link Left Behind to use multiple access networks / simultaneously. This dissertation analyzes 2016 the feasibility of using multipath transport in mobile networks. Prior studies suggest that a protocol for multipath transport Sebastian Sonntag r eq u i r es u s er n eed , tha t the p r otocol i s Behind Left Link No superior to existing solutions, and that the network has capacity. This dissertation shows use cases and demand, analyzes achievable performance, and verifies that mobile networks have the capacity and diversity for multipath communication. Finally, the dissertation quantifies the benefits of using multipath transport. 9HSTFMG*aggfbg+ 9HSTFMG*aggfbg+ ISB N 978 -952-60-6651-6 (pr in ted) B USINESS + ISB N 978 -952-60-6652-3 (pdf) ECONOMY ISSN-L 1799-493 4 ISSN 1799-493 4 (pr in ted) ART + ISSN 1799-4942 (pdf) DESIGN + ARCHITECTURE Aalto Un iversity Aalto Un iversity School of Electrical En gin eerin g SCIENCE + Departm en t of Com m u n ication s an d Networkin g TECHNOLOGY www.aalto.fi CROSSOVER DOCTORAL DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS DISSERTATIONS 2016 "BMUP6OJWFSTJUZQVCMJDBUJPOTFSJFT %0$503"-%*44&35"5*0/4 )ŗ #(%ŗ .ŗ"#(ŗ "))&ŗ) ŗ&.,#&ŗ(!#(,#(!ŗ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ŗ)((.!ŗ /BNFPGUIFEPDUPSBMEJTTFSUBUJPO )ŗ #(%ŗ .ŗ"#(ŗ 1VCMJTIFS"))&ŗ) ŗ&.,#&ŗ(!#(,#(!ŗ 6OJU*,.'(.ŗ) ŗ)''/(#.#)(-ŗ(ŗ.1),%#(!ŗ 4FSJFT&.)ŗ(#0,-#.3ŗ*/&#.#)(ŗ-,#-ŗ ŗ ŗüÿĞüúûĀŗ 'JFMEPGSFTFBSDI.1),%#(!ŗ."()&)!3ŗ .BOVTDSJQUTVCNJUUFEĂŗ*.',ŗüúûÿŗ %BUFPGUIFEFGFODFþŗ ,"ŗüúûĀŗ 1FSNJTTJPOUPQVCMJTIHSBOUFE EBUF ûăŗ)0',ŗüúûÿŗ -BOHVBHF(!&#-" .POPHSBQI "SUJDMFEJTTFSUBUJPO TVNNBSZ PSJHJOBMBSUJDMFT "CTUSBDU )#&ŗ (.,(.ŗ--ŗ"-ŗ)'ŗŗ,#.#&ŗ*,.ŗ) ŗ)/,ŗ-)#.3Ąŗ,.#&&3ŗ0,3ŗ*,-)(ŗ#(ŗ -.,(ŗ)/(.,#-ŗ"-ŗŗ-',.ŗ*")(Ąŗ"-ŗ0#-ŗ,ŗ/-ŗ ,)'ŗ,)1-#(!ŗ."ŗ (.,(.ŗ.)ŗ /-#(--ŗ.,(-.#)(-ąŗ0,#)/-ŗ-.,'#(!ŗ-,0#-ąŗ(ŗ0(ŗ',!(3ŗ#( ),'.#)(Ąŗ-ŗŗ )(-+/(ąŗ')#&ŗ.ŗ., ðŗ#-ŗ+/#%&3ŗ."#(!ŗ/*ŗ1#."ŗ1#,ŗ., ðĄŗ)*&ąŗ-*#&&3ŗ#(ŗ ,/,&ŗ,-ąŗ,ŗ,*&#(!ŗ."#,ŗ1#,ŗ)((.#)(-ŗ1#."ŗ')#&ŗ,)(Ąŗ (ŗ) ŗ."ŗ')-.ŗ,(.ŗ0)&/.#)(-ŗ,ŗ'/&.#-#'ŗ0#-ŗ.".ŗ&&)1ŗ-#'/&.()/-ŗ--ŗ.)ŗ '/&.#*&ŗ')#&ŗ(.1),%-ŗ(ŗ.",3ŗ("(ŗ."ŗ+/&#.3ŗ) ŗ."ŗ')#&ŗ)((.#)(Ąŗ)10,ą .",ŗ#-ŗ()ŗ-.&#-"ŗ*,).))&ŗ ),ŗ/.#&#4#(!ŗ."#-ŗ.3*ŗ) ŗ'/&.#*."ŗ--Ąŗ /&.#*."ŗ.,(-*),.ŗ#-ŗŗ.,(-*),.Ě&0&ŗ-)&/.#)(ŗ.".ŗ'%-ŗ#.ŗ*)--#&ŗ ),ŗ(ŗ")-.-ŗ.)ŗ/-ŗ '/&.#*&ŗ--ŗ(.1),%-ŗ-#'/&.()/-&3Ąŗ"#-ŗ#--,..#)(ŗ(&34-ŗ."ŗ -##&#.3ŗ) ŗ/-#(!ŗ '/&.#*."ŗ.,(-*),.ŗ#(ŗ')#&ŗ(.1),%-Ąŗ,#),ŗ-./#-ŗ-/!!-.ŗ.".ŗŗ*,).))&ŗ ),ŗ'/&.#*."ŗ .,(-*),.ŗ,+/#,-ŗ/-,ŗ(ąŗ.".ŗ."ŗ*,).))&ŗ#-ŗ-/*,#),ŗ.)ŗ2#-.#(!ŗ-)&/.#)(-ąŗ(ŗ.".ŗ."ŗ (.1),%ŗ"-ŗ*#.3Ąŗ"#-ŗ#--,..#)(ŗ-")1-ŗ/-ŗ--ŗ(ŗ'(ąŗ(&34-ŗ"#0&ŗ *, ),'(ąŗ(ŗ0,#ð-ŗ.".ŗ')#&ŗ(.1),%-ŗ"0ŗ."ŗ*#.3ŗ(ŗ#0,-#.3ŗ ),ŗ'/&.#*."ŗ )''/(#.#)(Ąŗ#(&&3ąŗ."ŗ#--,..#)(ŗ+/(.#ð-ŗ."ŗ(ð.-ŗ) ŗ/-#(!ŗ'/&.#*."ŗ.,(-*),.Ąŗ ",ŗ,ŗ.1)ŗ.!),#-ŗ) ŗ')#&ŗ0#-ŗ.".ŗ&&)1ŗ--ŗ.)ŗ'/&.#*&ŗ(.1),%-Ćŗ.#0ŗ(ŗ *--#0ŗ'/&.#-#'ŗ0#-Ąŗ /&.#*."ŗ.,(-*),.ŗ(ŗ!!,!.ŗ0,3ŗ ð#(.&3ŗ&&ŗ*#.3ŗ 0#&&ŗ.)ŗ.#0ŗ'/&.#-#'ŗ0#Ąŗ (ŗ)(.,-.ąŗ*--#0ŗ'/&.#-#'ŗ0#-ŗ'%ŗ/-ŗ) ŗŗ")-.ŗ '/&.#")'#(!ŗ*,).))&ŗ ),ŗ-+/(.#&ŗ--ŗ.)ŗ')#&ŗ(.1),%-Ąŗ "ŗ,-/&.-ŗ-")1ŗ.".ŗ')#&ŗ(.1),%-ŗ,ŗ#0,-ŗ()/!"ŗ.)ŗ#'*,)0ŗ0#&#&#.3ąŗ.",)/!"*/.ŗ (ŗ #&/,ŗ.)&,(Ąŗ"/-ąŗ'/&.#*."ŗ.,(-*),.ŗ(&-ŗ')#&ŗ0#-ŗ.)ŗ'#(.#(ŗ(ŗ *.&ŗ&0&ŗ) ŗ-,0#ŗ#(ŗ)."ŗ.#'ŗ(ŗ-*Ąŗ ,FZXPSET'/&.#*."ŗ*,).))&-ąŗ")-.ŗ'/&.#")'#(!ąŗ')#&ŗ(.1),%-ąŗ'-/,'(.-ŗ *4#/ QSJOUFE ăāĂĚăÿüĚĀúĚĀĀÿûĚĀŗ *4#/ QEG ăāĂĚăÿüĚĀúĚĀĀÿüĚýŗ *44/-ûāăăĚþăýþŗ *44/ QSJOUFE ûāăăĚþăýþŗ *44/ QEG ûāăăĚþăþüŗ -PDBUJPOPGQVCMJTIFS&-#(%#ŗ -PDBUJPOPGQSJOUJOH&-#(%#ŗ :FBSüúûĀŗ 1BHFTûāþŗ VSO"..*ĆĞĞ/,(ĄðĞĆ ĆăāĂĚăÿüĚĀúĚĀĀÿüĚýŗ 5JJWJTUFMN» "BMUPZMJPQJTUP 1- "BMUPXXXBBMUPGJ 5FLJK» -.#(ŗ)((.!ŗ 7»JUÍTLJSKBOOJNJ #(%%#<%<<(ŗ#ŗ$<..<ŗ +VMLBJTJKB<"% .%(##%(ŗ%),%%)/&/ŗ :LTJLLÍ#.)&##%((Ěŗ$ŗ.#.)0,%%).%(##%(ŗ&#.)-ŗ 4BSKB&.)ŗ(#0,-#.3ŗ*/&#.#)(ŗ-,#-ŗ ŗ ŗüÿĞüúûĀŗ 5VULJNVTBMB#.)0,%%).%(##%%ŗ ,»TJLJSKPJUVLTFOQWNúĂĄúăĄüúûÿŗ 7»JUÍTQ»JW»úþĄúýĄüúûĀ +VMLBJTVMVWBONZÍOU»NJTQ»JW»ûăĄûûĄüúûÿŗ ,JFMJ(!&(.# .POPHSBGJB :IEJTUFMN»W»JUÍTLJSKB ZIUFFOWFUPPTB FSJMMJTBSUJLLFMJU 5JJWJTUFMN» .%*/"&#(0,%%)$(ŗ.#)(-##,,)-.ŗ)(ŗ./&&/.ŗ%,##..#((ŗ)-ŗ3".#-%/(.''Ąŗ <3.<(( --<ŗ$)%#-&&ŗ&<(-#'&#-&&ŗ)(ŗ%<3. --<<(ŗ<&3*/"&#(Ąŗ;&3*/"&#(.(ŗ%<3.. ŗ)(ŗ &$(./(/.ŗ%)-%'(ŗ%#%%ŗ.)#'#(.''ŗ#(ŗ#(.,(.#(ŗ-&'#--.ŗ%/*(%<3(.##(ŗ $ŗ0#)*&0&/#-.ŗ"<.<*&0&/#"#(Ąŗ#)(-##,.)ŗ'.%*/"&#(0,%)#--ŗ)(ŗ)"#..'--ŗ &(!&&#-.(ŗ3".3%-#(ŗ.#)(-##,,)(ŗ'<<,<(Ąŗ,#.3#--.#ŗ"$Ě-/./-&/#&&ŗ#"'#-.ŗ0#".0.ŗ 3".3%-#<<(ŗ&(!&&#-#-.ŗ')##&#&$%#-.(Ąŗ /-#''#--ŗ')##&#&#..--ŗ)(ŗ/-#.ŗ,#)#.ąŗ$).(ŗ&#...ŗ0)#-#0.ŗ)&&ŗ3".3--<ŗ/-( 0,%%))(ŗ3".<#%#--.#ŗ$ŗ-#.(ŗ./)ŗ(.#-.<ŗ&/%%''(ŗ#(.,(.3".3(ŗ%<3..<$<&&Ąŗ #..#-.ŗ$ŗ*&0&/#-.ŗ%/#.(%#(ŗ*//..//ŗ*,).)%)&&,.%#-/ąŗ$)%ŗ'")&&#-.#-#ŗ/-(ŗ 0,%%)3".3(ŗ(#*/..'#-(Ąŗ<"<(ŗ,.%#-/(ŗ)0.ŗ%/&$./-%,,)%-(ŗ')(#.#,.%#-/.ŗ ġ(!Ąŗ'/&.#*."ŗ.,(-*),.Ģąŗ$).%ŗ'")&&#-.0.ŗ/-(ŗ3".3(ŗ-'(#%#-(ŗ%<3. 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There’s no other viable option to connect to the Internet aside from the mobile network and satellite connections. For mobile networks, there are operators providing access to the Internet. However, as it is a rural area, the distance to the nearest base station is long. In addition, as there are not too many customers in the area, the base stations are seldom upgraded; the best available technology is 3G/HSPA even though most cities already have LTE. The area used to have WiMAX coverage but due to low popularity, it has been closed. Depending on the situation and congestion the network might be fast enough for watching HD-videos and at other times even voice over IP is scrambled. The area suffers from a lot of storms, both lightnings with small tornados (called trombi) during the fall and snowstroms during the winter. From time to time the base stations tend to take a hit and have blackouts, even for days. Fortunately as said, there are several network operators and technologies. Having a choice of connections usually avoids total blackout. This problem inspired me to focus my PhD on providing a better so- lution. If I only could combine all these available accesses to one "mobile super connection" the fault tolerance would rise to an acceptable level. Ad- ditionally, my dream was to have all the resources from all these accesses bundled together so that the connection would be enough for almost any service. Here we are, with mobile multipath connection. First I wish to thank my supervising professor, Jukka Manner. His guid- ing my studies and work started years before this PhD. He has shown that the best way to tackle challenges is hands on with positive attitude. He did trust me when I didn’t. I wouldn’t be here without him. 1 Preface I had the honor to work with three really talented co-authors: Antti Mäkelä, Henna Suomi and Lennart Schulte. Antti Mäkelä is probably one of the sharpest individuals I have met, understanding various topics with very little explanation. Henna Suomi has an astonishingly wide percep- tion of the field and she taught me to seek questions beyond the technol- ogy. Last and definitely not least is Lennart Schulte,without whom many of these last publications would have never been made. With Lennart, I share the passion to make the world a better place with technology. There are also some other people I have worked and wish to mention by name. My mentor Mikko Särelä and working place neighbour Kalevi Kilkki. I would not have managed to make research without a dialogue with you. There is a big impact on my research due to discussions and work with Timo Kiravuo, Le Wang, Gautam Raj Moktan, Antti Jaakkola, Nuutti Varis and Iiro Jantunen. Significant part of this thesis depends on Netradar and thus the team consisting of Arttu Tervo, Eren Boz, Jukka- Pekka Virtanen and Tommi Tuura. I am very happy of the cover art made by Behzad Savabi and language help from Pia Schulte.
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