Cunninghame House, Irvine. 5 December 2013 Kilwinning Area Committee You are requested to attend a Meeting of the above mentioned Committee of North Ayrshire Council to be held in the Reference Room, Kilwinning Library, St Winnings Lane, Kilwinning on THURSDAY 12 DECEMBER 2013 at 3.00 p.m. to consider the undernoted business. Yours faithfully Elma Murray Chief Executive PLEASE NOTE THE MEETING WILL START AT THE LATER TIME OF 3.00 PM 1. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda. 2. Minutes The accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 31 October 2013 will be confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (copy enclosed). North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3. Community Planning 3.1 Police Scotland Police Scotland will report on activity within the Kilwinning area. 3.2 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Submit report by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Kilwinning area (copy enclosed). 4. Traffic Regulation Order for School Keep Clear zig zag markings Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development & Environment)on the promotion of a Traffic Regulation Order to make School Keep Clear zig zag markings legally enforceable within North Ayrshire (copy enclosed). 5. Kilwinning: Flooding at Redstone Avenue Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development & Environment) on the flooding of the Bannoch Burn at Redstone Avenue and Fergushill Road, Kilwinning (copy to follow). 6. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Application for Financial Assistance Submit report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications for financial assistance received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund (copy enclosed). 7. Future Agenda Items Discuss items for consideration at future meetings of the Area Committee. 8. Date and Venue of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Kilwinning Area Committee will be held on Thursday 13 February 2014 in Kilwinning Library. 9. Urgent Items Any other items which the Chair considers to be urgent. North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 2 Kilwinning Area Committee Sederunt: John Ferguson Chair: (Chair) Joe Cullinane Donald Reid Robert Steel Attending: Apologies: Meeting Ended: North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3 4 Agenda item 2 Kilwinning Area Committee 31 October 2013 KILWINNING, 31 October 2013 - At a Meeting of the Kilwinning Area Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m. Present John Ferguson, Joe Cullinane, Donald Reid and Robert Steel. In Attendance M. Docherty, Head of Service (Education 3-18), T. McIntosh, Senior Manager, S. Patrick, Head Teacher (Abbey Primary School), C. Sharp, Country Parks Manager and J. McHarg, Community Engagement Manager (Community Development Team) (Education & Skills); D. Wilson, Streetscene Manger (Development and Environment); R. Conner, Solicitor and D. McCaw, Committee Services Officer (Chief Executive's Service). Also In Attendance P. Hinchliff, Area Manager South (Transport Scotland); A. Smart, Area Manager (TranServ); L. Brady, Community Safety Co-ordinator (Scottish Fire and Rescue Service); and Inspector J. Conway (Police Scotland). Chair Councillor Ferguson in the Chair. 1. Declarations of Interest In terms of Standing Order 16 and Section 5 of the Code of Conduct for Councillors, Councillor Reid, as a member of the group, declared a non-pecuniary interest in Urgent Agenda Item 10.1 (Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Application for Financial Assistance) and took no part in the determination of the application from Promoting Kilwinning. 2. Minutes The accuracy of the Minutes of (i) the ordinary meeting of the Committee held on 12 September 2013; and (ii) the special meeting held on 25 September 2013 was confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with paragraph 7(1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. 3. Presentation: Transport Scotland/TranServ: Whitehirst Park Wetland Area The Committee received a verbal update by Phil Hinchliff, Area Manager South (Transport Scotland) and Andy Smart, Area Manager (TranServ) in relation to the wetland area at Whitehirst Park. Page 1 5 TranServ have carried out an investigation into the drainage and gullies around the Whitehirst Park area. Most of the gullies run into a manhole in the wetland area while one gully feeds into a carrier pipe that travels to a manhole which is the property of North Ayrshire Council. The carrier pipe appears to be blocked approximately 25m into the wetland area and the manhole cover appears to require some work carried out before the pipe can be accessed by TranServ to assess the blockage. An on-site meeting is scheduled to take place next week involving North Ayrshire Council Roads Section and TranServ to attempt to access the blockage and identify the best way forward from that point. Members asked questions, and received clarification, in relation to the following:- the timescales, following the on-site meeting, for any works to be carried out; and the overall effect clearing the blockage in the carrier pipe should have on the wetland area. The Committee (a) noted and welcomed the recent progress made in relation to this matter; and (b) agreed (i) that any update information following the site visit next week be provided to the Clerk to forward to Members of the Committee; and (ii) that a follow-up report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee. 4. Community Planning 4.1 North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board: Minutes of Meeting held on 12 September 2013 Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) held on 12 September 2013. Councillor Steel, as a representative of the Community Planning Partnership Board, advised on the relaunch of the SOA for 2013-2017. Noted. 4.2 Police Scotland Inspector Conway provided statistical information on crimes reported and detected in the Committee's area during the period 1 August to 31 September 2013, including comparative information from the same period in 2012, highlighted a number of crimes of note that had taken place in the Committee's area and a range of forthcoming events that will involve local officers. Information was also provided on the policing priorities taking place within the Committee area. Page 2 6 Members asked questions, and discussed the following:- the online petition in relation to policing in the Kilwinning area; and the 2 serious incidents in Kilwinning in relation to flood damage and a major gas leak and the community appreciation of the support provided by the emergency services and Council officers. Noted. 4.3 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Submitted report by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Kilwinning area from 1 September to 21 October 2013. Information was provided on:- refuse fires in the bins in the Main Street area; and the Autumn Strategy in relation to Bonfire night and the work being put in place through the schools liaison officers to encourage attendance at organised displays throughout North Ayrshire. Members discussed the sale of over-the-counter fireworks and the likelihood of any future changes to legislation in this regard. Noted. 5. Abbey Primary School: Education Scotland Report Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on the Education Scotland Report in respect of Abbey Primary School. The inspection, undertaken in June 2013, covered key aspects of the work of the school at all stages, the quality of children's experience in learning, pupils' achievements, the effectiveness of the school, the environment for learning, and the school's processes for self-evaluation. The HM Inspectors' report was published on 27 August 2013 and identified the key strengths detailed within the report. Two areas for improvement have been agreed between Education Scotland, the school and the Education Authority and were detailed in the report. In consultation with the designated Senior Manager and staff, the headteacher has put plans in place to incorporate the recommendations of the Education Scotland report into the School Improvement Plan. The school and the authority will build on the strengths identified in the inspection report and work together to address the key recommendations identified. In terms of follow-through, HMIE will maintain contact with the school to ensure the necessary improvements are made. Page 3 7 The Committee (a) asked that the Head Teacher pass on its congratulations to the staff at the school; (b) noted (i) the steps taken to address the key point for action; and (ii) that in terms of follow-through, HMIE will make no further visits but will maintain contact with the school and local authority to monitor progress. 6. Eglinton Country Park Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) giving an update on recent initiatives at Eglinton Country Park Information was provided on:- the position in relation to the housing development located within Eglinton Country Park; the provision of new car parking facilities; plans for the design layout for the zones around the visitor centre in relation to the Breaking Ground Project; the pilot project in relation to the organic soil area; and the woodland management training project. Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:- possible plans to upgrade the heritage section within the Park; the recent traffic junction improvements resulting in safer access to the Park; possible improvements to the security measures to combat unauthorised vehicular access within Eglinton Country Park; the number of break-ins over the summer period; the envisaged plan for the Friends of Eglinton project; and the cancellation of the October Bat Walk event due to severe weather.
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