.' " . 2 the paper December 11, 2000 .the pap_er / . 12.11.2000. Volume 1, lssu.e 6 Table ol £ontents .. Stall·& Stull comics• 3 Perspettives presidential feud 5 tamp us . - disability · 6 boa·rd of trustee 6 . ~- what to do with life 6 diversity 7 tenterspread lenny kravitz '8 unbreakable 8 ! the 6th day_· · ... 9 ~ I' , ·you can count ·on me 9 l Feature pace runs late 11 manson teview · 12 Siehts & sounds , the ladies man • 13 . l a night of manson 13 l ~ ~ Sports OverView 15 ttassilieds 15 ' ' cu~s~ w\\'I l>t> -ntt:Y . ~CIT~ b' C>~'T' P~oN. rlE ~>SS ..,~ r t.tA~ s~& u"'P. ~-to L\~~ , AtJb N\€. ,.j"'eF;; ! .•. SC\IES>V~ ~f; fO{L 61 ~s A-PE. t-Jo ) . su 8.'!5n't'Vl"E- · .f'o ~ S~M / 1"l.A 'I Si"ffl1 o f'l burnttoastcomics@ holmail.com by Rana W\IA1 ~? S\o\E ~ Otoll>f ~At> oNe~~· )'o u· ~ e AUc.iiONl"''=l So, TC>t , t\IM O~F 'j0\1 vJ-',.J\· ON t i!.A'/ ? TO ~LL lYlE; WI+~ '/OU",._f' ~c=T11N C1' ~ ll.. D(tuN":'\ 4 Perspectives the paper December 11 , 2000 Take classes· from 8:30 to noon. Learn ab _0 ut the w0 rld lntroducing RooSevelt ·. 5 University's Student to Executive Program-- the perfect way ·of 9 to • .for undergraduates to.prepare for that first professional experience in the job world. • Take a spe~ially designed group of classes at our Albert A. Robin Campus in Schaumburg from 8:30a.m. to noon. You'll be on your way to a BSBA in Accounting or a BSBA in Management. r • Learn in small classes, with pl~nty of opportunity to interact with the business experts and Roosevelt's faculty. · .. ·• Attend seminars with top executives from a variety of area industries, and go on field trips to corporate headquarters. • Gain valuable work experience and college credit _through internships at companies like United Airlines, Lawson Products, and Bank ·One. · No other university in the Chicago or Suburban area can match Roosevelt's StUdent to Executive Program. 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Picking throw this election to·the mix, the line won his legal battles by. going by the Bush's attempts to make and choosing which counties will_have between democrats and republicans The q'uestion of the new precise letter of the law, which has kept Gore look. like a sore loser and.make there voices heard is not fair, either will suddenly look like the grand century so far is who will be the next thousands of ballots from being count­ himself look like the rigftteous winner recount the whole thing or hothing at canyon. This barrier in a congress that president. At this point there is a better ed. Hey, who cares anyway right? are arrogant and pathetic at best. If all. Unfortunately this is not how the is almost 50/50 democrat republican _question, does it even matter. · An Apparently no one, except Gore and this coin had been flipped, and Gore system works. While I sympathize with should make Bush's term comparitive expert panel of economists were asked Lieberman. What happened to the had the slim lead you bet your ass Mr. Gore, I do not support his repeated to being a fireman-armed with a buck­ which president they want in office, record voter turn outs, to the public Bush· having spent $190 million on this court appearances ~ I'd rather see the et fighting a four alarm blaze. The they unanimously answered neither being glued to the election? Isn't the election· would be fighting the results courts demand a recount than see a economists wishes will be granted, we and instead wanted four years of grid­ point of an election to have the voters tooth and nail. Any man worth their select few in the legislature decide who just recounted in two years of gridlock lock. With Christmas around the cor­ voice heard? If the first count was salt, who truly believes they won and our next president will be. All of this at the minimum. Congratulations Mr. ner and election results still unknown, inaccurate, and th~ second count was . that they are the better le<!der is of fighting and counting will most proba­ Bush, you are our country's next illegit­ the question must be asked will there inaccurate, and the third count was course going to fight. bly cost Bush two years of his term, for imate President. be a legitimate president. Will Chad sit inaccurate, who cares what the results - In the end, what is best for · no matter what the final total ends up in Florida and make the four years of were? So. what, the ballots were the country must prevail. .. While being, his margin of victory will be far Bush's term the biggest lie since counted three times, that's great. If rewarding a candidate with an unfair below t~e margin of error. Add to this George's dad told us to read his lips. each time they were counted wrong victory might not be the right thing to all of hatred between parties fired up On the other hand AI might come out of then its been counted three times do, ~ · this with the worst loser best whiner wrong, and repeating the process over have ·"' ~ "<) ,; ~- :: ' .,:. I' ,:':' -~·· ., ' •' ' ' title, giving his image one thing in com­ and over again doesn't make this asi­ well •• ,J' .... mon with Nancy Kerrigan, while Chad nine argument right. The true tragedy the :; ;;_, non~t ~ P.a~ai _;lt Up ••• can play Jim Goolely. would be if the Florida legislature thing · As an American citizen I · decides this election, and with the For pride myself on wanting everything Florida legislature pulling together to now and expecting results immediate­ go into a special session this might just •••• it'Oal ly. This election is putting a crami'J in happen. If a judge rules the ballots are my style, and it is my firm belief Bush to be recounted, the judge is not • •• · ;:.• , Z' : $toab.y,Pm-~•;Jolur • $tl.B0-$9-80/h.our • , ;.:.;;,;: , : i. ,w~s & Roll~• Off • 3-1/2 tos Hour Shifts Sometimes reaching yol!r goals seems like an impossible task. : ~ .; .~: $,! -~ : ~ Y"uftt.·be; J!? Yean or Ol.der • Consiste-nt Work Schedule ~: '~--':':': f ~ ..,Beru;rtts (P.ir'ectica.l/tife, 401K &! P..aid· Va.ca-tions) In the Air Force you'll get the tools you need to rea.ch any goal · ' ' ' ' ' · · • A.nn-~al Baises you set We'll help get you there by:. PALATINE• • providing education opportunities with tuition assistance · · ( Hif'..ks &- Hand Hr.ls.) · • establishing leadership skills for a promising future $1000 Stay. PrograJnl t. Su:::.z•ise S tuft on::y:> • preparing you for a career in life $ &00 Stay Program! ('l'wilight Sh ift OnJY) To Palatine f:r-om .E3g ln take pa~e bus #886 You can eam up to $12.000 enlistment bonus, if you qualify. 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ROCKFOJU;t:;,•·•-:;J · ® t!lfl)l:tJV.•tt !Jfll~O. \J~fertiOtl i%1:c<W/ ~ I , I .. 6 Campus the paper December 11, 2000 Disability. neglect not only through Pace but Harper too By Kevin Lorenc This would mean relying on public often take 15 to 20 minutes just to get ·. stop, some drivers skip it. Harper has openers, elevators that break down, Staff Writer .transportation, which is the bane of the you on the bus. What this does is no direct communication with Pace and and crowded hallways full of people disabled students existence. Public aggravate a bus load of passengers Harper makes no attempt to improve who become moving road blocks . Harper College prides itself on its transportation, Pace busses in particu­ and you become the target of this this situation.· Most bathrooms at Harper have the ability to meet the needs of students, lar, are well intenti.oned, but unfortunet~ anger.
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