PP3739/12/2001 ISSN 0127 - 5127 / RM3.00 / 2001:21(3) DETENTION AND REPRESSION NO TO ISA! Aliran Monthly 21(3) Page 1 COVER STORY ‘ Reformasi Activists’ Under Detention ISA is the refuge of the incompetent by Johan Saravanamuttu he seven ISA arrests on April 10–11, an TT eighth on April 20, a ninth on April 24 and TTT a tenth on April 26, are unconscionable acts committed by a regime that is at its wit’s end. When a regime resorts to draconian laws such as the ISA to curb lawful dissent, the regime is merely one step away from overtly using violence against all dissidents. Such desperate acts show a regime’s inability to deal with problems in a normal sort of way and betray its incompetence. How dark and ironic it was to listen to the Inspec- tor-General of Police’s alarmist explanation of the arrests. The IGP alluded to a plan to ignite grenades, explosives and Molotov cocktails at a human rights rally on April 14. Not a shred of evidence was produced by the IGP to substantiate his claim or to show how those arrested were connected to the purported events. The IGP Aliran Monthly 21(3) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE Bury The ISA CONTENTS The ISA strikes again. Like an evil. Like a pestilence vis- ited upon the innocent. This time 10 citizens have been detained without trial, without being seen by family COVER STORY members, lawyers or SUHAKAM since 10 April. ••• ‘Reformasi Activists’ Under We know their names and faces, their ceramahs, rallies and Detention 222 demonstrations. We know their cause, Reformasi. The ma- ••• Protest Against ISA Arrests 777 jority of them are Keadilan leaders, the others civil rights ••• Hakam's Open Letter 999 activists. Since Anwar’s sacking, many of them have been charged with sedition, illegal assembly and whatnot. ••• Black Day For Democracy 131313 ••• The Evil Of ISA 151515 All that is not enough for Dr Mahathir Mohamad and ••• Mahathir And Anwar 171717 the police. They must reach for the ISA, that despicable instrument of authoritarian rule. They want us to be- ••• Memories Of ISA 191919 lieve that the detainees who have been peaceful dissi- ••• Reactions To ISA 232323 dents have overnight become ‘militants’ who plot to use ••• A Wife Testifies Against ISA 404040 explosives to overthrow the government by violence! For the umpteenth time, Dr Mahathir tells fantastic tales FEATURES of conspiracies and foreign connections. He and the po- ••• Corporate Bailouts 282828 lice want us to believe that the detention of a citizen ••• Men's Initiatives To End Violence under ISA is proof of the detainee’s guilt. Those who do their bidding shout: National security! Against Women 323232 ••• Telling The Truth About Israel 363636 No. The security of our nation is not threatened. At stake are other things. One: Dr Mahathir’s personal hold onto power as he becomes increasingly unpopular, even REGULARS within UMNO. Two, UMNO’s ‘relevance’, as it fails to ••• Current Concerns 313131 face up squarely to the Anwar affair and reformasi’s chal- ••• LettersLettersLetters 343434 lenge. And, three: Democracy and Human Rights over which Dr Mahathir’s regime happily tramples. OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS This issue of Aliran Monthly covers these matters, differ- ••• Subscription Form 181818 ent aspects of ISA, and questions related to past and present waves of detentions without trial. We will do so over and over again until all detainees are freed, until the ISA is abolished. ISA affects all of us. But, above all, ISA wreaks havoc upon the lives of detainees and inflicts suffering upon their loved ones. We respectfully dedicate this issue of Published by Aliran Monthly to the 10 detainees and their families. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to Penang, Malaysia. Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the Tel : (04) 658 5251 Fax : (04) 658 5197 roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran welcomes Homepage : http://www.malaysia.net/aliran all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Angkatan Edaran Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. Lot 6, Jalan Tukang 16/4, Seksyen 16, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Aliran Monthly 21(3) Page 3 only deepened the mystery by re- not happened – at least, not yet. Malaysia has never come close to ferring to ‘revelations’ made by Thus far the present wave of ar- such a situation other than dur- police intelligence. rests are pointed in a specific di- ing the Emergency (1948– 60). The rection – principally at Keadilan. real aim of using ISA is to cripple For the record, those arrested are But this does not make the present any movement, group or party not faceless and nameless agents arrests any less traumatic for the that the government alleges is at- of subversive movements! ten detainees and their families or tempting to topple it. any less gloomy for Malaysia’s The ten detainees, all prominently future. Here the Mahathir regime badly known to the public, are: a vice- needs to discredit reformasi and its president, the youth chief and four No civilised government has any most energetic leaders. To do so, other leaders of Parti Keadilan excuse for using the ISA. But, in- the regime has foisted the ludi- Nasional (Keadilan), the heriting the ISA from British colo- crous charge of ‘militancy’ upon webmaster of the Free Anwar nial rule, all Malaysian govern- the ten detainees, all of whom Campaign, a freelance film maker ments have used and re-used it to have been deeply associated with and web journalist, and two hu- repress all shades of opponents. reformasi. In the past, the Parti Is- man rights activists. lam SeMalaysia (PAS), Demo- Even the government-established cratic Action Party (DAP) and the Those who know these people National Commission for Human Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) had know that they have scrupulously Rights (SUHAKAM) has called on also been subjected to such at- avoided any violence in their ac- Mahathir’s regime to discontinue tacks. tivities. All of them have been la- the use of ISA and to charge the belled ‘reformasi activists’ by the detainees in an open court of law The attempt to emasculate compliant mass media as if if the regime has evidence against reformasi has an obvious motive. reformasi was something sinister them. Numerous other voices at Despite Anwar Ibrahim’s sacking and militant. home and abroad have for years on September 2, 1998, his first sen- demanded that the ISA be abol- tencing on April 14, 1999 and sec- In fact, the whole tone of reformasi ished. ond sentencing on August 8, 2000, in Malaysia has been avowedly the reformasi movement which and consistently peaceful. About Why has the Mahathir regime Anwar inspired has grown all that the ten detainees had ever deemed it necessary to use the stronger with more and more ignited before their arrests is the ISA again? Let me offer five rea- young people joining it. continuing disgust, opprobrium sons why, and also why, ulti- and contempt for the present gov- mately, the ISA will fail to Reformasi inflicted severe losses ernment of Prime Minister Dr achieve Mahathir’s goal. If any- on the United Malays National Mahathir Mohamad. thing at all, these desperate de- Organisation (UMNO) in the tentions will deepen the re- November 1999 general election And, for this, can we blame them? gime’s crisis of legitimacy and and continues to haunt make leadership change an even Mahathir. For instance, an Many people had anticipated that, more urgent issue. analysis of the 1999 election re- desperate to stem the non-violent sults in the state of Selangor forces of reformasi, Mahathir Reason 1: shows that Malay-majority con- would sanction an ISA ‘swoop’ as Crippling Reformasi stituencies swung by 30 percent he did with ‘Operation Lalang’ on to the opposition when com- October 27, 1987. Beginning on The first reason is a deceitful use pared with the 1995 election. that day, 106 social activists and of ISA to frighten the public, to politicians were detained. make the public fear that the re- If Mahathir’s ruling Barisan gime’s opponents are plotting to Nasional (BN) does not contain Opposition politicians and social topple it by ‘subversive’ and ‘mili- the forces of reformasi quickly, who activists in Malaysia are under- tant’ means. This is a standard knows: perhaps BN may lose the standably relieved that this has ploy. next election. Aliran Monthly 21(3) Page 4 Reason 2: uses the repugnant ISA to show Reason 4: A Regime With opponents and supporters alike Reformasi No More Ideas that he can marshal force against Is Everywhere them if he so chooses. The second reason for using the ISA is a mundane one. The To take an example, Deputy Prime Mahathir regime is at its wit’s end. Minister and Minister of Home It suffers from inertia, lack of im- Affairs, Abdullah Badawi, was agination, deep insecurity, and strangely nonplussed when he denial. Hence the regime finds it was quizzed about the arrests. convenient to use the ISA. Having once promised not to use the ISA, Abdullah seemed unable In Malaysia, the ISA is the biggest to explain the reason for this ass of laws: it hasn’t budged no round of detentions. Presumably matter how often people have only the Prime Minister knew moved to have it abolished. why. Mahathir’s insecure regime will not remove the ISA because it can- Cases of besieged leaders resort- not bear the possibility of being ing to force in politics are well ousted from office by electoral documented in history.
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