Replicating/ReintroducingReplicating/Reintroducing historicalhistorical tribaltribal ignitionignition patterns:patterns: RivingRiving thethe culturalcultural firefire regime.regime.  FrankFrank KanawhaKanawha LakeLake  USDAUSDA ForestForest ServiceService-- PSW,PSW, RWURWU--4155,4155, Orleans/Redding,Orleans/Redding, Ca.Ca.  TraditionalTraditional EcologicalEcological KnowledgeKnowledge andand EthnobiologyEthnobiology Photo: Somes Fire, Orleans Complex August 2006. Working with tribal heritage resource advisors. Klamath Fire Symposium April 26, 2008. Objectives:Objectives:  1. Describe Indian burning practices.  2. Define Tishunick-Various ways to burn willows Camp Creek Indigenous/Cultural fire regimes  3. Review documented reasons for Indian burning practices. ObjectivesObjectives con’t.:con’t.:  4. Describe some effects of Indian burning practices on the composition, structure, function and productivity of plant communities and fuels associated with different habitats.  5. Identify potential ways in which valued tribal ignition patterns can be incorporated with fuels reduction projects, prescribed burning, wildland fire use, appropriate management response, or fire suppression. EcosystemEcosystem Change:Change: What’sWhat’s NaturalNatural ??  WhatWhat wouldwould havehave biodiversitybiodiversity inin KlamathKlamath-- SiskiyouSiskiyou forests,forests, shrubshrub andand grasslandsgrasslands beenbeen likelike inin thethe absenceabsence ofof tribaltribal ignitions?ignitions? – Anderson and Lewis 2002 Climate affected vegetation and tribal cultures in several phases See my dissertation for sub-region cultural phases LandscapeLandscape levelslevels ofof biodiversity:biodiversity: ExtentExtent andand InfluenceInfluence ofof tribaltribal ignitions?ignitions? What are some of the challenges of working across ecological scales to achieve social or cultural objectives? Anderson 1999 IndianIndian BurningBurning Practices:Practices: ThoseThose enduringenduring usesuses ofof firefire byby IndiansIndians inin prepre andand postpost EuropeanEuropean settlementsettlement thatthat resultedresulted inin changedchanged oror stabilizedstabilized landscape-scalelandscape-scale vegetationvegetation patternspatterns ÂÂFirewood,Firewood, PatchPatch andand BroadcastBroadcast burning:burning: IndianIndian BurningBurning Practices:Practices: ÂÂFirewood:Firewood: InvolvesInvolves thethe movementmovement ofof fuelsfuels toto specificspecific locationslocations beforebefore burning,burning, resultingresulting inin areasareas thatthat containcontain relativelyrelatively littlelittle (or(or stockpiled)stockpiled) largelarge woodywoody debrisdebris andand designateddesignated spotsspots ofof intenseintense repeatedrepeated andand prolongedprolonged heat.heat. Hupa wood packer: Erickson 1890s. Hoopa Valley Kepel Yurok Village area up- IndianIndian BurningBurning slope. Kroeber circa 1910-1920 Practices:Practices: ÂÂPatch:Patch: AA specificspecific applicationapplication ofof firefire toto fuelsfuels withinwithin aa boundedbounded areaarea forfor foodfood maintenance,maintenance, utility,utility, oror traveltravel IndianIndian BurningBurning Practices:Practices:  Broadcast:Broadcast: The practice of setting fire to the landscape for multiple purposes and with general boundaries Baldhills: Chilula/Yurok boundary trail. Goddard 1906 Indigenous/CulturalIndigenous/Cultural FireFire RegimesRegimes ÂAlternate seasons of burning for different kinds of settings. ÂFrequencies w/ which fire are set and reset over varying periods of time. ÂCorresponding intensities w/ which fuels can be burned Indigenous/CulturalIndigenous/Cultural FireFire RegimesRegimes  Specific selection of sites fired and those that are not.  A range of natural and artificial controls that humans employ in limiting the spread of fire: time of day, winds, fuels, slope, relative humidity, and natural/human fire breaks – Lewis 1982  Ignition patterns to promote desired fire behavior and associated intensities. Processes Seasonality Functions Ignition Frequency Fire Induced Ecological Goods and Services: Food, Water, Materials Topography Intensity- /Fuels Severity Specificity/ Extent DocumentedDocumented ReasonsReasons ForFor IndianIndian FireFire UseUse FireFire 2121-Management-Management TodayToday Vol.Vol. 6060 No.No. 33 SummerSummer 20002000 PagePage 1111 GeraldGerald W.W. WilliamsWilliams USFS/WOUSFS/WO (Modified(Modified fromfrom H.H. LeLewis)wis) andand BonnicksenBonnicksen 2000,2000, ChapterChapter SevenSeven-Fire-Fire MastersMasters ÂÂHuntingHunting ÂÂTreeTree Felling/FuelFelling/Fuel WoodWood ÂÂCropCrop ManagementManagement ÂÂClearingClearing AreasAreas ForFor TravelTravel ÂÂPestPest ManagementManagement ÂÂClearingClearing RiparianRiparian AreasAreas ÂÂRangeRange ManagementManagement ÂÂBasketBasket MaterialsMaterials ÂÂFireproofingFireproofing What are some other reasons you have learned of for your area? Which of those are valued today by the tribal community to be implemented?  ToTo forceforce preyprey intointo smallsmall unburnedunburned and/orand/or formerlyformerly burntburnt areasareas forfor easiereasier huntinghunting  ToTo drivedrive gamegame overover cliffscliffs oror intointo impoundments,impoundments, narrownarrow chutes,chutes, andand riversrivers oror lakeslakes HuntingHunting Sketch: Walker 1870, Sacramento valley in Heizer and Elasser 1980. CropCrop ManagementManagement  To harvest or enhance crops: Tarweed/sunflower types Greens/tender herb-shoots Seeds, nuts or grains  To improve yields of root crops and berries – Photo: Edward Curtis Gathering Seeds- Coast Pomo CropCrop ManagementManagement  To prevent grasslands from growing over by non-desired vegetation.  To clear areas for planting tobacco and grass seeds.  To facilitate the gathering of fruits/nuts by clearing the ground of vegetation and duff/litter under crop trees or shrubs.  BurningBurning waswas usedused toto Pest Management reducereduce pestpest populations:populations: Pest Management Rodents Poisonous snakes Insects (ticks, seed/nut weevils, baskets plant parasites, forest beetle infestations, etc).  ToTo killkill oror decrease:decrease: mistletoe tree lichens/mosses invasive species Insect larva in Cal. Hazel nut. RangeRange ManagementManagement  FireFire waswas usedused toto keepkeep prairiesprairies andand meadowsmeadows openopen fromfrom encroachingencroaching shrubsshrubs andand treestrees andand toto improveimprove browsebrowse forfor deer,deer, elk,elk, antelope,antelope, horses,horses, andand waterfowl.waterfowl.  IncreaseIncrease thethe qualityquality ofof vegetationvegetation structure,structure, forage,forage, palatability,palatability, andand nutrition.nutrition. FireFire ProofingProofing ÂÂIndiansIndians usedused frequentfrequent lowlow intensityintensity firesfires toto alteralter thethe structurestructure ofof differentdifferent forests/plantforests/plant communitiescommunities ÂÂSomeSome IndiansIndians usedused firefire toto clearclear vegetationvegetation fromfrom areasareas aroundaround settlementssettlements andand nearnear specialspecial medicinalmedicinal plantsplants toto protectprotect themthem fromfrom wildfires.wildfires. ÂÂToTo reducereduce thethe buildupbuildup ofof fuelsfuels forfor decreasingdecreasing catastrophiccatastrophic wildlandwildland fires.fires. TreeTree Felling/FuelFelling/Fuel WoodWood ÂÂIndiansIndians usedused firefire inin differentdifferent waysways toto fellfell trees.trees. ÂÂAfterAfter firefire sweptswept throughthrough chaparralchaparral oror woodlandwoodland areas,areas, branchesbranches oror stemsstems werewere brokenbroken offoff forfor firewood.firewood. ManzanitaManzanita OaksOaks OtherOther treetree andand shrubshrub speciesspecies (photo: Beckham 1996) ClearingClearing AreasAreas ForFor TravelTravel  Indians used fire to clear overgrown trails for travel.  Ignition locations and fuel breaks were located along trails. Traversable ridge systems, historical Karuk villages, and 1909 to 2005 Ignition point data: Lake and Werren. SRNF:SRNF: Interview-209,Interview-209, KarukKaruk man,man, ageage n/a:n/a: AprilApril 6,6, 1978:1978:  Ferris Trail: The main tail along the north side of Chimmikanee Ridge…went up the side of the ridge east to Deer Lick Saddle. This trail was used to get there, and it was also used to drive stock [cattle] along to the pastures on the south side of Chimmikanee Ridge. This originally was open grassland, which was maintained by Indian burning. Over hundreds and thousands of years the burning had created open grasslands for deer and elk forage. When the whites came it was used as pasturage at certain times of the year. Now it has grown over with oaks, madrone, and conifers. South side of many ridges in this area were so used. ClearingClearing AreasAreas ForFor TravelTravel ÂBurning in forests and brushlands improved visibility for hunting, reduced attacks by predators and enemies, and assisted in warfare. ÂTrails were very significant for trade and resource management. Ignition locations-Application for contemporary fire use ClearingClearing RiparianRiparian AreasAreas ÂÂToTo clearclear brushbrush andand otherother debrisdebris fromfrom riparianriparian areasareas andand marshesmarshes ÂÂToTo stimulatestimulate newnew grass,grass, plantplant growth,growth, shrubshrub andand treetree sprouts.sprouts. Cottonwoods Willows Wild grape thickets Tules and Cattails Sedges and grasses BasketBasket MaterialsMaterials ÂÂMostMost ofof thethe plantplant materialsmaterials usedused inin basketrybasketry requiredrequired
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