1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4685 - Jack Talmadge Davis Richard Henry Parker MISSISSIPPI John McArthur Davis Jammie Meildal Philpott Ola Chandler, Braxton. Douglas Lipp Deal John Charles Plebes James 0. Waldrop, Newton. ·Donald Alburtus Detwiler Waldo Franklin Potter Robert A. Dean, Okolona. William Bradford Dudley Ernest Collier Price R. Ben Linn, Plckens. Anthony Raymond Durante James Rival Pugh, Jr.• John Wyeth Earhart, Jr. Robert Duncan MacGregor Randall PENNSYLVANIA Preston Warham Easley John William Rawlings, Jr. Marvin F. Birely, Blue Ridge Summi~. Ph11lips Eastman, Jr. James Cabell Reed Oliver Richard English Edward Julius Renth, Jr. William Earl Evers Anthony Henry Richard, Jr. James Thomas Fitz-Gerald, Jr. Coleman Cabell Richards Henry Merritt Fletcher, Jr. Zaccheus Camp Richardson HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES James Dixon Fore . Scott Brewer Ritchie, Jr. Tom Bond Foulk, Jr. Robert John Rooney THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1943 Norman Horace Frisbie Joseph Henry Rosness Charles Arthur Gaignat Francis Earle Rundell 2d The House met at 12 o'clock noon. David Emanuel Galas George LeRoy Russell The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Thomas Simons Garrett 3d Ned Schramm, Jr. Montgomery, D. D., offered the follow­ Vincent Augustus Gaudiani, Jr. David Gibbon Schwartz ing prayer: Eaton Arthur Gorelangton Ralph Meloy Scott William James Greene William Fontaine Scott 0 Father of Mankind, we pray that Allen Wyant Gullion, Jr. Richard Francis Shaefer Thy spirit may arouse in us the feeling Alfred Dale Hagen Daniel Francis Shea of unused powers and the consciousness Ralph Junior Hallenbeck Stephen Huntting Sherill, Jr. of responsibility. We rejoice that Thou Jack Willming Hammel Albert Raymond Shiely, Jr. dost pour out of Thy infinite fullness .Robert Maxwell Hancock, Jr. Lindsey McDonald Silvester Burton Clement Hanish Eber Eugene Simpson an overflow transcending all human ::reague Gray Harris, Jr. Elwood Frank Smith need. As the humblest flower by the Frank James Harrold, Jr. Hubert Smith, Jr. way breathes an unconscious fragrance, Martin Lee Harter J. Weller Smith so may we by gentleness and humility Paul Andre Hederstrom, Jr. Kenneth Bates Smith show forth the spirit of our .Saviour, nor Harry Ludwick Heintzelman 3d Lowell Blair Smith ever let an unhallowed day pass. Richard Tilghman Hemsley 3.d WlllHtm Wayne Snavely Most graciously regard our country; Robert Alvin Hersberger Charles Spieth, Jr. Edward Jerome Hertel Gordon Hall Steele, Jr. humanity with all its burdens seems to Robert William Hoffman Paul Leonard Steinle be wandering between two worlds-the Henry Leon Hogan 3d Richard Carlton Stickney, Jr. old one dying and a new one struggling Arthur William Holderness, Jr. Richard Williams Stoddard to be born. Teach us again and again John Mahlon Hommel Marion Scott Street that life is more than livelihood. Make Luther Walker Hough, Jr. Richard Donald Sullivan us to learn the discipline that the world. Richard Hugh Houser Firman Edward Susank can be saved only by submitting to right­ Joseph Hipolito Huau, Jr. Dale Sidney Sweat eous law, rather than wielding the bludg­ John Bell Hudson John James Swisshelm Ullin Lee Hudson Franklin Woody Taylor eon of force. We pray for a gale from Herschel DeMent Hughes Ralph Jamison Teeter, Jr. heaven, a rushing of a mighty wind, Paul Joseph Hurley Junior Craig Teller - carrying light to those in darkness and George Howard Ingham James Robert Thomas life to those in death. Clare Thompson Ireland, Jr. Albert Sidney Johnston Tucker, Jr. Blessed Lord, we pray for those in Felix Andrew Kalinski Vernon Richard Turner · sorrow and for those in joy; for those James Moulton Keck Francis Veazy Walker who are cast down and for those exalted; William Joseph Kilpatrick, Jr. James Harper Walker for those in barren lands, weary and Harold Ferguson Knowles Charles Skillman Waller worn; and for all in the battle lines of John Roger Kullman Edward Joseph Walsh, Jr. Harvey Haroldson Latson, Jr. Edward Menefee Watkins, Jr. freedom. Almighty God, make us wor­ Hanford Nichols Lockwood 3d James Howard Watkins thy of the sacrifice and the victdry on Thomas McAdoo Love Lawrence Middleton Watson which the rights of man can be restored. Richard Curry McAdam William Glenn Watson In the name of Thy Son, our Redeemer. Thomas Eugene McCabe Lewis Frazer Webster Amen. Donald DeForest McClure Marston Thorn Westbrook Robert Dugald McClure J. Duane Wethe The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Richard David McCord William Joseph Whalen ~erday was read and approved. Jack Kenneth McGregor Richard Vincent Wheeler LEND-LEASE SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIA­ Kei'th Albert Whitaker Jack Mann McGregor TION BILL, 1943 Frank McCoy McMullen Jack Henderson Whitson John Robert McNiel Warren Tanner Whittemore Mr. CANNON of Missouri. Mr. Laurence Ronald MacDonnell Fred Ordway Wickham, Jr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Robert John MacMull1n Louis Charles Wieser tomorrow, Friday, following disposition Gayle Eugene Madison Richard Bocock Willis, Jr. of business on the Speaker's table, it shall Maurice Langhorne Martin Harold William Woodson William Wintle Martin Edmund Augustus Wright, Jr. be in order to consider, under the rules Russell Lowell Maughan, Jr. Howard Greenlees Yeilding of the House, the defense and lend-lease Richard Victor Miracle Michael Zubon supplemental appropriation bill, 1943. William Clarence Moore Lloyd Zuppann, Jr. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Christopher He-nry Munch To be second lieutenants with rank from There was no objection. David Duncan Munro 3d June 3,1943 NAVY APPROPRIATION BILL, 1944 John Walter Myrtetus William Edward Naylor, Jr. AIR CORPS The SPEAKER. The unfinished busi­ Louis Konrad Nesselbush Edgar Knowles Parks, Jr. ness is the passage of the bill <H. R. 2713) John Jacob Neuer IN THE NAVY making appropriations for the Navy De­ Jack COnrad Novak TEMPORARY SERVICE partment and the naval service for the Edmund Francis O'Connor fiscal year ending June 30, 1944, and for Robin Olds Charles E. Rosendahl to be a rear admiral, Thomas Kilbury· Oliver for temporary service, to rank from July 9, other purposes. The question is, Shall E!trl Oren Olmstead, Jr. 1942. the bill pass? PosTMASTERs Robert Evans Orr The question was taken; and on a divi­ Norbert Joseph Oswald MINNESOTA sion (demanded by Mr. SHEPPARD) there Stanley Carter Pace Edward T. G1bboiUI, Sherburn. were-ayes 62, noes 0. 1 - 4686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 20 Mr. SHEPPARD. Mr. Speaker, I ob­ Peterson, Fla. Sa tterfl..eld Tarver Mr. SHEPPARD. Mr. Speaker, I ask Peterson, Ga. Sauthofl Thomas, Tex. ject to the vote on the ground that there Philbin Scanlon Thomason unanimous consent that all Members is no quorum present, and I make the Phillips Schiffler Tibbett may have 5 legislative days in which to point of order that there is no quorum Pittenger Schuetz Tolan extend their remarks upon the bi_ll. Ploeser Shafer Towe present. This is an automatic call. The Plumley Sheppard Treadway The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Clerk will call the roll. Poage Short VanZandt There was no objection. The question was taken; and there Poulson Sikes Vincent, Ky. Price Simpson, Ill. Voorhis, Calif. EXTENSION OF REMARKS were-yeas 360, nays 0, not voting 72, as Priest Simpson, Pa. Vorys, Ohio follows: Rabaut Slaughter Vursell Mr. BOREN. ·Mr. Speaker, I ask [Roll No. 77] Ramey Smith, Maine Wadsworth unanimous consent to extend my re­ Ramspeck Smith, Ohio Weaver marks and include an address entitled YEAS-360 Randolph Smith, Va. Weichel, Ohio Abernethy Domengeaux Johnson, Ind. Rankin Smith, W.Va. Weiss "America's Aviation Tomorrow," by Col. Allen, Ill. Dondero Johnson, Reece, Tenn. Smith, Wis. Wene Edgar S. Gorrell, president, Air Trans­ Allen, La. Daughton J. Leroy Reed, Ill. Somers, N. Y. West port Association of America; also a Andersen, Douglas Johnson, Reed, N.Y. Sparkman Wheat H. Carl Drewry Luther A. Rees, Kans. Spence Whelchel. Ga. statement by 18 air lines, being a joint Anderson, Calif. Durham Johnson, Richards Springer Whitten reply to certain questions by the Civil Anderson, Dworsbak Lyndon B. Rivers Stanley Whittington Aeronautics Board, including a reply by N. Mex. Eaton Johnson, Okla. Rizley Starnes, Ala. Wickersham Andresen, Eberharter Johnson, Ward Robinson. Utah Steagall Wigglesworth question and answer; together with a August H. Ellis Jones Robsion, Ky. Stearns, N.H. Willey letter from the President of the United Andrews Ellison, Md. Jonkman Rocltwell Stefan Wilson States to Mr. Jesse Jones, Secretary of Angell Elmer Kean Rodgers, Pa. Stevenson Winstead Arends Elston, Ohio Kearney Rogers, Calif. Stewart Winter Commerce, on the twenty-fifth anniver­ Arnold Engel Kee Rogers, Mass. Stockman Wolcott sary of the first air-mail flight. Auchincloss Fay Keefe Rohrbough Sullivan Wolfenden, Pa. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Baldwin, Md. Feighan Kefauver Rowan Sumner,.Dl. Wolverton, N.J. Baldwin, N.Y. Fellows Keogh Rowe Sundstrom Woodrum, Va. There was no objection. Barden Fenton Kerr Russell Taber Wrlght C. K. LAWSON AND THE RUML PLAN Barrett Fernandez Kilburn Sadowski Talbot ?'ammerman Barry Fish Kilday Sasscer Talle Mr. TARVER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Bates, Ky. Fisher King unanimous consent to proceed for 1 Bates, Mass. Fitzpatrick Kinzer NAYS-0 Beall Flannagan Kirwan NOT VOTING-72 minute. · Beckworth Fogarty Kleberg Boykin Guyer O'Leary The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Bell Folger Knutson Brooks Hale O'Toole There was no objection. Bender Forand Kunkel Bucltley Halleck Pfeifer Mr. TARYER. Mr. Speaker, I have Bennett, Mich. Ford LaFollette Byrne Hart Powers Bennett, Mo. Fulbright Lambertson Capozzoli Heffernan Pracht here a letter from an outstanding con­ Bishop Fulmer Landis Celler Hendricks Robertson stituent of mine, Mr. C. K. Lawson, of Blackney Gale Lane Clark Hinshaw Rolph Cedartown, Ga., which I conceive to be a Bland Gamble Lanham Cochran Judd Sa bath Bloom Gathings Larcade Costello Kelley Schwabe patriotic, open, frank exp-ression repre­ Bolton Gavagan LeCompte Courtney Kennedy Scott senting the attitude of a majority of the Bonner Gearhart Lefevre Culkin Klein Sheridan laboring men in this country concerning Boren Gerlach Les!mkl Curley Lea Snyder Bradley, Mich.
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