Online Electronic Auctions by Tom Cederlind. (Our first auction, including quality ancient coins in all price ranges, will be held very soon.) Be sure to register to participate at www.tomcederlind.com. • TOM CE DERLIND PO Box 1963, Dept. C Portland, OR 97207 (503) 228-2746 Fax (503) 228-8130 Email: TomCederlind @earthlink.net J Vot. 17, No. 12 December 2003 Consecutive Issue No. 198 FEATURES 6 First Christian Symbols On The Ce/atot'" Roman Imperial Coins lncorpor.lting by Mark Dunning ROil/Oil Coins and Cuiwrt 28 Roman Imperial Persons In Page 6 PublisherlEditor North America Kerry K. Wetterstrom [email protected] by Cornelius VermeuJe 34 Coins and Contraceptives: The Copy Editor Plant That Made Kyrene Famous W. Jeffrey \Vrntcr by John M. Riddle For Back Issue> From DEPARTMENTS 1987 to May 1999 contact: Doris J. Sayles Doris @ancientcoins.ac 2 Editor's Note - Coming Next Month 4 Letters to the Editor An: Parnell Nelson 32 Art and the Market - Profiles in Numismatics P.O. Box 839 36 Coming Events L.ancasler, PA 17608 TeVFax: 717-656-8557 40 The Other Side by Philfip Davis Express mail (FedEx & UPS only) to: 40 Quotes From The Past Kerry K. Wetterstrom 87 Apricot Ave 41 On the Road - The Celotor's Show & Club Schedule Leola, PA 17540-1788 www.celator.com 42 The Internet Connection T1Jt ~(ISSN fl048-0ge6) is an by Thorn Bray & Kevin Barry Page 34 n::IepeoOOnI journal po..i:*shed on Ihe first dayol ead'l 1T"I(Qh aI~ Apricd Ave, 43 ANTIQ\) ITI ES by David Liebert Leola, P)\ 17540. k is circulated ioter· naliooally through s<.Jbs<;nptionS and special dislrbaions. &bscripcion raleS, 44 ([oill9; of ti)e JLlible by David Hendin About the cover; payable in U.s. fLorls. ate $30 per year A selection oj photos showing (Perioc:boI.-)wiIWl1hRlWedSlaI8$; 46 The Market - Recent Catalogs, etc. early Christian symbols on S361OCereda; $48 peryearlO8IOCher Constanlinian com.ge. (Pho­ adoi'esseB (lSAL). AcMl!tisi'lg and oopv by Jeff Winter deacIne is !he firs1 WO!kday aI each tos lrom Roman Camby- Kent monIh. lJns(io;iIed arIi:Ies and news re­ and Hirmer) . leases 8t9 ~. howeYer pOOIiea. 47 tfhrough the .cooking glass tioo eanr.ot be goJafanleed. Unless e~· pfflSStt stated. The Ceialo..-neiIhe< en­ by Wayne G. Saytes dorses oor Is responsible !or the cor>­ _ 01 ~ 1en_1O-the- 48 Ask the Experts by James A. Hauck ediIDr. leature 8I1icIes, regular coUms and preM reI&ases in iIs pages. incl.d­ ingN"fopFOons staled ~ InIIhII 50 Cartoon ~ CeIaro< office wit ao:cuacyoltJtridala~t".ilao;n. be CIosod from Wed­ dluIors. F'9riocIcaI posIage paid (USPS 51 Professional Directory day, Dec) 24" to M0n­ IIXl6077}Lancaster. PA 17603and lid­ (iti(:Ir.al o/Iioes. day Jan.tS,tIl for the 58 Club Directory Chrislma~ .~ew Year CopyrigI1t C 2003, Paradigm H oIidayS. ~QffiCe hciurs Numismatics & Publistling, Inc. 59 Classifieds - Index of Advertisers are generally 11AM 10 Postmaster: please send 6PM EST,-exqept for address changes to: W~(9 AM­ PO. Box 839 Noon). lancaster, PA 17608 EDITOR'S NOTE If you don't regularly rc3d ''The "Horse / Palm Tree" Internet Connec­ Tetra dra clmls : tion" by Thom Bray and Kevin Barry. then The First Carthaginial1 Coins please lake an extra few minutes and read by John Ta tman this month's column. Though lighthearted in style. it is substanti al in conlent, as Iypi­ Bowers, the noted U.s. coinage scholar. Campgate Bron zes and cal for these Iwo affable numismatists. dealer and author (who has more than a Without spoiling their column for you, it pa<;s ing interest in ancient coinage). Dave Romal1 Fire Signalling is along the lines of giving someth ing b.'lck Bowers was the president and owner of by Murray K. Dahrn to the hobby, especially during the holi­ Bower.; and Ruddy Galleries, which later day season. evolved into Bowers and Merena Galler­ Apollo Lykeios In Ancient As I readThom and Kcvin'scolumn, I ies after its move from Los Angeles to New Ta rsos Nu mismatics Hampshire. started to recall the people - collectors, by Bekircan Tahberer dealers. museum curators. and friends - lftherecverwas iUl individ ual that would appear 10 be far too busy to come teach a that had inspired or mentored me in some AND COMING SOON way over the years. By sharing with me week-long seminar at Color.u:lo Springs, it and others the benefit of their knowledge was Q. David Bowers. But he did and for and experience. it helped in my own pur­ several years after that also. Evcnrually he Bymntine 101 - Part 2 suit of this hobby_ Often the biggest com­ would serve on the ANA's Boord of Gover­ by Pme Fitts mitment thai these individuals had to make ~ and then wa~ the cxganization's pre<>i­ was simply setting aside some ofthcir lime dent. This is in addition to his constant oot­ An Echo of Bucephalus put of very wonhwhilc numismatic literatlll"C. arui. Aonws by William F Spengler "/ did not actually send this cover letter to Dave Bowers, TIro Greek Notes but his example direclly led me 10 pursue a career in numismatics, by Peter Lampinen instead ofth e oil business. A decision I have never regrened." Hellenistic Influences on Hasl1lonean Attitudes Toward Graven Images & to talk with fellow collcctors, young orold, From that one week summer seminar, Silver Shekels ofTyre experienced or the novice. Dave Bowers inspired me \0 become a by Ronn Berrol I have uied to do the same thing myself coin dealer. I rccull that during my sopho­ whenever possible; modeling mysclfto some more year in col lege I was required to take Roman Provincial Coins HI: degree on those individuals that directly and a course in "Technical Writing", which Temples and Images indudcd preparing a resume and cover posilively influenced my growth as a nwnis­ by Cornelius Vermeule matist, fin;t as a collector, then as a dealer, leller as a homework exercise. While most and now as the editor of this magazine. of my friends wrote their cover letters to The Moon Is A Harsh Mis­ I remember very clearly how thri lled I the heads of Mobil, Exxon, Texaco, etc. (I tress, The Rise and Fall of was to attcnd my frrst American Numis­ was studying to be a Petroleum Engineer matic Association (ANA) Summer Semi­ at the time), I chose to address my cover Cleopatra II Selene nar in Colorado Springs during the sum­ leiter 10 Q. David Bowers and prepared a by Michael Burgess mer of 1979. I was fortunate enough to resume based on my "experience" as a have received a scholarship to attend the numismati st. I did not actually send this Crescent and Star and ANA Summer Seminar from the group cover letter to Dave Bowers. but his ex­ Rela ted Images mnplc directly led me to pursue a career in known as D.A.W.N . or thc Denver Area by David Wray World Numismatists. I can count practi­ tlumisrnatio;, instead of the oil business. A cally every member of this ""grasS-rooLS" decision I have never regretted. A Gassical Romance Whether it 's a hol iday gift or a new nu mismatic organizalion as a friend and by George M. Burden, M.D. mentor, then and today. The class that I year's resolution, try to "make" the ti me signed up for was called "All About to share your hobby wi th someone in the Coins", which was taught by Q. David comi ng year. You won't regret it ! 'lhe CeiAtdl is named 5dl a>td dedicated to the corn die-e>tiiMve~s 05 a>ttiquit~ whose Mt ~emai>ts as powe~tul a>td appeali>t'} toda'f as i>t thei~ ow>t time. 2 The Gelator PUBLIC AUCTION to be held in conjunction with the New York International Numismatic Convention January 16th -1"]th, 2004 featuring ANCIENT COINS WO RLD COINS (Including a Superb ColleClion of Spanish Colonial Coinage) MEXICAN COINS WORLD PAPER MONEY (Featuring Part I of the Finest Collection of .['hl'liPJ,ine Paper Money Ever to be Auctioned) Catalogs available for $25 each. The entire catalog may be viewed on our web site starting December 18!h, 2003 at: www.ponterio.com PONTERIO & ASSOCIATES 1818 Robinson Ave., San Diego, CA 92103 P.N.G. #308 800-854-2888 or 619-299-0400 Fax 619-299-6952; E-mail: co~nterio.com AmericcnNumismoric • , , Q < , • , , Q • Licensed Auction Company #968 L M. #2163 Richard H. Ponterio - President December 2003 3 about scratching. I put my silver and Coin Software Review gold coins in little polyethylene film Clarification bags, and then inside Mylar flips. A little bit 01 toning on silver coins is Thank you lor the review ol The Vir­ nice, but I don't li ke my silver coins tual Coin Cabinet II (VCC2) in the Oc­ to turn black. The polyethylene film tober issue. As its programmer, I would wrap helps with preventing tarnish­ like to clarify a few th ings, which were ing by preventing contact with the confu sing or missing in the review of atmosphere. I also line the storage several products. box for my silver coins with the lab­ First, Michael Marotta told me that ric, which is used to line the boxes the computer on which he cou ld not Some Comments that are sold for the storage of silver on "Flips" install some of the programs (includ­ dinnerware. ing VCC2) did not meet the published Gharles Suter Minimum System Requirements - it As a retired chemist with some Stow, Ohio work experience with va rious plas­ was an old modified 386 processor.
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