www.ukrweekly.com 34 СВОБОДАІЦЗУОВСША І І УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК ^ЯИЯР^ UKRAINIAN DAILY Ш Щ ENGLISH-LANGUAGE WEEKLY EDITION V VOL. LXXXVШ No. 223 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1978 25 CENTS Over 50 U.S. lawmakerrainias attend nHuma Weekn Rights Dayl in Washington, pledge support for Ukrainian patriots WASHINGTON, D.C. - Some 50 to destroy the nation in its weakened U.S. senators and congressmen attend­ state," said Gen. Grigorenko. "For ed the second Ukrainian Human nationally conscious individuals, the Rights Day in the Capitol and pledged suffering was great." their support for Ukrainian human and He said that half of the political pri­ national rights activists, while scoring soners in the Soviet Union are Ukraini­ the Soviet government for continuing an. Gen. Grigorenko charged that the to persecute dissidents1 Kremlin is attempting to destroy the The lawmakers, who represented a Ukrainian nation through Russifica- cross-section of the United States, as­ tion. sured some 150 Ukrainian Americans "All this can only be described as present at the reception Thursday even­ genocide, under the false cover of ing, October 5, that congressional sup­ creating a single, unified socialist na­ port for human and national rights in tion," he charged. Ukraine and other areas of the Soviet The Ukrainian human rights activist Union is bipartisan and unfaltering. denounced those persons or institu­ Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kan.), the pro­ tions that close "their eyes to the fact moter and one of the two hosts of the that in the United Nations there are reception, pledged that ail congress­ countries such as Ukraine and Byelo­ men and senators will continue to russia that are nothing more than colo­ speak out in defense of human rights, nies whose people are suffering na­ and above all will take steps to insure tional extinction." that the Soviet Union complies with the Gen. Grigorenko said that the Soviet Photos by Ihor Dlaboha provisions of the 1975 Helsinki Union is an empire "run by colonial Gen. Petro Grigorenko and his wife Zinayida meet Sene Robert Dole (R-Kan.). Accords signed by its leaders. bureaucracy with representatives of all With them are John O. Flis and Dr. Myron Kuropas. Earlier in the day. Ukrainian Ameri­ nations." He questioned the Ukraini- cans from many communities across anism of the leaders of the Ukrainian He urged that U.N. resolutions con­ Promote the Implementation of the the United States visited the offices of SSR by accusing them of speaking in demning colonialism be used in regard Helsinki Accords has delegated him some 150 legislators and urged the con­ Russian, thinking along the lines of the to the Soviet Union. and Leonid Plyushch to establish a gressmen or senators or their legislative Kremlin, and repressing their own Gen. Grigorenko also announced Western affiliate. assistants to add their names to the hu­ people. that the Ukrainian Public Group to (Continued on page 4) man rights defense campaign. The second Ukrainian Human Rights Day in the nation's capital was sponsored by the Ukrainian Congress Ihor Kalynets begins exile in eastern USSR Committee of America and the Ukrai­ nian National Association. The KIEV, Ukraine. - Reliable sources groundwork for such a program was report that Ihor Kalynets, a Ukrainian prepared by UNA Vice-President Dr. poet and victim of the infamous 1972 Myron Kuropas, Supreme Advisor KGB arrests in Ukraine, began his Taras Szmagaia, former Supreme three-year exile sentence in the region Advisor Eugene Iwanciw, and Sen. east of Lake Baikal in the Asian part of Dole's former legislative assistant the Soviet Union. Andrew Fedynsky. Following initial Kalynets, 39, was arrested on August discussions with Sen. Dole, Sen. Daniel 11, 1972, on charges of "anti-Soviet P. Moyhihan (D-N.Y.) also agreed to agitation and propaganda." The fol­ co-host the event. lowing November, at a trial in Lviv, In May 1911, the UNA was the spon­ Kalynets was sentenced to six years sor of a similar successful action. imprisonment and three years exile. He The reception was opened by UNA served part of his sentence in the Vladi­ Supreme President Dr. John O. Flis, mir Prison. who summarized the purpose of the He has been in exile since August 26. event and introduced the two principal His wife, Iryna Stasiv-Kalynets, has speakers of the evening, Gen, Petro been in exile in the same area since Jan­ Grigorenko, the exiled member of the uary. A poet and author of children's Ukrainian Helsinki group, and Prof. stories, Stasiv-Kalynets will also serve Lev Dobriansky, UCCA President. three years in exile. Gen. Grigorenko said that the Uk­ She was arrested in the spring of rainian nation today is facing "com­ 1972 and tried in July in Lviv. Stasiv- plete national oppression." He said Kalynets was sentenced to six years that the major blow against the Ukrai­ imprisonment and three years exile. nian people was directed against the During the trial, the couple's daugh­ Ihor and Iryna Kalynets and their daughter, Dzvinka. intelligentsia. ter, who was 10 at the time, attempted "The consequence of this terrible to present her mother with a bouquet flowers from the child and threw them parents, the daughter, Dzvinka, went physical blow, which was to break the of flowers. On orders of the judges and on the floor. to live with one of her grandmothers spirit of the nation, is now being used the prosecutor, the guards grabbed the Following the confinement of her in Lviv. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY^OCTOgER 15,1978 No. 223 Ukrainian Helsinki group compares Vins faces threat of new sentence KESTON, England. - Petro Vins, hunger strike. Soviet judicial system to Nazi Germany 22, a member of the Ukrainian Public Vins, the son of the imprisoned Uk­ NEW YORK, N.Y. - In a state­ the United Nations, the Final Act of Group to Promote the Implementation rainian Baptist leader, Pastor Georgi ment denouncing the arrests and sen- the Helsinki Accords and the Soviet of the Helsinki Accords, who is serving Vins, is in a labor camp in western lencings in the Soviet Union, the Uk­ Constitution," they wrote. a one-year sentence in a labor camp, is Ukraine serving a sentence for parasit­ threatened with a new and much longer ism. If he is convicted under Article 62 rainian Public Group to Promote the The Ukrainian rights advocates sentence under Article 62 of the Uk­ of the Ukrainian Criminal Code, Implementation of the Helsinki charged that Soviet jurisprudence has Accords compared Soviet judicial rainian Criminal Code, reported the "anti-Soviet agitation and propa­ nothing in common with accepted Centre for the Study of Religion and ganda," he faces a sentence of up to system to Nazi Germany, reported the norms of ''rights and justice," and press service of the Ukrainian Supreme Communism at Keston College here. seven years imprisonment, with or that the judges merely fulfill instruc­ without a subsequent term of up to five Liberation Council (abroad). tions received from the Communist Party The report came from a close friend йЛ years internal exile. ТЬе history of 'Soviet jurispru­ or secret police organs. of Vins, Igor Pomerantsev, who dence' and its current practice convince emigrated from the USSR early in The reason for the threatened new "The Soviet 'court/ in our opinion, August and is now in West Germany. charge is the alleged dissemination of -s thai Soviet political trials are basi­ is only an instrument of the penal cally not different from the so-called He heard of the threatened new sen­ anti-Soviet propaganda in the camp. policies of the political regime of our tence just as he was leaving the Soviet Pomerantsev states that a hunger "people's trials' of fascist Germany, country," said the Ukrainian moni­ which, as is known, were not guided by Union. The news was substantiated by strike would place Vins's life in danger, tors. a telephone call made to him after he since he suffers from a stomach ail­ the interests of rights, justice or hu­ The sentencing of Orlov, Ginzburg, manity, but by the interests of national had reached the West, which said that ment and has had a part of his intes­ Lukianenko, Shcharansky and Petkus Vins's condition in the labor camp had tines removed. It is already known that socialism and the interests of the Third was a "severe blow" to the rights Reich,/' said the Ukrainian Helsinki worsened. He was reported to be in an his health has been weak since child­ movement in the Soviet Union, but isolation cell, and to have declared a hood. monitors in the unsigned document. they underlined the fact that their The group wrote that the arrest and places are being continuously filled by sentencing of Yuri Oriov, Lev Luki­ anenko, Aleksandr Ginzburg, Anatoly new members. Shcharansky and Viktoras Petkus was "They join because our movement is Prisoners hold weeklong strike a "great crime against freedom, justice a voice of the times, and because our and humanism." Soviet society has felt a natural need NEW YORK, N.Y. - Four political cates. The four strikers were Mykola "We are deeply offended by this in­ for freedom,'' they said. prisoners incarceraed in concentration Rudenko, head of the Ukrainian Pub­ human form of violence against our They also expressed gratitude to camp no. 19 in the Mordovian ASSR lic Group to Promote the Implementa­ friends, people whose 'criminal acti­ those persons who have assisted the hu­ conducted a weeklong hunger strike tion of the Helsinki Accords, Vladimir vity" merely consisted of their straight man rights movement in the Soviet beginning September 14, reported the Osipov, a Russian dissident, Serhiy forward and brave opposition to the Union, and, likewise, they expressed press service of the Ukrainian Supreme Soldatov, a Russian imprisoned for in- systematic violation of elementary scorn for those persons or instutitions,' Liberation Council (abroad).
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