California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Hispanic News Special Collections & University Archives 12-15-2004 December 15th 2004 Hispanic News Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews Recommended Citation Hispanic News, "December 15th 2004" (2004). Inland Empire Hispanic News. 399. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews/399 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Hispanic News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL - FELIZ NAVIDAD A TODO MUNDO A Publication of the Hispanic Communication & Development Corporation “n CO m CO f' tu fO > B m DO CD <y3 o30 CD —1 Wednesday, December 15, 2004 ^ ® 3 TJ “O m > O O Volume 18 Hto q Z CO o 3* Number? § < ^ p D CO O O > w 2 3> > q 2d H 30 § - § O ° ^ c ^ ^ > TheHTSPANTC Inland Empire's only Hispanic-owned EnglishN lai > s ^ M3 ^ 2 lewspapervs San Bernardino ♦ Riverside ♦ Colton ♦ Rialto ♦ Fontana ♦ lley s 5 Ontario ♦ Corona ♦ Bloomington ♦ Rancho Cucamonga ♦ Hk diands ASSEMBLYMAN JOE BACA, JR. GLORIA NEGRETE MCLEOD SWORN IN APPOINTED TO ASSEMBLY RULES TO SECOND TERM IN ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE/ELECTORAL COLLEGE DISTRICT Baca serves as one of seven mem­ suggestions or questions.” bers on the Rules Committee panel. After assuming his office and be­ The Assembly Rules Committee con­ ing elected to head the Democratic siders amendments to the Rules of majority Assembly Speaker Fabian the Assembly, makes the initial as­ Nunez appointed Negrete McLeod signment of bills to the appropriate chair of the Business and Professions standing committees, approves the Committee. expenditures of committees, consid­ Negrete MeLeod said the budget ers substantive legislation and con­ will be a major issue of concern. ducts other matters relating to the op­ "1 will foeus in part on all of the eration of the Legislature. options we have at our disposal to re­ Congressman Joe Baca Sr, right, proudly Upon his appointment to the com­ poses with Assemblyman Joe Baca Jr, mittee, Joe Baca, Jr. stated, “1 am form the state’s fiscal structure. That at a reception at the Sheraton Grand Sac­ pleased to join this panel that con­ is an important issue for all of us in ramento Hotel after the swearing-in cer- siders legislation, helps to plan fii- Sacramento,” she said. ”I also want j^monies at the State Capitol. Jjie father- Won legislative team !s uniqueln jsolitical ToTC'poticy-chrcctiCntsibr the state, to focus on such issues as education, history in the United States with represen­ and assures fair operating rules for bur trahspbrtafibn ihfrastffi'ctufc‘IhcT tation at the congressional and state level. the State Assembly.” Gloria Negrete McLeod (D- health coverage for the uninsured as Photo by lEHN An added title to the newly swom- Chino) was reelected to her second well doing what I can to improve the term and sworn in Monday (Dec. 6) On Monday, December 6, 2004, in assembly member was the selec­ state’s economy.” to represent the 61"' Assembly Dis­ Joe Baca, Jr. 62"^ District Assembly- tion to the Electoral College, one of Negrete McLeod said she looks trict, which includes Montclair, man, was appointed by the Assembly 55 Electors in California. The total forward to the assembly session, Electoral vote in California on De­ Speaker to serve on the Assembly Ontario, Pomona and Chino. which includes the most diverse mem­ Rules Committee. The district in­ cember 13 was for the Kcrry- “I am honored that the people of bership in California’s history. The cludes portions of San Bernardino, Edwards ticket, contributing to the the 61'' Assembly District selected me Assembly is now composed of 27 portion of 252 received nationwide. Rialto, Bloomington, and east of Si­ to represent them again. My top pri­ women, including the first female erra in Fontana. ority has been and will continue to African-American in over a decade, be to make sure the interests of all of 18 Latinos and six Asian-Americans, JOSIE GONZALES, FIRST LATINA ELECTED my constituents arc represented in including the first person of Vietnam­ Sacramento,” Negrete McLeod said ese descent in the history of the Leg­ SUPERVISOR SWORN IN “I will continue to have an open door islature. County Government Center, Josie, policy and encourage my constituents ‘i am ready to roll up my sleeves Gonzales was sworn in as fifth dis­ to phone, write or e-mail my staff and and get to work.” she said. trict supervisor by Pastor Raymond me with their concerns, comments. W. Turner on December 6th, the first Latina to be elected to the board, a UNA CAMPANA QUE AYUDA A CRUZAR county historically political event, breaking tremendous barriers for fu­ LA BRECHA DIGITAL ture political events to come. In a Aunque muehas personas saben todas las familias estadounnidenses, competitive and nasty general elec­ que la Divisoria Continental se casi un 22 por ciento y 17 por ciento tion race, Gonzales beat former As­ extiende a lo largo de las Montanas respectivamente. De manera similar, semblyman John Longville with a Rocosas, pocas saben sobre la la penetracio del Internet de las large margin of final votes; and an end existencia de la Brecha Digital, la familias hispanas fue 4e mas de. un Josie Gonzales is sworn in as Fifth Dis­ to a political alliance of Longville and diferencia en cultura tecnolbgica en- 23 por ciento menor que las de las trict Supervisoron December6 before an former Supervisor Jerry Eaves, a ma­ overflow audience at the San Bernardino tre los hispanos y el resio del pais. familias blancas jto hispanas, y mas Government Center. Gonzales is the first jor issue during the campaign En su estudio mas reciente, el de un 18 por ciento menor que las de Latina to be elected as supervisor in the Gary Ovitt, former Ontario mayor Departamento de Comercio todas las familias de los Estados history of San Bernardino County. Ruben was sworn in to replace interim su­ Ayala was the first Latino to be elected. determinb que mientras las tasas Unidos. She beat Assemblyman John Longville in pervisor Patti Aguiar, and Gonzales nacionales de posesion de Affbrtunadamente, se espera que a bitter campaign battle. Photo by lEHN replaced Clifford Young, who was eomputadoras en 2001 aumentaron esta brecha tecnolbgica se reduzca appointed to replace Jerry Eaves, who In a packed supervisor’s board respecto al ano anterior, el niimero de gracias a La Familia Technology resigned due to charges of irregulari­ chambers and overflow crowd in the familias hispanas que poseen Week, una campana publica de rotunda of the San Bernardino ties. eomputadoras aiin es menor que el de concientizacibn disenada para Continue on page 3 familias blancas no hispanas y el de Continue on page 6 ^ t . .V ' :V;:% ::c. -V- ' Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, December 15, 2004 COUNCILWOMAN BEA CORTES ATTENDS DR. DAVID LONG RECEIVES VALUES IN NALEO NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR NEWLY EDUCATION AWARD ELECTED OFFICIALS IN WASHINGTON, D.C. Councilwoman Cortes was recently elected of classroom teaching to the superin­ tendency. He has been honored as Mayor Pro-Tern for The City of Grand Terrace California Administrator of the Year U S. Representative Robert by the National Organization of Part­ Menendez (D-NJ), State Represen­ ners in Education, Superintendent of tative Pedro Colon (D-WI), Pontiac the Year, Man of the Year in Canyon Lake where he lives, and has received Council President Pro-Tern John the Governor’s Award for school lead­ Bueno (R), and other national and ership. local Latino leaders spoke on their He was recently honored at the In­ experiences and provided informa­ land Empire 2003 Entrepreneur of the tion on important policy issues af­ Year. Dr. Long was awarded the pres­ fecting Latinos. tigious Marcus Foster Memorial Participants heard from experts Award from the Association of Cali­ in a variety of areas, such as media Dr. David Long was recently awarded the fornia School Administrators, which relations, public finance, and pub­ prestigious “Values in Education Award recognizes outstanding leadership and lic policy. The curriculum includes for 2004." Dr. Long has received numer­ ous awards for his contribution to educa­ significant contributions to public Grand Terrace City Councilperson Bea general sessions, as well as break tion. Photo by lEHN education by a school administrator. Cortes attended NALEO National Institute out sessions by level of government He obtained his Ph.D. from Iowa for Newly Elected Officials in Washing­ focused on breaking down the bud­ The Learning for Life organization State University. ton, D.C. Cortes was recently elected get and public finance process, how of Redlands has selected Dr. David Mayor Pro-tern for the City of Grand Ter­ I I to address constituents’ priorities, Long, Riverside County Superinten­ race. Photo by lEHN and managing the media. Experts dent of Schools, for its prestigious No matter how you’ve been touched Councilwoman Bea Cortes at­ walked participants through the “Values in Education Award” for 2004. tended the prestigious NALEO Na­ The award is given to an individual by breast cancer, policy making process using spe­ we can help. tional Institute for Newly Elected cific case studies at the state, mu­ ' each year by the organization for a life­ officials in Washington, D C. This nicipal, and school board levels. time of contributions to education. Dr. David Long is the Riverside three-day boot camp hosted by Participants representing 15 County Superintendent of Schools and NALEO Educational Fund, pro­ states across the country were in at­ Hope.
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