Die Plakate sind nach Entwerfern gruppiert; jede Auftraggeber / Client: 8 ORDINARY PEOPLE: In-jee Jeong (*1985), Jin Gruppe hat eine Nummer. Die Erläuterungen folgen Paper-road executive committee Kang (*1985), Jae-ha Lee (*1986), Jeong-min Seo der Anordnung der Plakate innerhalb jeder Gruppe Siebdruck / Silkscreen (*1986), Se-yong Ahn (*1984) von links oben nach rechts unten. 4 Erdgeschoss: Nordeingang / Groundfloor: North entrance The posters are grouped by designer; each group has CHOI JEONG-HO EXHIBITION, 2015 its own number. Explanations follow the layout of the Für eine Ausstellung des Typografiestudios Ahn posters within a group from the top left to bottom 5 EVERYDAY PRACTICE Joonho Kwon (*1981) right. Graphics über den einflussreichen Typografen Choi Kyung-chul Kim (*1982), Eojin Kim (*1982) Jeong-ho. Kang tilgte Buchstaben aus einem, ihm siehe auch / cf. No.16 uninteressanten Zitat des Meisters und veränderte dessen Bedeutung. SAVE OR DELETE, 2016 1 2 3 4 KUM-JUN PARK (*1963) = 601Bisang The poster participated in the exhibition for Choi Protestplakate für Aktionen der NGO Green Korea Jeong-ho, hosted by Ahn Graphics. Choi Jeong- 4 EMOTIONS’ EYE, 2013 United gegen Stadt- und Naturzerstörung ho made a great influence on Korean font design. Picket posters for NGO Green Korea United, posters Participants were asked to make a poster using the Vierteilige Plakatserie für eine Kunstgalerie: Glück, against destruction of urban and nature environments new typeface of the AG Typography Lab, which was Wut, Trauer, Freude als menschliche Grundgefühle, Digitaldruck / Digital print designed based on his original drawing. The topic die unsere Wahrnehmung der Schwingungen des Uni- of the poster had to be one of Choi‘s quotations. versums prägen. 5 Erdgeschoss: Rotunde und andernorts “I thought the quotation was uninteresting, so I erased Exhibition poster series: Seeing the waves of the uni- Groundfloor: Rotunda and elsewhere some letters and changed its meaning.“ verse through the eyes of four emotions. Joy, Anger, Design: Jin Kang Sorrow and Pleasure are profound and mysterious: Digitaldruck / Digital print 6 GOO-RYONG KANG (*1982) The energy of life – The never-ending wrath – The siehe auch / cf. No.23 teary black hole – The chorus of the universe. = Studio Chung Choon Auftraggeber / Client: THE NATION OF BLINDNESS, 2014 Gallery IANG, Namseoul University, Seoul TAE BAEK, 2015 Siebdruck, fluoreszierende Farbe Flächenfüllende Hangulzeichen Tae und Baek ver- Für das Projekt „Die Nation der Blinden” zur Erinne- Silkscreen, fluorescent color weisen auf eine Grafikdesign-Ausstellung in der Stadt rung an das Sinken der Fähre MV Sewol mit Hunder- ten Toten am 16. April 2014 vor der Küste Südkoreas. 1 Untergeschoss: Setzkasten / Basement: Design Vision Taebaek Large Hangul letters Tae and Baek for a graphic Motto des Plakates: „Was wir gesehen haben, wird uns nicht loslassen.“ DIGILOG 601, 2012 design exhibition in Taebaek city Digitaldruck / Digital print “A project for the memorial of the sinking of MV Sewol. Vierteilige Plakatserie „Design Thinking“. Thema: die Its title came from the book called ‚The Blind People‘s harmonischen Gegensätzlichkeiten, verbunden durch Country‘, Literary Village, 2014. Each designer par- das Und-Zeichen: xx & xy (Frau und Mann), Zeit & 7 WORKROOM: Hyungjin Kim (*1974), Kyeongsoo ticipating in the project picked up a sentence from the Raum, Ost & West, von & nach. Lee (*1976), Euddeum Yang (*1985), Yongwan Jeon book and made a poster. On April 16, 2014, all nation The four posters contain symbolic imagery that gives (*1984), Seogwon Hwang (*1991) in the Republic of Korea had to look helplessly at the the digilog concept tangible form: xx & xy expresses sinking of MV Sewol. Even after that day, the case is the existence itself; time & space, the exploration SAMGUKYUSA, 2014 ongoing, and no matter how it is going to be finalized, of the universe; east & west, the pairing of East and ‘We will not get away from what we have seen.‘“ West; from & to, creative conversation; and the am- Drei Plakate einer Serie für Theateraufführungen, Design: Jeong-min Seo persand binds each of these opposite elements into die inspiriert wurden durch das literarische Werk one. „Samgukyusa” (Die drei Königreiche von Korea) des 42ND SEOUL INDEPENDENT FILM Mönchs Ireyon, 1281 n.Chr. FESTIVAL, 2016 2 Erdgeschoss: Treppe zum Setzkasten Three posters of a series for theatre plays inspired Groundfloor: Staircase to Design Vision by Samgukyusa, a collection of legends, folktales and Für ein Filmfestival mit dem Motto “Glücksspiel”, dar- historical accounts relating to the Three Kingdoms of gestellt durch Tombola-Los und Glückskugel A THOUSAND OF WIND, 2016 Korea written by monk Iryeon in 1281 CE The slogan ’Lucky Draw‘ for the festival was designed In stilisiertem Hangul-Alphabet dargestelltes Gedicht Auftraggeber / Client: National Theater Company of in the form of a lottery ticket and a winning ball. „A Thousand of Wind” von Kim You-chul zur Erinne- Korea Digitaldruck / Digital print rung an das Sinken der Fähre MS Sewol, 2014 Design: Hyungjin Kim Design: Jae-ha Lee This work is an embodiment of the poem “A Thou- Offset sand of Wind“ by Kim You-chul to memorialize the 304 victims of the Sewol ferry disaster in 2014. STRAY BIRDS: LETTER PRACTICE, 2016 9 DAEKI & JUN: Daeki Shim (*1977), Hyojun Shim (*1979) Each stanza is brought to life in one screen. The meta- „Umherirrende Vögel: Fingerübungen” bezieht sich phorical breaths, reminiscent of wind, and the playful auf den Gedichtband „Stray Birds” von Rabindranath SYSTEM: ORDER, 2016 variations of words represent the artist’s explorati- Tagore, den Lee während seines Studiums bei Helmut on of formative beauty of the poem and picturesque Schmid gestaltete. Für eine Ausstellung des Begrün- SYSTEM: GRIDS, 2016 characteristics of Hangul. ders von Workroom, Kyeongsoo Lee. Experimentelle Plakate für die Ausstellung Siebdruck / Silkscreen, Hanji paper ’Stray Birds: Letter Practice’ is an exhibition showing „Illustration Festa 016” der In the Paper Gallery des KOREAN 3 Erdgeschoss: Rotunde / Groundfloor: Rotunda some of the work that Lee Kyeong-soo has done for Unternehmens Doosungpaper, Seoul 10 years since the start of the workroom. This poster Experimental posters for the exhibition “Illustration TO BE HUMAN, 2012 shows a part of ‘Stray Birds’, a poetry book of Rabin- Festa 016”, Doosung In the Paper Gallery, Seoul Dreiteilige Serie zu den Begriffen Seele, Liebe und dranath Tagore, which has been done during Lee‘s Digitaldruck / Digital print Hoffnung als den drei Pfeilern des Menschseins. graduate studies in the Helmut Schmid class. POSTER! “The words Soul, Love, and Hope expressed in this Design: Kyeongsoo Lee series are the three pillars of the theme ‘to be human‘. Offset, beidseitig bedruckt / printed on both sides 10 SHINWOO PARK (*1991) = paper press DECORATIVE HANGUL LETTER, 2015 13 NA KIM (*1979) this would be an appropriate visual starting point to new audience while making old (vinyl) fans happy. … create an identity system for this exhibition.” Without much twist we simply used a solid black Vinyl Projekt der Designerin über Hangul-Zeichen als Digitaldruck / Digital print Record as a graphic motif. It also helped us to minimize flächenfüllende dekorative Elemente – hier ein viel- ANNOUNCE OF RECOLLECTION 02: AUDITION …, 2010 the cost of production (by using just one black color for schichtiges Wort, das etwa Schüchternheit, Liebe etc. AGI DDP FORUM, 2016 printing).” bedeutet. Zweite „Ankündigung einer Rückerinnerung” Offset Self-commissioned. “The letter represented is a word “e-flux 1998.11: a poster for covering up the first -ex Vier Plakate aus der Graphic Identity für Veranstaltun- with multiple meanings in Korean context – meanings hibition of e-flux, ‘the best surprise is no surprise’ in gen im Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) Forum zum 6TH RECORD & CD FAIR IN SEOUL, 2016 such as shyness, love, etc.“ 1998 november. e-flux announced its show as movie Weltkongress der Alliance Graphique Internationale Siebdruck / Silkscreen audition for a director with heavy schedule.” (AGI) Typografie / Character design: Jisung Park Siebdruck / Silkscreen “An event identity as part of the DDP Forum talks se- Offset THE TOPPING, 2016 ries at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza and in collabo- ANNOUNCE OF RECOLLECTION 01: ration with the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) Für eine Performance zeitgenössisch interpretierter, organisation. The actual space of the DDP built by Zaha 16 EVERYDAY PRACTICE: Joonho Kwon (*1981), traditioneller koreanischer Tänze WHY WHY ..., 2009 Hadid is a dramatic and extremely expressive architec- Kyung-chul Kim (*1982), Eojin Kim (*1982) For a fusion Korean traditional dance performance. Erste Arbeit im Projekt „Ankündigung einer Rückerin- tural space. This poster series sought to explore the siehe auch / cf. No.5 The dancer’s bodies in the poster express the dyna- nerung” der Künstlerin-Designerin Na Kim concept of subtlety of space. Playing with the concept mism of the show. “gwangju 1980.05: a poster for 30 year memorial of of emptiness and subtractive processes as opposed to Auftraggeber / Client: Sejong Center for the THE FAMILY OF THE INVISIBLES, 2016 gwangju democratic movement, made in 2009 may, additive processes.” Für eine Fotoausstellung Performing Arts, Seoul urging an imaginary uprising at chonnam national uni- Design in Zusammenarbeit mit / in collaboration with For a photo exhibition Digitaldruck / Digital print versity. – Generally, posters are used
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