ISSN 1346-7565 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 70 (3): 173–182 (2019) doi: 10.18942/apg.201825 A New Variety of Potamogeton × leptocephalus Koidz., var. fujiensis, Endemic to the Fuji Five Lakes and Lake Ashi, Central Japan * Yasuro Kadono and satoKo IIda Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe, Hyogo 657-8501, Japan. *[email protected] (author for correspondence) DNA analysis and morphological observation were conducted for a putative Potamogeton hybrid endemic to the Fuji Five Lakes and Lake Ashi and Potamogeton × leptocephalus from Lake Biwa, Japan. Both proved to be hybrids between P. maackianus and P. perfoliatus. However, the hybrid from the Fuji Five Lakes and Lake Ashi was distinct from P. × leptocephalus in certain morphological characteristics. It is described as a new variety P. × leptocephalus var. fujiensis. Key words: hybrid origin, Potamogeton, Potamogeton maackianus, Potamogeton perfoliatus, variety The Fuji Five Lakes (Fuji-Go-ko) are located (Ashi-no-ko), Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture, as at the northern foot of Mt. Fuji in Yamanashi “Potamogeton crispus L. × P. maackianus A. Prefecture and consist of Lake Yamanaka, Lake Benn. (?)”, with a brief description. This identifi- Kawaguchi, Lake Sai, Lake Shoji and Lake cation was accepted by those of Matsuyama-Ser- Motosu. The first comprehensive study of the izawa et al. (2009) and Serizawa et al. (2013, macrophytic flora of these lakes was conducted 2014). Occurrences of the putative hybrid were by Nobuhara et al. (1971), who enumerated eight reported in Lake Shoji and Lake Sai (Serizawa et species of Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae) from al. 2015), as well as in Lake Yamanaka. the five lakes, namely P. perfoliatus L., P. malaia- Specimens that may also be the putative hy- nus Miq. (=P. wrightii Morong), P. maackianus brid were first collected from Lake Shoji by Bun- A. Benn., P. crispus L., P. compressus L., P. oxy- zo Hayata in 1924 and deposited in TI (identified phyllus Miq., P. distinctus A. Benn. and P. pecti- as “Potamogeton crispus L.”). Other specimens natus L.[=Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner]. were collected from Lake Kawaguchi in 1961 and Hayakawa (1986) reported the occurrence of deposited in MAK. Of the nine sheets in MAK, two additional taxa of Potamogeton, a hybrid seven were identified as P.“ maackianus × P. oxy- named P. anguillanus Koidz. and “P. crispus × phyllus” by Masami Mizushima; the remaining P. maackainus” from Lake Yamanaka. The iden- two were identified by Nobushige Kato as Pota“ - tification of the latter hybrid was made provision- mogeton × leptocephalus Koidzumi”. ally by Y. Kadono based on the morphology and Potamogeton × leptocephalus Koidz. was de- sterility of the specimen sent to him. The sheath- scribed as a species based on specimens collected ing leaf base indicated P. maackianus as one of from Lake Unagi, Kagoshima Pref., Kyushu. The the putative parents and three, conspicuous, red- putative hybrid from Lake Kawaguchi and P. × dish nerves reminded him of P. crispus as a can- leptocephalus share some morphological charac- didate for the other putative parent. Kadono teristics, as described later, which must have led (1988) recorded this hybrid from Lake Ashi to Kato’s identification. Miki (1937) hypothe- 174 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. Vol. 70 table 1. Locality of Potamogeton × leptocephalus and the putative hybrid examined in the DNA analysis. Species Locality Voucher specimen Potamogeton × leptocephalus Koidz. Japan: Pref. Shiga, Lake Biwa, Sugaura, Nagahama City Y. Kadono 17098(OSA) The putative hybrid Japan: Pref. Yamanashi, Lake Sai, Kawaguchiko-machi Y. Kadono 16103 (OSA) The putative hybrid Japan: Pref. Yamanashi, Lake Yamanaka, Yamanakako-mura Y. Kadono 16098 (OSA) The putative hybrid Japan: Pref. Kanagawa, Lake Ashi, Hakone-machi H. Sakayama & S. Kato s.n. (OSA) sized Potamogeton × leptocephalus to be a hy- mine the taxonomic identity of the hybrids. Both brid between P. maackianus and P. perfoliatus DNA regions were chosen based on our GenBank without in-depth discussion. His hypothesis of searches that found species-specific nucleotide the parental combination of P. × leptocephalus substitutions among four candidate species (Pota- has not been confirmed. Since then, P. × lepto- mogeton maackianus, P. perfoliatus, P. crispus, cephalus has also been recorded from Lake Biwa, and P. oxyphyllus) (Appendices 1 & 2). Shiga Pref., Honshu (Hamabata & Kira 1987, Ka- Total DNA was extracted from dried leaves of dono 1991). the putative hybrids from the Fuji Five Lakes (n = To determine the origin of hybrids in Potamo- 1 from each lake) and Lake Ashi (n = 1) and Pota- geton, molecular techniques such as allozyme mogeton × leptocephalus (n = 1), P. maackianus electrophoresis and DNA-based methods are use- (n = 1) and P. perfoliatus (n = 1) from Lake Biwa ful tools (e.g., Kaplan & Fehrer 2007, Kaplan et using NucleoSpinPlant II (Macherey-Nagel al. 2018, Zalewska-Gałosz & Ronikier 2012, Iida GmbH & Co. KG, Germany) according to the et al. 2018). In this study, we aimed to reveal the manufacturer’s protocol. Both ITS and rbcL were origin and taxonomic status of P. × leptocephalus amplified using γ-Taq polymerase (Toyobo, Japan). as well as the putative hybrid from the Fuji Five For ITS, 35 PCR cycles were performed at 94 °C Lakes and Lake Ashi by DNA and morphological for 30 s, 60 °C for 40 s, and at 72 °C for 30 s, using analyses, with special reference to the four candi- the primers F18S (5’- CCTTATCATTTAGAG- date parental species, P. maackianus, P. perfolia- GAAGGAG -3’) and R26S (5’- CTCCGCTTATT- tus, P. crispus and P. oxyphyllus, hypothesized by GATATGCTTAAAC -3’). The amplified prod- Miki (1937) or suggested by Kadono (1988) and ucts were sequenced directly using amplification Mizushima as mentioned above. primers and the internal sequence primer F5.8S (5’- TGACTCTCGGCAACGGATATC -3’) (Iida et al. 2018). Due to a length mutation in the paren- Materials and Methods tal ITS sequences, a sequence of positions 1–305 was determined by an F18S rRNA primer and a Samples sequence of positions 306–625 was determined Putative hybrid plants of Potamogeton were by an F5.8S rRNA primer. The amplification of collected from Lake Yamanaka, Lake Shoji, and rbcL was performed using primers rbcL26F Lake Ashi, while Potamogeton × leptocephalus (5’- TGTC ACCACAAACAGAGACTAAAGC was obtained from Lake Biwa (Table 1). Voucher -3’) and rbcL1375R (5’- ATACGATCTCTTTC specimens were deposited at OSA (transferred CATACTTCAC -3’) and sequenced using rb- from the herbarium of Kobe University). The cL1375R (Iida et al. 2007). ABI 3130 Genetic An- samples of P. maackianus and P. perfoliatus were alyzer (Applied Biosystems, USA) was used for collected from Lake Biwa. sequencing with a BigDye Terminator v.3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific, USA) DNA analysis at Kobe University Biosignal Research Center. The nuclear-encoded internal transcribed Determined sequences of the putative hybrid and spacer (ITS) and the maternally inherited chloro- Potamogeton × leptocephalus were searched for plast-encoded gene rbcL were analyzed to deter- species-specific nucleotide substitutions or indels October 2019 Kadono & IIda– A New Variety of Potamogeton × leptocephalus 175 table 2. Diagnostic ITS sequences of Potamogeton × leptocephalus, the putative hybrid and their parental candidates. Data after position 533 were not listed (see Fig. 2). Positions in the alignment Species 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 6 8 1 1 1 1 6 1 0 3 5 6 9 2 0 8 5 5 4 7 7 2 4 5 6 8 3 P. × leptocephalus T C/T A A/T G/C T G/T A/T C/T C/T C/T G/T G G A C T C/T G/T Putative hybrids L. Sai . L. Yamanaka . L. Ashi . Parental candidates P. maackianus . C . A G . G A C T T* G . T G* P. perfoliatus . T* . T* C* . T* T* T* C C T* . C T* P. crispus C* C T* A G . G A C T C A* C* T* T* T* A* T A* P. oxyphyllus . C . A G A* G A C C C G . C C* Positions in the alignment Species 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 3 8 3 4 6 9 0 2 4 0 8 9 5 8 3 6 8 9 2 P. × leptocephalus C A/T C A C/T C A/G C/T C/T C C C/T - C G/C A/G A/G T Putative hybrids L. Sai . - . L. Yamanaka . - . L. Ashi . - . Parental candidates P. maackianus . T . C . A C C* . C* - . G G* A . P. perfoliatus . A* . T . G T* T . T - . C A G* . P. crispus T* T T* T* C T* A C T T* T* T T* T* G A A -* P. oxyphyllus . T . T . G C T . T - m C A A . .: the same as P. × leptocephalus, -: deletion, *: The species-specific nucleotide substitutions or indels. among four candidate species. in P. oxyphyllus). The obtained ITS sequences were 500 bp long Morphological comparison in the putative hybrid from the Fuji Five Lakes The morphology of the putative hybrid and and Lake Ashi and in Potamogeton × leptocepha- Potamogeton × leptocephalus was analyzed on lus (excluding an undetermined 88 bp sequence herbarium specimens at TI, MAK, and OSA, as around the 5.8S rRNA primer region). Although well as on living materials collected from the similar electropherograms were obtained from abovementioned lakes. Comparison was made on both the putative hybrid and P. × leptocephalus plants growing in an aquarium. before aligning position 532 (Fig. 1), the electro- pherograms of the hybrid showed complex pat- terns after aligning position 532 (Fig.
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