. No. 1. MR. ARTHUR GREENWOOD'S MESSAGE TO SEAMEN'S UNION. The following telegram was sent today by Mr. Arthur Greenwood, Minister Without Portfolio, to a meeting of the National Union of Seamen at Brighton!- Deeply regret unable to be with you today. I pay my tribute to the magnificent courage and fortitude of the Mercantile Marine. I feel confident that it will continue to play its full part in the grim struggle on which we are engaged. There is a grave call to-day to all our people to gird themselves for a mighty effort in order that victory shall be swift and sure,. 1REASURY.. 1 1 J'·l O J'\ !- • nu1lJ _ .r I..J E: -''J. ]·~ l'··T l J\j·- -o • 726 ,, _._ ___ ..._ ~-- - ------- The Air Ministry regrets to ~nnounce the following cauuulties on vari ous aates:- KILLED_J_~ACTION. ADAMS 27100 Flying Officer w.s.c. BEAUMONT 5521J,.L~3 Aircraf tmo.n 2nd Class O.Ro CI-IARL E '110 N 628854 Aircrnftman 1st Class R .. ECHLIN 77117 Pilot Officer R.W.H. JOHNSON 39533 Flying Officer N. PICKARD 539009 Aircro.ftman 1st Class J.G. ROONEY 541-i-996 Loading Aircraftman J. SKELTON 29147 Fli ght Lieutenant G.F.A. VAGG 70825 Pilot Officer E.A. WEBB 4315Ll, Pilot Officer H.G. WOLSTENHO LME 5801-i-46 Sergeant D. HAITHWAITE 524167 Sergeant N. HAYES 580893 Sergeant J.F. HORRIGAN 39525 Flying Officer OoGo WHITLEY 632190 Aircraftrnnn 2nd Class C.C. 1!1/0UNDED OR INJURED IN ACTION. BARRON 580276 Sergeant H.. J. CAVE 615262 Aircraftman 1st Class A.E. CLEGG 524429 Leading Aircraftman T.D. CORBET 41152 Pilot Officer W.H •. DUNN 33411 Pilot Officer H.J.R~ DUPE 559099 Aircraftman 1st Class A.H. FITZGERALD 40783 Flying Officer T.B. GOOD 391~59 Acting Squadron Leader D.C.P. JAY 42063 Pilot Officer D.T. LEE 33208 Acting Flight Lieutenant RoH.A., D.F.C. LIGHTFOOT 551530 Leading Aircraftman L.H. MARCHAND 42070 Pilot Officer R.A. WiAWHOOD 40314 Pilot Officer D.V.G. NEWTON 536600 Aircraftman 1st Class A.W. RAILTON 581030 Sergeant K.. ROWE 90089 Flying Officer J.H.C. SMI'I'H 33287 Plight :.ieuton.a.nt C .. D.S.JI D.F.C. SPENCER 41960 Pilot Officer WcG• , TRAYNOR 638t1.7c Aircraftman 2nd Class J. V!ILiJIAMS 527375 Leading Aircraftman E!s.c. VVYATT 37337 Flight Lieutenant G.M.,D.F.c. DIED OF WOUNDS OR INJURIES RECEIVED IN ACTION. HEPBURN 620438 Aircraftman 1st Class A. MISSING BELIEVED KILLED IN ACTION. BARKER 580937 SergeGnt T.R. BURGESS 544110 Leading Aircraftman A.C.B. BUrTERY 70894 Pilot Officer R.T.L. CJ~MPBELL-IRONS L~0603 Pilot Officer I. FL I SHER 564186 Sergeant L.C. HINDER 551612 Leading Aircraftman R.H. 1 1 . ATERSON 630224 Aircraftman 2nd Class w.c. WA'l1 SON 39249 Acting Flight Lieutenant A.D. WEBB 564469 Sergeant A.L.F .. AL~AM 540542 J:.,eading Aircraftman F.J., D.F.M. ASHFIELD 40198 Pilot Officer L.J. ATKINSON 580557 Sergeant G. ATCHINSON 580497 Sergeant ·T.T. BARBOUR 33505 Pilot Officer D.M. BI.RLOW 15181 Wing Commander E.C. B.A.RROFJ 54227~ Leading Aircraftman V. St.G. BAZAI,G ETTE 70790 Pilot Officer F.So BEAMES 522176 Sergeant F.E. BEA.._t{DWOOD 526936 Sergeo.nt G. BENNETT 580299 Sergeant G.. C. BLEW 39705 Flying Officer D. BOON 40597 Pilot Officer J. BOWEN 581262 Sergeo.nt D.J. CAMERON 39455 Flying Officer D.A. C.P1.MPBELL 39492 Flying Officer J.A. CJili T1JVRIGHT 58060L1. Sergeant G.A. CHA!ViBERLAIN 40508 Pilot Officer c.J.E. CHANDLER 33559 Pilot Officer G.E. CHECKLEY 580605 Sergeant F" CLARKE 580485 Serge2nt E. • CLARK 535562 Corporal T.F~S. CLARKE 617362 Aircraftmcm 2nd Class L.R. COLLYER 539279 Corporal A.C. COUZENS 565544 Sergermt G.F. CRAWLEY 41380 Pilot Officer C.D. DAVIES 627554 Aircraftmo.n 2nd Class W.E.IVI .. de MONTMORENCY 33185 Flying Officer R.H. DOCKRILL 563473 Sergeant C.,J.E. DONNE 33186 Acting Flight Lieutenant M.S .. DORMER 563966 Sergeant P oF. DOUGLASS 39933 Flying Officer P.N. DR.APER 617133 Aircr2ftHan 2nd Class w. DR IMM IE 33472 Pilot Officer GoK.R. DUNN 563086 Flight Sergco.nt W.A"' EDWARDS 40045 Flying Officer W~Ho, D.F.C~ EVANS 561705 Sergeant F.,J,.J~ FANCY 52485 Sergeant J. FORTUNE 521800 Sergeant T,. 3. FRED MAN 90405 Flying Office~ L, GWG f>51672 Leading ·Aircraftman, J.H.K. GIBSON 39981 Flying Officer, C.F. GILMORE 40382 Pilot Officer, R.G.M. GRATTAN 39728 Flying Officer, G.R. GRAY 580511 Sergeant, P.C. GRAY 563627 Sergeant, T. GREENHALGH 515182 Sergeant, R. GREENHOUS 42000 Pilot Officer, P,E,J, GREGORY 551303 Aircraftman 1st Class, K.G. GREY-SMITH 39460 Flying Officer, G.E. HADLEY 580490 Sergeant, A,W.H. 1 HAIJL 56434 ) Sergeant, H.R. HANDS 616584 Aircraftman 1st Class, F. HA1'JNAH 970492 Aircraftman 2nd Class, E. HARRIS 560630 Sergeant, 1r1 .H. HART 580370 Sergeant ~ c.s. HATTON 531631 Leading Aircraftman, H. HAWKS 25078 Flying Officer, P.A. HIBBERD 5547:1.4 Sergeant, S.D. Il\lffiIE 4J711 Pilot Officer, A.M. JONES . 536398 Leading Aircraftman, H.B. JONES 624943 Aircraftman 2nd Class, T. JORDAN 624246 Aircraftman 1st Class, L.F. KIDD 800235 Corporal, B.A. KIRBY 518693 Sergeant 9 R.A.P. LANGTON 615807 Aircraftman 1st Class, L.M. LAVIS 41431 Pilot Officer 9 F.S. LESTER 37109 Flight Lieutenant, C.M. LITTLE 530918 Corporal, H.F, LOWE 581231 Sergeant, R. LUXMOORE 28112 Acting Wing Commander, A.N. McDONNELL 538044 Leading Aircraftman, P.J. McKINLAY 581187 Acting Sergeant, F,W. McLEISH 581467 Leading Aircraftman, D.L. MACK\11/0RTH 40728 Pilot Officer, C.C.D. IV'IADGE 39098 Acting Flight Lieutenant, A.J. MALTBY 621178 Aircraftman 1st Class, E.W. MARTIN 550964 Aircraftman 1st Class, s. MAXEY 506611 Corporal, J.W. MAYOR 643912 Aircraftman 2nd Class, J.R. MELLER SHIP 580586 Sergeant, K. MILLARD 615087 Leading Aircraftman, A.E. MILLER 521994 Sergeant, R.F. MORGAN 563340 Sergeant, A.O. MOSELEY 580085 Sergeant, V.H. MULLINS 41865 Pilot Officer, E.R. MUNGO VAN 41449 Pilot Officer, A.w. MURRAY 41051 Pilot Officer, H.M. O'BRIEN 40419 Pilot Officer 9 D.G. PALMER 551629 Leading Aircraftman, W.E. PARROTT 39112 Flying Officer, T.H. PARSONS 612745 Aircraftman 1st Class, W.L. PATTERSON 565191 Sergeant, T. PEARCE 564385 Sergeant, T.R.A.D. PERRIN 581058 Sergeant, E.R. POAD . 551624 Leading Aircraftman, T• POSSELT 41319 Pilot Officer, A.F. POTTER 610963 Aircraftman 1st Class, J. PRESTON 551160 Acting Corporal, F. 4o RIDLEY 41208 Pilot Officer, Folio ROBERTON 590388 Sergeant 9 Ao Jo ROBSON 564766 Sergeant 9 F~ ROE 42530 Pilot Officer, VoDoMo ROSS 516232 Sergeantj W.G. ROTH 39175 Flying Officer, M.H. ROWAN 36133 Flying Officer 9 P.J.Ho SEDGWICK 523566 Sergeant, A.F. SELDON 563402 Sergeant, G.E. SHAW 623583 Aircraftman 1st Class, C.G. SHOR TL.AND 562875 Sergeant, w.o. SHUTTLEWORTH . 626487 Aircraftman 1st Class, R • SKIDMORE 40644 Pilot Officer, B. I.M. SMALLEY 580626 Sergeant, M.D. SOUTHV/ARD 565970 Sergeant, W. STREET 539338 Leading Aircraftman, w.w. STUBBS 58'.)4.68 Sergeant, P. TATiiOR 540413 Leading Aircraftman, AoJ• TAYLOR 530913 Acting Sergeant, c. THOMAS 41332 Pilot Officer, A. THOMAS 563934 Sergeant, PoL. THOMPSON 613420 Aircraftman 1st Class, J.s. THORNTON 41497 Pilot Officer, S.G. TOWNSEND 566584 Sergeant 9 KoN~ . v. VANO 630788 Aircraftman 2nd Class, N.V. Y:/ALLIS 580532 ' Sergeant, H.B. WALL 37839 Flying Officer, R.N. WARD 542939 Aircraftman 1st Class, J.G. WATERS 534506 Corporal 9 R.H. WEBSTER 625670 Aircraftman 2nd Class, J.A. WELLS 90081 Acting Squadron Leader, J.M. WHITE 40787 Pilot Officer 9 H.E. WHITTLE 563211 Sergeant, E.J.M. WILSON 538054 Aircraftman 1st Class, A.G. WINKLER 564597 Sergeant 9 H.R.W. WRIGHT 40279 Flying Officer 9 G.O • M. KILLED ON ACTIVE SERVICE. BACKSHALL 751665 Leading Airc·raftman, E.O. BECK 524300 Sergeant ii o. BROVVN 39370 Flying Officer, J.R. ' CARTER 78271 Pilot Officer, R.J. CLAXTON 564591 Sergeant, R.H. DAVIES 74669 Pilot Officer, W.M.A. DINGLE I 39307 Flying Officer~ R.H. FOSTER 552135 Aircraftman 1st Glass, J. JO BL ING 524001 Leading Aircraftman,. R.C. LAMBERT 538419 Aircraftman 1st Class, W.K. LONGLEY 581463 Acting Sergeant 9 J.,M. McFARLAND 42413 Acting Pilot Officer, G.J. PERCY 90025 Flying Officer, A.C.J. PULFREY 742203 Aircraftman 2nd Class, A.N, RAr.JSAY 40430· Pilot Of\ icer 9 K.A. y SMITH 562869 Sergeant 9 . N.F. SMITH 41958 Pilot Officer 9 V1/ •,F • WHITFIELD 740692 Sergeant, W.,H. WOUNDED OR INJURED ON ACTIVE SERVICE. ADAMS 741254 Sergeant H.c. AVENT 361650 Flight Sergeant F,T. BRADY 90403 Pilot Officer B.J,R. !CLARKE 77688 Acrting Pilot Officer V.V.L. CRABTREE 740434 Sergeant D,.B. DAVIS 590709 Sergeant Jo ECCLES 640885 Jlircraftman 2nd Class F. HOLDSWORTH 617613 Aircraftman 1st Class A.F. HOLT 526203 Leading Aircraftman A.L.w. MACDONALD 33571 Pilpt Officer To de ':l!o McGEVOR 70424 Flying Officer F.PoJ., D.F,M. WILLIAMS 565050 Sergeant s.,,c .. DIED OF wom;rps_ OR I]:!JURIES ,RDCEIVED ON ACTIVE SERVICE. BARNWELL 566573 Sergeant H.J. WlillMAN 630909 Aircraftman 2nd Class C.A. WALLWORK 743867 Aircraftman 1st Class Fo DIED ON ACTIVE SERVICE AUSTIN-DUCK 977072 Aircraftman 2nd Class L. FOSTER 913626 Aircraftman 2nd Class F.J. HODGSON 981980 Aircraftman 2nd Class G,B. POPE 349414 Flight Sergeant R.E. WASS 510142 Leading Aircraftman R.s. Press & Publicity Branch, Air Ministry, King Charles Street, Whitehall, s.w.1.
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