ISP Uppsala Universitet Deadline Box 549 IPPS 15 August 2018 SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden Fax +46 18 471 3495 IPICS 2 September 2018 UPPSALA• [email protected] UNIVERSITET Grant application for 2019-2021 Resea rch Groups and Scientific Networks Submit this application and enclosures by email attachment with a scanned/photographed copy of the f irst signed page. Read the separate document Guidelines for Enclosures and Budget for more information. Hover your pointer over the blue underlined words in t his document f or specifi c instructions. NOTE! ISP manages personal data (with care and o nly as long as necessary) provided on t his form an d in enclosures in order to honor t he agreem ents wit h you and w ith Sida. Program Activity code (if settl ed) Chemistry ~ Other 0 Mathematics 0 Physics 0 Applicant (Research group leader/Network coordinator: ti tl e, given name, fa mily na me) DR . JOHN A.M. MAHUGIJA Deputy DR. KESSY F. Kl LU LYA Address Dep artment/unit: CHEMISTRY University/institute: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM Street (visiting address): JULIUS K. NYERERE MLIMANI CAMP US P.O Box number: 35061 Post/zip code: City: DAR ES SALAAM Coun try: TA NZA NI A, UNITED REP UBLI C E-ma il address (es): [email protected] c.tz; johnmahugi [email protected] Website: httQs:LLchemist ry.udsm .ac. tz Telephone and telefax Office I Mobile ·· -=t ~ax +255 222410038 +255 719 971 97+ mii:2 ~E'J.i ~9-7l971 +255 222410038 Name of Research Group/Network: CHEMI"TRY [)(! A~TME. rr I ANALYTICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEI'J IS:filf 'ERS!TY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM ~lox 35061, DAR-ES-S'L At.! ~_a>~ A lilA, EAST- Ai< .ICA City: DAR ES SA LAAM r""' - -· - -- ND Approved by the Departme ~ . ... /DR. KESSY F. KILULYA Date: 02 SEPTEMBER 2018 Sig~tur of Depa rtment/Name in printing: Summar ~ of budget reguest (SEK) 2019 2020 2021 Total Equipment/spare parts/service 215,000 40,000 30,000 285,000 Consumables/literature/field work 70,000 80,000 69,000 219,000 Con ferences/workshops 30,000 30,000 110,000 170,000 r----- Excha nge visi ts by cooperating scientists 27,000 27,000 25,000 79,000 I----- _£_e llowsb_!_es for training: 0 108,000 108,000 216,000 Support to students 30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 Costs for audit and RG meet ing 10,000 10,000 25,000 45,000 Network (only) administration costs 0 0 0 0 Total 382,000 325,000 397,000 1,104,000 The following enclosures are submitted Yes I No City: DAR ES SALAAM 1) Research pl an/network program Yes Date: 2ND SEPTEMBER 2018 2) App licant's/Deputy's CV Yes 3) Publications/Theses/ Abstracts No 4) Application for improving gender ba lance No Applicant's~ signature 5) Fellowship ap pl ication(s) No 6) Other (Specify: ......................................................... ) 1 {17) Deadline 2018 – see isp.uu.se/documents 1. Summary of proposed research/network activity (Research plan/Network program) (Full details should be given in Enclosure 1 Please, carefully read and follow guidelines) a) Give a summary (half a page) of the research plan/networK program by briefly describing the planned activity and its justification, and for scientific research clarify the justification in relation to previous research/literature, postulate the hypotheses to be tested/research questions to be addressed, and indicate which methods will be used. Please note that this is a summary of Enclosure 1, Sections a – c. There is an urgent need for training of highly qualified experts in analytical and environmental chemistry to meet the demands in increasing and growing institutions, industries, areas, activities and challenges that require applications of such knowledge and skills to solve the relevant problems. The general objective of the Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Research Group of the Chemistry Department, University of Dar es Salaam is strengthen the capacity for conducting scientific research and postgraduate training in various areas of analytical chemistry and environmental chemistry and apply the findings in solving problems in the societies/communities for development purposes. The following are the specific hypotheses/research questions: (i) How to improve the conditions and techniques for carrying out research and postgraduate training in chemical analyses? (ii) What are the levels of chemical substances (e.g. contaminants) in food, industrial materials and environmental samples (water, soil, sediments, biota and air)? (iii) How to convert bio-waste into useful products that can be used in various applications such as synthesis of alcohol and adsorbents? (iv) How to improve production and dissemination of high quality research results? (v) How to promote the use of research results and outcomes by the society (communities, industries, etc) and for development? (vi) How to attract sustainable financial support from various sources to ensure long-term stability? The Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Research Group has the following specific objectives: (i) To improve the conditions and techniques for carrying out research and postgraduate training in chemical analyses. (ii) To carry out chemical analyses of food, industrial materials and environmental samples (water, soil, sediments, biota and air). (iii) To develop capacity in converting bio-waste into useful products that can be used in various applications such as synthesis of alcohol, natural gas purification, development of catalyst and adsorbents. (iv) To improve production and dissemination of high quality research results. (v) To promote the use of research results and outcomes by the society (communities, industries, etc) and for development. (vi) To attract sustainable financial support from various sources to ensure long-term stability. The research plans to answer these hypotheses/research questions through improved research training, experimentation, financial support, knowledge exchange, dissemination and use of results. b) Give an overview of objectives, planned outputs and expected outcomes Provide a summary of objectives, planned outputs and expected outcomes (and, if found convenient, formalized in the Logical Framework Matrix). Provide your answers under the below headings. This is a summary of Enclosure 1, Section d. 2 (13) Deadline 2018 – see isp.uu.se/documents Overall objective (impact) and relevance of the activity: The general objective of the Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Research Group of the Chemistry Department, University of Dar es Salaam is strengthen the capacity for conducting scientific research and postgraduate training in various areas of analytical chemistry and environmental chemistry and apply the findings in solving problems in the societies/communities for development purposes. This activity is in line with the Tanzania’s Vision 2025, the National Research and Development Policy (2010) and the University of Dar es Salaam research policy (2015), and the Swedish Strategy for research cooperation and research in development cooperation 2015–2021. Specific objectives for the granting period: (i) To improve the conditions and techniques for carrying out research and postgraduate training in chemical analyses. (ii) To carry out chemical analyses of food, industrial materials and environmental samples (water, soil, sediments, biota and air). (iii) To develop capacity in converting bio-waste into useful products that can be used in various applications such as synthesis of alcohol, natural gas purification, development of catalyst and adsorbents. (iv) To improve production and dissemination of high quality research results. (v) To promote the use of research results and outcomes by the society (communities, industries, etc) and for development. (vi) To attract sustainable financial support from various sources to ensure long-term stability. Expected outcomes of the activity: - Scientific Results: Understanding the properties and processes involving chemical substances in samples and in the environment 1 PhD and 6 MSc students trained/supported high quality research results - Graduations: 1 PhD and 6 MSc graduations - Dissemination (publications/conference contributions, etc.): 7 publications in international journals, conducting 5 contributions to conferences and organizing 1 conference - Scientific exchange: 3 scientific exchanges - Interactions with government and society (outreach): Several meetings and discussions - Other: Purchasing sample preparation equipment, purchasing consumables (standards, solvents, reagents, etc) c) Give a summary of the postgraduate education plan Give a maximum half a page summary of the proposed activity with emphasis on the education plan. This is a summary of Enclosure 1, Section e. 3 (13) Deadline 2018 – see isp.uu.se/documents Partial support to meet costs for consumables, literature, field works, instrumental analysis and participating in conferences. At least one PhD fellowship to a relevant institution/laboratory in Sweden or other country in Europe (up to 3 months). d) Give a summary of the gender perspective on the research and education plans Summarize the information given on gender balance as well as strategies and measures to achieve gender balance given in Enclosure 1, section f. Provide your answers under the below headings Comment on the current gender balance in perspective of previous years efforts: The current gender balance in the research group is generally reasonable as the females and males represent 40% and 60% respectively. In previous years, the number of females was very low. Reasons for current gender distribution: Most female students do not study science subjects in Tanzania
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