Lambda Sci-Fi DC Area Gaylaxians (202) 232-3141 - Issue # 321 – December 2016 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.lambdascifi.org The LSF Book Reminder: LSF Holiday Gaming Party Discussion Group Annual LSF Book (et al) announced by Peter Knapp Exchange at Jan. 8th Meeting What: A gaming party. There’s plenty of room for gaming, so please bring your favorite games (cards, board, etc.). If you’re interested in lively When: Saturday, December discussions of F&SF books (with an 3rd; 1:00pm – ?? emphasis on elements of interest to That’s right, gang, the Holi- What to bring: Bring your fa- the LGBT community), we invite you day Season is almost upon us again; vorite table game (or two). Also, to join the LSF Book Discussion and it’s time for a short reminder please bring munchies and/or soft Group. Each month, we conduct fas- about LSF’s upcoming twenty-seventh drinks. cinating round-table discussions of annual book (et al) exchange, which Dinner: For those who are in- works by significant F&SF authors. will occur at the January 8th meeting! terested, we’ll order pizza. To get in The LSF Book Discussion All LSF members are invited to on the pizza order, please bring $7 in Group usually meets on the 4th Thurs- participate in this “blind exchange” – exact change. If you don't want pizza, day of every month, starting at 7:00 and visitors are invited to join in the you can order take-out or go forage PM, at Peter & Rob’s home: 1425 “S” fun, too! for food. There are a lot of food St., NW – for directions or more Briefly, this will be an op- choices in the Midcity (14th and “U”) details, call 202-483-6369. The next portunity for LSFers to exchange cop- Corridor. Also, delivery menus will book discussion will be held on Janu- ies of their favorite science-fiction, be available at the party. ary 26, 2017. fantasy, or horror books/videos/etc. Where: Home of Peter and Here are the details for the and, thus, get to know each other a Rob, 1425 S St NW, Washington, DC next couple of book discussions: little better. 20009. Their home is in the Midcity Jan. 26, 2017 – The Last Policeman, For those of you unfamiliar (14th and “U”) neighborhood, near by Ben Winters (moderator: Konrad). with the process, here’s how it works: Dupont Circle and Logan Circle. Feb. 23 – The Long Way to a Small, You won’t be assigned to exchange Directions (with Metro and Angry Planet, by Becky Chambers with any particular person – it’s a parking advice) at: (moderator: Konrad). “blind” exchange, where participants http://lambdascifi.org/club/ LYF will get their pick from a pile of PeterRob.html anonymous wrapped packages. Full Questions: Contact Peter at: details on the exchange in the next [email protected] (January) newsletter. or Rob at: LYF [email protected] LYF < < < < < < December 2016 LSF Meeting > > > > > > What’s Inside? The next LSF meeting will be held on Sunday, December 11th. The Page 2: Minutes of the November LSF meeting will be held at Peter and Rob’s home, 1425 “S” Street NW, Meeting; Lovecraftian Anthologies, Washington, DC. The meeting will begin at 1:30 and the “group watch” will Part 2 (book reviews). begin at 3:00 PM. Hope to see you there! Page 4: Information About Lambda Sci-Fi: DC Area Gaylaxians and Con Calendar. Minutes of the November Lovecraftian Anthologies LSF Meeting Dan & Teresa have been (Part 2) taken by Scott watching NBC’s Timeless, as well as reviews by Carl an Australian TV show called Glitch. Peter has been contacted by Rob likes Class, the Doctor Who spin- Awesome Con regarding a potential off, which includes definite GLBT panel at the 2017 convention. Atten- content. Dan raves about British-made dees discussed what kind of panel series Black Mirror, created by Charlie that LSF could coordinate: comic Brooker – a modern anthology series books with LGBT characters? TV similar to The Twilight Zone. (Maybe shows with LGBT characters? Sub- we’ll watch a couple of episodes dur- genres that serve as entries to the ing the December LSF meeting?) F&SF genre as a whole? The panel Have you watched BBC’s Dirk Gently Here are a couple more could have a mix of niche-specific four-part series about a “holistic detec- Lovecraft-inspired anthologies to help genre subcategories – gamer, cos- tive” who investigates cases involving while away these long December player, book reader, TV or movie the supernatural? nights. watcher, anime, Steven Universe (on Rob passed around Sigma, the Hulu), etc. newsletter from the Pittsburgh sci-fi Lovecraft’s Monsters Teresa really loved the Dr. group. edited by Ellen Datlow Strange movie, with pretty special Carl described the proceed- (Tachyon Publications, 2014) effects. Benedict Cumberbatch is a ings of the Gaylactic Network Board great actor. Lots of insider refer- meeting held at Gaylaxicon. The Net- The first thing that attracted ences. Teresa also loved the Wonder work has revised its Charter to reflect me to this anthology was the editor, Woman movie trailer. Carl didn’t its new structure as a collection of Ellen Datlow. She’s put together particularly like Miss Peregrine’s Affiliates (i.e. clubs). Each Affiliate some really cool anthologies. In her Home for Peculiar Children; al- designates a representative to the Net- Introduction to this anthology, Dat- though the special effects are very work Board, with the office of Speaker low says: “I had three goals in choos- nice, he suspects that enjoyment of being a rotating year-long position. As ing stories: the first, as usual, was to the film is predicated on have read of January 1st, the LSF representative avoid pastiches; the second was to the book. Wess and Scott enjoyed will be the designated Network Speak- use stories that have not been overly The Arrival: a compelling plot that er. (As a reminder, Carl is currently reprinted in the many recent mythos includes humans trying to learn an the LSF rep.) anthologies; third, I wanted to show- alien language. Fantastic Beasts and For to the video-viewing por- case Lovecraftian-influenced stories Where to Find Them is hitting the big tion of the meeting, attendees watched by at least some authors not known screen next week. The trailer for a couple of Lovecraftian videos: “Pro- for that kind of story.” Passengers looks promising – about fessor Peabody’s Last Lecture” (a short The list of authors includes a generational ship, where characters Night Gallery episode, starring Carl some prestigious SF/F/H names: Neil played by Jennifer Lawrence and Reiner in the title role) and the 1991 Gaiman, Laird Barron, Kim Newman, Chris Pratt wake up too early made-for-HBO feature Cast a Deadly Elizabeth Bear, Caitlin R. Kiernan (of because something is wrong. A Lego Spell (starring Fred Ward as detective course!), Thomas Ligotti, Karl Ed- Batman and King Kong of Skull “Phil Lovecraft” and Julianne Moore ward Wagner, and Joe R. Lansdale Island are also coming out. Also, as the femme fatale). (“hisself”). And of the 16 stories and LYF another Resident Evil movie is in the 2 poems included here, all but 2 of works. (Please, no!) the stories have been published pre- viously. A number of “Lovecraft’s monsters” are featured in the stories in this anthology: Azathoth, Cthulhu and Deep Ones, Elder Things and Shoggoths, Ghouls, and Shub-Nig- gurath. Some stories also feature “Lovecraftian” monsters that weren’t actually created by HPL: the Hounds of Tindalos (created by Frank Bel- knap Long), the King in Yellow (created by Robert W. Chambers), and the Serpent People (created by Carl Reiner, Robert E. Howard). as “Professor Peabody” Fred Ward, as “Phil Lovecraft” (continued on page 3) Lovecraftian Anthologies incredible odyssey of polar and sub- That Is Not Dead: Tales of the continued from page 2 terranean adventure. Wow! Cthulhu Mythos Through the Centuries Oddly enough, two of my Steampunk Cthulhu: Mythos Terror edited by Darrell Schweitzer favorites in this anthology don’t in the Age of Steam (PS Publishing Ltd, 2015) seem to feature any of “Lovecraft’s edited by Brian M. Sammons & Glynn monsters”. Laird Barron’s “Bulldo- Owen Barrass I picked this one up at this zer” invokes such cosmic horrors as (Chaosium, Inc., 2013) year’s Balticon. Schweitzer has an Chemosh and Belphegor, as one of interesting premise for this collection: their Earthly devotees leads a Chaosium, Inc. has published “This anthology asks the question: so Pinkerton agent down a trail of can- some really good Lovecraftian an- why didn’t anybody notice these nibalism and grisly murders through- thologies over the years. This one is an lingering, dreadful presences before out the Weird Wild West. And Joe anthology of 17 original stories by (at the characters in Lovecraft’s stories Lansdale’s “The Bleeding Shadow” least to me) unfamiliar new authors. It did, about 1900. If the Old Ones tells a satisfyingly creepy tale of a takes as its theme the following pas- have always been there, how have cursed jazz recording and the price of sage from Lovecraft’s “The Call of they figured in and influenced the fame, featuring grisly – albeit un- Cthulhu” (1926): “…but some day the history of unsuspecting mankind?” In named – “Lovecraftian” horrors. piecing together of dissociated know- answer to these questions, he has Here are some of my other ledge will open up such terrifying collected 14 stories by 13 authors, favorites: In Brian Hodge’s “The vistas of reality, and of our frightful including such Big Names as Esther Same Deep Waters as You”, agents position therein, that we shall either go Friesner, John Langan, S.T.
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