THTHEE PLACEPLACE OFOF THUCYDIDESTHUCYDIDES ININ ANCIENANCIENTT HISTORIOGRAPHYHISTORIOGRAPHY byby WilliamWilliam KarlKarl MartinMartin A thesithesiss submittesubmittedd ttoo ththee facultfacultyy ooff TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof UtahUtah InIn partiapartiall fulfillmenfulfillmentt ooff ththee requirementsrequirements forfor ththee degredegreee ooff MasterMaster ooff ArtsArts DepartmentDepartment ooff HistoryHistory TheThe UniversityUniversity ooff UtahUtah MaMayy 20092009 CopyrightCopyright © WilliamWilliam KarlKarl MartinMartin 20092009 AlAlll RightsRights ReservedReserved THE UNIVERSTITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by William K. Martin This thesis has been read by each member of the following supervisory committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory. / / ,G1.c. Zl()� II Ju '2 0 0 « Glenn Olsen Randall Stewart' THE UNIVERSTITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL FINAL READING APPROVAL To the Graduate Council of the University of Utah: I have read the thesis of William K. Martin in its final form and have found that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographic style are consistent and acceptable; (2) its illustrative materials including figures, tables, and charts are in place; and (3) the final manuscript is satisfactory to the supervisory committee and is ready for submission to The Graduate School. W. Lindsay Adams J Chair: Supervisory Committee Approved for the Major Department James R. Lehning Chair/Dean Approved for the Graduate Council David S. Chap an Dean of The Graduate School ABSTRACTABSTRACT ThucydideThucydidess definedefinedd anan importanimportantt momentmoment iinn ancientancient historiography.historiography. HisHis worworkk oonn ththee PeloponnesianPeloponnesian WaWarr representerepresentedd a significansignificantt departuredeparture frofromm thethe worworkk ooff Herodotus.Herodotus. HeHe rejectedrejected ththee story-tellingstory-telling narrativenarrative ooff hishis predecessorpredecessor inin favofavorr ooff a moremore analyticalanalytical reportingreporting ofof hishis chosechosenn subjectsubject.. HeHe statedstated explicitlyexplicitly whawhatt hahass beenbeen termetermedd "th"thee ThucydideaThucydideann method,"method," whicwhichh embraceembracedd personalpersonal experience,experience, eyewitneseyewitnesss testimonytestimony,, personalpersonal investigationinvestigation ooff location,location, a commitmencommitmentt ttoo verifiablverifiablee factsfacts,, anandd aann acutacutee inquiryinquiry intointo thethe humanhuman psychologicalpsychological anandd politicalpolitical underpinningsunderpinnings ooff causationcausation.. HHee at timetimess offeredoffered authorialauthorial judgmentsjudgments onon eventsevents,, butbut hishis narrativenarrative stylestyle wawass calculatecalculatedd ttoo enablenablee ththee readerreader ttoo comcomee toto hishis owownn conclusionsconclusions.. HisHis impactimpact oonn ththee subsequensubsequentt historianshistorians ofof GreecGreecee andand thethe RomanRoman Republi~epublicc anandd earlyearly EmpireEmpire wawass considerable.considerable. CONTENTCONTENTSS ABSTRACABSTRACTT ... ........... .......... ...... ........ ......... .. ........... ... ...... ... .......... .. ..i ivv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSS ... ...... .... ........ ...... ....... ................. .. ....... .... .. vvii INTRODUCTIOINTRODUCTIONN ... ... ... .......... .......... .. ...... ........ ... ... ... ........ ..... ..... ... ....1 1 ChapteChapterr II.. HISTORHISTORYY BEFORBEFOREE THUCYDIDETHUCYDIDESS ..... .. ....... .. .. , .... ................ .... 1100 IIII.. THUCYDIDESTHUCYDIDES'' INNOVATIONSINNOVATIONS IN METHOD AND NARRATIVE TECHNIQUE. ..... .... .. ..... ... ....... ....28 IN METHOD AND NARRATIVE TECHNIQUE 28 III. THE GREEK CONTINUATORS ... ............... ..... .......... ........ ..... ... .58 III. THE GREEK CONTINUATORS 58 IV. THE ROMAN CONTINUATORS .. ....... .... ..... .... ....... ... .... .. ... .. ... .. .83 IV. THE ROMAN CONTINUATORS 83 CONCLUSiON ........ ....... ..... ....... .... .. ... ........ ......... .. .. ... ..... .............. 111 CONCLUSION 111 EPILOGUE: ON THE DEATH OF THUCYDIDES ... ... .. ......... .............. .. 123 EPILOGUE: ON THE DEATH OF THUCYDIDES 123 APPENDiX .......... .. .. ....... .... '..... ... ........ ... .......... ........ ....... .. .. ...... .. .. 136 APPENDIX 136 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............ ... ... .. .... .................... ... ............ ..... ............ 137 BIBLIOGRAPHY 137 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSS I wishwish toto thankthank ProfessorsProfessors OlsenOlsen andand StewartStewart forfor theirtheir closeclose reviewreview ofof mymy manuscriptmanuscript andand alalll ofof theirtheir suggestionssuggestions ttoo improveimprove it.it. I extendextend mymy gratitudegratitude especiallyespecially toto Lindsay,Lindsay, forfor nearlynearly a decaddecadee ofof conversationconversation aboutabout historyhistory andand ourour sharedshared lovelove forfor ththee studystudy ofof it.it. FinallyFinally ttoo thethe kids,kids, inin particularparticular ththee BeanBean,, forfor allall ofof theirtheir supportsupport andand takingtaking inin stridestride thethe manymany updatesupdates I gavegave thethemm onon thethe progressprogress ofof thithiss work.work. INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION ThThee fulcrufulcrumm upouponn whicwhichh thithiss thesithesiss turnturnss isis Thucydides'Thucydides' methodmethod andand narrativenarrative technique,technique, hishis innovationsinnovations oveoverr precedingpreceding historianshistorians,, andand thethe debdebtt owedowed himhim byby succeedinsucceedingg historians.historians. InIn ordeorderr ttoo understanunderstandd hishis impact,impact, itit isis firsfirstt helpfulhelpful ttoo looklook aatt ththee statstatee ooff "history"history"" beforbeforee hishis worworkk oonn ththee PeloponnesianPeloponnesian WaWarr andand determindeterminee exactlexactlyy whawhatt hishis improvementimprovementss werweree overover thethe priorprior generations.generations. ThisThis wilwilll bebe ththee subjectsubject ooff ChapteChapterr I.I. ChapterChapter IIII wilwilll bebe devoteddevoted ttoo hishis work.work. ThThee nextnext twtwoo chapterschapters wilwilll looklook at hishis GreekGreek andand RomanRoman continuatorscontinuators.. TheseThese wilwilll bebe continuatorscontinuators notnot onlyonly inin ththee senssensee thathatt thetheyy "picke"pickedd uupp wherwheree hhee leftleft off,off,"" butbut alsoalso thosthosee whwhoo werweree influencedinfluenced bbyy hishis methodmethod anandd narrativenarrative techniquetechnique.. ChapterChapter IIIIII willwill bebe devotedevotedd ttoo XenophoXenophonn anandd ththee fragmentarfragmentaryy evidenceevidencess ooff ththee otheotherr GreekGreek historianhistorianss ooff ththee fourtfourthh andand thirthirdd centuriescenturies BCBC.. ChapterChapter IVIV wilwilll shifshiftt attentionattention toto ththee majormajor LatinLatin historians:historians: SallustSallust,, LivUvyy anandd TacitusTacitus.. TheThe ConclusionConclusion wilwilll offeroffer notnot onlonlyy somesome finafinall observationobservationss oonn Thucydides'Thucydides' placeplace inin ancienancientt historiography,historiography, butbut wilwilll poinpointt ttoo somesome ooff ththee basicbasic distinctiondistinctionss betweebetweenn GreeGreekk andand RomanRoman historianshistorians aparapartt frofromm stylestyle anandd methodmethod.. ThesThesee differencedifferencess defindefinee ththee historicalhistorical philosophyphilosophy anandd ththee limitslimits ooff ththee RomanRoman approachapproach.. ThesThesee finafinall remarksremarks wilwilll alsalsoo considerconsider thethe historianhistorian Polybius,Polybius, a GreekGreek historianhistorian writinwritingg at ththee timtimee ooff thethe ascendancascendancyy ooff thethe RepublicanRepublican empire.empire. ThThee questionquestionss thathatt surroundsurround ththee abrupabruptt endend ooff Thucydides'Thucydides' worworkk areare addresseaddressedd inin ththee Epilogue,Epilogue, "On"On ththee DeathDeath ooff Thucydides.Thucydides."" ItIt makesmakes foforr interestinginteresting 2 readingreading bubutt doedoess notnot fifitt neatlyneatly intointo ththee bodybody ofof ththee mainmain topic.topic. JusJustt aass thertheree iiss nnoo singlsinglee lineline ooff literaryliterary evolutionevolution fromfrom HomerHomer (fl. secondsecond halfhalf eightheighth c.c. Be?)BC?) toto HerodotusHerodotus (c(c.. 480s-c480s-c.. 420420ss Be)BC) andand ThucydidesThucydides (c.(c. 460/465-c460/465-c.. 404000 Be),BC),11 ththee workworkss ofof Herodotus,Herodotus, Thucydides,Thucydides, XenophonXenophon,, Polybius,Polybius, Sallust,Sallust, Livy,Livy, andand TacitusTacitus ddoo notnot illustrateillustrate a continuoucontinuouss developmentdevelopment ofof historicalhistorical writinwritingg oveoverr thethe courscoursee ooff ththee fivefive hundredhundred yearsyears spannespannedd byby ththee liveslives ofof thesethese men.22 ItIt woulwouldd bebe nicenice ttoo finfindd a goldengolden threadthread inin ththee worksworks ofof thethe ancientancient historianshistorians ttoo thethe pointpoint thathatt ththee threathreadd hashas formeformedd intointo a greagreatt ropropee ooff intertwiningintertwining strandstrandss whicwhichh alalll havehave theitheirr sourcsourcee inin thethe nascentnascent beginningsbeginnings ofof historicalhistorical writingwriting.. SuchSuch a thread,thread, ooff coursecourse,, doedoess nonott existexist.. NeitherNeither isis a linearlinear progressionprogression ofof suresure historicalhistorical methodmethodss evidenevidentt inin aann
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