CORPUS RUBENIANUM LUDWIG BURCHARD PART XVIII LANDSCAPES AND HUNTING SCENES II • HUNTING SCENES BY ARNOUT BAUS CORPUS RUBENIANUM LUDWIG BURCHARD ANILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ OF THE WORK OF PETER PAUL RUBENS BASED ON THE MATERIAL ASSEMBLED BY THE LATE DR LUDWIG BURCHARD IN TWENTY-SIX PARTS SPONSORED BY THE CITY OF ANTWERP AND EDITED BY THE 'NATIONAAL CENTRUM VOOR DE PLASTISCHE KUNSTEN VAN DE XVIde F.N XVIIde EEUW’ R.-A.D'HULST, President ■ f. b a u d o u in . Secretary ■ r. p a n d e l a e r s . T r e a s u re r N. DE POORTER . A. STUBBE • H. LIEBAERS ■ J. K. STEPPE ■ C. VAN DE VELDE • H. VLIECHE RESEARCH ASSISTANTS: A. BALIS • P. HUVENNE • M. VANDENVEN RUBENS HUNTING SCENES BY ARNOUT BALIS TRANSLATED FROM THE DUTCH BY P.S. FALLA HARVEY MILLER PUBLISHERS OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Originating Publisher h a r v e y m il l e r ltd • 20 Marryat Road • London SW19 5bd Published in conjunction with o x f o r d u n iv er sity press Walton Street • Oxford 0x2 6dp London • Glasgow ■ N ew York • Toronto Delhi • Bombay • Calcutta ■ Madras • Karachi Kuala Lumpur ■ Singapore ■ Hong Kong • Tokyo Nairobi ■ Dar es Salaam ■ Cape Town ■ Melbourne ■ Auckland and associated companies in Beirut ■ Berlin ■ Ibadan Mexico Citv ■ Nicosia Published in the United States by o x f o r d u n iv e r s it y pr ess • New York © 1986 Nationaal Centrum voor de Plastische Kunsten van de i6de en de i7de Eeuw British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Balis, Arnout Rubens hunting scenes. - (Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard; pt. 18, v. 2) i . Rubens, Peter Paul - Catalogs I. Title 741.9493 ND673.R9 ISBN 0-19-921041-1 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Harvey Miller Ltd. Printed and bound by Offizin Andersen Nexö • Leipzig • DDR CONTENTS Author’s Preface page 7 Abbreviations 9 Introduction 17 I ■ Chronological Survey 20 II • Execution: Studio Participation, Copies 36 III • Rubens and the Iconography of Hunting 50 IV • Rubens as an Animal Painter 79 Catalogue Raisonné 89 Illustrations 265 Sources of Photographs 378 Indexes: I • Collections 379 II • Subjects 384 III • Other Works bvj Rubens mentioned in the Text 392 IV ■ Names and Places 396 AUTHOR’S PREFACE n completing my manuscript I recall with gratitude the persons and Oinstitutions without whose help or support the work could not have been accomplished. In the first place I would mention Professor R.-A. d’Hulst, who invited me to undertake the subject of Rubens’s 'Hunting Scenes’ for the Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard and also acted as supervisor for the doctoral thesis that I submitted to the University of Ghent on the basis of this text. A four-year grant from the Fonds voor Kollektief Fundamenteel Onderzoek enabled me to complete the work, and I was able to carry out research in the USA thanks to a travel subsidy from the Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek. It would not be a truism to say that this work is not a mere individual achieve­ ment but is to some extent the result of a collective effort. As in the other volumes of this series, the foundation was provided by the material collected and analysed by Ludwig Burchard. This was systematically completed by the research staff oi the Nationaal Centrum voor de Plastische Kunsten van de XVIde en XVIIde Eeuw and the Rubenianum. These experts—Frans Baudouin, Carl Van de Velde, Hans Vlieghe, Nora De Poorter, Paul Huvenne and Marc Vandenven—whom I have been entitled to call my colleagues for the past four years—have shared their knowledge with me at all times. I shall always have the most pleasant memories of this cooperation. I am especially grateful to Nora De Poorter, who undertook to read and correct my text and thus spared me much practical labour. I also received help and encouragement from Paul Van Calster, David Freedberg and J. Richard Judson. Many others have helped me by permitting access to the works of art, pro­ curing photographs or providing information. I would mention Christopher Brown, Jeanne K.Cadogan, T.H. Clarke, Klaus Demus, Matias Diaz Padrón, Erik Duverger, Erik Fischer, Natalia Gritsay, Julius S. Held, Robert Herzig, Linda J.Horvitz, A-Wang Hsia, N. Muller, Joseph Rishel, Narcis Soler and James A.Welu. A special word of thanks is due to Walter A.Liedtke for allowing me to see the manuscript, which was not yet published, of his catalogue of Flemish mas­ ters in the Metropolitan Museum, New York. The manuscript has been typed with exemplary care by Nelly Verreydt and Luc Heyvaert, whom I also include in this note of thanks, as well as Elly Miller and Clare Rendell who carefully retouched the final draft of this book. 7 ABBREVIATIONS Literature : Adler, Landscapes W .Adler, Landscapes (Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, XVIII, i), London-O.xford-New York, 1982. Adler, Wildern W .A dler, Jan Wildens, der Landschaftsmitarbeiter des Rubens, Fridingen, 1980. Alpers, Torre S. Alpers, The Decoration of the Torre de la Parada (Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, IX), Brussels-London-New York, 1971. Aust, Entwarf G.Aust, ‘Entwurf und Ausführung bei Rubens’, W ailraf- Richart'i-Jahrbuch, XX, 1958, pp.163-212. Baldass, Gobelinssammlung L. Baldass, Die Wiener Gobelinssammlung. Dreihundert Bildtafeln mit beschreibendem Text und wissenschaftlichen Anmerkungen, I-XV, Vienna, 1920. Balis, Facetten A. Balis, ‘Facetten van de Vlaamse dierenschilderkunst van de 15de tot de 17de eeuw’, in [Cat. Exh. 1 Het Aards Paradijs. Dierenvoorstellingen in de Nederlanden van de 16de en fd e eeuw (Zoo, Antwerp, 1982), Antwerp, 1982, pp.36-55. Balis, Hippopotamus A. Balis, ‘Hippopotamus Rubenii; een hoofdstukje uit de ge­ schiedenis van de zoölogie’, in Feestbundel bij de opening van het Kolveniershof en het Rubenianum, Antwerp, 1981, pp.127-142. Balis jachten van Maximiliaan A.Balis, ‘De “Jachten van Maximiliaan”, kroonstuk van de hoofse jachticonografïe’, Gentse bijdragen tot de kunstgeschie­ denis, XXV, 1979-1980, pp. 14-41. Bartsch A.Bartsch, Le peintre graveur, I—XXI, W ürzburg, 1920-1922 (ist edn., Vienna, 1803-1821). Basan F .Basan, Catalogue des estampes gravées d'après P.P. Rubens, avec une méthode pour blanchir les estampes les plus rousses, & en ôter les tâches d ’huile. Nouvelle édition, corrigée, considérablement augmentée, ÔC précédée de la vie de Rubens. Troisième partie faisant suite au dictionnaire des graveurs anciens dt modernes, Paris, 1767. Bauer, Veränderungen R.Bauer, ‘Veränderungen im Inventarbestand der Tapis­ seriensammlung des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien’, Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in W ien, N.F., XL, 1980, pp.133-171. Baumstark, Bildgedanke R. Baumstark, ‘Peter Paul Rubens - Bildgedanke und künst­ lerische Form’, Jahrbuch der Liechtensteinischen KunstgesellschaJ't, II, 1977, pp.7-33. Belkin, Costume Book K.L. Belkin, The Costume Book (Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig B urch ard, XXIV), Brussels-London-Philadclphia, 1978. B ernh ard, Hand^eicftnungen M .Bernhard, Rubens, Handçeichnungen, Munich, 1977. Bernhard, Verlorene Werke M. Bernhard, Verlorene Werke der Malerei. In Deutschland in der Zeit von 1949 bis 194s zerstörte und verschollene Gemälde aus Museen und Galerien, in collab. with K. Martin, ed. by K.P. Rogner, Munich, 1965. 9 ABBREVIATIONS Birk, Inventar E. Ritter von Birk, 'Inventar der im Besitze des allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses befindlichen Niederländer Tapeten und Gobe­ lins’, Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhöch­ sten Kaiserhauses, 1, 1883, pp.213-248; II, 1884, pp.167-220. Blanc, Trésor C. Blanc, Le Trésor de la curiosité, tiré des catalogues de vente de tableaux, dessins, estampes, livres, marbres, bronzes, ivoires, terres cuites, vitraux, médailles, armes, porcelaines, meubles, émaux, laques et autres objets d'art, avec diverses notes & notices histori­ ques ôC biographiques, I-II, Paris, 1857-1858. Bock-Rosenberg E. Bock and J. Rosenberg, Staatliche Museen çu Berlin. Die nieder­ ländischen Meister. Beschreibendes Verzeichnis sämtlicher Zeich­ nungen (Die Zeichnungen alter Meister im Kupferstichkabinett, ed. by M.J. Friedländer), I-II, Berlin, 1930. Bodart, Coll. florentine D. Bodart, [Cat. Exh.] Rubens e la pittura fiamminga del Seicento nelle coUe^ioni pubbliche florentine - Rubens et la peinture flamande au XVIIème siècle dans les collections publiques fo re n- tines (Palazzo Pitti, Florence, 1977), Florence, 1977. Bodart, Incisione D. Bodart, [Cat. Exh,] Rubens e l’incisione nelle coHe^ioni del Gabinetto Nationale dette Stampe (Villa délia Farnesina alla Lungara, Rome, 1977), Rome, 1977. Bode, Cat. Berlin, 1906 [W.Bode], Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Gemälde im Kaiser­ Friedrich-Museum, 6th edn., Berlin, 1906. Bok-van Kammen, Stradanus W. Bok-van Kammen, Stradanus and the Hunt (Ph. D. diss., John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., 1977), edn. Uni­ versity Microfilms International, Ann Arbor. Bordley, Légende C. R.Bordley, La légende de Rubens, trans. J. Mayen, [s.a.e.l], Bordley, Rubens C. R. Bordley, Rubens ou Snydersf, Paris, [1955]- Bottineau, Alcazar Y. Bottineau, ‘L’Alcâzar de Madrid et l’inventaire de 1686. Aspects de la cour d’Espagne au XVIIe siècle’, Bulletin hispani­ que, LVIII, 1956, pp.421-452; LX, 1958, pp.30-61,145-179. 289 -326, 450-483. Brown-Elliott J. Brown and J.H.EUiott, A Palace for a King. The Buen Retiro and the Court of Philip IV, New Haven-London, 1980. Burchard, Rubensskizzen L.Burchard, ‘Echte und unechte Rubensskizzen’, S itzu n gs­ berichte der Kunstgeschichtlichen Gesellschaft Berlin, January 1 9 3 1 , pp.7-8. Burchard, Wildenstein L. Burchard, [Cat. Exh.] A Loan Exhibition of Works by Peter Paul Rubens, Kt. (Wildenstein & Co., London, 1950), London, 1950. Burchard-d’Hulst, Drawings L.Burchard and R.-A.d’Hulst, Rubens Drawings (Monographs of the 'Nationaal Centrum voor de Plastische Kunsten van de XVIde en de XVIIde eeuw’, II), I-II, Brussels, 1963.
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