mm. Norwalk Gazi-tth ' Norwalk Gazette Terms -for Advertising. •£? ub'.ished every TueaJuy Atternoon at »2 per Year ji . $ Varnished pn application. Llberal.iiaiform, rat«» W long time and' liige space AiivertlMrt. in Advance: Single copies 5 cts. a ••a'U' ' Oldest,.Largest and most Widely Circulated l'r»tMlent*<iY».l »qnar» (lli>e(i)-ln»e $i.»8 Newspaper in this section of the Stat,'. Saheqaent Insertions, per week, ' go t is the Best Advertising Medium, and lias the Faneral and Obituary Notices, iMt-wiii Most Advertising, because It is read by the 4 ; ..n.vrr.M!;; BtrtlM, Marriages and De^«; Best People. Qnwlocable adrrts. not MntM :«ti«ppn»e» Entered as SU class matter and Postage prepaid, An. UutOTprifitig Kepublican Journal, especially devoted to Local News and Interests. AU Bat ('oilectatde .Vonthly tmd. ladrsss sups Indicate time when Subscriptions by Two DOLLARS A YEAR. •i,y awn Is atfro rata Sattt. mall expire. ESTABLISHED 1800. !f':T?£ Job Prlnttnt ctf«v*y Yt«)*tr H. S. BYIN<3rTON, •W&Vf f> *•*« March IT, i885. Number 11, 1 Editok and Proprietor. VKATIiY, QUICKLY A r - - - • J OHS BODEMEYKIt, Jr. - Assoeiate Editor. Volume LXXXY. • • ;:r;- : .£0 ^ TDK BUESSINO OF Jfl'X, SKWAOE AS rOOD *OH fKH. i llUXMI Af JPHTER YilK Unfi^* , T-j.Vv sai; acnyjiiK wom-o w. m as it is ' -'..i., n-W*®. IT* ' REAL ESTATE. ma* 4w»: *'Ti luis was to al'st ^ A new light has beeii-thrown upon the inowadays.l T^reiislsixfhufidred d61- It is well underatAod tha,t in tins country, As a people, we are given to sobriety At one;of the dinners given by the sewage question in England, and fli now I'm thTnBn^M thatcountry- where all museI g«' of ^lemeanor. Mirthfulness and jollity A Fine Building Site lar$ wbrthihere tp|iii^it. • ¥ k at all events, t^tero is . no'limit to genius. Ont;. a huge pif Was placed in the oentre believed that the discharge of the im­ loftedajr. ikls of are hardly to be reckoned as among our Of nearly two acres on Prospect not adlotnlba The range aitd brilliancy ,;of its achieve' of the gentleman's table, oat Of which, mense sewage of London into. .'the residence of Mr. Geo Clark.: Apply to W« eall.lt up.bqwnd the stars. it seems so. fax eoeSring pa©y slurried prominent nationa! characteristics; itd- 3m2 B. B. CBACFlfBD, 31 Main gt. and th mentsare beyond anything ever dr'eanaed when the stertletaxtrver broke the criist; a Thames is the best disposition, that • H '' •' . • £ beit we are not without a certain dry So.looHjp onsbejond the fell to span the infinite, ^.l^For this next ludf of in a previous age. ' We -have the electrio beaiitTful dwarf ttdy, «» jtnris naturalist, ihumor and wit of our owitf and know the could be made of it. Th« teaaan far *Tii. The Jou»ey,so unlike the rest, ends like tosh busy ^receiving their telegraph and the telephone, the locomotive ail except a head4re«i, stepped; proposed For Sale Cheap, •droll thing when we see'it..- But we do this belief-is fouadintlro extraordinary at ttgUt I I I I f I |rien<S, ^>untess ^tiinly i'ai^d and the balloon, and in a few years, if in a set speech Ofd drank in a glass of wine ILL be sold at a Bargain, If applied for sooa mot. laugh very much. The stamp that abundance'of fish on -the: southern and a small, neat Cottage, of aizt doms, in good j We know not wHy Ineeps SB far, or wfiereftti Wain-en b^pg among; the latter things keep pn in the way they have begun, the health of the fcom^my. ahdt&^n ret^d neionborhood,W and tbree minutes' walk of tbe 1 place may be, V ' . > *" tthe grim and decorous Puritan 'and' the eastern coasta, The west coasts of Royal" the only absolutely pure baiting pow­ The titlecf lady complained of being, people willbe trftvei sing the air" in airanautiu into her !snng retteitt snd Was^ctimed frem Bridge. Apply at GAZETTE OJWCE. But somewhere, be it far or war, it means eter­ stately and gracious cavalier set Upon England and Scotland, together with nity. almost ill. steam- velocipedes, -Rut. > if the News has the. table. A ms|k tdwarf woS: pulbstitilted at the w/hole »f Ireland, only produce 4 der made.—Action of the New York State "Do not mention it for worlds, dear :. ^ir. country when tfiey ltuided upon its Do not the starsexceed the earth by many times beeujcorrectl^ .inform^u, southing More the ladies' tabiev Did Mot Feter say he per; cent, of the catch of fish of Great in size? e.bores, has never bpeji iemoved. Mrs. Huntley," she murmured. "I wonderful tban.all this has recently, been could reformhis'people, but not himself t Board of Health.* : iNot all the'inflttx-of- "streams from Britain, the. waters of the North Sea - • td5 kb Has not tbe moon sufficient space to take away dislike attracting attention. I would discpyer^rtsomething which will burn up A dinner-party 'at the Cisar's must' indeed surprise? mtm; nations—joral German; prodigal and the English Channel supplying tha li never have thought of going out 'air ^nd water. A few days since a gentle­ have been a Sight hot conceivable out of Is not tbe plan of life revealed made cleat It^h« pas^oiiiate Sp^ish, merciiiial rest, - The cause of this exceptional fer­ had it not been here,," with g«»t man put ia'fn'app^'atShcerja Denver, who Bedlain, and cotdf only have been planned 'Under the direction of the 5Tew York State Board of Health, enough to show . Freta<Jf>, or tranquil ^ede^-has taken tility of the fish in the south and east lays claim to'the possession of a secret by : ih the maddest hiQ|ijh oini' earth, if ! a manu­ That fie^rho rules the worlds on high Is He svhp fronr its, as a. people, the sober, grave, - is supposed to be an abundant food sup­ eighty-four different kinds of baking powdera, embracing all the rules b#iow? ? iffe plea^dand flutter­ which the world can fie reduced to ashes. script among tiif.^lbane p^rs in the jirit. JIs not the opening of the grain, the yearly open­ steaty, self-repressed exteiior, which is ply. It is evident from the oofttftitution ed, and attended her chief guest to large e&iqps coi^ibination ot acids * sub- ish Museum iS fc^evshle: Such practical brands that, could be found for sale m the State, were submitted ing leiif, second «atufe with all English-speaking of the .fish themselves that they obtain arm-chair by the open.window. •MincisTis produced which, if thuown^ into a jokes! such wM, gpt^sque" giinbolingt A mystery as great, as plain, one that prove* from something or somewhere consider­ v.v:-:::.. la .a few minu^BS more dinner was folk; ya$ we are ghid when we aire made to examination and analysis by Prof. Chandler, a Mem­ belief? i bfljnh of water, will set it,on firf,"and, g&th« the'frol^iof lemha&l' ^ ^laughter of a able quantities of nitrogen, phosphoric C. F." ,ai&o^ee^^^^^inl|ie^^9|destined to langh in spitedof ourselves. The man Are notthei seasons kept In plaeeand.helfl to°Us crinf fad froin tfae livid air, can be made Tita%- agjfright^P'in his f&jl as in his fury! acid and potash in esces3 of what is who of " a village lievvspaper; becomes ; ber ot the State Board and President of the New Tork City obsture not to lse disappointed in her hopes. to ^1read until^U. created thingsare wrapped There; was «oc^MhlocbUi(ar . at' the Czar'» obtained in sea water. These ar^ pre­ To give us some rewards on trust and keep our ' suddenly a popular manand waking On Wilton Avenue Everything passed off without a flaw,! in Raines. As may be inferred, he. claims tahle for about ^hiiiidred: but Ihe grim .Board of Health, assisted by Prof. Edward G. Love, the^well- faith more pure? lip soma -flne morning, finds himself cisely the ingredients which are found and it was a late hour that they all arose, ^t^inhint'the neeret with which this; ecoen- humorist always' J^iued invitatiohs jf6r twice ; Who would be told the parting hour, or made famous. The darling of the lyceum is valuable in sewage used as manure, and "AWHy to' frointtheifcseats. Everybody had beeu Tiaric Supipe^eld a few years since startled ' or thrice .tiiat ntti^R ^d left hi,guests to known latp United States Government chemist. aware of pain? ; , . the man who* successfully rnimica the which restore the fetility of exhausted Tiiey come and hurt and wound in nun, and stirjMriisic^and delighted, and the pre­ California anil threw thet . Pacific slope into elbow, jostle atneki^ght:/orchSirsandplaoes.. the foibles and follies of the times, With soils. Hence it is concluded that the w-: Tiie official report Showa'ihat a large number of the powdera B. J. STITB6ES. W O. £. VIUON, leave us well again. sence of a real titled guest , had added a^uittolt of-excitement. The gentleman in arid retain th^'^feiist'1 and Who can from actual knowledge tell, or even a spics of foil dashing the satire-of his enormous quantities of sewage which ,QAZETTBBUn<DING- '4tl great distinction to the occasion. of this., rentarkable . faculty claimants if tlMj^eonid:? .ST^t '^fi^uentiy examined were found to contain alum or lime many of them to dare to say, -description.
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