THE WESTFIELD LEADER TO UADOW AMD KMT WIDttT OttOTlATID WDKLT nVFATU m Dm flMim ^^ ^ ifENTIETH YEAR—No, 43 nterea *» Second WEST-HELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1960 Publish** Kvmry Th Eight Receive Playfields DARCood 410 Awarded Diplomas At o Open Tuesday Citizenship Medals WHS Exercises Tuesday Eighth Grader* Patrolmen Exams ipect 2,000 From Weatfield, Will Be Tuesday Borough Named Roosevelt, Edison Junior HighCarolEUen uldrenTo Attiag Polic Ckicf U. AhWrl Rii«r •nnounc.a' to. (Set pictvroi aa aafa 1) *»f »k«t aiaariaatioat will b« Tile Westfield chapter, Daugh Ceremonies Graduate 461 Diammdstein ters of the American Revolution ;r Monday »«M T«.U«r .t ( p... i, tli, Graduation exercises for 234 pu WaUuak room of lh. Mvni- has awarded eight Good Citizen Two hundred and twenty-seven ship medals to eighth grade pupili piU were held Friday night I t|>upils were gr*du»tBd from Rooie- Is Top Student is estimated that spproxi. cip«l Buildiag (or th« paiitioa in Westfield and Mountainsidi Edison Junior High School. Rob valt Junior 'Iliirfi School Monday riy 2,000 fc-hildreji will register of patrolman. schools. ert H. Mulreany, president of tli night. Diplomas were pie tented Rrtbert H. MulnHUir, >rwllw« day from 1 to 3 p.m. for the Thoie who 4s lot hive ap. Board of Education, presented the 'by Ernest A. Carison, vice presi- erf the Boar* The awards are made annuall ar* oa* UwmUm, M. week iummer playground plic.tion, on filt ihoaM re- diplomat, Howard Tomllnson, prin- dent of the Board of Education. tented diploma* U 410 t urn on the nine local play- port at 7 p.m. Tu.ta.y .aa to a boy and girl in each of the cipal, presented the awards. eighth grade classes in the West- The PTA «iw«rd if or the hlgh«»t at the grtduatiaf ea*M tl Parents are urged to aid All one out. High honor awards from the fleOd Senior JlhjH iMwat " ' children in filling out play field public and parochial school! acmdi-mic averaire .went to Kathryn All cppliuBti ikouM bo bo. school's PTA for the boy and girl Munphy, Other awards were pre night, d refiatration cards and dn and the Mountainside school. tWMB tk« age! of 21 to 30, graduates with the highest mark! sented Iby A&ert fi. iBoJbal, ii g of tha • juppjicaltkms to insure ac- Selection is made by the faculty, at Ita.t S feet, 8 iachti till, went to Eric lannelli and Mai; l wert sddrcstM by taw ' of reeonda. and weigh > miaimvm of 1M or both faculty" and student body, Elizabeth Tomlin»on. m Kahn announced last week, eight pornidi, with w«i|kt and on the basis of: Honor, honesty, Namat of RaaitTtlt SCIIMI "Hwcnty-Av* Ymn TIM* Towtr. rrounds Ifor children 5-12 wil high principles, trustworthiness The class of 1959 annual award, B«i§k» to be proportioaaU. provided by the school's first grad- Gra4ualat appear an pa** tl row" *ni Card Efl.n MmiM |tocate<l iat Columbus, Grant A hick ichool 4jploma or it« loyalty, truthfulness, punctuality SUSAN BARBER—MISS NEW JERSEY 1MO stein spoke «n "The Vaiu« M ferson, Lincoln, McKinley moral strength and stability, clean- uating class, went to Gordon Dig- Othor PTA awards for out»t«nd tqviralent it faired. gory and Nancy Hely. Individual in Our Democracy-* jsevelt, Washington and Wilson liness in mind and body; Service Ing •chievument In various sub >ls. A teen-ace playground •o-operation, meritorious behaviou jecbi went to. (WHltom Baumer, so- Naa af WHS ~ Local Girl Is Miss New Jersey Namat af EdiiM School oys and gills 13-15 will he lo- n bringing honor to school urn cial similes; taiwrerree Warter, M paf* IT I at Etai Street School, Deerfield School community, kindliness, unselfish Graduate! appaar •• paf* It 'nuitihematlcii; Kathryu IHunptiy, kjaygrcunid hours Monday will ness, true Americanism, individual Miss Susan Barber of 400 Long' English; Eliwood Hennlng, nclence Honors were announcwi %f Or. j[r«m ivowi to 4:30 p.m. Tues- responsibility to home, to country, fellow avenue was named Mi«> Foreign Students PTA athletic honor awards were Donna BHIut, 'French; l>oJial twit L. FOOM, vrincM- Or. through Friday the grounds Graduates 102 to God; Courage, mental and phys New Jersey of 1960 Saturday night (riven to Stephen Frelhcrr mid An- 'Mokrauer, Germ«n; Jluth Peter. fl. N. frmn Jr., pW be open from 9:30 a.m. to ical determination to overcome ob- in Wildwood. She was entered In drea Scurry. The honor awards son, 'I.witin, Mid iBnitwia Terry, »chool.i, presented tfc* in practical arts from the I'TA p.m. Playgrounds wlH be stacles; Leadership, personality, he pageant as Miss Suburban Un- l A 60-itor AiiurleH fla* WM Class Receives To Visit Westfield were presented to John Lnuhei holidays and any rainy day originality, ability to lead and hold ion County, eponsored by the Fan Tliu «WHIX1 for ouUUndlntt presented by titt WwMfW mechanical drawing; Chirlci wood-Scotch Plains Junior Cham tUdhlevemvnt in Industrial arU fh«pUr, DAR, to Miti Wi |ng the season which will run Diplomas Tuesday ithers, good sportsmanship, respon Stark, crafts; Steven Bubler, ber of Commerce. AFS Weekend went to iRiKbort Jones. Tuerttay to [.Vug. 19. One sibility, and Patriotism, fundamen wood; Carol Mulreany and Jo Ann •tain M Uit'Ant honor Tho Colla 4f, Dltklnaon iMemor She aiu n«i«lv«| th* |M H children «rc reminded that MOUNTAINSIDE—A graduat- tal Americanism. Miss Barber will represent New To Be July 17-22 Rote, clothing, and Barbara Flem- istration is mandatory for ipar- ng class of 102 received diplomas Winners for Hooscvelt Junior Jersey in the Miss America contest ing and Barbara Schroedcr, foodn, lal Aiwai'ds In Holhing were |ire fleld Area City *Mha«M»i sentwl >to Haremtit Wilde and )ation but attendance is op- Tuesday night at Deerfield School. High School were: in September in Atlantic City. Thirty-one American Field Serv- l i Named to the "Book of Emer- Jane Tlenmnn. The Don Large Me- tor the Ant ttm« thta y«w ta llw al at all times. The class valedictorian was Cher- Miss Barber, an 18 year old ice foreign exchange students wll Ruth (Betty) Small, daughter oi ald" were: Gordon Wlayne Dlg- morial Athletic Award for an out gM in the (rm^uatin* da* *?•* ry Tom and the co-salutatorians Mr, and Mrs. Augustus Small of green-eyed brunette, won the tai- visit WestAeld July 17-22 under Kory, Hilda Marie Eddy, Stephen teen age playground will sbandlnyr 'perfonrtanco in the Richest utmitmk •vtrict. were Nancy Kathryn Johnson and '32 Colonial avenue, Winner also nt part of the competition with the auspices of the executive Imnri Paul Kreihorr, Dan W. llanke, |in be located «t the Elm Street was jfiven to Martin How«rth. Jwnei iM»tU»BW TltoatM WH Carol I,ynn Aurnhammer. of the Roosevelt "H" award, she a comedy monologue ehe had writ- of the Westfleld High School PTA Nancy Hely, Judith Gall Hlkheox, 1 site. This program, which is ten. She defeated 19 other girls with the co-oporatlon of the Stu Thoso iittmod to Mie "Book of |it«s«nted wi* Mia ComtN C«i, The Student Council award was hopes to become a school teacher. Martha Johansen, ElUabeth Lelgli, which U given by th« Comi CM ring euxh season under Wie for the New Jersey title. Sho Is dent Council. Their stay In Wost- Gwld" were: Wan-lotto B»i*cr, given to Patrick Feely. Nancy nterested in reading, sewing and Christine C. Mayer, Jano Carol of Union County to th» boy it- ership of Robert Jones, will five feet, five inches tall, weighs fleld will conclude a three weeks WWIam lluMiiH'r, Carole Bennett, Johnson received the Paul K. Davis ancing, she has travelled west McNerncy, Richard Kenneth Moul locted iby * 'faculty commltU* M pn offer a variety of activities: memorial speech award. and south during her summer va 10 pounds and measures 95—20— bus tour of the United States pro- ton, Carol Ann Mulrenny, Angc- Virginia Canpentor, 'Rrtbert Cham liery, terinis, bus trips to the vided for the students by Ameri- ibem, Ohui'lns Cnlweci, 'Bwtiar tho outstanding man In th« Mnl«r CJlen Bitwise and Margaret Rupp ations. 35. Her skit depicted a hillbilly llnc N. Papalus, Patricia Anno class. The IRtchard Van den V«fh hole and Forest Lodge, irtter- who goes to a baseball game a can Field Service al the conclusion Podd, James Preston Punuck, Fran DUta, Bruce Khi'imvHii, DOIIIIH El IbasdbiBU for iboys «nd soft- received the DAK Good Citizenship Steve McCoy, son of Mr. and of their senior your in an Ameii liott, Vietork. <rBrrotson, Prostoi MMnorwtl pl«<|uo wiw prcwnUd to wards and 'Nancy Johnson and Mra. Uohert McCoy of 211 Baker Yankee Stadium for the first time ces W. BlchUir, Thomas E. Rlcker, J urn os I'rtmton Mowry. ifor the girls, co-ed swims, Miss Barber was crowned by can high school. Students coining Phyllis Jo Rowland, Merrill Steven H«iHey, Margaret HHIIIIWII, Mary Meredith Mice, the awards from avenue. An honor student, he The Baunch and Loir* honortry i, inter-city Olympic games Miss Beverly Ann Domarcki to Wostfleld 'have attended schools son, Mury Elizabeth Tomllmon and Hy, Janet illii'in|«hrey, Llmla :he American Legion. would like to attend Ohio State science mwttrd, • medavl, wt pr»- nit, Scotch Plains and Wcst- 482 Fox trail, Mountainside, last In Colorado, Kansas und Nebraska. Carl Leo Zela.
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