WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES • Raymond Lasmanis, Sta·te Geologist BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE U.S. EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE WEST OF THE WASHINGTON STATE COASTLINE Compiled by • VIRGINIA J. TAKEN WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES OPEN FILE REPORT 87-12 1987 This report has not been edited or reviewed for conformity with Division of Geology and Earth Resources standards and nomenclature. •• WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF Natural Resources Brian Boyle · Comrrumoner of Public Lands • Art Stearns - Superv1sor • • • • CONTENTS Page Introduction • i i Acknowledgments. i i i Bibliography 1 Subject Index 51 • • i • • • • BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE U.S. EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE WEST OF THE WASHINGTON STATE COASTLINE Compiled by VIRGINIA J. TAKEN INTRODUCTION This work includes all known reports on the geology and geophysics of the mineral resources of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) west of the Washington State coastline. It includes abstracts, journal articles, monographs, maps, theses, conference papers, open-file reports and every other type of published data on this subject. A few other promising references were found, but extensive searching turned up nothing, so these references were not • included. The materials were drawn from many geologic libraries, including the Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources (DGER} library in Olympia, Washington; the University of Washington libraries in Seattle and Friday Harbor, Washington; the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration library in Seattle, Washington; the U.S. Geological Survey library in Menlo Park, California; and the U.S. Minerals Management collection in Long Beach, California. A search on the GeoRef data base was conducted to check for additional materials. This work is presented in three parts: (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY--Each citation is listed alphabetically and is given in full, in accordance with DGER editorial standards. Joint author cross references are interfiled. The running heads in the BIBLIOGRAPHY section give the first and last author on each page. (2) SUBJECT INDEX--Items are indexed alphabetically by subject and area, with subject and (or) geographic subdivisions as appropriate. In the interest of brevity, items with the same author(s} and title issued more than once (for example, both as a thesis and an abstract) are listed only once in the SUBJECT INDEX, and marked with • an asterisk(*). iii • • • Because of space limitations, the running heads in the SUBJECT • INDEX section give only the first heading on each page. (3) MAP (pocket plate)--the map shows the approximate locations of <"eographic areas included in the SUBJECT INDEX. The features shown are informally named in the literature because there is as yet no authority which has designated official names for the features. The names shown are the ones found most commonly in the data included in this BIBLIOGRAPHY and SUBJECT INDEX and none are so different from other variations used as to cause confusion (for example, Astoria Channel vs. Astoria Seachannel). The materials in this BIBLIOGRAPHY and SUBJECT INDEX are available for reference at the DOER library in Olympia, Washington. Most of them are also held at major research libraries. The preparation of this BIBLIOGRAPHY and SUBJECT INDEX was funded by purchase order no. 24214-86 dated 9/30/86 from the U.S. Minerals Management Service. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This BIBLIOGRAPHY and INDEX could not have been prepared without the help and encouragement of many people. Raymond Lasmanis, State Geologist, obtained the MMS funding, making the project possible, and provided continuing direction and support. Special thanks go to Connie Manson, Senior Librarian, for her enthusiasm, expert direction, and help. My thanks go also to the entire DOER staff for their support and good fellowship. I am especially indebted to my husband Darel and daughter Bonnie Lynn for their forbearance and loving patience throughout this project. • iv • • • BIBLIOGRAPHY • ACHARYA, HEMENDRA, 1981, Juan de Fuca plate ATWATER, T. M., 1970, Impl I cations of plate --Aseismic subduction at 1.8 cm/yr: Geo­ tectonics for the Cenozoic tectonic evolu­ physical Research Letters, v. 8, no. 11, p. tion of western North America: Geological 1123-lli5. Society of America Bulletin, v. 81, no. 12, p. 3513-3536. ADAMS, JOHN, 1984, Active deformation of the Pacific Northwest continental margin: ATWATER, T. M., 1970, Implications of plate Tectonics, v. 3, no. 4, p. 449-472. tectonics for the Cenozoic tectonic evolu­ tion of western North America: University ADDICOTT, W. o., 1969, Tertiary climatic of California Scripps Institution of Ocea­ change in the marginal northeastern Pacific nography Contributions, v. 440, no. 2, p. Ocean: Science, v. 165, no. 3893, p. 583- 1249-1271. 586. ATWATER, T. M., 1971 1 Magnetic lineations ADSHEAD, J. D.; BORNHOLD, B. D.; DAVIS, E. in the northeast Pacific Ocean--Implica­ E., 1985, Geochemistry of deposits from tions for marine and continental tectonic mound and collapse structures near Juan de history [abstract]: Pacific Science Con­ Fuca Ridge [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ gress, 12th, v. 1 1 p. 357. physical Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 926. ATWATER, T. M., 1973, Implications of plate tectonics for the Cenozoic tectonic evolu­ AIKMAN, FRANK, III, see CRANE, KATHLEEN tion of western North America. lu Cox, [and others], 1985. Allan, editor, 1973, Plate tectonics and geomagnetic reversals; readings: W. H. ALGERMI.:,SEN, S. T., see PERKINS, D. M. [and Freeman Co., p. 583-609. others], 1980. ATWATER, T. M., 1973, Plate tectonics in ALPHA, T. R., see HOWELL, D. G. [and oth­ the north-east Pacific [abstract]. lu The ers], 1980. western Pacific--Island arcs, marginal seas, geochemistry: University of Western ALPP.A, T. R., see NELSON, C. H. [and oth­ Australia [Nedlands], p. 31-33. ers], 1970. ATWATER, T. M., 1973, Studies of sea-floor ANONYMOUS, 1981, Sea-floor geology off spreading and plate movements in the • western Canada: Episodes, v. 4 1 no. 4, p. Pacific Basin. ln Tarling, D. H.; Run­ 18. corn, S. K., editors, 1973, Implication of continental drift to the earth sciences: ANONYMOUS, 1986, America's new frontier: Academic Press, v. 1, p. 213-217. Earth Science, v. 39 1 no. 2 1 p. 25-27. ATWATER, T. M,; MENARD, H. W., 1970, Mag­ APPELGATE, B.; BRINKHURT, R.; BUTTERFIELD, netic lineations in the northeast Pacific: D.; COWEN, J.; DEBEVOISE, A. E.; DECHARON, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 7, A.; EMBLEY, R. W.; FEELY, R. A.; FOX, C. no. 5, p. 445-450. G.; FRANKLIN, J.; ET AL, 1986, Pisces sub­ mersible exploration of a high-temperature AU, D.; CLOWES, R. M., 1979, Crustal struc­ vent field in the caldera of Axial Volcano, ture near the Juan de Fuca and Explorer Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: Eos (Ameri­ plate boundary from seismic refraction data can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 67, [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical no. 44, p. 1027. Union Transactions), v. 60, no. 46, p. 886. APPRIOU, P. Y., see MASSOTH, G. J. [and BABA, L., see SCHEIDEGGER, K, F. [and oth­ others], 1985, ers], 1984. BAKER, E. T., 1983, Present-day sedimenta­ ARCARO, N. P.; CARSON I BOBB, 1 9 7 8 , C 1 a y mineralogy of Cascadia Basin Quaternary tion patterns in Quinault submarine canyon, sediments--Control by provenance, weather­ Washington continental slope [abstract]: ing, or selective transport? [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ Geological Society of America Abstracts tions), v. 64, no. 18, p. 240. with Programs, v. 10, no. 7, p. 360. BAKER, E.T.; HICKEY, B. M,, 1986, Contem­ ARCARO, N. P., see CARSON, BOBB [ and o th - porary sedimentation processes in and ers], 1983. around an active west coast submarine can­ yon: Marine Geology, v. 71, no. 1/2, p. ARnIENTROUT, J. M., see COLE, M. R, [and 15-34 • • others), 1979. 1 BAKER BARR BAKER, E.T.; MASSOTH, G. J,, 1985, Heat al~n~ Washington continental margin [ab- and particle fluxes from active vent fields stract): American Association of Petroleum on the Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract): Eos Geologists Bulletin, v. 57, no. 4, p. 768- • (American Geophysical Union Transactions), 769. v. 66, no. 46, p. 930. BARNARD, W. D., 1974, Late Cenozoic sedi­ BAKER, E. T., see CARSON, BOBB [and oth­ mentation on the Washington continental ers], 1982. slope (abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 34, no. 8, Section B, p. BAKER, E. T,, see CARSON, BOBB [and oth­ 3950-B. ers], 1983. BARNARD, W, D., 1974, Westward progressing BAKER, E.T., see CARSON, BOBB [and oth­ Pleistocene deformation of the lower con­ ers], 1984, tinental slope of the Washington coast [ab­ stract]: Geological Society of America Ab- BAKER, E. T., see CARSON, BOBB [and oth­ ·stracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 7, p. 645. ers], 1986. BARNARD, W. D., 1978, The Washington con­ BAKER, E. T., see HICKEY, B. M. (and o th­ tinental slope--Quaternary tectonics and er s J, 1983. sedimentation: Marine Geology, v. 27, no. 1-2, p. 79-114. BAKER, E. T., see MASSOTH, G. J. [and oth­ ers], 1983. BARNARD, W. D.; MCMANUS, D. A., 1973, Planktonic foraminiferan-radiolarian stra­ BAKER, E. T., see MASSOTH, G. J. [and oth­ tigraphy and the Pleistocene-Holocene boun­ ers), 1985, dary in the northeast Pacific: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 84, no. 6, BAKER, E. T., see SNYDER, G. W. [and oth­ p. 2097-2100. ers], 1983. BARNARD, W. D., see CARSON, BOBB [and oth­ BALES, W. E., see BERG, J, W., JR. (and ers], 1974. others], 1968. BARNARD, W. D., see SILVER, E. A. [and oth­ BALES, W. E., see EMILIA, D. A. (and oth­ ers), 1971. ers], 1966. BARNES, C. A,; GROSS, M. G., 1966, Distri- BALES, W. E., see EMILIA, D. A, [and oth­ bution at sea of Columbia River water and • ers], 1968.
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