SECURITY COUNCIL REPORT MONTHLY 1 December 2010 DEC 2010 This report is available online and can beFORECAST viewed together with Update Reports on developments during the month at www.securitycouncilreport.org OVERVIEW FOR DECEMBER The United States will hold the presidency n On developments in Afghanistan and CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE of the Council in December. It is typically the latest Secretary-General’s report on Status Update since our the busiest month on the calendar due to a UNAMA, by the Special Representative, November Forecast .................... 2 high number of scheduled briefings and Staffan de Mistura; Sudan ................................................ 4 mandate renewals and the usual desire to n By the Prosecutor of the International Afghanistan ...................................... 7 wrap up all Council work before Christmas. Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Iraq .................................................... 8 on Sudan (followed by a private meeting); Conflict Prevention and An open debate is planned on the problem n On the last phase and termination of the Resolution in Africa .................... 10 of sexual violence in conflict, with a briefing peacekeeping operation in Chad and the Women, Peace and Security: by the Secretary-General’s Special Repre- Sexual Violence in Conflict ........ 11 Central African Republic, MINURCAT sentative Margot Wallström. Also expected Côte d’Ivoire .................................. 13 (followed by consultations); is a high-level event on Iraq as well as a spe- Central African Republic .............. 14 n On UNMIN, by the head of Political cial youth event under discussion. Chad/CAR ...................................... 15 Affairs, B. Lynn Pascoe, following his trip Iran .................................................. 17 Debates are also expected following the pre- to Nepal; Burundi ........................................... 18 sentation of reports by the presidents and n On developments in and the Secretary- Cyprus ............................................ 19 prosecutors of the International Criminal General’s report on Côte d’Ivoire, Golan Heights (UNDOF) ................ 20 Liberia ............................................. 21 Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugo- (followed by consultations); Counterterrorism ........................... 23 slavia and the briefing onAfghanistan . n On the developments in and the International Criminal Tribunals ... 24 Secretary-General’s report on the peace- In addition, several briefings are expected: West Africa (UNOWA) .................... 26 keeping operation in Cyprus (in Security Council Subsidiary n By the chairs of the subsidiary bodies consultations); Bodies ........................................ 27 who are leaving the Council at the end of n On the UN office in the Central African Notable Dates ................................ 28 the year; >>page 2 Important Dates over the Horizon ...28 Aide-Memoire Important matters pending include: response, for consideration in taking appro- n UNAMI reports on human rights in Iraq, in n In resolution 1894 on protection of civilians, priate action. The Secretary-General has yet the past were produced every two to three the Council requested the Secretary-General to report such proposals to the Council. months. They have decreased in their fre- to develop guidance for UN operations and n Resolution 1904 stated in December 2009 quency and regularity. The last report, other relevant missions on protection report- that the expert groups assisting the released in July, covered the period from 1 ing for enhancing the Council’s monitoring three counterterrorism committees July to 31 December 2009. and oversight. There has been no report (the 1267 Committee on Al-Qaida and n The request in resolution 1460 on Children back to the Council on this. Taliban sanctions, the 1373 Committee or and Armed Conflict that all the Secretary- n In resolution 1888 on sexual violence as a CTC, and the 1540 Committee on weap- General’s reports to the Council on tactic of war, the Council requested the ons of mass destruction) should be country-specific situations include the pro- Secretary-General to devise urgently spe- co-located and asked the Secretary- tection of children is not yet implemented. In cific proposals on ways to ensure more General make the necessary 2009 protection of children had been incor- efficient monitoring and reporting in order to arrangements “as soon as possible.” This porated into only half of the relevant provide timely, objective, accurate and reli- request, reiterated in September (S/ country-specific reports. able information on gaps in the UN PRST/2010/19), is still outstanding. >>page 2 Security Council Report 825 Third Avenue, Suite 217, New York, NY 10022 T:1 212 759 9429 F:1 212 759 4038 www.securitycouncilreport.org 1 OVERVIEW FOR DECEMBER (continued) Republic, BINUCA (followed by consul- n the monthly briefing on the Middle East n Reconfiguration of the office in Burundi, tations); (followed by consultations). BINUB; n ICTR and ICTY responding to requests n On Iran sanctions by the chair of the Consultations are also expected to be from the Tribunals’ presidents for exten- 1737 committee; held on: n On BINUB, the UN office inBurundi (fol- sion of judges’ mandates and authorisation n Sudan sanctions; lowed by consultations); related to other technical issues; n The Development Fund for Iraq and its n The mandate of the peacekeeping force n On the operation in Iraq, UNAMI (in con- International Advisory Monitoring Board in Cyprus, or UNFICYP; sultations); (DFI/IAMB); n By the High-Level Coordinator on the n The mandate of UNDOF, the peace- n Liberia sanctions; Iraq/Kuwait missing persons and keeping force in the Golan Heights; n UNDOF, the peacekeeping force in the n The renewal of sanctions on Liberia; property issues, Gennady Tarasov (in Golan Heights; and consultations); n The renewal of the mandate of CTED; n Renewing the mandate of the Ad Hoc n The renewal of UNOCI in Côte d’Ivoire; n A briefing on the UN Office in West Africa Working Group on Conflict Prevention n Arrangements for the DFI/IAMB in Iraq; (UNOWA) by its head, Said Djinnit; and Resolution in Africa. n Preparation for the referenda in Sudan and (in consultations); and Formal sessions are expected to adopt n Renewal of BINUCA, the office in the resolutions on: Central African Republic. Aide-Memoire (continued) n The quarterly reports on ISAF in Afghani- April 2008. 21 November 2006 (S/2006/928) to update stan are running late. (The latest was n The Council has yet to address the the index to Council notes and statements circulated on 22 October covering the Secretary-General’s summary of the report on working methods. This has not been period from 1 May to 31 July 2010.) of the UN Board of Inquiry into incidents published. n The Secretary-General has not yet re-ener- involving UN facilities and personnel in n The mandate to the Secretary-General to gised his Advisory Committee on the Gaza between 27 December 2008 and 19 assist with the delineation of the interna- Prevention of Genocide (it has not met January 2009, submitted to it on 4 May 2009 tional borders of Lebanon, especially since 2008). (S/2009/250). Sheb’a Farms, in accordance with resolu- n A biennial report by the Secretary-General n The latest report of the Lebanon Indepen- tion 1701, continues to await completion. on small arms requested on 29 June 2007 dent Border Assessment Team, issued on n The 2005 World Summit requested that the in a presidential statement (S/PRST/2007/24) 25 August 2008, still awaits Council consid- Security Council consider reforms for the is yet to be produced for 2010. The last eration (S/2008/582). Military Staff Committee. This has yet to report on small arms was published in n The Council requested the Secretariat on be addressed. Status Update since our November Forecast n Counterterrorism: On 3 November the Al- n Lebanon: On 5 November Council mem- Lebanon had initiated an investigation into Qaida and Taliban (1267) Sanctions bers were briefed in consultations by the incident. On 18 November Council Committee approved the addition of two Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs members were briefed in consultations by individuals associated with the Taliban to its Patricia O’Brien on the 27 October attack Michael Williams, the Special Coordinator consolidated list of individuals and entities against three staff members of the Special for Lebanon, on the Secretary-General’s lat- subject to its sanctions regime. Tribunal for Lebanon in Beirut. In remarks to est 1701 report (S/2010/565). Williams told n Conflict Prevention: Horizon Scanning: the press the UK ambassador, Sir Mark Lyall the Council that Israel had agreed in princi- On 4 November Under-Secretary-General Grant, in his capacity as the president of the ple to withdraw from northern Ghajar and for Political Affairs B. Lynn Pascoe briefed Council in November, said that O’Brien redeploy south of the Blue Line which would the Council in consultations during a “hori- recalled the Secretary-General’s 28 Octo- be an important step towards the full imple- zon scanning session”. Pascoe briefed the ber statement condemning the attack. mentation of resolution 1701. Williams also Council on emerging security issues in a Grant also said that Lebanese Prime Minis- highlighted for the Council recent political number of countries, both on and off the ter Saad Hariri had reaffirmed to the tensions in Lebanon and its possible effects Council’s
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