Studia Quaternaria, vol. 31, no. 1 (2014): 39–50. DOI: 10.2478/squa-2014-0004 PALYNOL OGY AND AR CHAEOLOGY OF LATE VISTULIAN AND EARLY HOLOCENE SITES IN LUBUSKIE LAKE DISTRICT, WEST ERN PO LAND Iwona Okuniewska-Nowaczyk, Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences, In sti tute of Ar chae ol ogy and Eth nol ogy, Cen tre for Pre his toric and Me di eval Research, ul. Rubie¿ 46, 61-612 Poznañ, Poland, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Ab stract The Lubuskie Lake Dis trict played an im por tant part in recolonisation of the Pol ish Plain due to its loca tion and the char ac ter of the ter rain. De spite that, it is and es pe cially its north ern part, poorly ex plored re gard ing both his tory of Late Glacial and early Holo cene settle ments, and the natu ral envi ron ment. The paper presents results of multidiscipli- nary re search in this area. The most spec tacu lar dis cover ies were connected with remains of settle ments of the Ham- burgian cul ture so ci et ies at Myszêcin – cur rently the rich est site of this cul ture over the en tire North Eu ro pean Plain. In the vicin ity of this site several Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic settle ments of varied functions were recorded. First palynological re cords came from the Youn ger Dryas sed i ments in this area. In a log with a palynological spec trum compris ing Youn ger Dryas and the be gin ning of the Ho lo cene, a char coal dust was found and it could in di cate hu man ac tivity as humans lived at a lake shore. An impor tant comple ment to the image of the Late Glacial settle ment at the Lubuskie Lake District was pro vided by the re search near Lubrza that re sulted in data re gard ing set tle ments of the Federmesser and Œwiderian cul ture so ci et ies. This re gion was not typ i cal in a palynological spec trum of de posits dur - ing AllerÝd but also in di cated highly di ver sified thick ness of basal peat in a small area. Key words: Lubuskie Lake District, Late Vistulian, Early Holo cene, palynology, ar chae ology. Manuscript re ceived 2 September 2013, accepted 15 May 2014 IN TRO DUC TION In re cent years, a number of Late Palaeo lithic and Early Mesolithic ar chae o log i cal sites have been dis cov ered and in - Ar eas which have been scarcely ex plored are partic u - vesti gated by ex cava tions in the north ern part of the Lu- larly inter est ing for multidisciplinary research. The Lubuskie buskie Lake District (Fig. 1). Among those, only the site 42 at Lake District and espe cially its north ern part is among such Lubrza (Kabaciñski, Sobkowiak-Tabaka, 2011a–c) enabled regions. There have been partial studies of both the history of multidisciplinary stud ies that per mit ted multi-as pect anal y sis the Late Gla cial and early Ho lo cene set tlements (Kobusie- of the set tle ment, be gin ning with flint in ven to ries, through wicz, 1999; Sobkowiak-Tabaka, 2011) and the natu ral envi - ra dio car bon dat ing up to re con struc tion of nat u ral en vi ron - ronment (Okuniewska-Nowaczyk, 2005). Palynological re - ment which, to a large ex tent, enabled devel op ment of the search was conducted in Sulechów area at Pomorsko and the set tle ments. sites at Chwalim, Liny, Smolno Wielkie and Wojnowo, all Among the cru cial aims of the re search car ried through described by archae olo gists as the Wojnowo region (Fig. 1). by both geoscientists and human ists is direct corre la tion be- Reg u lar ex ca va tion have been car ried out in ces santly in tween trans for ma tions of nat u ral en vi ron ment and di ver si- the Wojnowo region since 1968 by Micha³ Kobusiewicz on fied ar chae o log i cal ev i dence. be half of the then In sti tute of Ma te rial Cul ture His tory (at pres ent In sti tute of Ar chae ol ogy and Eth nol ogy) of the Po- lish Acad emy of Sci ences and eleven ar chae o log i cal sites STUDY AREA were ex am ined (Fig. 1). They were mainly camps of so ciet ies The Lubuskie Lake Dis trict is lo cated be tween the Go- from the ear li est pre his tor i cal pe ri ods, be gin ning with the rzów Basin in the north, the Mid dle Oder Val ley in the south first hu man groups that were the rein deer hunt ers, who and the topo graphic low used by the Obra River in the east recolonized the area of the Pol ish Plain at the termi na tion of (Kondracki, 2009). The varied terrain of this area was for- the Pleisto cene, through the settle ments of hunter-gath erers med by the Scandi na vian ice sheet during its ad vance and re- in the Mid dle Stone Age, un til the early Lausatian cul ture of treat, in clud ing also a glaciofluvial ac tiv ity. The pla teaus and the Bronze Age (Kobusiewicz, 1999). ice-mar ginal streamways cre ated lat i tu di nal land strips, sep - 40 I. OKUNIEWSKA-NOWACZYK & I. SOBKOWIAK-TABAKA Fig. 1. Palynological and impor tant Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites in the Lubuskie Lake District (drawing by P. Szejnoga, A. Tabaka). 1 – Oœno Lubuskie, site 7 (Kabaciñski and Sobkowiak-Tabaka, 2010a, b), 2 – Lubrza, site 42 (Kabaciñski and Sobkowiak-Tabaka 2011a, b), 3 – Lubrza, site 11 (Kabaciñski and Sobkowiak-Tabaka, 2011a, b), 4 – Lubrza, site 10 (Sobkowiak-Tabaka, 2013), 5 – Lubrza (Okuniewska-Nowaczyk, 2011a), 6 – Myszêcin, site 19 (Kabaciñski and Sobkowiak-Tabaka, 2012), 7 – Myszêcin (Okuniewska- Nowaczyk, 2013, 8 – Wilenko, site 16 (Sobkowiak-Tabaka, 2013), 9 – Wilenko, site 13 (Sobkowiak-Tabaka, 2013), 10 – Liny, site 1 (Kobusiewicz, 1973), 11 – Liny (Kobusiewicz et al. (1987), 12 – Wojnowo, sites ‘a’ and 2 (Kobusiewicz and Kabaciñski, 1988; Kobusiewicz, 1999), 13 – Wojnowo (Okuniewska-Nowaczyk, unpubl.), 14 – Wojnowo, site 3 (Bobrowski, 1996), 15 – Chwalim, site 1 (Kobusiewicz and Kabaciñski, 1993), 16 – Chwalim (Wasylikowa, 1993), 17 – Pomorsko, site 1 (Kobusiewicz et al., 1987), 18 – Pomorsko (Tobolski, 1972 in Nowaczyk 1976; Okuniewska-Nowaczyk, unpubl.), 19 – Smolno Wielkie (Okuniewska-Nowaczyk, unpubl.). arated by longi tu di nal river gorges. Due to its landscape, this likowa (1993) dedi cated an en tire exten sive chapter of area has been at trac tive for the Late Gla cial so ciet ies in terms Chwalim’s mono graph to the history of vege ta tion at the site. of camp lo ca tion and con ve nient hunt ing ter ri to ries. Other chapters also included results of a dendrological and In 1960s inter disci plin ary studies were carried out in the malacological anal ysis con ducted by A. Dziêczkowski area of Sulechów (sites: Chwalim, Liny, Pomorsko, Smolno (1993a, b). Wielkie, Wojnowo), located in the Warsaw–Berlin Prado- A mono graph of the Wojnowo site (Kobusiewicz et al., lina (War saw–Berlin ice-marginal streamway); as well as in in press) is being prepared for publi cation. the Kargowa Basin and the Krosno Odrzañskie reach of the The area of Jordanów–Niesulice tun nel val ley is the cen - Mid dle Oder Val ley. tre of in ves ti ga tion at pres ent. This area is lo cated to the west The Pomorsko site under went a mutli-aspect anal ysis: of the Lubrza–£ugów–Rzeczyca end mo raines of the Poznañ geol ogy done by Nowaczyk (1974, 1976, 1978, 1979) and phase of the last Scandi na vian glaci ation (Kozarski, 1995; Nowaczyk et al. (1985) (Fig. 2), palynology by Tobolski ¨ynda, 1963, 1967). (1972 in: Nowaczyk, 1974, 1976) (Fig. 3), malacology by Urbañski (in: Nowaczyk, 1976), Alexandrowicz (1980) and Alexandrowicz and Nowaczyk (1982), archae ology by Ko- STAGE OF RE SEARCH busiewicz (1973, 1996, 1999 and in: Nowaczyk, 1976) and Kobusiewicz and Kabaciñski (1991), pedology by Kowal- Two stages of research can be distin guished in devel op - kowski (1977a, b) and ra diocar bon dating (Pazdur et al., ment of Late Palaeo lithic and Mesolithic set tle ments at the 1979; Nowaczyk et al., 1985). Lubuskie Lake Dis trict. The ear lier one, was car ried out in Ar chae o log i cal and en vi ron men tal stud ies were com - the Wojnowo region and the more recent one was connected pleted for the Liny site (Kobusiewicz et al., 1987) and with res cue ar chae o log i cal ex ca va tions con nected with con - Chwalim (Kobusiewicz and Kabaciñski, 1993). K. Wasy- struc tion of highways and ring roads. LATE VISTULIAN AND EARLY HO LOCENE SITES 41 Fig. 2. Pomorsko. A – phases and subphases of the Vistulian Gla ci ation af ter Kozarski (1995), B – geomorphological map show ing the sourroundings of Pomorsko after Nowaczyk (1979). 42 I. OKUNIEWSKA-NOWACZYK & I. SOBKOWIAK-TABAKA Fig. 3. Pomorsko. A sim pli fied pol len di a gram of organic de posits fill ing a bot tom of a subglacial tun nel val ley af ter Tobolski (1972, in: Nowaczyk, 1976).
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