Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2002

Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2002

Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2002 Failte 1ia.thallil1iII1It! ........ *'dlUigll~--­ ..." III wndo.rt. on 1M speciII !SIIiid ..... irii. FiiIII. WIIItlllll'lllllllf,n.. phtimteo ~ 01' .... filii iI ...... dW!I 01 .. a:bairUIIIII.""., ot'/Inar....n lad<9l\'lgonW Wu.......o.rd!r_~ ...... ianladlIII ........... ".kIM1lair ,W 0IIQr. 1_ ...... 111 __ po"l1 SInIpII ~ for 1M r.. n.r.."s. .... .... Hall! __ II .... I.rin 01 a ,.DI,C. .. llIiIIIlH ... ~FiIIIIi, ___ "'-(IJ _1IIr.1lItqI5 ... _ .. UIIIIy lit """ ..,.,.....,... .. cmt !If...... o.r.w .. 1ioII.1,", 71";79"'_ fr ........,,_IliIIIfY ................4 .. -*' ............. .,.r_ .. W I M,t !hal.., wi liD *-'htI jrJIIi(I .. ~ file _ • . hawr ~ I'ht r.,...,. * We 'O!IItIs 1IuIts s.IfiIWI .......... ill "lin _uIII'I lid, 1IId ........ IICIIII.llDbt""9'...... OII ...... ~,_aWt lid/mfi ........,. Iht s.ditIft .we () _.101 wn ..... or. I)((Mn f.!hI pIapn 011111 pall IDden • INdy IIIIiDr .. IIuI .... IlOl won lim 1'14 .tile /JIll Iu )'lilt Nirky Inglish, IMl I\GgIrI Old Joci ..... .... ~ hIM ytllI iIirI'" r. tll.u. "" DIn .... c,. wI.JII IIIfIpId .... Iro. .......... 01 .. r....., ...... n. ......... d.llit ... 1II_1I ... IkMitw-........ _il..w...,.did ... M.ssIfOl~ _ IW .. fII .. W_,.,... • • MIIwhidi ~ ....... ....,...,. ......... ___ .. r"".., ...... 0. <..-. .,... It..,.m'-aM!. 0.. ..... _........... .., .... ..,,"'" n.r.,....,<r ....... ~ ... ~,! ; ,., .. *--b III _ tho. W .........IIIII!iIppII!I . I ...... flll ... ,........ to 1_ .. '-len ...... ,ellIIlIS' pi .... I ...... )'II, .. (ioeIiI pel ill r"".., .II, ...... III Jot., Ouirk .. UM. \PDIIIIII aI \flldal«l1IIjoy "" .,.. W. • look ~d ID pntIlhaI ,e/lKllllhoI """,..., of Iht w.-.t' lor both rht minor and 1IIIiIII' .... kihn ~ lfKIIIIIIIed 1!IoIII_d! Ia! ..,. )'M'1. II Wu illuling. rdraid An... Abu. TIll,.,.. tI .. UI2 Grlllld IIdIg txhibi!iGII gam. hi" ta-day iI,wtI,olltltlililri". 1t IlftlcWdr. ...._ ..IIII,df ... cou:\n S[\lOR HURU:\G FL,\Al, 3rd :\OmIBER, 2002 12:501'1'.1 Fo ircann Muine Call amach af an bl'aire 12:5 11'\1 Foircann Carraig·Na-Suire Na Damhin amach af an bl'aire 1:001'\\ Commencement of "Credit Unions" Minor '8' Hurling Championship Final 1:.32"\1 Youth Committee - Ground Hurling Came 1:421'\\ Minor Final 2nd Half _ I 2: 151'.\\ Prcscnl:ltion of Minor Cup to Winning Caplain 1 2:251'\\ Foircann Muilcann na hUamhan ::uunch ar an bP:'iirc 2 :261'\\ Foircann Na S:iirscalaigh. Durias Eilc amach ·d ar an bP:iirc 2:361',\\ Pre Malch IJaradc 2:381'.\1 N:lIional Anthem 2:40['\\ Commencement of Meredit Unions" Senior Hurling C hampionship Final 3: 121'\\ "Tipperary Slar" Jubilee Team - Cill Ruain Mhie Dhonnchadhail977178179 3:271'" Senior Final 2nd Half 4:001'\1 I'rcscntarion of Scnior Cu p to Winning Caplain Man of the Mott:h awon::ls in both finals sponsored by John Quirke, Jeweller, Casita Sh"eet, Cahir. Tel: 052·41774 3 "THE WAY FORWARD ... " T'pper,)", lo'!ilull' inll'grall.>, Ih"d I('I..~ !'dOC,Ulon ,,,th the fl'JI "orld (" IX'fI{'nn'" of husin~ ,1nd rur,ll dl,.··.. ('IOIl!1l('nL Both Ihe Thurles and Clonmel Campu'>lO<; aI(' equilijll'd "',th ~I,}I{'-Oflke-.Jft l{'(h(lC,\og~ k) ('flh.)(lC(' your learning ("'11(.""'0(,(', TI PPERARY INSTITUTE BAC HELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTING (Software Development) BACHELOR OF BUSINESS STUDIES IN eBUSINESS BACHELOR OF BUSINESS STUD IES (small &. medium enterprise) BACHELOR OF ARTS IN RURAL DEVElOPMENT NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN COMPUTING (multimedia & communications) NATI ONAL DIPLOMA IN COMPUTING (softw,lre dC\lcloprnenl) NATI ONAL DIP LOMA IN BUS INESS STUDIES NAT IONAL DIPLOMA IN SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE IN RENEWABLE ENERGY FOUNDATI ON CER TI FICATE (return to learning programme for aduhs) • r'FlI'l'f"'V I'N.lul,' N.tOOfloll Do!oI<.""" ~t" '-iffA( ,I(uroled • A!"~K.~toon 10 ,til' I,pp<. .... 'ry I"<fllul" fll) I,,, full ""I(' day U>... , ..... ~ i, Ih,ouKh till' tAO """em • All UIUrK" .It.. lS' funded FOI' fur' ..... l"to.m.Jt>on I"","'" {""uti "".1 Tf.'!' 0:\.0-1 11\1100 ("wit ink.4T'ppln".", OPCNING DOORS TO OPPORTUNITY ... WWW.TIPp I NST.le • I "Wh ~1"~ wiLL th ~ h (,)D tl1"~S ~Litt~r' (')1" th~ h(,)D (,)Ur'S (,) t th~ d~" Liz Howard onfires w1II surely Slj ttu nlsht. wMther It is championship as has Paul CUl'ToIIfl, Eddie Carey and In the Cathedral Town Or Kic ~ villagc In KyVaugMn. B'tt}e ~w of S ~evenamoo . ~ Sa l> What will be the outCOlTlC? Can Eamonn Walsh IMt v.6r1 the Dan Bn:en (up In 1974, wt dle Muillna· repeat his feats of last Sund!y? (an the fIJIl back horJC '1111 ;0 , "'1m the title for the first ~ line close down the elusive Eoin Kelly lind the Is ", ~ r ~ atilt ent iIfld experution fo ng e!<perienced, if not fully fit, John Leahy? SIIrsflelds !WI! 91!ilUeml- I games lire very focused. They know that Mullinahone will ~kIs Contest their third consecu~ I probably start as favourites. That tllkes all the pres­ T ~ 'W'ClC bitterly disappointed last year as they sure from them. Muilinahone were oveljoyed to felt tf'Ietffiey did oot do themselves JUSticE on bellI Toomevllra, but thIIt Is of no "'1111,1( unless they day. ThIS year there is no hype; they have win todlly. It Is II case of "keePlns the heads" and concentrabns· Brian 0 Meara has been rel4tiYely osrrn ~tJy, imprOVIng with c~:serne the quiet of I4te as has Carrkk IMn (onor Nfi9an. Both rmrnil thc~~ dGe r ' Redser"O lire due II big SlIme. Both tellnlS play lin IIttractive, Grltdy was the turning point ~inst Cionoutty. last skilful, open game. Lady luck will swf¥t the out­ Sund4y loughmore led for most of the game, yet come. Tllke your pick lIS to which Side she will Sarsfle!ds did not buckle unckr hUge pres!.Ure. That favour. WM II signifi<;-"1t factor as was the ~rformance In The minor SlIme sees CafTlck DIIvIns and MOney· the last ten minutes of Stephf:n MIJ:son, Tony Ruth, SiIII In action. The Davlns I'wIve II physiaIlly strong Gary iIOd Cornett. Short the injured Mef'l"laSh side, while MoneyglJII lire )'OlJ""ISCr and IlShler. It Johnny Enright it was Ironic thet his replacement will prob.1b1y COITIC down 10 whichever SIde uses ~monn Walsh scored thru 9<»15. A rewl!fdlng the WIde-open spaces of Semple Stadium best. UJIIy tOf any forward. We IICknowIedge the Kilruane fv'tc Donaghs piIIy. MUllinahone ousted cMmplons Toomevara by II ers who woo the county final twenty five years ago single point, a la te "65" saw the imrMCulate Paul oIIfld went on to retain the chllmpionshlp In 1978 Kelly convert It crowned" wonderful display for and '79 .The TIpperaIY SlIIrfAMer Hotel sponsor Paul MOving to midfield late In me SlIme he these jubilee .,......ards, a lovely recognition of the showed steel and ~ as he set up the attack. pillyers of the PlISt. WelcOlTlC to all the U12 hurlers Toomcv~ ' Bervry Dunne was ' c!e&llins up" at wins who play In the Ground Hurling Uhibltion same, back until JoM Leahy II'IOVf:d out to curtlJiI him. WelcOlTlC 10 aD the TlPPtrllry Credit Unions person­ John caught and distributed SOIM great b611 Pat nel, both Mullil"l!lhone and Thurles Credit Unions Croke, who is ~vlns a great year, showed all the .we associated with the the c.ounty lovely skill ~ saw wtKn he was a minor. Centre P5 back Edward 0 Brien has played solidly during the ChllmplonshiEnjoy the C..... ' "~I.);;;;i~ I~ " "",,, ~id",~ Moneygall &d row Billy H/rttS, P«it~15 DousIl<Jf!, g,l/ Whyte, ~ Troy, Se"n Ry"n, P6dr"'9 Whyte, .Joe Tre8CY, PhiliP Byr~. MICMdBDsrn. Ger~ ~~. ~~ Frontrow JafflKJre. ~~. SrI6lDe/¥Jr;. GcMOtt'll,IIort T~. ~ ~ Sl~M6ht!r. PhtI F.rnns. oIbbct &m! M.. , ~ fromf)ICrat ~ 'MI)1e fit lanaid: III RORY TIERNEY Sub Goolie: John King (16) Podroig Doughon (~ (~ (4) RUAIRI MEAGHER SEAN RYAN BRIAN DELANEY (11) Darragh Hayes (8) Darreo Wiyte (S) (6) (1) GER MOTEN BILL WHYTE PAJO TROY (19) Stel'he~ MQh~r (20) PhU Fonning 1'1 191 MICHAEL BERGIN PADRAIG WHYTE (21) Robert BUlns (capri 110) 1111 021 GER KIRWAN PHILIP BYRNE EOGHAN RYAN (11) !14J (15) BILLY HAYES JOE TREACY THOMAS DEVEREUX ROGHNOIRi - Denis Dwyer ((oOlh), (onor Troy (Troiner). Ger Molen, Pol Bergin, Eugene Ryan - ' Carrick Davins Dathanna' Red & 'Ml!te Carrick Oavins Minor Hurling team C(JIflck o"vms {e.JtTI 1h.!1 won ItIt: SOtJlh Mmor Hurlms (htJmplOflSh,p ·8 flfl(Jl 5p(IfISOm:I by M K Soorts II) Fir lonoid: SHANE BUTLER 111 131 I') (16) Aidan Hitchins MIKEY CRONIN MICHAEL RYAN PHILLY CRONIN {I 7) Nigel O' Sullivan I') I') 171 (18) Ge, (rowe COLIN SMITH STEVEN CRONIN AJ CRONIN (1 9) Marlin OU99on ((Op!) (20) William O'Dwyer 18) 19) (21) Michael RICHIE M'GRATH GERRY ROBINSON Prendergast (10) (111 (12) ALAN REDMOND PAUl CORDY BENNY AHERNE 03) (I., (lS) LUKE FORAN MARTON WALSH DEAN GATES ROGHNOfRi - Thomas Foron ((oochl, Poul Tobin ITroiner), Gerry McG roth, John Robinson, Poddy W,I,h. County Youth Committee Inc~ thr: start of the: yur the (CUlty help from Croke Park we ~ed it Youth Committee Ms been WClI'1ons further and enlisted the help of Tip. Shard to CMVe 1I niche for it:se:1f perlWY Institute College we arc With II df:diclIu:d committee of six It most gratdul Ms run the Ground Hurling Tournament We hope that all schools In the COUtlty throughout the summer in which 90% wW /lVII11 of this opportunity to paruJke of clubs In Tipperary took part. It will in this competition. Schools Will be also organise: the primary schools table receiving more Information In the next ~z v.hich will Cl.Jirrhte wtth the (CUlty couple of weeks and of cou~ lIny FiMi on 13th December in Par\!; Avenue Hotel company de"lIng WIth IT materkll lind who wish Now It also Intends to run lin IT c~tltlon to be invotvf;d in sponsorship should contact throughout the primary schools In Tipperary In any committee member and they WIll be more conjunction with the Tipperary Institute (TlI:BOI ).

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