Subject Index

Subject Index

Subject Index Acromioclavicular separation 187 - -, pneumopericardium 166 -- -, - -, laceration 163 Adrenal trauma, calcification 134 - -, radionuclide scanning 111 -- -, - -, pneumatocele 163 - -, computerized tomography 136 Carotid-cavernous fistula 58 -- -, rib fracture 159 - -, hematoma 134-136 Catheters, emboli 171 -- -, - -, first rib 160 - -, intravenous urography 134 -, perforation 171 -- -, - -, lower ribs 160 - -, ultrasound 136 -, septicemia 171 -- -, - -, posterior ribs 160 Aneurysm 167 -, thrombosis 171 -- -, - -, subclavian artery 160 -, dissecting 58 Cephalohematoma, calcification 30 -- -, - -, upper ribs 160 -, intracranial 44 -, hyperostosis 30 -- -, shock lung 163-164 -, post-traumatic 57-58 -, radionuclide scanning 128 -- -, sternal fracture 160 Aorta, aneurysm 167 Cerebral contusion 53 -- -, tracheal injury -, dissection 167 - -, Radionuclide scanning 107 - --, - -, complete 162 -, laceration 167 -, edema 54 -- --, --, partial 162 -, rupture 167 Cervical spine injury, anomaly 64-45, Child abuse see battered child Artery, occlusion 59, 108, 110, 180 69 Clavicular fracture 160, 187-188 -, spasm 58 -- -, arteriography 70 - -, sternoclavicular joint dislo- -, stenosis 59 -- -, atlanto-occipital dislocation 66 cation 160 -, venous fistula 58 -- -, - instability 66 Coccyx injury 82 Aspiration, hydrocarbon 164 -- -, avulsion injury (clay Colon injury, blunt 156-157 -, fluid 163 shovellers) 72 - -, penetrating 156-157 -, foreign body 164 -- -, birth trauma 72 Computerized tomography, adrenal Athletic injury 192 - -, dislocation, atlanto-axial 67 injury 136 Avulsion injury 72, 73, 186, 192 - -, -, atlanto-occipital 66 - -, head injury 20, 34-57 --, -, facet bilateral 71 - -, renal injury 2 Barotrauma, related to respiratory - -, -, facet unilateral 71 - -, splenic injury 145 therapy 172 - -, embryology 64 Coracoclavicular separation 187 Battered child 192-195 - -, lateral meningocele 72 Cribriform plate fracture 93 - -, facial trauma 80 - -, ligaments 65 - -, head trauma 18 - -, flexion injury 70-72 Dental fracture 89 - -, isotopes, role in diagnosis 122 - -, -, lateral flexion injury 72 Diaphragmatic injury, blunt 169-170 - -, pancreas 132 - -, fracture, atlas 67 - -, penetrating 160-170 - -, rib fractures 160 - -, -, bursting 71 Dislocation, atlanto-occipital 66 - -, skeletal 192-195 - -, -, clay shovelers 72 -, cervical spine 67, 68, 71, 73 - -, stomach 148 - -, -, hangmans 78-79 - , clavicle 160 Birth trauma 122-188 - -, -, jefferson 66 -, hip 186 - -, adrenal hematoma 134-136 - -, -, odontoid 67-68 -, ossicles (middle ear) 100-101 - -, cervical spine 72 - -, -, pathological 74 -, sternoclavicular joint 187-188 - -, spleen 145 - -, -, teardrop 71 -, temporomandibular joint 97 Bladder trauma, contusion 12 - -, myelography 70 -, thoracolumbar spine 76-78 - -, cystogram 13-14 - -, pseudo subluxation 66 Diverticulum, post spine injury 72 - -, endoscopy 12 - -, rotary subluxation 65 Duodenum, hematoma 149, 154 - -, pelvic injury 12 Chest trauma, arteriography 160-167 -, perforation 149, 150 - -, rupture, intraperitoneal 12, 13 -- -, bronchial injury 162 - -, -, extraperitoneal 12, 13 -- -, - -, Bayonet deformity 162 Embolism, air 172 Bone injury see skeletal injury -- -, - -, Bronchial stenosis 162 -, fat 111, 163 Bowing (plastic) 180-181 -- -, chylothorax 162 -, pulmonary 111 Bronchial injury 162 -- -, emphysema (interstitial) 159 Emphysema (interstitial) 159, 170, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 172 -- -, hemothorax 162 172 -- -, pneumothorax 160 Encephalocele (post-traumatic) 103 Caput succedaneum 29 -- -, -, tension 161 Endotracheal intubation 170 Cardiac contusion 166 -- -, pulmonary contusion 163 Esophagus, diverticulum 171 - -, hemopericardium 166 -- -, - -, hematoma 163 -, duplication 171 198 Subject Index Esophagus, foreign body 168-169 Galeazzi fracture 186-187 Intracerebral hematoma 38-39 -, pseudodi verticul urn 171 -, hemorrhage 34, 38 -, rupture 167-168 Head trauma, air studies 21, 33 Intrauterine trauma 188 -, stenosis 168 - -, aneurysm 57-58 Intravenous urogram, adrenal Extradural hematoma, cerebral - -, arterial spasm 58 trauma 134--136 50-53 - -, -, stenosis/occlusion 59 - -, liver trauma 138-139 - -, spinal 74 - -, arteriovenous fistula 58 - -, renal trauma 2 - -, radionuclide scan 105-107 - -, atrophy 32 - -, splenic trauma 145 - -, battered child 18 Intraventricular hemorrhage 39 Facial bone injury, dental fracture 89 - -, caput succedaneum 29 -- -, Le Fort's fracture 89 - -, carotid cavernous fistula 58 Kidney see renal - -- -, nasal fracture 87 - -, cephalohematoma 29 Kinky hair (Menke's syndrome) 195 -- -, - septum abscess 89 - -, cerebral contusion 53-54 Klippel-Feil syndrome 69 -- -, - -, hematoma 87 - -, -, edema 54 -- -, - -, saddle deformity 89 - -, -, infarction 60 Le Fort's fracture 89 -- -, orbital blowout fracture 89-91 - -, -, swelling 54--55 Leptomeningeal cyst 31 -- -, --, emphysema 91 - -, cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea 27 Lipohemoarthrosis 181 -- - -, temporomandibular joint in- - -, cervical spine 18 Liver injury 138-143 volvement 89-93 - -, computerized tomography 20 - -, arteriography 139-141 -- -, trimalar (tripod) fracture 89 , contrecoup radionuclide - -, cholangiography 141-142 -, nerve Injury studies 108 - -, computerized tomography 143 -, trauma, battered child 86 - ,diastatic suture 19-23 - -, contusion 128-140 - -, cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea 87 - -, Dyke-Davidoff-Masson - -, hematobilia 138-140 - -, complex motion tomography 87 syndrome 19 - -, hematoma 138-140 - -, complications 97 - -, echoencephalography 21 - -, intravenous urography 138-139 --, dashboard injury 87 - -, foreign bodies 19 - -, laceration 138-140 - -, malocclusion 87 - -, - -, intracranial 33 - -, radiation injury, arteriography - -, zygomatic arch fractures 87 - -, - -, complications 33, 56-57 143 Foreign bodies, Bronchial 164 - -, head banging 33 - -, - -, radionuclide scanning 114 - -, esophageal 168-169 - -, hematoma, extradural 50-53 - -, radionuclide scanning 113 - -, intracranial 33, 56--57 - -, -, intracerebral 35, 39 - -, ultrasound 113 - -, tracheal 164 - -, -, subdural 24, 41 Lumbosacral spine injury, anomalies Fractures, cribriform plate 93 - -, hemorrhage, intracerebral 34 80 ~ -, dental 89 - -, -, intraventricular 39 -- -, radiation injury 83 -, elbow, anterior humeral line - -, -, subarachnoid 41 -- -, sclerotic pedicle 81 181-182 - -, herniation 18, 31, 33, 35 -- -, spondylolisthesis 80 -" lipohemoarthrosis 181 - -, hydrocephalus 42 -- -, spondylolysis 80 -, -, nursemaid's elbow 186 - -, hygroma, subdural 43 -- -, stress changes 80-81 -, epiphyseal 183-185 - -, infarct 32, 60 -, facial bones 87-91 - -, intracranial pressure 58 Mandible fracture 96-97 -, fatigue (stress) 80-81,124,191 - -, leptomeningeal cyst 31 - -, condylar neck fracture 96 -, Galeazzi 186-187 - -, lumbar puncture 18 Meningocele, cervical spine injury 72 -, incomplete - -, molding 28 -, temporal bone injury 103 -, -, greenstick 180-181 - -, mucocele 27 Menke's syndrome (kinky hair) 195 -, -, torus 180-181 - -, porencephaly 21, 31, 32 Monteggia fracture 186--187 -, Monteggia fracture 186--187 - -, radionuclide studies 21,105-111 Myelography, cervical spine -, neurotropic 190 - -, - -, intrathecal radiophar- injuries 70 -, pathological 189 maceuticals 22, 33, 93 -, thoracolumbar spine injuries 74 -, pelvis 12, 13, 192 - -, rhinorrhea 27 -, traumatic diverticulum (lateral -, ribs 159-160 - -, sinus air-fluid levels 19 meningocele) 72 -, skull 22 - -, varix subepicranial 60 -, -, depressed 19, 23-27 - -, venous sinus Nasal bone fracture 87 -, spine - -, - -, occlusion 59 -, septum abscess 89 -, -, cervical 66-74 - -, - -, superior sagittal compres- - -, hematoma 87 -, -, coccyx 82 sion 29 - -, saddle deformity 89 -, -, sacral 81--82 Hemopericardium 166 -, spine fracture 87 -,-, thoracolumbar 74--80 Hemothorax 161-162 -, stress (fatigue) 80--81, 124, 191 Odontoid agenesis 65 , tibia 183 Intestinal injury, large 156-157 Orbital emphysema 91 -, toddlers 18-' --, small 154--156 -, fracture, blowout 89-91 Subject Index 199 Os odontoideum 65 Renal injury, abscess 11 - -, isodense 46 Ossiculum terminale 65 - -, arteriography 4, 5-7 Subdural hygroma 43 Otorrhea, post-temporal bone - -, arteriovenous fistula 11 trauma 103 - -, calcification 11 Temporal bone trauma, classification -, radionuclide finding 109 - -, computerized tomography 2 97 - -, congenital abnormalities 2 -- -, conductive hearing loss 100 Palm thorn granuloma 126 - -, contusion 4 -- -, evaluation 97-99 Pancreatic injury 132-134 - -, fracture 6 -- -, facial nerve injury 100 - -, arteriography 134 - -, hypertension 11 -- -, neurosensory hearing loss 99 - -, blunt 132 - -, Iatrogenic 3, 11 -- -, sequelae 103 - -, calcification 132 - -, intravenous urogram 5, 6 Temporomandibular joint injury 89, - -, contusion 132 - -, pedicle 7 93-96 - -, fracture 132 - -, radionuclide scans 2, 5, 6, -- -, condylar neck fracture 96 - -, penetrating 132 117-121 -- -, tomography 96 - -, pseudocyst 132 Thoracolumbar spine injury, - -, radionuclide 117 Sacrum fracture 81-82 anatomy 74 - -, ultrasound 117 Scheuermann's disease 76 -- -, computerized tomography Pericardial effusion, radionuclide Shock lung 163-164 74-75 scan 111 - -, radionuclide scanning 112 -- -, congenital anomalies 78 Plastic bowing 180-181 Small intestine injury, blunt 154-156 -- -, extension injuries 78 Pneumatocele, following hydrocar- -- -, penetrating 154-156 -- -, extra-axial hematomas 74 bon inhalation 164 Skeletal injury, arteriography 180 -- -, flexion injuries 75 -, post-trauma 163 - -, arthrography 180

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