LDN Target-Setting and Restoration of Degraded Landscapes in Western Andes and Coastal areas Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10184 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT No NGI No Project Title LDN Target-Setting and Restoration of Degraded Landscapes in Western Andes and Coastal areas Countries Ecuador Agency(ies) FAO Other Executing Partner(s) CONDESAN (Operating Partner) Executing Partner Type CSO GEF Focal Area Land Degradation Taxonomy Focal Areas, Land Degradation, Food Security, Sustainable Land Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Drought Mitigation, Ecosystem Approach, Sustainable Livelihoods, Integrated and Cross-sectoral approach, Income Generating Activities, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands, Community-Based Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Pasture Management, Improved Soil and Water Management Techniques, Land Degradation Neutrality, Carbon stocks above or below ground, Land Cover and Land cover change, Biodiversity, Biomes, Tropical Rain Forests, Paramo, Influencing models, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Deploy innovative financial instruments, Transform policy and regulatory environments, Demonstrate innovative approache, Stakeholders, Communications, Awareness Raising, Behavior change, Private Sector, Capital providers, SMEs, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Financial intermediaries and market facilitators, Indigenous Peoples, Beneficiaries, Type of Engagement, Partnership, Information Dissemination, Consultation, Participation, Civil Society, Community Based Organization, Non-Governmental Organization, Local Communities, Gender Equality, Gender Mainstreaming, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Gender-sensitive indicators, Women groups, Gender results areas, Capacity Development, Participation and leadership, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Learning, Adaptive management, Indicators to measure change, Theory of change Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Submission Date 1/29/2021 Expected Implementation Start 3/1/2021 Expected Completion Date 9/30/2025 Duration 48In Months Agency Fee($) 419,540.00 A. FOCAL/NON-FOCAL AREA ELEMENTS Objectives/Programs Focal Area Trust GEF Co-Fin Outcomes Fund Amount($) Amount($) LD-1-1 Maintain or improve the GET 1,071,000.00 5,457,008.00 flow of agro-ecosystem services to sustain food production and livelihoods through Sustainable Land Management (SLM). LD-1-2 Maintain or improve the GET 1,071,000.00 6,590,579.00 flow of ecosystem services including sustainable livelihoods of forest dependent people through Sustainable Forest Management (SFM LD-1-3 Reduce pressures on GET 1,071,000.00 4,200,000.00 natural resources from competing land uses in the wider landscape. LD-2-5 Create enabling GET 1,203,210.00 12,081,200.00 environments to support the scaling and integration of SLM and LDN. Total Project Cost($) 4,416,210.00 28,328,787.00 B. Project description summary Project Objective Prevent, reduce and reverse land degradation processes (SDG 2, 13, 15) to promote the sustainable development of rural communities, ensuring the provision of key ecosystem services and food sovereignty, within the framework of national efforts to achieve the LDN in Ecuador (2.4.1; 13.2.1; 15.3.1). Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Component g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- Fun Financing( Financing($ d $) ) Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Component g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- Fun Financing( Financing($ d $) ) 1: Technical Outcome 1.1: Output.1.1.1: GET 1,079,307.0 13,332,740.0 Strengthening Assistance LDN 0 0 enabling Institutional indicators environment actors make baseline for LDN decisions with assessed at implementatio a LDN national and n and approach local level. monitoring. based on an established monitoring system that is Output.1.1.2: regularly fed. Participatory assessment of Target: LDN SLM practices information that prevent gathering and and reduce monitoring land system degradation, working and restore producing ecosystems, LDN national reduce indicator emissions and reports enhance the mainstreamin provision of g gender and ecosystem interculturalit services. y variables. Outcome 1.2: Output 1.1.3: Key actors at national and Monitoring of sub-national LDN levels apply indicators at knowledge national and and tools for sub-national the levels, implementatio integrated n of the LDN with reporting approach to mechanisms. measures planning, Output 1.2.1. implementatio Capacity n and strengthening monitoring. tools for LDN targets planning, implementatio Targets: i) At n and least 100 monitoring, technicians with a gender (national, sub- and national, intercultural researchers) approach, and with solid available, knowledge operational and skills in and LDN implemented measures by key actors. planning, implementatio Output 1.3.1: n and monitoring. National policies and ii) At least 30 sub-national community territorial promoters planning trained to instruments promote the (new or LDN existing) are approach part of the (40% are LDN approach women; 30% and consider from villages the specific and priorities of nationalities) women and peoples and iii) At least 90 nationalities. people with solid capacities for the SLM Output: 1.3.2 practice implementatio National LDN n (40% are Action Plan women; 30% designed and from villages operational and including nationalities). national LDN targets. Outcome 1.3: National and sub-national authorities include the LDN approach into national policies and planning processes, at different levels and with appropriate inter-agency coordination mechanisms. Target: At least 1 intersectoral and/or multilevel coordination mechanism activated with LDN actors. Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Component g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- Fun Financing( Financing($ d $) ) 2: Investmen Outcome 2.1: Output.2.1.1: GET 2,002,205.0 5,214,461.00 Demonstratio t Landowners 0 n of LDN and users Ongoing approach to adopt participatory promote sustainable plans for the resilient land LDN livelihoods management implementatio and practices at n SLM/SFM intervention (mainstreamin practices in sites to g gender, prioritized prevent and/or landscape, and landscapes reduce land intercultural degradation approaches) in and restore the context of ecosystem the LDN services. National Action Plan. Targets: i) 2,000 ha of Output 2.1.2: forests restored to Gender and maintain intercultural- ecosystem sensitive services in 3 SLM/SFM intervention practices sites (GEF implemented Indicator in the project #3.2) intervention areas ii) 2,000 ha of (ecosystems paramo and and productive shrub landscapes), ecosystems which restore restored to vegetative maintain cover, soil ecosystem organic services in 3 carbon, water intervention regime and sites (GEF increase Indicator productive #3.3) systems sustainability. iii) 4,750 ha of landscapes under SLM in productive systems in 3 intervention sites (GEF Indicator #4.3) iv) 20,000 ha of high value forests conserved in 3 intervention sites (GEF Indicator #4.4) v) At least 3,750 people (1,500 women and 1,125 from villages and nationalities) have implemented on-farm SLM practices and their full impact has been assessed (GEF Indicator #11) vi) 5?356.230 tCO2eq sequestered or avoided emissions due to SLM practices and avoided deforestation Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Component g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- Fun Financing( Financing($ d $) ) 3: Promoting Technical Outcome 3.1 Output 3.1.1: GET 752,754.00 8,198,815.00 innovative Assistance Designed and incentive Actors in operational mechanisms selected value mechanisms to encourage chains include and the adoption the SLM institutional of SLM/SFM approach to arrangements practices in enhance for the agricultural resilience and implementatio and forest generate n of incentives landscapes. socio- to promote the economic adoption of benefits based SLM/SFM, on incentives mainstreaming and gender and improvements interculturality in market . access mechanisms. Output 3.1.2: Targets: i) At Designed and least 1000 operational beneficiaries mechanisms have access to and SLM institutional incentives and arrangements mechanisms to improve that market access strengthen for SLM in value smallholders chains, and (men and women) that at least 480 are part of the people with SLM approach strengthened into the capacities in selected value LDN chains. (disaggregate d by sex and ethnicity) (GEF Indicator #11) iii) At least 10% increase in income generated on the smallholders? farm who have incorporated SLM. Project Financin Expected Expected Trus GEF Confirmed Component g Type Outcomes Outputs t Project Co- Fun Financing( Financing($ d $) ) 4: Project Technical Outcome 4.1: Output.4.1.1: GET 379,131.00 233,782.00 monitoring Assistance Mid-term and Knowledge review and evaluation management, final and lessons M&E and evaluation learned disseminated carried out. lessons learned from Output: the project. 4.1.2: Overall environmental benefits, co- benefits and Target: costs of Project SLM/SFM outcomes monitored, achieved and assessed and demonstrating lessons sustainability learned from the project analysed. Output: 4.1.3: Knowledge management outputs, developed and disseminated. Output: 4.1.4: Communicatio n strategy developed and implemented to support the expansion of SLM/SFM to achieve LDN targets. Sub Total ($) 4,213,397.0 26,979,798.0 0 0 Project
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