M.S.B. Arts and Commerce College, Davangere, Karnataka. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY YOUTH TOWARDS QUALITY ENHANCEMENT Five years following the second cycle of re - accreditation by NAAC, we have gone through many reforms all leading to our betterment . While we are proud for being appreciated in the NAAC report, we have also made our sincere efforts to implement the recommendations of the report. Davangere was a place of textiles industry in the later half of the last century. After the textile indus try became sick, the flourishing Bapuji Educational Institution came to the rescue of the people of the city. Presently, it offers education to more than 20 ,000 youth in 54 branches of the institution. The youth studying in this institution are not only f rom this textile city but also from other states and countries. Hence, Davangere is now a leading learning centre and has a significant contribution to the development of the city. Our college , established in 19 83 offer s higher education in Arts, commerce and Management courses to the youth of the city and surrounding villages. The rural illiterate , downtrodden , SC and ST pupils have the opportunity to get education on par with the urban youth and the college provides a forum for their mutual understanding also – the u rban youth try to understand the innocence of the rural youth and the rural youth try to understand the aspirations of the urban youth. Throughout their education from the first year to the final year, the students are carefully guided, couns e l led in their studies, extra - curricular SSR – Track ID : KACOGN11624 Page 1 M.S.B. Arts and Commerce College, Davangere, Karnataka. activities, behavio u ral aspects and academic progress by both the teaching and the non - teaching staff of the college. As, it is a co - educational institution, students are guided in all respects. Students are given extra orientation about the three year s course , soon after their admission to the first year. They are provided information about the college, its program me s in semester system, examination system, university, library, opportunities in sports and cultural activities. Students are instructed with the study methodology, eradication of inferiority complex, challenges of education and life and so on by experts in the respective fields. Top priority is given to both the physical and men tal development of the students. The day starts meaningfully with the reciting of National Anthem in chorus and meditation through which the search for the real - self begins. And for uniformity , students are advised to wear uniform to inculcate a sense of oneness and equality beyond caste and creed. Classes are made lively and rejuvenating. Both p ermanent and guest faculty make a sincere effort to give a new twist to the teaching by using LCDs and power point projections. Students have presented papers in seminars and have regular group discussions. The students are given the practical experience of educational tours, subject related visits, visits to industries, interview s with self - help groups, visit to the adopted school of visually challenged children , study of ancient temples, study of small scale industries and various other program me s which have been incorporated as a part of learning process. SSR – Track ID : KACOGN11624 Page 2 M.S.B. Arts and Commerce College, Davangere, Karnataka. All the departments in the college have conducted seminars , special lectures and panel discussions on burnin g issues . Each department has organised a National Seminar in their respective fields. The faculty members have attended orientation program me s, refresher courses, UGC sponsored seminars and conferences. They have presented papers and published articles al so. A workshop on the ‘Deployment of Office Management’ has been organised for the non - teaching staff of all the colleges to the affiliating University . In spite of the busy schedule of the semester system, the college has arranged for many qualitative pr ogram me s . The NSS volunteers of our college have not only held a seven days NSS camp in the rural areas but also manifested their social commi t ment in the blood donation and blood group check - up camps. Several of our program me s, which have now got social e xtension dimension, have been organized under the auspices of Rotary Club, Red Cross Society, Help line, blood bank, J.J. M. Medical College and so on. W e h ave published “ Chukki Chittara” and “Hombelaku”, a collection of poems written by our creative students. A fiction, “Mat t e Marali Ba” by one of our skilled student was also released with the support of the alumni association. Many more books are under process to be published. Tests, which are the part of internal assessment, are held i n the University examination model. This m odel enables our students to prepare well before appear ing for the University examination. Internal assessment books returned to the students with some constructive suggestions are v ery SSR – Track ID : KACOGN11624 Page 3 M.S.B. Arts and Commerce College, Davangere, Karnataka. useful to the m to face the examinations boldly. This task is ably managed by the E xamination committee. Similarly, administrative assistance committee, library committee, attendance committee, student’s welfare officer, NSS officer have been functionin g efficiently. As far as the results are concerned , it is a matter of satisfaction that we have got more distinctions and two rank s too . The IQAC of the college has been striving hard to sustain and enhance quality . The Management encourag es with constructive suggestions and we have the support of the A lumni association also . The parents and guardians actively giv e valid suggestions for improvement . We work in one spirit to uplift the students from the city and neighbouring rural youth, who come to this energetic campus of education to confront the global challenges and enable them to emerge as value based, dynamic and ideal citizens. All of us are workin g in unity as a family of MSB College for the quality performance and sustenance . SSR – Track ID : KACOGN11624 Page 4 M.S.B. Arts and Commerce College, Davangere, Karnataka. S ECTIO N B : PREPARATIO N O F S EL F - STUD Y R EPORT Part – I . Profil e o f th e Affiliate d/ Constituen t College 1. Name and Address of the College: Name: M.S.B ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE AKKAMAHADEVI ROAD, P.J.EXTENSION , Address: DAVANGERE. City:DAVANGERE Pin: 57700 2 State: KARNATAKA. Website: www.msbcdvg.org 2. For C ommunication : Telephone Designation Name Mobile Fax Email withSTDcode O:08192 - 250 403 91 - 8192 - principalmsbc@red Principal Dr.K.Hanumanthappa 9844572603 R: 08192 - 2 64071 231201 iffmail.com 91 - 8192 - principalmsbc@red VicePrincipal Prof. G.S.Basavaraj O:08192 - 250403 9986287951 231201 iffmail.com Steering O:08192 - 250403 91 - 8192 - principalmsbc@red Committee Prof. J. Thara R ani 9886126530 R : 08192 - 221919 231201 iffmail.com Co - ordinator 3. Status of the Institution : Affiliated College : Yes Constituent College : No Anyother (specify) : No 4 . Type of Institution: a . By Gender i. For Men : No ii. For Women : No iii. Co - education : Yes b . By Shift i. Regular : Yes ii. Day : No iii. Evening : No 5. Is i t a recognized minority institution? No I f ye s , specif y th e minorit y statu s (Religious/linguistic / an y other ) an d provide documentary evidence. : No 6. Sources of funding: Government : No Grant - in - aid : Yes Self - financing : Yes Anyother : No SSR – Track ID : KACOGN11624 Page 5 M.S.B. Arts and Commerce College, Davangere, Karnataka. 7 . a . Dat e o f establishmen t o f th e college : 01/08 /19 83 (dd/mm/yyyy) b.University to which the college is affiliated/ or which governs the college (If it is a constituent college) DAVANGERE UNIVERSITY Copy enclosed – ANNEXURE - I c.Details of UGC recognition: Date,Month&Year UnderSection Remarks(Ifany) (dd - mm - yyyy) i. 2(f) 23 / 07 / 2009 Certificate enclosed ii.12(B) 23 /07 / 2009 Certificate enclosed (Enclos e th e Certificat e o f recognitio n u/ s 2 (f ) an d 1 2 (B ) o f th e UG C Act) Copy enclosed – ANNEXURE - II d. Details of recognition/approval by statutory/regulatory bodies other than UGC (AICTE, NCTE, MCI, DCI, PCI, RCI etc.) Recognition/Approval Day , Month Unde r Section/ details and Year Validity Remarks Institution/Department clause (dd - mm - yyyy) Programme i. - - - - ii. - - - - iii. - - - - iv. - - - - (Enclos e th e recognition/approva l letter) 8 . Doe s th e affiliatin g universit y Ac t provid e fo r confermen t o f autonom y (a s recognized by the UGC), on its affiliated colleges? YES If yes, has the College applied for availing the autonomous status? NO 9 . Is the college recognized a . by UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)? NO I f yes , dat e o f recognition : …………………– … (dd/mm/yyyy) b .for its performance by any other governmental agency? NO If yes, Name of the agency… …. …… NO ……………and Date of recognition:…… . NO ……………(dd/mm/yyyy) SSR – Track ID : KACOGN11624 Page 6 M.S.B. Arts and Commerce College, Davangere, Karnataka. 10 . L ocation of the campus and area in sq.mts: Location* URBAN Campus area in sq.mts. 5070 Sq.m. Built - up area in sq.mts. 1041.06 Sq.m. ( * Urban , Semi - urban , Rural , Tribal , Hill y Area , An y other s specify) 11 . Facilities available on the campus (Tick the available facility and provide numbers or other details at appropriate places) or in case the institute has an agreement with other agencies in using any of the listed facilities provide information on the facilities covered under the agreement.
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