BIBLIOGRAPHY Research Bibliography of Alcohol and Kava Studies in Oceania: Update and Additional Items PAUL FREUND an d MAC MARSHALL Deparlme11/ of A111hropo/ogy, U11ii>ersilyof Iowa, Iowa Cily, Iowa 52242 Marshall (1974) recently compiled a bibliography of research dealing with alcohol and kava use in the Pacific Islands consisting of 70 separate items divided more or less equally between alcohol and kava studies . Scholars familiar with the Pacific know that the preparation and consumption of kava by Pac ific Islanders ha s caught the attention of outsiders for a long time and this fact is made apparent by the additional bibliography on alcohol and kava in Oceania provided below . Fully 63 of the 84 new items concern kava and a substantial number of these date from the nineteenth century . Six of the items listed below are updates of work mentioned in the l 974 compilation (e.g., papers read at professional meetings that st1bsequently have been published) . Since much of the kava literature appears in languages other than English , we have provided translations of titles not readily comprehensible to persons unfamiliar with the language in question. References Cited Anonymous. 1954. No drinking permit s yet for Pap ua-New Guinea native s. Pac ific .Island s Monthly 24 (24): .17. .1955 . Decision on native liquor permit s deferred. Pacific Isl a nds Monthl y 25 (9) : 25. [956. Supply of liquor to New Guinea natives. South Pacific 8 ( l0): 209-21 J. Baldi, D. 1890. Sulle proprieta farmacologiche de! Piper me1hys1ict1111(Kawa-Kawa) . [On the pharmacological propertie s of Piper melhys lic1,111(Kawa-Kawa).) Terapi a Modern a [Rome] 4 : 359-364. Barrau , Jacques. 1957. A propos de Piper me1hys 1icu111. [Remark s on Piper me1hys 1ic11111.] Journal d 'Agriculture Tropicale et de Botaniqu e Appliquee [Paris] 4 : 270-273. Bennet, G. l 832. Account of the kava shrub (Piper me1hys1ic11m),Gambir (Nauclea gambir), a nd the lgnalia amara, or St. Ignatius bean . London Medical and Physical Journal 67 : 110-118 . Bohm, R. , and K. Kubler . 1908. Ueber Kaw aw urzel. [Concerning the kava root.] Archiv der Pha rmazie [Berlin] 246 : 663- 666. Buchner, Max . 1877. Ein Kawa - Gelage a uf Viti . [A kava drinking feast on Viti .] [Vitilevu , Fiji] Gartenlaube [Berlin] 24: 51 ff . Champness, L. T. 1966. Alcoholism . Papua Ne w Guinea Medical Journal 9 (3) : 113-114 . Micro 11esi ca 13(2): 313- 317. 1977 (December). 314 Micronesica Colonial Products Advisory Bureau . 1951. Kava (Piper methys tirn111, Forst.) article in Co lonial Plant and Animal Products 2 (1). London : H. M. Stationery Office. Cuzent, Gilbert. 1856. Du Kawa de Noukahiva lies Marquises. [The Kawa or Nuku Hiva, Marquesas fslands .] Revue Coloniale [Pari s] 2nd series, 15: 582-583. l 857. Du Kawa ou ava de Tai ti, (Piper methysticum). [The kawa or ava or Tahiti.] Messager de Tahiti [Papeete] , 6th year , JO May and 29 Nov . 1857. --- 1858. Du kawa, kava ou ava de Tahiti et des iles Marquises. [The kawa , kava or ava of Tahiti an d the Marquesas Islands.] Revue Coloniale [Par is] 2nd ser ies, 20: 630-646. 1861. De la racine de kawa. [About the kawa root.] Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie [Par is] 3rd series, 39: 202-204 . 1873. Des boissons enivrantes en usage chez les differents peuples . [Some intoxi­ cating drinks in use among different p eop les.] Bulletin de la Societe Academique de Brest, 2nd ser ies, I : 141-230. Despeissis , A. l 925. Kava or yaqon a. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Circular, Government Printer [Suva, Fiji] 5 (2): 64-67. Evangelista, Alfredo E. 1973. Tempered intemperance: tuba-drinking in a Tagalog community. Philippine Sociological Review 21 (I) : 5-28 . Farwell, 0. A. 1917. Kava. Druggist Circular 61 : 230. Firth, Raymond. I 970. A basic religious rite-the kava . l n R ank an d Religion in Tikopia by Raymond Firth. Boston : Beacon Press , 199- 232. Frater, A. S. J 951. Medical aspects or yaqona. Transac tions and Proceedings or the Fijian Society [Suva] (1951-1954), 5: 31 - 39. Gluckman, L. K. 1974. Alcohol and the Maori in historic perspective. The New Zealand Medical Journal 79 (506): 553-555 . Gobley, 1860. Recherches chimiques sur la racine de kawa . [Chemical investigations on the kava root .] Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie [Paris] 3rd series 37 : 19-23 . Guiart, Jean. I 956. Le rituel du kava. [The kava ritual.] In Un Siecle et demi de Contacts Culturels a Tan na, Nouvelles Hebrides by Jean Guiart. Publications de la Societe des Oceaniste s, No . 5. Paris : Musee de !'Homme. 246-254. Haddon, A. C. 1916. Kava drinking in New Guinea. Man 16 (JO) : 145- 153. Hoeven, J. A. van der. 1959. De lnvloed van Wati-Misbruik op de Vruchtbaarheid van der vrouw , Beschouwingen Naar Aanleiding van Twee Tournees in het Achterland van Okaba . [The influence or wati-abuse on the fertility of women, considerations on the occasion of two tours in the back country or Okaba.] Medelingen van de Dienst van Gesondheidszorg in Nederlands Nieu Guinea 6 (I): 41-6.1. [West lrian] [See also Van Dan-Bakker et al. 1958]. 1962. Beleid or sentiment ; wat i-gebru ik of -misbruik aan de zuidkust van Niew­ Guinea . [Wisdom or sentiment ; wati use or abuse on the south coast of New Guinea]. Nieuw-Guinea Studien 6 (4): 368-369. Holmes, L. D. 1961. The Samoan kava ceremony : its form and function. Science or Man I (2): 46 - 51. Home, E. 1847. On the native cloth and on the kava of the South Sea Islanders . Bota nical Magazine [London) I 3: 37-41. [Tonga] Jordan, F. T . 1876. Ava oder Kava-Kava . Pharmaceutische Zeit schrift fur Russland [St. Petersburg) 15: 609-615. Kennedy, K. 1931. A Fijian yaqona ceremony. Mankind [Sydney) I (I) : 59- 61. Kesteven, L. .I882 . Notes on the physiological action of kava . Practitioner [London) 28 : J 99. Kostermans, D . .I951 . The habit-fo rming drug kawain . Madjalah ]lmu alam untuk, Indonesia , Tndonesian Journal for Natural Science 107 {1-3): 46-50. Lavalee, G. l 940. Le kawa ou poivre enivrant . [The kava or intoxicating pepper.] Concours Medical [Paris] 62: 651. Leenhardt, Maurice. .1946. Le Ti en Nouvelle-Caledonie. Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes 2: 192-193 . Vol. 13. December 1977 315 Lemert, Edwin M. 1976 . Koni, kona, kava ; orange-beer culture of the Cook Islands . Journal of Studies on Alcohol 37 (5): 565-585. Leong, P. C. 1953. The nutritive value of coconut toddy. The British Journal of Nutrition 7 (3): 253-259. Levy, Robert. 1966. Ma 'ohi drinking patterns in the Society Islands. Journal of the Polynesian Society 75 : 304-320 . Reprinted 1971 in Howard , Alan (ed.), Polynesia: Readings on a Culture Area. Scranton , PA : Chandler Publishing Co. Lewin, Louis. 1886 . Sur le Piper melhyslicum (kawa-kawa); d'a pres une communication faite le 16 Decembre l 885 a la Societe Medicale de Berlin , (Translated by H. Gro s). Archives de Medecine et de Pharmacie Navales [Paris) 46: 210--220. I 886. Ueber Piper melhyslicum (kawa-kawa). Monographie, Berlin : A. Hirschwald . 60. Lickiss, J. Norelle. 1971. Alcohol and aborigines in cross-cultural situations. Australian Journal of Social Issues 6: 210-216. ----. 1975. Health problems of urban aborigines: with special reference to the aboriginal people of Sydney . Social Science and Medicine 9 (6): 313-318. Lloyd, C. G. 1900. The use of kava by the Samoan Islanders. Pharmaceutical Review [Mil­ waukee] 18 : 261-266 . McGrath, T. B. 1973. Sakau in towm . Sarawi in towm . [Ponapean Kava .) Oceania 44 (!): 64-67. Reprinted 1973. Guam Recorder, n .s. 3 (3): 47-50. Marshall, Mac . 1974. Research bibliography of alcohol and kav a studies in Oceania . Micro­ nesica 10 (2): 299-306. 1975. The politics of prohibition on Namoluk Atoll. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 36 (5): 597-610 . 1976. A review and appraisal of alcohol and kava studies in Oceania . In Cross­ Cultural Approaches to the Study of Alcohol : An Interdisciplinary Perspective, edited by Michael W. Everett, Jack 0 . Waddell and Dwight B. Heath . World Anthropology Series . The Hague : Mouton . Marshall, Mac, and Leslie B. Marshall. 1975. Opening Pandora's bottle : reconstructing Micro­ nesians ' early contacts with alcoholic beverages . Journal of the Polynesian Society 84 (4): 441-465. 1976. Holy and unholy spirits: the effects of missionization on alcohol use in Eastern Micronesia . Journal of Pacific History 11 (3) : 135-166. Mercier, A. I 937. Le kava , boisson sociale des iles d'Oceanie . [Kava, social beverage of the Pacific Islands.) Les Missions Catholiques [Lyon) 69: 391-400. Miklouho-maclay, N. N . 1876. Das Getrank 'Keu ' bei den Papua auf Neu-Guinea . [The drink kava among the Papua and New Guineans.) Isvestiia-Journal of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society . French Title : Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale Russe de Geographie 10 : 63. I 885. Note on the 'keu ' bei den Papua auf Neu-Guinea. Linnean Society of New South Wales [Sydney] Proceedings 10: 687-695. Nason, James D. 1975. Sardines and other fried fish ; the consumption of alcoholic beverages on a Micronesian island. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 36 (5): 611-625 . Nevermann, Hans. 1938. Kawa aufNeuguinea. Ethnos [Stockholm) 3: 179-192. O'Rorke. 1856. Du kawa-kawa ou Piper meth ys ticwn . Revue Coloniale [Paris) 2nd series 16: 85-92. Orr, J. 1917. Notes on kava-kava. Prescriber [Edinburg) 11: 181. [Later called Medical Review.] Pataki-Schweizer, K. J. l 976. Meth-drinkers and lotus-eaters: Some education aspects of trans­ cultural psychiatry in Papua New Guinea. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psy­ chiatry IO: 129-131. Penaud, A. J. 1908. Contribution a l'etude du kawa-kawa d 'Oceanie.
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