THE PRIMARY SOURCE The Journal of Conservative Thought at Tufts University Volume XIV Number 1 VERITAS SINE DOLO August 30, 1995 TruTh WWWithoutithoutithout SorSorSorrrrowowow EXPRESS YOURSELF! Put your photography, writing, editing, arts, cartoon, humor, business, and lay-out skills to work for Tufts’ Voice of Reason. INTRODUCTORY MEETING: 8:30 PM Wednesday, September 6 Zamparelli Room (#112, Campus Center) 2 THE PRIMARY SOURCE, AUGUST 30, 1995 THE PRIMARY SOURCE The Journal of Conservative Thought at Tufts University Vol. XIV No. 1 August 30, 1995 CONTENTS Departments FROM THE EDITOR 4 COMMENTARY 6 FOOL ON THE HILL 5 FORTNIGHT IN REVIEW 8 NOTABLE AND QUOTABLE 24 ERR JORDAN JUMBO PROPAGANDA STEVE SELTZER COLIN DELANEY Jordan and Ewing team up against ownership. The Tufts administrators load the Viewbook and other players’ union and management are chasing after loose publications with subtle racism. 15 balls and the fans a left at the foul line. 10 CHIP OFF THE OL’ BLOC JESSICA SCHUPAK Computerized mommies? The federal government Special Section thinks that the V-chip can replace parents. 17 Orientation FREEDOM POINT Spectacular! ANANDA GUPTA Libertarians are an appealing and intelligent choice Beyond First Glance to more traditional political movements. 19 Partners in BLOWING SMOKE Crime BUDDIE JO DIFONZO Re-Orientation Liberals are spreading lies about the tobacco indus- try while Clinton inhales. 21 * THE SOURCE guide to campus hot spots. * Tufts personalities pair off for crazy rules and silly antics at students’ expense. KKK, Ph. D. * Extend that hand! Exceed that grasp! COLIN KINGSBURY Academics are so blinded by race favoritism that is Pages 11 - 14 just racism in reverse. 22 THE PRIMARY SOURCE, AUGUST 30, 1995 3 THE PRIMARY SOURCE THE JOURNAL OF CONSERVATIVE THOUGHT FROM THE EDITOR AT TUFTS UNIVERSITY Colin Delaney unyielding. We do not trade niceties Editor-in-Chief Last June, the US Supreme Court for reality. When an article or editorial ruled that the University of Virginia singles out a specific person or action, CAMPUS ISSUES could not refuse to allot student activi- it is simply because there is no reason Buddie Jo DiFonzo / Editor ties funds to the evangelical Christian to sugarcoat improprieties or unfair- student publication Wide Awake. The ness. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ISSUES Court decided that it was unfair for We at THE SOURCE are relentless in Jessica Schupak / Editor agents of the state— in this case the our desire to make a point. Our goals public university— to arbitrarily with- reach far beyond that of merely pub- hold support from Wide Awake or the lishing another issue; our drive to ex- ARTS AND GRAPHICS campus conservative journal The Vir- pose unjust actions and deception Julie Rockett / Editor ginia Advocate, while supporting oth- stems from care for the subject matter. ers. But the Court’s ruling is just part In THE PRIMARY SOURCE you will find of the story. Conservatives at UVA few favorable notes stricken for Tufts. PRODUCTION face near-constant financial pressure This strategy does not rise from an Colin Kingsbury / Manager from members of student government insidious dislike for the university, who do not agree with their point of rather a reverence for the values it once BUSINESS view. In fact, this was the second time espoused and dismay at what it has Ananda Gupta / Manager The Advocate had its funding revoked. become. Liberal-arts colleges and uni- All the while, the treasury awarded versities such as Tufts used to cite as CONTRIBUTORS monies to other groups with a decid- their highest cause the discovery of edly exclusionary and very political truth and the execution of justice. To- Benn Lieberman / Jayne Wellman perspective, including the Muslim day, however, Tufts has dismissed Reuben Gulledge / Dan Glasser League and other separatist minority these ideals so that it may be regarded Chris Zappala / Richard Marshall groups. by the P.C. crowd as one of the nation’s Lena Mindlina / Naveen Malwal The situation at Tufts is parallel. leading schools. The university’s once Anna Papadopoulou / Mark Dorn Last year, money raised by the Stu- rigid foundation of Western Civiliza- Doron Stember / Edward Havell dent Activities Fee filled the coffers of tion requirements has crumbled. Dis- groups such as Voice For Choice, tribution requirements are now pad- which organized a bus trip to Wash- ded with easy courses and culminate Steve Seltzer / Editor Emeritus ington, DC; the radical Pan-African with instruction in “A Sense of Place.” alliance which celebrates the collec- It is this rejection of the principles that tivist political holiday Kwanzaa; and educated generations that we so vehe- FOUNDERS the Progressive News Collective’s mently oppose. Brian Kelly / Dan Marcus Free Association which advocates the Attempts by administrators and violent overthrow of American soci- students to prevent THE SOURCE from ety. Perhaps it should not come as a disseminating its contributors’ opin- surprise, then, that a number of sena- ions are emblematic of Tufts’ disre- THE PRIMARY SOURCE IS A NON-PROFIT, STUDENT PUBLICATION OF TUFTS UNIVERSITY. THE OPIN- tors voted— without stated reason— gard for the staple of liberal education: IONS EXPRESSED IN ARTICLES, PHOTOS, CARTOONS, OR AD- to reject THE PRIMARY SOURCE’S bud- intelligent, free discourse. Censorship VERTISEMENTS ARE SOLELY THOSE OF THE INDIVIDUAL get. policies are only six years behind us, AUTHOR OR SPONSOR(S) AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE EDITORS OR THE STAFF. For quite some time, THE S OURCE’s and attempts to revoke funding for the THE PRIMARY SOURCE WELCOMES ALL LET- opponents have argued against pro- conservative viewpoint are omnipres- TERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO EDIT OR TO DENY PUBLI- viding us with university funds, not ent. It is with the utmost care for and CATION TO ANY LETTER BASED ON ITS LENGTH AND CON- because we are conservative— that concern with the university’s current TENT. AUTHORS ARE REQUIRED TO INCLUDE THEIR NAME AND PHONE NUMBER. ANY LETTER TO AN INDIVIDUAL would be too obvious— but for our to state that THE P RIMARY S OURCE attempts AUTHOR CONCERNING WORK PUBLISHED IN THE PRIMARY journalism. Since we are a journal and to engage students, administrators, and SOURCE MAY BE PUBLISHED ON THE LETTERS PAGE. do not proclaim objectivity, our professors in an exchange of ideas that PLEASE DIRECT ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: exposés of individuals’ actions are might, one day, help us all find truth. [email protected] or THE P RIMARY S OURCE, MAYER C AMPUS C ENTER, TUFTS U NIVERSITY, MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS, 02155. ©1995 4 THE PRIMARY SOURCE, AUGUST 30, 1995 FOOL ON THE HILL necked Carter was able to take time out of her busy schedule to For the first time in SOURCE history, we have no choice but to arrange for our return to campus-- after Matriculation, and at a crown simultaneously two Fools on the Hill. President John cost of $25.00 per day. DiBiaggio’s cowardly and dishonest abandonment of intellec- The issue was not nearly as complicated for the Housing tual principle merits a first place tie with administration Office. They required only a note from the President to stablemate, Dean of Students Bobbie Knable, who allow us entry to our rooms. Given the opportunity to callously relies on a bloated bureaucracy to promote promote free expression, the spineless Spartan chose her personal political agenda. not to. Rather, DiBiaggio passed the buck to henchman As President of a university that espouses dedica- number three: Dean Bobbie Knable. tion to the ideals of free exchange and scholarly Knable, armed with her Bachelor’s in Music as the enterprise, it is incumbent upon Johnny D.D.S. to administration’s last line of defense, could only blame allow for and encourage the expression of all view- the faceless Orientation Committee. In the Dean’s points. Plaque-man himself does not publicly dis- mind, her position as a ranking member on that commit- agree. Last fall, the Shalala crony even personally tee did not give her the authority to change the policy. guaranteed that he would work to accommodate Rules could not be so readily changed, despite the fact that SOURCE writers during orientation. Tufts students had nowhere to live. In subsequent meetings, President Polident Avoiding the issue, the melody maven argued that we re-asserted his pledge, only to instruct his staff and other media did not perform a service for her orienta- members to renege on the promise or pass the tion program. Since student publications are not subject responsibility on to another official. Enter hench- to committee review, we are not welcome on campus man number one: Dean Jean Herbert, Chairman of during orientation. Selfishly and foolishly, Bobbie Knable the Orientation Committee. Although Herbert is believes that her orientation games and rules take prece- considered a rising star among rule-making uni- dence over a university’s commitment to higher learning. versity administrators, she could not effect a The Dean of Students and the University President are change in the existing policy (which bars all of the same shady lot. Their devotion to rules and campus media groups– among others– from regulations overrides their so-called commitment to obtaining orientation housing). According to creating a campus that is a marketplace for the ex- the Dean of Delay, henchman number two– Veronica change of ideas. Music and medicine have never mixed so Carter was in charge of the arrangements. The stiff- poorly. Everything THE PRIMARY SOURCE You Always Get the finest (not to mention most forthright and telling) account of affairs at Tufts and elsewhere delivered to your doorstep. For just 25 dollars you can receive a full academic Wanted to year’s subscription (14 issues) via first class delivery.
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