INDEX Abbot, Henry Ward and Harvard, 224 and the “Dark Lady of the Sonnets,” 46 Morley on, 288 and Harvard, xlvF his Puritanism, 259, 308, 369 identified, 17n Rosamond Sturgis on, 288 letter(s) to, 17, 42, 43, 46 and Santayana, 254, 337 “Locke and the Frontiers of Common Santayana on, 157, 194, 253, 259, Sense,” requests copy of, 42, 43 288–89, 290, 297, 308, 321–22, 347, Santayana gives advice, xlv–xlvi 362, 369 mentioned, xlvii, l, li, lii, 436, 439 Santayana’s friends, composite of, 259, Abbott, Charles David 270, 306, 362 and “Earliest Verses of George and Williams College, 29 Santayana,” 410 mentioned, 35, 62–63, 63, 91, 151, 166, identified, 410n 173, 176, 249, 271, 287, 289, 313, 314, letter(s) to, 410 327, 355 ABC (Spanish journal), 304n, 305n Alderman Library (University of Virginia), “ABC of Epistemology” (Cory, 432 unpublished), xix, 57n, 60n, 208n Aldo (Strong’s manservant) Abélard, Pierre, 234n identified, 53n Abraham (Bible) mentioned, 52, 129 identified, 156n Alfonso XIII, king of Spain mentioned, lvii, 155, 160, 364 identified, 295n Absolute values, Santayana on, 189 mentioned, 294, 301, 376n Abyssinian War, xxii, 217, 245n, 250, 251 “Alternatives to Liberalism” (Santayana), Adelphi. See New Adelphi 98, 98n, 99, 105, 105n, 106, 111, 117, The Adventures of Ideas (Whitehead), 17, 18n 118, 122, 133 The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search America(n) for God (Shaw), 4, 6 and Anglomania, 153 “The Aeneid” (Santayana), 31n, 141, 193 books, Santayana on, 15, 153 The Aeneid (Vergil), 31n and the Boston Brahmin, lxii Aesthetics, xvii, xliv and Boston society, lix, 417 “An Æsthetic Soviet” (Santayana), 158, Centennial Exhibition, 319 159n, 329, 409, 409n communists on, 169 After Strange Gods (Eliot), 92, 92n culture, Santayana on, 139, 168–69 Alain. See Chartier, Émile and the dollar, xiii, xiv, xv À la recherche du temps perdues (Proust), 31, education in, Santayana on, xliv, lvii 133 and the Great Depression, xi, xiii, 37, Alden, Oliver (The Last Puritan) 38, 41, 51, 53, 68n, 69n, 102, 133, 330 his age, 275, 284 humanists, 41 Canby on, 291 in Italy, 313 critics on, 259, 362 and The Last Puritan, 424 Dewey on, 369 Paris, influence in, 342 his father, 234 philosophy in, Santayana on, 93 Hamlet, compared to, 290 political situation in, 305n 562 The Letters of George Santayana America(n) (continued) Anglican Church, 213 Santayana, does not return to, xxii, 70, Animal faith, Santayana on, 62, 109, 297, 185–86, 190–91, 199, 247 327 Santayana on, xxii, 93, 121, 133, 153, Anno Santo, 15, 16n 213, 239–40, 288, 291, 328, 330, 347, Apollo, 324 397 Arabian Nights. See A Thousand and One and Santayana’s life in, 174, 312, 330, Nights 343 Archetypal Patterns in Poetry: Psychological Santayana’s reputation in, 405 Studies of Imagination (Bodkin), 155, young people in, 312, 330 156n, 163 mentioned, 38, 180–81, 248, 257, 273, Aretino, Pietro 290, 301, 302, 311, 314, 322, 332 identified, 20n The American Institute of 1770 (Harvard), mentioned, 19 174, 175n Ariadne, 64n American Literary Manuscripts, 433, 441n Aristotle, xlii, 123, 130, 147, 239, 316, 324, American Literature, 433 328 The American Mercury ( journal) Art, Santayana on, 189 identified, 273n Art and Artifice in Shakespeare (Stoll), 23–24 mentioned, 273, 292 Art and the Life of Action (Eastman), 189, American Philosophical Association, 49n, 189n 93, 93n Aryan Society, lviii American Philosophy, Today and Tomorrow, “As I Like It” (Phelps’s book column), 306, (ed. Kallen and Hook), 269–70, 270, 307 270n The Atlantic Monthly ( journal), 142, 142n American Revolution, 401 Ávila Ames, Betty Breneman (Mrs. Van Meter drawing of, 393, 394 Ames) photographs of, 353, 357, 360, 383, 402 identified, 5n pronunciation of, 353 Santayana, conversations with, 4 and Santayana’s family, 174, 360 Ames, Jack, 337, 338n, 348, 357 Santayana’s father’s house in, 265, Ames, Sarah Ripley (Mrs. Jack Ames), 266n, 278, 316, 343, 345, 390 337, 338, 348, 357–58, 358 mentioned, 373, 376, 380, 386 Ames, Van Meter Ayer, James C. identified, 5n identified, 49n Proust and Santayana; the Aesthetic Way of letter(s) to, 48 Life, 5n Santayana, conversations with, 4 Analysis ( journal) Babbitt (Lewis), 153, 154n Duncan-Jones, A. E., editor of, 88n Babbitt, Irving “On the Origin in Experience of the identified, 73n Notion of a Physical Object,” 88n, and moralism, 107 110, 111 his philosophy, Santayana on, 107 Santayana on, 88 mentioned, 72, 92 Anathema ( journal), 190n Bacon, Francis Andersen, Andreas Martin identified, 379n identified, 258n and religion, 378 Santayana, his sketch of, 258, 342, Baeza, Ricardo 352–53, 360, 408 identified, 275n Andersen, Hendrik Christian translates Oscar Wilde, 274n identified, 258–59n mentioned, 274 and Santayana’s sketch, 258, 405 Index 563 Bainville, Jacques Becket, Saint Thomas à identified, 28n identified, 214n Napoleon, 27, 28 a martyr, 213 his writing, Santayana on, 27 Santayana on, 213 Bangs, Francis Reginald “Swelly” Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (German identified, 90n publisher), xxv, 335 and The Last Puritan, 249, 266 Being and Time. See Sein und Zeit mentioned, 89, 248, 249, 312 Belgion, Montgomery, 213, 214n Barley (unidentified), 351, 380 Belief, Santayana on, 324, 326, 327 Barlow, Ellen “Nellie” Shaw Bell, Gordon Knox identified, 210n and the Delta Phi Club, 196, 289 letter(s) to, 247 identified, 186n mentioned, 247, 247 mentioned, xix, 185 Barlow, Francis Channing, 210n Bellissen, Comtesse de, 114, 115n, 118, 132 Barlow, Robert Shaw Benda, Julien Harvard, student at, xxiii identified, 27n his health, 378, 400 mentioned, 26 identified, 90n Benjamin Franklin (Van Doren), 94n and The Last Puritan, xxiii, 249, 266, Berenson, Bernard 325, 331, 333 identified, 290n letter(s) to, 248, 312, 331, 350, 379, 401 I Tatti (villa), 17, 17n his life, Santayana compares with his, Santayana on, lix 312 his wife, 17 relationship to George Sturgis, 199, mentioned, 131, 289 199n, 209, 248 Berenson, Mary Whitall Smith (Mrs. Santayana, friendship with, xxiii, 247, Bernard Berenson) 312, 331 I Tatti (villa), 17, 17n mentioned, xix, lxvi, 89, 209, 248, 315 mentioned, xlviii, 17 Barnard College, 162 Bergson, Henri Barry, Susie (unidentified), 346 Cory reads, 261, 302 Basques, 363, 364, 376 his élan vital, 264 Bayley, Edward Bancroft, and Oliver fonction fabulatrice, 27, 28n, 123, 128 Alden, 259, 270 identified, 11n Beal, Betty (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. La Pensée et le mouvant, 123, 123n, 131 Boylston Beal), 73, 73n Les Deux sources de la morale et de la Beal, Boylston Adams religion, 27n, 28n, 67, 71, 131 and the Delta Phi Club, 289 his philosophy, Santayana on, 67, 130, his health, xi, 7 261, 263–64, 317 his hotel, 15 his philosophy and biology, 264 identified, 8n his religious writings, Santayana on, 71 and The Last Puritan, xxi, 255, 268, 270 Santayana critiques, 131 letter(s) to, 73, 185, 196, 270 Santayana on, 26, 57, 131, 261 Obiter Scripta, Santayana sends copy of, mentioned, xlii, 63, 133, 136 268 Berkeley, George mentioned, xix, xxiii, xlvii, 60, 248 identified, 229n Beal, Elsie Grew (Mrs. Boylston Beal) Santayana on, 229–30 identified, 73n Santayana’s article on, 277, 329, 352, mentioned, 73 353, 355 Beam, Miss, 246 mentioned, xlii, 235, 236 Beauty, Santayana on, 50, 189, 357 564 The Letters of George Santayana Berkeley and Malebranche: A Study in the his speech, Santayana on, 217 Origins of Berkeley’s Thought (Luce), 235, mentioned, 218 235n, 236 Book-of-the-Month Club, xxi, 237, 238, Bernhard Tauchnitz (publisher), 206, 251 239–40, 241, 243, 250, 263, 265, 278, Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo 289, 298, 301, 314, 322, 333, 337, 365, identified, 352n 399, 418 and the Triton Fountain, xxiv, 351 Book-of-the-Month Club News, 289, 290n “Bertrand Russell’s Searchlight” Boring, Edwin Garrigues (Santayana), 272, 273n, 273, 292, 314, identified, 41n 317 Physical Dimensions of Consciousness, 41, Bhagavad Gita, xx, 207, 207n 41n Bible criticism, 147, 148 Bosso, Hamilton (unidentified), on The Last Bidwell, Josephine Sturgis [Eldredge] Puritan, 302 (Santayana’s niece) “Boston Latin School 1635–1935” identified, 266n (Santayana), 167n The Last Puritan, Santayana sends, 266 The Boston Latin School. 300th Anniversary and Santayana’s will, 278, 315, 334 1635–1935, 167n mentioned, 210n Boston Public Latin School Bidwell, Raymond Brewer, married to anniversary programme, 192–93 Josephine Sturgis, 266 “Boston Latin School 1635–1935,” 167n Biosophical Review ( journal), 142 Merrill, headmaster, xlvi, 193 “Bishop Berkeley 1685–1753” (Santayana), poetry scandal, 193 229, 229n, 230, 235, 236, 240, 277, Santayana, lieutenant colonel of 311–12, 325, 329, 352, 353, 355, 357, regiment, 174 365, 402, 411, 417, 418 and Santayana’s photograph, 359 Bliss, Sylvia Hortense The Boston Latin School. 300th Anniversary identified, 171n 1635–1935, 167n her individualism, 171 mentioned, 127 letter(s) to, 170 Boston Public Library, 318 her philosophy, Santayana on, 170–71 Boston’s Monarchist Party, 289, 290n, 292, Sea Level, 170, 171n 301 her writing, Santayana on, 171 Boswell, James The Blue Sisters (Little Company of Mary) identified, 5n identified, 289n The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D, 5n mentioned, xlix, lix, 287 mentioned, 4 Bodkin, Amy Maud Brahma, 300, 301n Archetypal Patterns in Poetry: Psychological Braun, Adolphe, 357, 357n Studies of Imagination, 155, 156n, 163 Brave New World (A. Huxley), 97n and archetypes, 163 Brémond, Henri identified, 156n article on, 63 letter(s) to, 155, 163 Histoire littéraire du sentiment religieux en her writing, Santayana on, 155–56, 163 France, 64n Boer War, 222, 224n identified, 64n Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas, xliv and poetry, 63, 64 Bolshevism, lvi, lxiii, lxv–lxvi, 146, 146n, Prayer and Poetry: A Contribution to 220, 248, 362, 400 Poetical Theory, 64n Bolton, Laetitia “Breve historia de mis opiniones” letter(s) to, 416 (trans.
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