Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 31 MAY 1978 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Address in Reply [31 MAY 1978] Ministerial Statement 1311 "I pray that the blessings of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels. "JAMBS RAMSAY, "Governor." PAPERS The following papers were laid on the table:- Order in Council under the Justices Act 1886-1977. Regulations under- Bills of Sale and Other Instruments Act 1955-1971. Contractors' Trust Accounts Act 1974. Co-operative and Other Societies Act 1967-1978. Elections Act 1915-1976. Liquor Act 1912-1976. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT ------------------------- ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS' FRIENDLY WEDNESDAY, 31 MAY 1978 SoCIETY Hon. L. R. EDWARDS (Ipswich-Minis­ ter for Health) (11.4 a.m.): I would draw Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, the attention of honourable members to the Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair statement in "The Courier-Mail" of 30 May at 11 a.m. 1978 concerning the Ancient Order of For­ esters' Friendly Society in Queensland and to the interim statement made by my col­ ADDRESS IN REPLY league the Honourable the Minister for Justice and Attorney-General on 30 March PRESENTATION AND ANSWER this year. Mr. SPEAKER: I have to inform the The newspaper article drew attention to House that, accompanied by honourable the fact that the person appointed by the members, I this day presented to His Excel­ trustees to administer the society's affairs, lency the Governor the Address of the Mr. K. B. Cooper, had tendered his resigna­ Legislative Assembly, adopted by this House tion. The report also indicated that the on 18 May, in reply to His Excellency's trustees of the society had themselves resigned Opening Speech, and that His Excellency has as well. been pleased to make the following reply- "Government House, As statements have been made by Mr. "Brisbane, 31st May, 1978. Cooper, I feel it is important that the public and, indeed, members of the society are "Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen, made fully aware of the position of the "As the representative of Her Majesty Government and the Registrar of Friendly the Queen, I tender to you and the members Societies in this matter. of the Parliament of Queensland, my sincere thanks for the Address in Reply to the Mr. Cooper is reported to have said that Speech which I had the honour to deliver in order to comply with the requirements at the Opening of Parliament on March 29 of the Friendly Societies Act it was neces­ last. sary for approval to be considered by the Registrar of Friendly Societies to allow him "It will be my pleasant duty to convey to pay the costs and expenses necessary to to Her Majesty the Queen the expression continue the operation of the society. If of continued loyalty and affection to the this was approved, moneys would be drawn Throne and Person of Her Majesty Queen from the "State Benefit Funds" of the Elizabeth II from the members of the Legis­ society. Mr. Cooper went on to say that lature of Queensland in Parliament assembled. the Registrar of Friendly Societies took the "The Queen is the unifying centre for view that he could not authorise the expendi­ the peoples of the Commonwealth of Nations, ture from the State Benefit Funds unless and a sign to the world of our faith in he knew the financial position of the various freedom. benefit funds concerned. Mr. Cooper claimed that this had led to a "deadlock "I trust that your labours to promote the situation" which appeared incapable of advancement and prosperity of this great resolution and further administration State will meet with success in full measure. appeared impossible. 1312 Questions Upon Notice [31 MAY 1978] Questions Upon Notice I wish to make it quite clear to the (3) What are the names of the police­ House that at all times the registrar has men involved in each case and what action acted in a most responsible manner. If the has been taken to recover the money that registrar had authorised the payment of has mysteriously disappeared? moneys from benefit funds at this time, when, to use Mr. Cooper's own words the financial Answers:- records of the society were in a "chaotic (1) An amount of $29,292 was stolen state", it would have been a most irrespon­ and $26,005 recovered when the bandit sible exercise of the discretionary powers was subsequently located and detained approximately two hours after the com­ given to him under the Friendly Societies mission of the offence. During this period Act. Advice has also been sought from he changed vehicles and his movements senior counsel, who has confirmed the have not been fully traced. Police inquiries correctness of the attitude and decision made have been made at banks and other by the registrar. financial institutions with a view to locating the whereabouts of the missing money. Mr. Cooper also suggested that members However, to date such inquiries have been of the society should contact the registrar unsuccessful. with respect to the future of this society and with respect to ·the matter of payment of (2) I am unable to locate any record contributions, mortgage payments and claims concerning the "Woodridge drug raid" as for benefits. It must be made perfectly clear referred to. However, should the honour­ that the registrar is not in a position nor able member be in a position to supply has he the responsibility to advise members some more pertinent details of the matter with respect to any of these matters. The I will arrange for further inquiries to be society belongs to the members of the society made. and ·the future of the society lies with mem­ (3) No. See answers to (1) and (2). bers of the society. Steps will need to be taken for members to determine the future 2. PERMANENT BUILDING SoCIETIES of the society. The registrar has advised me, and I accept this advice, that the appropriate Mr. K. 1. Hooper, pursuant to notice, procedure to occur would be for members asked the Minister for Justice and Attorney­ of the society to convene a meeting and to General- arrange for decisions to be taken calculated (1) Is he aware that figures issued to protect the interests of all concerned. recently by the Australian Bureau of The Government is of course very con­ Statistics show that, in relation to total cerned that the trustees of this society have assets, the expenses rate of Queensland attempted to resign in such a peremptory permanent building societies in 1976-77 was manner. The registrar has written to each half as high again as those in New South Wales and Western Australia, the relevant of the trustees pointing out to them that they figures for expenses other than interest and have responsibilities with respect to the dividends being 2.19 per cent for Queens­ property vested in them and with respect to land, 1.51 per cent for Western Australia the persons having an interest in the funds of and 1.44 per cent for New South Wales? which they are trustees. The present problems of this society are essentially domestic and (2) Is he aware that, •as the costs of have impact primarily upon members and building societies are borne by the bor­ creditors; the public at large is not affected. rowers, who pay interest, the total interest I am sure that honourable members will be paid by Queensland borrowers in 1976-77 aware that societies of this type operate in was about $6,000,000 more than they the commercial market-place. It is therefore would have had to pay if the expenses rate the view of rthe Government that ·in unfortu­ had been in line with the lower figures in nate situations such as this in this par­ other States? ticular s·ociety, commercial considerations and determinations of action must apply and (3) What steps is he prepared to take be followed. as a matter of urgency to require Queens­ land societies to operate more economically and thus reduce the unnecessarily heavy QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE burden on home buyers, with particular reference to proportionately higher 1. PROCEEDS OF AsHGROVE BANK ROBBERY management fees, apparently being pay­ AND WOODRIDGE DRUG RAID ments made to service companies associa­ ted with the directors of some societies? Mr. K. J. Hooper, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Mines, Energy and (4) As contracts with service companies Police-- associated with directors of societies was (1) With reference to the recent shooting one of the matters of concern referred of a bank robber, how much money was to in a report by a committee of the stolen from the Ashgrove Bank and how Australian Society of Accountants prepared much was recovered? some time ago, will he table that report and indicate what steps are being taken (2) Is $15,000 now missing after the to rectify this and other problem areas W oodridge drug raid? covered in that report? Questions Upon Notice [31 MAY 1978] Questions Upon Notice 1313 (5) Can he explain why directors' fees (5) The amount of directors' fees pay­ in Queensland are over $11,000 per society able by building societies is one that is compared with about $6,500 in New South determined solely by the members of each Wales, despite the fact that the average society in general meeting. size of New South Wales societies is As is the usual practice, legislation is larger? being continually reviewed and if found necessary, amendments to legislation Answers:- relating to building societies will be introduced. (1 & 2) In comparing permanent build­ ing societies in Queensland with those that operate in such other States as New South 3.
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