MARCH 5, 1956 35c PER COPY 'f9ors*A`ati, 'V BROA (6Fn4°. rb .r .t 1-fr '°;U a71t zun tta$ ts.ya 4gY 4ztlr" zf) 4 E=4".; TEIt'C 19r7 Complete Inde Page 10. Ike Talk Touches Off Radio -Tv Time Joust a ; 1 Tv Network Buys & Buyers Page 34 AFM Unit to Probe Hollywood Revolt Page 44 For generations cotton -pickers separated dise anytime . 60 seconds is all it the seeds from cotton by hand. takes with the time -saving device -Spot While studying this tedious and time - Radio. consuming chore -and in a flash of in- Spot Radio costs less to reach more of :olo. Supreme Court spiration of perhaps 60 seconds or less - your potential customers . whoever Eli Whitney thought of a time -saving they are . wherever they might be )verrides Canon 35 device to accelerate this work. The ... at the precise time and place of your Page 48 result was the cotton Gin. choice. Today, to accelerate sales for your prod- 60 seconds -or less is all it takes to sell uct -Dress shirts in the Winter, Sport more with the right, bright buy -Spot shirts in the Summer-to sell merchan- Radio. BC's Tv Aim bÿ''58: WSB Atlanta NBC JMinneapolisi KMA Shenandoah ABC KSTP NBC -o Catch Its Rivals Dallas NBC st. Paul (( (Iowa) WFAA* Page 66 Ft. Worth ABC WABC New York ABC KTBS Shreveport NBC WIKK Erie NBC WTAP. Norfolk CBS KVOO Tulsa NBC KPRC* Houston NBC WIP Philadelphia MBS ABC Pacific Radio NBC ABC Regional Network WJIM Lansing WRNL Richmond ABC KCRA Sacramento NBC *Also represented as key KARK Little Rock NBC WOAI* San Antonio NBC KABC Los Angeles ABC KFMB San Diego CBS stations of the WISN Milwaukee ABC KGO San Francisco ABC TEXAS QUALITY NETWORK Rep d by EDWARD FLuffY & CO. INC THE NEWSWEEKLY THE ORIGINAL STATION REPRESENTATIVE OF RADIO AND TV NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA DETROIT LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS CHANNEL 6 THE ONLY STATION IN THE RICHMOND AREA IN THE PREFERRED LOW END OF THE VHF BAND MAXIMUM POWER AT MAXIMUM HEIGHT RICHMOND, VA. WTVH OFFERS THE FINEST FACILITIES IN THE RICHMOND AREA. NO OTHER STATION HAS HIGHER ANTENNA FACILITIES AND CHANNEL 6, THE PREFERRED FREQUENCY IS THE ONLY CHANNEL IN THIS AREA IN THE LOW END OF THE VHF BAND, THUS WTVR ASSURES NO RECEPTION PROBLEMS, AS OTHERS ARE EXPERIENCING. YES, OTHERS FROM WITHOUT ATTEMPTING TO COVER RICHMOND HAVE THEIR PROBLEMS, BUT BIG WTVR HAS NO PROBLEMS. WTVR ALWAYS GIVES A CLEAR SHARP PICTURE WITH OR WITHOUT AN ANTENNA. SO BUY QUALITY BY BUYING THE FINEST WTVR "The South's 1st TV Station" WMBG AM WCOD FM WTVR TV First Stations of Virginia A Service o/ HAVENS & MARTIN, INC. WMBG AM REPRESENTED NATIONALLY BY THE BOLLING CO. WTVR REPRESENTED NATIONALLY'. BY BLAIR TV, INC. PROPERTY -U S. AIR -P RC Published every Monday, with Yearbook Numbers (53rd and 54th issues) pu lishein January and July by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1735 DeSales St.. N.W.. Washineton 6. D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14. 1933. at Post Office at Washington. D. C.. under act of March 3. 1879. familiar to every WGLTVfamily LANCASTER, PENNA. NBC AND CBS :s AMON t Just as a "mixer" of some type is a fixture ,. e.p.- in every household, so are WGAL -TV's outstanding programs completely familiar to 4 the 917 320 TV families in the great Channel f .0 .t , ¡ 8 Multi -City Market. Make this market's 3% million people, with $5% billion to spend, familiar with your product. STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. CHANNEL 8 MULTI -CITY MARKET ......../.. 4.M.OY.O. ::.:......- comm." Bura .....,. .RnSYle - . - ' .3nvor a.W.:o.... ........ ` -- \ Representatives: MEEKER TV, INC. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 March 5, 1956 Page BROADCASTING TELECASTING closed circuit, STITCH IN TIME To resist efforts to "candidacy ". Already on sustaining time ducers and distributors and station reps, preclude spot sales representation by net- "bank" is Democratic request for half - already visited for orientation during last works of their affiliated stations, all non- hour to offset Vice President Richard M. few months. Next trip, may be: West Coast, CBS owned affiliates now represented by Nixon's Lincoln Day talk wherein he al- and- viewing groups, like PTAs, Ameri- its radio and television spot sales organi- luded to "Republican" Chief Justice War- can Assn. of University Women, League zations, have retained counsel and plan ren as having handed down desegregation of Women Voters, National Audience to present their case to FCC's Network opinion. Second request for equal time Board, National Assn. for Better Radio Study Group. Stations contend they have exploded last Wednesday after Ike's use & Tv. legal right to select their own sales rep- of all networks to formally explain his BT resentatives and have retained Covington decision to run (story page 31). BBC REPORT What Britain's non -com- & Burling, Washington law firm. Co- BT mercial BBC thinks about Britain's com- ordinator is John S. Hayes, president of TIME snarl as two major parties seek mercial ITA will be heard firsthand by Washington Post radio and tv stations choice network facilities for campaign is New York Radio -Television Executives So- (WTOP-AM -FM -TV Washington; WMBR- getting serious. NBC expected to submit ciety March 21 from BBC's head man, Sir AM-TV Jacksonville). Others under- schedule of radio -tv availabilities, while Ian Jacob, director -general. But they're stood to be WBT- WBTV(TV) Charlotte; CBS wants to draw up own timetable. likely to hear more because BBCers be- WBTW(TV) Florence; WCAU -AM -TV ABC -TV, planning major reshuffling as came indignant over what they regarded Philadelphia; KSL-AM -TV Salt Lake City; part of tv expansion program, wants sev- as untoward comments on BBC's opera- KOIN -AM -TV Portland, Ore.; KGUL eral weeks before making decisions since tions from lips of FCC Chairman George (TV) Galveston; WRVA Richmond and it would suffer heavily if new features C. McConnaughey last Sept. 14 after WCCO Minneapolis. It's presumed group were bumped in early stages. Democrats chairman has returned from his Euro- also has considered long -range plan in planning extensive plane -train whistle - pean trip, when he commented ITA opera- event representation divestiture comes. stopping by Presidential candidate in view tions should put BBC on its toes and that BT of President Eisenhower's spurning of BBC hasn't given people programs they ANTITRUST Division of Dept. of Justice familiar campaign custom, plus liberal wanted. is watching developments in color tv "like use of radio -tv time. BT a hawk," according to one operator in BT ARE movie interests seeking to scuttle forefront of color set manufacturing ex- GOODNIGHT, MRS. CALABASH? Emmy awards? Sources close to Jerry ploration. Every facet of color develop- Texas Co. and NBC -TV are understood Lewis say he was forced by Hollywood ment, this source avers, is being scrutinized to be considering dropping Jimmy Durante motion picture pressure to renege after as to plans for licensing, manufacturing show, (Sat., 9:30 -10 p.m.) next fall be- having agreed to serve as m.c. of NBC -TV and marketing. (see story on other Jus- cause of rating difficulties. Advertiser broadcast (sponsored by Oldsmobile) of tice Dept. investigations, page 76.) would keep time period, however. Kud- awards ceremony March 17. Though Mr. BT ner Agency, New York, is agency. Lewis denies his change of mind was forced NO SUPPORT Though they aren't yet Boer upon him, it is known that months ago he talking about it, all three tv networks prob- HAVING tossed first bomb in his Look accepted, without reservation, invitation ably will oppose new amendment to politi- article proposing "let's try it" approach to to preside. Dispute over validity of Emmy cal broadcasting law submitted last week subscription tv, FCC Comr. Robert E. nominations, opened last week when Jack by Sen. Lyndon Johnson (D- Tex.), major- Lee is pondering idea that toll plan might Webb protested category of Dragnet classi- ity leader (story page 84). All look upon be used for telethons and other big name fication, may not be at end; but members it as device for politicans to obtain more drives to raise funds painlessly for polit- of Academy of Television Arts & Sciences free time. ical campaign expenditures or for elee- are closing ranks. Ed Sullivan (who today mosynary purposes. Income from such becomes chairman of next year's awards BT committee), WHAT'S MORE, ABC probably will op- projects, with talent contributed, he feels, Milton Berle, Gale Storm, Ralph Edwards pose any amendment to existing law. In might be geared toward equitable distribu- and others have called for confidence private letter commenting on earlier tion to political candidates. He admits in academy and its method of selecting amendment originally proposed by CBS, he hasn't "thought it through" but feels nominations. ABC said it liked things as they are. it has potential in light of current Con- BST "Privilege" of putting candidates on tv gressional consideration of campaign con- SRO Will networks have their time at news and discussion programs "should tributions. bat before Senate Commerce Committee not be left to the broadcaster' to dispense BT week of March 12? Committee doesn't unregulated by law," ABC letter said. SECRET BALLOT NARTB's refusal know, is having trouble lining up hearing CBS -sponsored bill would give broadcast- to divulge vote in referendum approving room amid spate of other hearing sessions ers right to put candidates on news and by -laws change that removes at -large di- on Hill.
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