4 The Norld,FertilLty 'Survey: January 1976- ecember* 1976. Annual Report. InternatiOnal Statistical Inst., Voorburg (Netherlands).; NOrld Fertility Survey, London (England). Agency for Internctional Development (Dept. Of State), Washington, D,C.; phited Natio& Fnnd for Population Activities, New York N.Y. 77 106p. EDES PRICE MF-$0.83 ric7$6;01 Plus Postage. ptSCRIpToRS,- Annual Reports; Virth Rate; *Demography; Developed NatiOns; *Developing NationS; Falaily.Planningv Human GeOgraphy; International Programs; *Nationaj. Snrveys; OverpopulatiOn; Population Distribution; *Population GroWth;- Statistical Surve'ys ENTIFIERS *WorlA Fertility Survey AD5TRACT Thisannuat".4repo t describes, through narrative and tatistical tables, the progress made in 1976 by the World Fertility Survey (WFS)A an international population research program. The function of/the NZS-is to assist a large number ofineerested countries, particularly the developing countries, in parrying nut nationally repr'esentative, internationally comparable, and scientifically designed and conducted surveys of human fertility behavior. An introduction prOvides -information onthe background, history, and maior goals of the survey. Thereport distinguishes between developed and developing countries in,itsCountry by countr breakdown of progress and participation in the WF A section on program developments describes the status of the nst,rumentS and methodology used by the survey, including its.que tionnaires, modules, documentation, special field studies; d tai'processing, an various Methods of information dissemination. Pr ceedings of committees and meetings associated with the' WFS re summarized,( . and lectures given on the topic of the survey are lited. The four appendices contain listings of the following: in ernationalexports consulted by the WFS,'the year,s visitors to the WES Professioual Centre in London, the publications of the WFS, nd the libraries in the WFS depositary system.(Author/MK) * ****************** ******************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many i mal unpublished. * materials not available from other sources. E IC makes everyeffort * * to obtain the best copy available. Neverthele items of marginal * reproducibility are often encountered and thiaffects the quality * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions RI: makes available * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service(E RS1. EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of,the original d cument.Reproductions * supp'ied by4DRS are th\best that can be, made from theoriginal. * ************ ***********'* ******************* ********************** eWorld Fertiljt3PSu nuqry1976-Dcce ber 19:76 DEPARTMOSIT ALTH, ,E DUCATION WELARE NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF EDUCATION BEEN REPRO- THIS OOCUMENT HAS FRDM . DUCEDEXACTLY AS RECEIVED THE PERSON ORORGANIZATION ORIGIN' ATING IT POINTS OFVIEW OR OPINIONS NECESSARILY REPRE STATED Dd. nipT IN/TITL1TE OF SENT:OFFICIAL NATIONAL EOUCATION- POSITION ORPOLICY: a )--hT International Stotts I Institute 428 Primes BentrixIoan -cc Voorburg, The 'Hogue NetherIgnels fiqrnt an eo 1- os (fen Nr.eciLor: II - °Bs 'lay Survey is an interna%nai research provammewhose purpose is to nt state of human felinityThrughout the world. This is being done principally promoting amt4upporting nationallyrepresentatiVe, internationally comparabk, ifically designed andtonducted sample surveys offertilitibehavjour it' as many countries as possible. FS iS being undertaken, with the collaboration of theUntted Nations, by the Int tiational Statistical Institute inicooperatiph with the InArnational Union forthe Scien a Study of Population. Financial support is providedprincipally by theUnited Naticins Fi. for Population Activities and the United States Agency forInternational Development. This publication is part of the WFS PublicattonsProgramme which Includes'the WF Basic Documentation, Occasional Papers andauxiliarypublreations. For further info ion on: the WFS, write to the Information Office,International StatistiCal Institute, 4 Prinses Beatriziaan, Voorburg. The Hague, Netherlands, CORRIGENDA World Fertility Survey AnnualReport 1976 should read as follow Chapter 2 Section 2.1page 26, third paragraph otho survey design visit wasmade to Lesotho in June1976 a oject proposal'was drawn upwith the executive agenc partment of Statistics_ Section 2.1, iisage 36, Table I,should read as folio WFS Staff National Director/ National COuntry cn-ordinatcl- Survey Director Executive Agency ,Directorte of L. Williams Statisti s Benoit Farry - (Resi,dent Advjser) ontenfs NTRODUCTION . - PROPMS ,PF COUNTRIES IN THE WFS PROGRAM E 12- The Dttt\eloping Countries ,. 12 24.1 Statu '-of OwGoing Surseys 12 2.12 Associ te Status .29 2..1.3. Future Enrolment 30 -1-2.-The. De a* Countries 42 PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENTS 45, WFS Documentation 45 ModifiCations to ihe Core Questionnaire 45 2 Module, 45 -tore Questionnatre for Husbands 47 1;4 Summary pf Status of WFS Documnntatic 48 3.2 Spe6ial Field Studies 51 3.2.1 Linguistic Study in Cameroon 51 3.2.2 Pilot Study on Availability of Fer ility Regulation Methods 53 3.2.3 Pest-Enumeration Surveys 55 Bankladesh 56' Indon sia 58 Pakistan 59 3.3 Data Process1n0 60 3.4 Developments in Data Analys 62 3.5 '4chnical Monitoring 65 r 3.6 InformationJ and Publications 66 4. COM M1TTE ES 69 4.1 WFS Permanent Committees a'nd Ad Hoc Meetings 69 4 I1 Programme Steering Cpmmittee 69 4.1.2 Technical Adiisory Committee 72 413 Staff Meeting 74 414 ',.Workipg G-roup on StrategidS for Analysis 74 4.1.5 Meeting on Stiff Itequiements 74 4.1.6 Reeonal Metting on Data Processing ::Caribbean 75 4:13 WFS Regjonal Technical Meetings 4.2 WFS.Participation in Other Meetings 76 4.2.1 :Meetiag on CONCOR-Editing Package 70 4.2.2 UN Standing Working Group on Saaial Denfograohy 76 4!2.3 Siirth International POPLARS Corifereate 76 424 UN Meeting on DasaTroCessing in Developing aguntries 77 4.2.5 OECD Working Group Meeting 77 4.2.6 UNESCAP-Coininittee on Statistics 77 4.3 Lectures 78 4.3.1 -Institute of Social Studies, The Hague 78 4.3.2 Unjversity of Louva.in 'Quetelet Chair 1976' 78- 4.3.3 Lectures on WFS to University of Arkansas and Florida State University 78 4.3A Statistics Canada 78 4.33 U.S. Department of Health and Welfare 78 .6 Institute for Professional Education, Virginia, U.S.A. 79 5'. PERSONNEL 80 5.1WSjfaff z 80 5.Lr- WfS Professional Centre, London 80 5.1.2 IS! Permanent Office, Tht Hague 82 2 .UN Liaison Officers v 82 TABLE I : Present and Projected Participation of the Devel ping Coun- tries in the WFS Programme s 32 TABLE II: Present and Future Participation ot,the Developed Countries s in the WFS Programme . 43 TABLE III: Success Rate of PES in Fiji 58 TABLE IV: SainpleSelcctionof PES in Pakistan . 59 TABLE V: Status of Editing and Tabulation Software in WFS Surveys 61 . CHART: WFS Objectives and Activities Infernatipnal Participatton in dig FS 101 PENDIX I:Inteinational Collaborition: Alia of Experts Consulted by WFS 84 APPENDIX II:List of Visitors to the WFS Professional Centre, Londmi- - 90 APPENDIX III: List df Publications Available as of 31 December 1976 93 APPENDIX IV: List of -Libraries in the WFS'Depositary System ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE REPORT . Z- CELADE Cartro Latinoameribano de Demografia- CLUSTERS WFS program for calcylation of standard errors , COCENTS Tabulation package developed by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, adopted fo.r-WFS purp;oses CONCOR Editing package deveL4ed by CELADE and WFS ECA Economic Commission:for Africa:, ECE TeonOmie Commission'. for Europa- ESCAP Economic and Social COmmis5ion for Asia and the Pacifl ICL International Computers Limited- rua Intetnational Labour-Organization. , INED Institut National d'Etirdes 'Pernographiques IPPF International Planned ParenthoodTederation !SI International Statistical institote ISPC International Statistical Pibgrams Center; U.S. Bureau IUSSP Inteinational Union for the pcientific Study of populatio OECD 'Organization for-Economic Co-operation and Developm ORSTOM' Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique. Outre-M PES /Post-Enameration Survey POPLARS Population Laboratories PSC - tfrogramme Steering Coninn TAC Technical Advisory Comniitt e UNDP 14niteld Nations Development*rogramme . UNFPA United Nations Fund fol- Population Actkvities VSAID, United States Agency foi International Develop World 'Fertility Survey World Health Organization 6 Introduction The World Fertility Survey (NyFS) is an international population research programme whose purpose is to assist a large norther. of interested countries, particularly the developing countries, in carrying out nationally representativc,- internationally com- . parable, and.scientifically designed and condircted surveys of human fertility behav- iour. The WFS was begun in 1972 in fesponse tc; the arinouncement of World PoRola- fion Year 1974 and the United Nations call for concerted world action on population matters. It is being undertaken by-the inrernational Statistical instifute (151) with the collaboration of-the United Nalions, and in cooperation with the international Union r he Scientific Siudy of Population (EUSSP). The WFS is finaneed'hy grants to the ISI from the United Nations Fund- for Population Activities (UNFPA) and the U.S. Agency for International Developmt-At (US ID). -the primary- aim of the WFS programme is to assist countries to acquire theientific information that will permit them to deScribe..and interpret their populations' fertility. A second popose is to increase national capacities for fertility and other cfemographic survey researah
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