ADVISORY BOARDS Each issue of HerbaiGram is peer reviewed by various members of our Advisory Boards prior to publication. American Botanical Council Herb Research Dennis V. C. Awang, Ph.D., F.C.I.C., MediPiont Natural Gail B. Mahady, Ph.D., Research Assistont Professor, Products Consulting Services, Ottowa, Ontorio, Conodo Deportment of Medical Chemistry &P hormocognosy, College of Foundation Pharmacy, University of Illinois, Chicogo, Illinois Manuel F. Balandrin, R.Ph., Ph.D., Research Scientist, NPS Rob McCaleb, President Pharmaceuticals, Salt Lake City, Utoh Robin J. Maries, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Botony, Brandon University, Brandon, Monitobo, Conodo Mkhael J. Bolick, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Economic Glenn Appelt, Ph.D., R.Ph., Author ond Professor Botony, the New York Botonicol Gorden, Bronx, New York Dennis J. McKenna, Ph.D., Consulting Ethnophormocologist, Emeritus, University of Colorado, ond with Boulder Beach Minneapolis, Minnesoto Joseph M. Betz, Ph.D., Research Chemist, Center for Food Consulting Group Safety ond Applied Nutrition, Division of Noturol Products, Food Daniel E. Moerman, Ph.D., William E. Stirton Professor of John A. Beutler, Ph.D., Noturol Products Chemist, ondDru gA dministration, Washington, D.C. Anthropology, University of Michigon/Deorbom, Dearborn, Notional Cancer Institute Donald J. Brown, N.D., Director, Noturol Products Research Michigan Consultants; Faculty, Bastyr University, Seattle, Washington Samuel W. Page, Ph.D., Director, Division of Noturol Products, Robert A. Bye, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Ethnobotony, Center for Fooo Safety ond Applied Nutrition, Food ond Drug Notional University of Mexico Thomas J. Carlson, M.S., M.D., Senior Director, Administration, Washington, D.C. Ethnobiomedicol FieldResearch, Shomon Phormoceuticals, South Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Son Francisco, Colifomio Joseph E. Piuomo, Jr., N.D., President, Bastyr University, Traditional Medicine ond Preventive Health Core Seattle, Washington Jean Carper, Author ond syndicated columnist, Washington, D.C. James A. Duke, Ph.D., Economic Botanist (U.S.D.A., Mark J. Plotkin, Ph.D., Author, Executive Director, Ethnobotony ret.), author, Herbal Vineyard, Fulton, Maryland Jerry Colt, Ph.D., Chief of Phormocologicol Treatment Research ond Conservation Teom, Arlington, Virginia Program, Notionol lnstitute of Mental Health, Rockville, Morylond Norman R. Farnsworth, Ph.D., Research Professor of Eloy Rodriguez, Ph.D., Jomes Perkins Professor of Paul Alan Cox, Ph.D., Professor of Botony ond Dean of General Phormocognosy, Program for Colloborative Research in the Education ond Honors, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utoh Environ men to IStudies , School of Agriculture &Life Sciences, Phormoceuticol Sciences, ond Senior University Scholar, Cornell University, lthoco, New York University of Illinois ot Chicago Lyle E. Craker, Ph.D., Professor, Deportment of Plant ond Soil James E. Simon, Ph.D., Professor of Horticulture and Research Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts Richard I. Ford, Ph.D., Professor of Ethnobotony, Director, Center for New Crops &Plont Products, Purdue University of Michigan Edward M. Croom, Jr., Ph.D., Coordinator, Phytomedicine University, West Lofoyette, lndiono Project, Notional Center for the Development of Noturol Products, David Kroll, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pharmacology University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi Beryl Simpson, Ph.D., C. L. Lundell Professor of Botony, ond Toxicology, University of Colorado, School of Deportment of Botony, University of Texos ot Austin, Austin, Texos Pharmacy Wade Davis, Ph.D., Author, ethnobotonist, Washington, D.C. S. H. Sohmer, Ph.D., President ond Director, Boton\col Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth, Texos Harriet Kuhnlein, Ph.D., Professor of Nutrition, Steven Dental~ Ph.D., Natural Products Consultont, McGill University Portland, Oregon Barbara N. Timmermann, Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacology Hardy Eshbaugh, Ph.D., Professor of Botony& Assistant &T oxicology, College of Phormocy, University of Arizona, Tucson, Albert Leung, Ph.D., Pharmacognosist ond Pharmacist, Curator, Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium, Miomi University, Arizona Glen Rock, New Jersey Oxford, Ohio G. H. Neil Towers, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, F. R. S. C., Botony Walter Lewis, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Washington Steven Foster, Botonist, photographer, author, Fayetteville, Deportment, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British University, ond Senior Botanist, Missouri Botanical Arkansas Columbia, Conodo Gardens Christopher Hobbs, LAc., AHG, Herbalist, botonist, licensed Arthur 0. Tucker, Ph.D., Research Professor of Agriculture ond Ara Der Marderosian, Ph.D., Professor of acupuncturist, Sonto Cruz, Colifomio Noturol Resources, Delowore Stole University, Dover, Delowore Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy ond Science David Hoffmann, B. Sc., M.N.I.M.H., Medical herbalist, Nancy Turner, Ph.D., Professor ond Ethnobotonist, Sonto Roso, Colifornio Environ men to IStudies Program, University of Victoria, Victoria, James D. McChesney, Ph.D., Vice President, Natural British Columbia, Conodo Maurice M. lwu, Ph.D., Bioresources Development ond Products Chemistry, NoPro Bio Therapeutics, Boulder, Conservation Program, Senior Research Associate ot the Division Andrew T. Weil, M.D., Author, Director of the Program in Colorado of Experimentol Therapeutics, Wolter Reed Army Institute of Integrative Medicine and Associate Director of the Division of C. Dwayne Ogzewalla, Ph.D., Retired Professor of Research, Washington, D.C. Social Perspectives in Medicine of the College of Medicine, Pharmacognosy, University of Cincinnati University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Steven King, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of Ethnobotony ond Robert Rountree, M.D., Physician, Boulder, Colorado Conservation, Shomon Phormoceuticols, South SonFra ncisco, od hoc advisor: California David M. Eisenberg, M.D., Director, Centerfor Alternative E. John Staba, Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacognosy, Fredi Kronenberg, Ph.D., Director, Rosenthal Centerfor Medicine Research, Beth Israel HospitoljHorvord Medical University of Minnesota Alternotive/Complementory Medicine, College of Physicians & School, Bostoo, Massachusetts Varro E. Tyler, Ph.D., Deon ond Distinguished Professor Surgeons of Columbia University, New York, New York of Pharmacognosy Emeritus, School of Phormocy ond T0111 Mabry, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Biochemistry, Deportment Pharmaceutical Sciences, Purdue University of Botony, University of Texas ot Austin, Austin, Texos Phil Weber, M.D., Physician, Boulder, Colorado Aadrew T. Weil, M.D., Author, Director of the Program in Integrative Medicine ond Associate Director of the Division of Social Perspectives in Medicine of the College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 2 • HERBALGRAM No. 42 Educating the Public on the Use of Herbs and Phytomedicines DEAR READER Mark Blumenthal, Executlve Director James A. Duke, Ph.D., Economic Botanist (USDA, ret.) We have wanted to publish this special History of Herbs Author, Fulton, Morylond issue of HerbalGram for several years. I still remember the day in the 1980s when, on the dusty shelves in a used Norman R. Farnsworth, Ph.D., Research Professor of bookstore, I came across two beautiful out-of-print books, Pharmacognosy, Program for Colloborotlve Research in the sold as a pair. Great Moments in Medicine and Great Mo­ Board of Phormoceutlcol Sciences, University of Illinois of Chicago ments in Pharmacy by George Bender with the beautiful paintings by Robert Thorn, have been a cornerstone of my Trustees Varro E. Tyler, Ph.D., Sc.D., Deon and Distinguished Professor medical history shelves ever since. Published by the Parke, of Pharmacognosy Emeritus, School of Phormocy ond Davis pharmaceutical company, these paintings were also Phormoceutlcol Sciences, Purdue University printed as posters that graced the halls and labs of probably every school of medicine and pharmacy in the U.S. A few years ago we received the kind permission from Warner­ Lambert, now the parent company of Parke, Davis, to re­ print our choice of these paintings. 1bose selected have HERBAIGRAM some relation to botanical medicine. At one time, Parke, The Journal of the American Botanical Council and the Herb Research Foundation Davis, like most pharmaceutical firms in the 1800s and early Mark Blumenthal Editor /Publisher 1900s, was a grower and processor of botanical medicines. Barbara A. Johnston Managing Editor The history of herbal medicine in western culture is Rob McCaleb Technical Editor beautifully documented in Barbara Griggs' Green Pharmacy, Ginger Hudson-Maffei Art Diredor flfSt published in 1981 and recently revised in a new 1997 Steven Foster Associate Editor edition. Griggs traces herbs in medicine from antiquity to Dawnelle Malone Editorial Assistant the present in a passionate historical narrative. She has gra­ ciously consented to our reprinting of the chapter on the Contributors "Quack's Charter," aka the "Herbalist's Charter," signed into Dennis V. C. Awang, Ph.D. Peter Landes law by England's King Henry VITI to ensure the right of Francis Brinker, N.D. Evelyn leigh herbalists to practice the healing arts in the face of mount­ Karen Dean Besty Levy ing monopolistic attempts by other practitioners of the times. James A. Duke, Ph.D. Portia Meares The Herbalist's Charter today constitutes an important ele­ Barbara Griggs Jay Yasgur ment in British common law, and has resulted in the flour­ ishing
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