, M. McRae Federal, Alta. 45 : 374/27 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA THE ALBERTA WHEAT POOL AND OTHER PROVINCIAL MARKETING POOLS Vol. VII. CALGARY, ALBERTA, MAY 15th, 1928 No. 14 Official News from the Alberta Wheat Pool Elevator Building Program The Forthcoming Sessions of Go-opefative Institute Applications Must Be In By June First Parliament Inquires Into Immigration By W. T. LUCAS, M.P. The Attempt to Discredit PubKc Ownership By ''LEE VINCENT' A Visit to the Royal Mint at Ottawa By H. ZELLA SPENCER Comparative Statement of Business, Calgary and Edmonton Stock Yards Alberta Livestock Pool Section 2 (380) THE U. F. A. May 16th, IVM Here Is a New DELCO-LIGHT THAT DOES MORE Combines New Features that Enable It to Do the Work of Larger Plants at Less Cost ADVANTAGES OF GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC and BATTERY SERVICE SYSTEMS COMBINED With seven or eight electric lamps in use, the necessary cur- rent comes right from the bat- AUTOMATIC THROTTLE REGULATES tery, saving engine operation ENGINE TO MEET CURRENT and fuel. The instant a heavier DEMANDS current consumption is demand- ed, however, the engine starts This new Delco-Light is al- automatically. And not only most uncanny in its operation. An automatic throttle speeds does it generate current to carry or slows the machine to keep this heavier load, but it supplies pace with current demands. sufficient surplus to- recharge the An automatic choke makes battery also! Thus only a small No More Hand starting certain even in cold battery is needed. And even this — Pumping! battery lasts longer. weather. Automatic Pilot See how the apptaranct Balls found in no other farm of the kitchen is im- — proved when Delco- electric plant — show at a Light brings nickel faucets and running glance the condition of your water to lake the place battery. of pumps and buckets. And think of the ycstly greater convenience as well! GET THE FACTS Light that is so far in advance REGARDING DELCO- of accepted standards in farm LIGHT NOW! lighting plants. Write or call on the nearest Delco-Light Remember that skilled scien- Dealer and ask for facts and tists, eminent electrical engi- figures. Get particulars of See the Difference neers and over 300,000 users the wide range of other mod- Delco-Light Makes! have proved the outstanding els from which you can choose, Here are two actual photographs that show how clean, merits and sound investment prices of which are surprising- bright Delco-Light transforms the farm home. Danger- ous, smelly lamps vanish. The whoU room is flooded values of Delco-Light. See ly low. Or send for big, new with clean, tafe ettttric light. the new Combination Delco- booklet and full information. DELCO-LIGHT COMPANY Subsidiary of General Motors Corporation Toronto, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Halifax, St. John, Winnipeg SALES AND SERVICE BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA Distributors for Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia BRUCE ROBINSON ELECTRIC LIMITED Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, Calgary, Edmonton, Victoria, Vancouver Dependable DELCOLIGHT Farm Elec tricity May 16th, 1928 SUBSCaiPTIONS ADVERTISING One Year $3.00 Commercial Display 35o per agate line ($4.90 per inch) Single Copie* 10 oenta Livestock Display (rates on application) Make remittanceB by money order or postal Classified 5c per word prepaid cannot accept responsibility for cur- note. We Published on the 1st and 16th ol each month bj rency forwarded through the mail. No discount for time or space THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA copy must reach us 8 days in advanoti Change of Addreaa—When ordering a change Longheed Building New publication to insure insertion. of address, the former as well as the present CALOART - ALBERTA of address should be given; otherwise the altera- Official Organ of No advertisements taken for liquor, or specu- tion cannot be made. THE ALBERTA WHEAT POOL lative investment schemes. None other than CmCULATION THE ALBERTA LIVESTOCK POOL reliable advertisements will be knowingly accepted. THE ALBERTA DAIRY POOL Readers will confer a favor by advising us promptly Average Net paid circulation, six months THE ALBERTA EGO AND POULTRY POOL of unsatisfactory dealings "with advertisers. ending May 1st, 1928 45,989 Editor ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE W. NORMAN SMITH C. A. a. B. O. H. 3CHOLEFIELD, J. JESSE STRAMQ V7. KERR, M. TURNER Vol. VII. CALGARY, ALBERTA, MAY 15th, 1928 No. 14 Principal Contents Page shall attend the sessions of the Alberta Institute of Editorial 3 Agriculture, to be held from June 25th to 29th. News of the Organization 4 The creation of the Institute is the direct outcome of a U.F.A. Sunday, June 17th 4 Resist Application for Higher Express Rates 4 resolution passed by the Annual Convention of the What Shall we Teach in Our High Schools? 5 U.F.A. in January last, on the recommendation of the The Attempt to Discredit Public Ownership 8 U.F.A. Central Board, and moved by J. K. Sutherland, Inquires into Immigration Question.. .. 9 Parliament of Hanna. The Convention resolution was in the follow- Member for Battle River on National Problems.. 10 News from Alberta Wheat Pool Head Office 12 ing terms: E. R. Briggs Becomes Assistant Pool Secretary 13 Whereas, it is essential that an educational campaign Wheat Pool Elevator Building Program 13 be carried on for a considerable time in connection New Saskatchewan Pool Terminal 14 with co-operative marketing, and What Makes the Wild West Wild (cartoon) 14 Alberta Wheat Pool's Vancouver Terminal 15 Whereas, to get the best results, the services of Correspondence 16 experts in this work should be obtained, and Interests of the United Farm Women 20 Some Points in Parliamentary Procedure 20 Whereas, to make this practical some form of Activities of the U.F.W\A 20 Co-operative Institute should be formed; Visit to the Royal at Ottawa 22 A Mint Therefore, be it resolved, that we request the Seasonable Recipes 24 Provincial The U.F.A. Pattern Department 24 Government to take steps towards the U.F.A. Junior Activities 26 setting up of a Co-operative Institute. Sessions op Institute not "Highbrow" 31 News from Head Office of Alberta Livestock Pool 32 An outline of the plans for the Institute meetings in June was published in our last issue, . and further Comparative Statement of Business on Stockyards . 32 par- Junior Conference Fund 38 ticulars are given on pages 30 and 31 of the current num- ber and elsewhere. Application forms appear on page 31, and should be filled in at once and forwarded to the EDITORIAL registrar by those who wish to attend. Attention is drawn to the fact all * that applications must be in the THE JUNIOR CONFERENCE hands of the Registrar by June 1st, so that little time now remains during which to claim the right to attend By the time that our next issues reaches the hands of the sessions, and to take advantage of the contribution our readers, farm young people in all parts of the Prov- of $5,000 which is being made from the Canada Wheat ince will be preparing to leave their homes to attend the Board Surplus Funds towards the travelling expenses Tenth Annual Conference for Farm Young People and of members of the Institute. the Annual Meeting of the U.F.A. Juniors. There While applications are to be made by individuals seems to be every prospect that the Juniors' Annual rather than Locals, and there is no restriction of the Meeting this year will surpass in importance and in number that may be sent in from any district, it has interest any of its predecessors. It has become one of been suggested that every Local should nominate one the major items in the U.F.A. calendar. member to act in the capacity of its representative at The Junior branch is the training ground upon which the Institute, and to report back to the Local. the future membership of the senior association is being * * * prepared to take over the serious responsibility of per- petuating and carrying to new triumphs the principles No farmer, farm woman or junior need be deterred for which the organized farmers stand. During [the from attending the sessions of the Institute by any fear present year there has been to date an increase in that the addresses will be "academic" in character. the membership of this branch of the organization. We understand that arrangements are being made to Its continued expansion and the development in the provide a program which will be eminently practical. minds of the young people [of an appreciation of the It will not be in the nature of a "junior university course." spiritual and practical aspects of the U.F.A. movement No one need fear that lack of preliminary training will will be the best assurance of the permanence of our prevent his or her taking advantage of the sessions. organization. Funds from the Wheat Board Surplus are being placed at the disposal of the Institute by the Govern- ment, and while THE ALBERTA CO-OPERATIVE the University has been chosen as the INSTITUTE most convenient place at which to hold the meeting, It is the desire of the U.F.A. Executive that all mem- arrangements are in the hands of an Executive which is bers of the Association who may find it possible to do so preponderantly representative of the voluntary co-opera- rCnntinund on pase 7) THE U. F. A. May 16tb, 1928 NEWS OF THE ORGANIZATION Activities of Locals and District Associations and Information from Central Office —Notes on Co-operation AT BALLATEUR LOCAL that steps be taken to bring about the At the last meeting of Ballateur U.F.
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